25 Best Foods for Thyroid for Faster Recovery

What is Thyroid?

25 Best Foods for Thyroid Rich in Iodine, Calcium and Zinc

List of Vegetables for Thyroid

SNo. Vegetables Description Amount of Iodine, Calcium and Zinc (per 100 g)
1 Spinach Rich in iron and vitamins, it aids thyroid function. Iodine:2 µg
Calcium:99 mg
Zinc: 0.53 mg
2 Kale High in antioxidants and nutrients, it supports thyroid health. Iodine:40 µg
Calcium:254 mg
Zinc: 0.93 mg
3 Broccoli Contains selenium and fibre, which are beneficial for thyroid metabolism. Iodine:2 µg
Calcium:47 mg
Zinc: 0.41 mg
4 Brussels Sprouts Rich in vitamins and minerals, it aids thyroid hormone production. Iodine:10 µg
Calcium:42 mg
Zinc: 0.42 mg
5 Cabbage High in iodine, crucial for thyroid hormone synthesis. Iodine:13 µg
Calcium:22 mg
Zinc: 0.23 mg

List of Fruits for Thyroid

SNo. Fruits Description Amount of Iodine, Calcium and Zinc (per 100 g)
6 Strawberries Rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and K, beneficial for the thyroid.

Iodine: 7.0 µg

Calcium: 16 mg

Zinc: 0.14 mg

7 Pineapple Contains bromelain, aids digestion, and boosts thyroid function.

Iodine: 13.0 µg

Calcium: 13 mg

Zinc: 0.12 mg

8 Kiwi It supports thyroid health and contains vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants.

Iodine: 2.0 µg

Calcium: 34 mg

Zinc: 0.14 mg

9 Oranges Excellent source of vitamin C, essential for thyroid function and health.

Iodine: 0.0 µg

Calcium: 40 mg

Zinc: 0.08 mg

10 Papaya Rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes, it benefits thyroid function.

Iodine: 3.0 µg

Calcium: 20 mg

Zinc: 0.08 mg

11 Watermelon Hydrating and rich in vitamins A and C, it supports the thyroid.

Iodine: 3.0 µg

Calcium: 7 mg

Zinc: 0.10 mg

List of Dairy Products and Nuts for Thyroid

SNo. Dairy Products and Nuts Description Amount of Iodine, Calcium and Zinc (per 100 g)
12 Yoghurt Probiotics support thyroid function and gut health effectively. Iodine: 10 mcg
Calcium: 121 mg
Zinc: 0.49 mg
13 Cheese Rich in selenium, important for thyroid hormone metabolism. Iodine: 15 mcg
Calcium: 720 mg
Zinc: 3.1 mg
14 Milk Excellent source of iodine, crucial for thyroid hormone production. Iodine: 8 mcg
Calcium: 125 mg
Zinc: 0.4 mg
15 Almonds High in selenium and vitamin E, it is beneficial for thyroid health. Iodine: 1 mcg
Calcium: 264 mg
Zinc: 3.3 mg
16 Walnuts Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it supports thyroid hormone production. Iodine: 3 mcg
Calcium: 98 mg
Zinc: 3.1 mg
17 Cashews The source of zinc aids in thyroid hormone synthesis and regulation. Iodine: 5 mcg
Calcium: 37 mg
Zinc: 5.6 mg
18 Brazil Nuts High in selenium, essential for thyroid function and metabolism. Iodine: 1917 mcg
Calcium: 160 mg
Zinc: 4.1 mg

List of Non-Vegetarian Foods for Thyroid

SNo. Food Description Amount of Iodine, Calcium and Zinc (per 100 g)
19 Salmon Rich in omega-3, it supports thyroid function and metabolism. Iodine: 60 mcg
Calcium: 12 mg
Zinc: 0.5 mg
20 Shrimp High in selenium, essential for thyroid hormone production. Iodine: 50 mcg
Calcium: 42 mg
Zinc: 1.3 mg
21 Turkey Excellent source of lean protein, beneficial for thyroid health. Iodine: 0 mc
Calcium: 11 mg
Zinc: 2.7 mg
22 Beef Provides iron and zinc, important for thyroid hormone synthesis. Iodine: 3 mcg
Calcium: 9 mg
Zinc: 5 mg
23 Chicken Rich in protein and B vitamins, it supports thyroid function. Iodine: 9 mcg
Calcium: 8 mg
Zinc: 0.9 mg
24 Tuna Contains iodine, which is crucial for thyroid hormone production and regulation. Iodine: 15 mcg
Calcium: 12 mg
Zinc: 0.6 mg
25 Crab Rich in selenium and protein, supports thyroid function and metabolism.

Iodine: 100 mcg

Calcium: 38 mg

Zinc: 6.5 mg

Causes of Thyroid

Symptoms of Thyroid

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Thyroid?

10 Food Items to Avoid When Suffering from Thyroid Problems


Food Item Reasons to Avoid
1 Soy Products Contains goitrogens that may interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis.
2 Cruciferous Vegetables (e.g., Kale, Broccoli) High in goitrogens can hinder thyroid function.
3 Processed Foods Often high in sodium and unhealthy fats, which can exacerbate thyroid issues.
4 Sugary Foods May contribute to weight gain, which can worsen thyroid conditions.
5 Excessive Caffeine Can disrupt thyroid function and exacerbate symptoms like anxiety and insomnia.
6 Gluten Some individuals with thyroid issues may have sensitivities or intolerance to gluten.
7 Fried Foods High in unhealthy fats and can contribute to inflammation, impacting thyroid health.
8 Alcohol Can interfere with thyroid hormone production and worsen symptoms like fatigue and weight gain.
9 Refined Grains Lack of nutrients can spike blood sugar levels, negatively affecting thyroid function.
10 Fatty Meats High in unhealthy fats that can contribute to inflammation and worsen thyroid conditions.

Hence incorporating a diet rich in calcium, zinc and iodine, hydration, and probiotics while avoiding these ten culprits can help manage constipation effectively.

Side Effects of an Unhealthy Diet for Thyroid

FAQs about Food Items for Thyroid