34 Best Foods for COPD for Faster Recovery

What is COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)?

34 Best Foods for COPD

List of Protein-Rich Vegetables for COPD


Vegetables Description Protein Content (Per 100 grams)
1 Kale Kale provides calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K, which are essential for bone health. It can also help prevent osteoporosis, a major concern for COPD patients. 2.9 g
2 Bok Choy Bok choy is a green cruciferous vegetable that contains many antioxidants, such as calcium and vitamins A, C, and K, which are important for our immune system to work properly.  1.5 g
3 Collard Greens Collard greens are leafy vegetables rich in calcium and other substances like vitamins A, C and K. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve respiratory symptoms in individuals with COPD.  2.6 g
4 Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts have similar features regarding nutritional value, including high amounts of proteins and fibres required mainly for muscle function and digestion enhancement. 3.4 g
5 Spinach Spinach stands out due to its dense nutrient content, comprising proteins, minerals, and vitamins necessary for good health. This is especially true for conditions such as COPD, where protein intake becomes crucial. 2.9 g
6 Broccoli Broccoli is an adaptable vegetable full of fibre, protein and vital nutrients. They can relieve inflammation associated with COPD and support muscle activity during digestion.  2.8 g
7 Peas Peas are a good source of protein and fibre, supporting muscle function and digestion in COPD patients. They also contain vitamins and minerals important for overall health and well-being. 5.4 g
8 Asparagus Asparagus is low in calories but rich in protein, fibre, and essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K. Its protein content supports muscle repair and immune function in COPD patients. 2.2 g
9 Cauliflower Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable rich in protein, fibre and antioxidants. Its protein content supports muscle strength, while its antioxidants help reduce inflammation in COPD patients. 1.9 g

List of Protein-Rich Fruits for COPD


Fruit Description Protein Content (per 100g)
10 Avocado It is rich in healthy fats and contains all essential amino acids, supporting muscle strength and repair. 2 g
11 Guava High in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre, aiding immune function and reducing inflammation. 2.6 g
12 Kiwi It is packed with vitamins C, and K, and antioxidants, promoting lung health and reducing oxidative stress. 1.1 g
13 Coconut Provides medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) for energy and contains lauric acid, with potential antimicrobial properties. 3.3 g
14 Banana High in potassium and easily digestible, providing energy and supporting muscle function. 1.3 g
15 Orange Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants help reduce inflammation and support immune function. 1.0 g

List of Dairy Products and Nuts for COPD


Dairy Products and Nuts Description Protein Content (Per 100 grams)
16 Greek Yoghurt High in protein and probiotics, supporting digestive health and providing essential amino acids for muscle repair. 10 g
17 Cottage Cheese Contains casein protein, which is slowly digested and provides sustained energy and muscle support. 11 g
18 Almonds Rich in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and providing sustained energy. 21 g
19 Walnuts High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and support brain health. 15 g
20 Pistachios Protein-rich nuts with antioxidants and potassium support heart health and provide sustained energy. 20 g
21 Brazil Nuts Good source of protein and selenium, which supports immune function and may reduce inflammation. 14 g
22 Cashews Provides protein, healthy fats, and minerals such as magnesium and zinc, supporting overall health. 18 g

List of Protein-Rich Vegetarian Foods for COPD


Food Description Protein Content (per 100 g)
23 Lentils High in protein, fibre, and iron, supporting muscle strength and providing sustained energy. 9 g
24 Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) Rich in protein, fibre, and essential nutrients like folate and magnesium, supporting heart health and providing energy. 8.9 g
25 Tofu Versatile plant-based protein source, rich in amino acids, calcium, and iron, supporting muscle function and bone health. 8 g
26 Edamame Young soybeans are packed with protein, fibre, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and providing essential nutrients. 11 g
27 Quinoa Complete protein source containing all essential amino acids, high in fibre and minerals, supporting overall health. 4.4 g

List of Non-Vegetarian Foods for COPD


Food Description Protein Content (per 100 g)
28 Chicken Breast A lean source of protein, low in fat, and high in essential amino acids, supporting muscle repair and growth. 31 g
29 Turkey Breast Low-fat protein source, rich in essential amino acids, supporting muscle function and immune health. 29 g
30 Salmon Fatty fish are high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. 20 g
31 Tuna Lean fish are high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting heart health and sustaining energy. 30 g
32 Lean Beef Protein-rich meat contains essential nutrients like iron and zinc, supporting muscle strength and repair. 36 g
33 Eggs A complete protein source containing all essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals supports overall health. 13 g
34 Shrimp Low-fat seafood high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids supports heart health and sustains energy. 24 g

Causes of COPD

Symptoms of COPD

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for COPD?

11 Food Items to Avoid When Suffering from COPD

Individuals living with COPD must be aware of potentially harmful items so that they can control themselves over time, ensuring comfort daily while improving current symptoms.


Food Items Reasons to Avoid
1 Fried Foods It can cause indigestion and bloating, making breathing uncomfortable.
2 Processed Meats (e.g., bacon, sausages) High in additives and preservatives that may worsen inflammation and lung function.
3 Dairy Products (e.g., full-fat cheese, cream) It can increase mucus production and thickness, leading to congestion.
4 Sugary Snacks and Beverages Spikes in blood sugar levels can lead to fatigue and worsen breathing difficulties.
5 Excessive Salt Contributes to fluid retention, making breathing more difficult.
6 Carbonated Beverages It can trigger acid reflux, exacerbating coughing and discomfort.
7 Spicy Foods It may cause heartburn or acid reflux, making breathing uncomfortable.
8 Caffeinated Beverages (in excess) Acts as a diuretic, increasing the risk of dehydration and thickening mucus.
9 Foods High in Sulfites (e.g., dried fruits, wine) Sulfites can trigger asthma symptoms and worsen breathing.
10 Raw Cruciferous Vegetables (e.g., broccoli, cauliflower) Difficult to digest and may cause gas and bloating.
11 High-Fat Desserts (e.g., cakes, pastries) Heavy on calories and unhealthy fats, contributing to weight gain and decreased energy levels

Side Effects of an Unhealthy Diet for COPD

FAQs about Food Items for COPD Patients