What are Carbohydrates, its Types & Common Food Sources

What are Carbohydrates?

Types of Carbohydrates

Common Food Sources of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrate-Rich Food Items to Include in Your Diet

Including various carbohydrate-rich foods in the diet is important to keep energy levels up and maintain overall health. There is also a food categorisation table below, which shows some carbohydrate-rich foods for various meals:

Meal of the Day

Food Items to Include in Your Diet Plan
Breakfast Oatmeal with fruit and nuts, whole grain toast with avocado, yoghurt with granola and berries, smoothie with banana, spinach, and almond milk.
Lunch Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables, a whole-grain wrap with chicken and veggies, brown rice with black beans and salsa, or lentil soup with whole-grain bread or rolls.
Snacks Apple slices with peanut butter, carrot sticks (batons) served with hummus made from lentils or beans, crispbread of whole wheat or multigrain flour topped with cheese or butter, and fresh fruit salad.
Dinner Grilled salmon with sweet potato and asparagus, stir-fried tofu with brown rice and broccoli, whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and veggies, baked chicken with quinoa and green beans.
Dessert Greek yoghurt drizzled with honey, topped with cherries, strawberries, or other fruits and crushed pistachios; a baked apple sprinkled with cinnamon; a slice of whole wheat banana bread topped with walnuts and almonds; and dark chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Health Benefits of Carbohydrates

Harmful Effects of Carbohydrates

FAQs about Carbohydrate Foods