23 Vitamin B7 Rich Foods to Include in Your Diet

What is Vitamin B7?

Food Sources Rich in Vitamin B7

Top 23 Food Items High in Vitamin B7

Best Vitamin B7 Rich Fruits


Vitamin B7 Rich Fruits Amount of Biotin Present (in mcg)
1 Avocados 1.85
2 Raspberries 0.25
3 Banana 0.2

Fact: Did you know that bananas are considered both fruits and herbs?

Also, because it is easy to digest and highly nutritious, it is one of the vitamin B7 fruits offered to babies in India.

Now that you know the fruits that contain vitamin B7, it is time to know about the vegetables that can replenish this nutrient.

Best Vitamin B7 Rich Vegetables


Vitamin B7 Vegetables Amount of Biotin Present (in mcg)
4 Cauliflower 4
5 Spinach 0.5
6 Broccoli 0.4
7 Carrots 0.18
8 Potato 4.8
9 Legumes 5
10 Mushrooms 2.6
11 Sweet potatoes 2.4

Vitamin B7 fruits and vegetables are highly nourishing foods containing various other nutrients. These also contain phytonutrients that aid in proper body functioning and antioxidants that aid in fighting off harmful free radicals.

Best Vitamin B7 Rich Seeds and Nuts


Seeds and Nuts Amount of Biotin Present (in mcg)
12 Sunflower Seeds 9.6
13 Walnuts 9.5
14 Peanuts 5
15 Almonds 1.5

Best Vitamin B7 Rich Dairy Products


  Milk and Dairy Products   Amount of Biotin Present (in mcg)
16 Cheddar cheese 0.4
17 Milk 0.3
18 Plain yoghurt 0.2

Best Vitamin B7 Rich Animal Protein and Seafood


Animal and Seafood Amount of Biotin Present (in mcg) 
19 Beef Liver 31 
20 Eggs 10 
21 Pork 3.8 
22 Salmon 5 
23 Tuna (canned in water) 0.6 

Daily Recommended Intake for Vitamin B7

The Adequate Intake (AI) level for vitamin B7 for people depending on their age and gender is as follows:

Age Group

Recommended Vitamin B Intake  (micrograms per day)
Birth to 6 months 5 mcg
Infants 7 to 12 months 6 mcg
Children 1 to 3 years 8 mcg
Children 4 to 8 years 12 mcg
Children 9 to 13 years 20 mcg
Teens 14 to 18 years 25 mcg
Adults 19+ years 30 mcg

Also, the AI amount of vitamin B7 for pregnant women is 30 mcg daily, and for lactating women, the amount is around 35 micrograms.

Now, how to increase vitamin B7 levels to meet the above requirements.

The solution is to include all the mentioned vitamin B7 foods in your diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You can also check the following table to find out which oil contains the most vitamin B7 and incorporate it into your diet plan to increase your nutrient intake.



Health Benefits
Rosemary oil Faster hair growth (B7 medium)
Peppermint oil High methanol presence stimulates follicles. (B7 high)
Biotin It improves hair growth and is also considered a "beauty vitamin." (B7 very high)

Note: Consult a healthcare professional to determine which oil containing vitamin B7 you can incorporate into your diet if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Therefore, daily consumption of these vitamin B7-rich food items is necessary to maintain good health. Individuals experiencing hair loss and skin-related issues must ensure proper intake of these food items. Otherwise, they might lead to severe hair loss and brittle nails.

Who Should Take B Complex Vitamins?

Health Benefits of Vitamin B7 Rich Foods

Different Ways to Include Vitamin B7 Rich Foods

Symptoms of Vitamin B7 Deficiency

What are the Health Risks of Vitamin B7 Deficiency?

Side Effects of Excessive Vitamin B7

Should You Take Vitamin B7 Supplement?

FAQs about Vitamin B7 Rich Foods