Recovering from osteoarthritis is a slow process and, therefore, requires patience. To prevent osteoarthritis, it is essential to strengthen your bones. To do this, you will need to incorporate healthy foods into your diet.
Therefore, add these foods to your osteoarthritis diet to lead a life free from joint pains.
1. Green Vegetables
Vegetables are rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants and various other nutrients. Dark leafy greens are rich in Vitamin D and can strengthen your bones, muscles and tissues. Therefore, preventing wear and tear of the cartilage in your joints.
A vegetable diet helps to keep your weight under control. This lets you control obesity, a factor contributing to osteoarthritis.
2. Foods Rich in Vitamin C
Vitamin C produces collagen that helps with bone growth and maintaining healthy joints. This prevents the wearing of joints and cartilage present here.
Therefore, adding foods rich in vitamin C is an essential part of an osteoarthritis diet. Citrus fruits such as orange, lime, red peppers, strawberries, kale and cabbages are abundant with vitamin C.
3. Foods With Omega-3 and Fatty Acid
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help your body boost immunity and fight against diseases. In addition, omega-3 also ensures strong bone and muscle growth. Therefore omega-3-rich foods are usually present in the diet of osteoarthritis patients.
Oily fishes are a healthy source of omega-3 fatty acids. Adding one fatty fish per week can help protect your bones from the painful impacts of osteoarthritis. Tuna, sardines, salmons and tilapia are a few examples of omega-3 fishes.
However, if you follow a vegetarian diet, opt for flax seeds oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and seaweeds to add omega-3 to your diet.
4. Olive Oil
Excessive consumption of food with regular oil (with high saturated fat) can lead to obesity. As we know, gaining more weight increases pressure on your joints. This can damage the cartilage between the joints, leading to swelling and inflammation. Over time, it can worsen the effects of osteoarthritis.
In contrast, olive oil contains ibuprofen and oleocanthal to aid you from inflammatory diseases. Olive oil is also a friend to your digestive system.
The best part, olive oil is rich in flavour and lets you prepare your food with significantly less oil. You are safe from heart disease and obesity as your oil intake falls. In addition, nutrients present in olive oil also benefit your body in multiple ways.
5. Dairy Products
As we know, milk is a complete food and, thus, a valuable part of a balanced diet. In addition, calcium and vitamin D content in milk and milk products strengthens your bones.
Adding dairy products to your daily diet lowers osteoarthritis pain and saves you from being its victim. Low-fat dairy products let you get these benefits while controlling weight gain.
To manage obesity, you may opt for low-fat milk in your osteoarthritis diet plan.
6. Dry Fruits and Nuts
Nuts contain the necessary fats your body needs to sustain. Therefore, you must add nuts to your daily diet whether or not you have arthritis.
Dry fruits like almonds, walnut and hazelnut are suitable for patients suffering from cholesterol for their "good fat" constituency. Daily consumption of these nuts and dry fruits does not make you obese. On the contrary, they protect your body from heart diseases. In addition, dry fruits and nuts help build immunity to combat infections and foreign invasion.
You can crunch 2-3 nuts as it is daily or add them to your daily salads or fruit smoothies.
7. Saffron
Saffron, or "Kesar", is a popular spice in any Asian household. It contains crocin which is an anti-inflammatory agent that protects the body against inflammatory disorders and minimises osteoarthritis symptoms.
Saffron is also loaded with antioxidants that help detoxify your body. So a pinch of saffron in your meal will help your body benefit from these medical qualities.