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Pritikin Diet and Eating Plan: What to Eat and Avoid

One of the best-sellers of the 1970s was the book on Pritikin Diet and Program, which is still very much in demand. The foundation of this diet program is a low-fat and high-fibre food that is paired with regular exercise. It has many health benefits that keep you active and make you feel younger.

 Read on to learn more about the principles and food lists concerning the Pritikin diet.

What does the Pritikin Diet Mean?

The Pritikin Diet is a diet that focuses on low-fat foods and includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains. Nathan Pritikin formulated the diet plan. However, his son Robert Pritikin tweaked it a little bit in his book where he said calorie density solution should also be focused on.

Robert Pritikin said the people who follow the Pritikin Diet plan should choose those foods that are not calorie-dense but rather have very few calories per pound.

How does the Pritikin Diet Work?

It is basically a 3 step program known as “The Pritikin Program,” which includes a Pritikin Diet, an Exercise Plan, and a Healthy Mind and Body.

  • The Pritikin Diet: This diet includes low-fat foods that are high in fibre and are unprocessed. The foods under this diet are divided into three categories-
    • Go foods: This group includes foods that can be eaten without restriction.
    • Caution Foods: These foods can be eaten in limited amounts, such as on special occasions.
    • Stop Foods: Stop foods should not be eaten more than once a month.

Also, the calorific division of nutrients is given in the following table:

Percentage of Calories (%) Source
10-15 Fats
15-20 Proteins
65-75 Complex Carbohydrates


  • The Exercise Plan: It is formulated to focus on three specific areas which are-
    • Strength Training: Two to three sessions every week for 20 minutes.
    • Cardiovascular Training: This is the most important part of the exercise plan, which should be done 6 days a week for 30 to 90 minutes daily. However, if you are a diabetes patient, you should do this training for 7 days a week.
    • Stretching: Stretching should be done every day for at least 10 minutes for 10 to 20 seconds per stretch.
  • Healthy Mind and Body: Stress management and anxiety management are pillars of the Pritikin Program, as stress and anxiety tend to have detrimental effects on our bodies. This focuses on four points-
    • Commitment: A general commitment to yourself and everyone around you.
    • Control: Believe internally that you have full control over how you react to a situation.
    • Challenge: Take every change positively and grow from it.
    • Connection: Believe that your closest circle always wants the best for you.

List of Food Items to Include in Pritikin Diet

The foods that one should eat on a Pritikin Diet fall under the “Go” category of foods that include: 

  • Complex Carbohydrates: It is generally consumed in 5 servings per day or more and comprises foods such as whole grains, starchy vegetables, and legumes.
  • Nuts and Seeds: The everyday intake limit should be no more than 28 grams.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: This should be taken in 4 to 5 daily servings. The person should consume various types of fruits and vegetables, either fresh or frozen. 
  • Lean Protein: Only one serving per day should be consumed. Chicken or lean red meat and plant-based proteins should be provided.
  • Eggs: One to two servings daily, but only the egg whites, without the yolks. However, you can go beyond two servings if you are abstaining from other animal proteins.
  • Fish: People should consume it in one serving per day, that too, fresh and unsalted.
  • Herbs and Spices: The spices should definitely be a replacement for added sugar and fat.
  • Beverages: Take water as your most important and main beverage. Caffeine should be limited to 400 mg per day, and that too is green tea herbal tea, or unfiltered coffee.

You are advised to get your fair share of protein from plant-based sources such as paneer, edamame, beans, and lentils. Also, if you are determined to lose weight, you should consume a lot of vegetables that are rich in fibre and abstain from high-calorie foods such as nuts and seeds.

List of Food Items to Exclude from Pritikin Diet

This section enlists the caution and the stop foods:

  • Nuts: Avoid coconut owing to its high saturated fat.
  • Processed and high-fat meats: Do not consume processed meats or organ meats as they have a high-calorie content.
  • Animal fats and processed oils: Foods such as chocolate, butter, cocoa butter, chicken fat, palm oil, palm kernel oil, margarine, etc., should be completely avoided or eaten once in a blue moon.
  • Whole-fat dairy: All cheese, cream cheese, and whole-fat milk types should be avoided.
  • Other foods: Egg yolks, foods that are fried in a lot of oil, pastries, and desserts are not to be consumed while following the Pritikin Diet plan.

What are the Benefits of a Pritikin Diet?

Some of the proven health benefits of the Pritikin Diet are:

  • Reduction of bad cholesterol. 
  • Reduction of Triglycerides.
  • Help in reducing chronic inflammation. 
  • Insulin levels are subsequently lowered. 
  • Alleviate the metabolic syndrome in kids as well as adults. 
  • Lower the BP, hence helps in managing hypertension. 
  • Reduces risk of heart diseases. 
  • Works like magic in weight loss. 
  • Reduces the risk of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Are There Any Restrictions in the Pritikin Diet?

Certain no-nos in the Pritikin Diet should never be consumed while being on the diet plan.  The list includes fast foods, red meat, processed foods and alcohol.

How is the Pritikin Diet Different from Other Diets?

The main differentiating feature of this diet is that it is low in fat and very high in fibre, unlike other diets. The major portion of the diet plan consists of many fruits and vegetables.

Also, the regression cholesterol diet should be 25 mg per day, whereas the maintenance part should be no more than 400 mg.

Owing to its low-fat food policy, the Pritikin Diet is wonderful for patients with heart diseases. Also, it focuses on stress management and an active body so as to promote the overall health of our body.

If you want to start with this diet plan program, seek help from your healthcare provider as soon as possible and get started.

FAQs about Pritikin Diet

Is the Pritikin Diet completely vegetarian?

Pritikin Diet is not completely vegetarian and has non-vegetarian components in its diet plan.

What are the criticisms of the Pritikin Diet?

Some of the drawbacks of the Pritikin Diet are:

  • A large number of food restrictions. 
  • Low-fat recommendations. 
  • High-cost.
  • Time commitment.

Who uses the Pritikin Diet?

People with a familial history of cardiovascular diseases and wish to reduce their chances of developing it may follow the Pritikin Diet.