34 Best Foods for Piles for Faster Recovery

What are Piles/Haemorrhoids?

34 Best Food for Piles

List of Fibre Rich Foods for Piles

SNo. Food  Description Amount of Fibre (per 100g)
1 Wheat Bran Wheat bran is rich in insoluble fibre, adding bulk to stool for easier bowel movement. A 1/3 to 1/4 cup serving contains 9.1 to 14.3 g of fibre. Shredded wheat, recommended for piles patients, offers 5 to 9 g of fibre and is also high in protein, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. 42.8 g
2 Barley  Barley is a superfood that supports gut health and is beneficial for maintaining colon health. Rich in soluble fibre (beta-glucan), it provides B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium. 17.3 g
3 Corn Corn can be eaten boiled, as popcorn, or in salads. One cup of cooked sweet corn contains around 4.2 g of fibre, which promotes healthy stool movement. It also contains fibre, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin). 2.7 g
4 Oatmeal Oatmeal can be included in breakfast to help prevent haemorrhoids. It softens the bowel and reduces the risk of straining or obstructions. Contains soluble Fibre (beta-glucan), protein, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins. 10.6 g 
5 Whole Grain Whole grains are high in fibre, helping to ease discomfort related to haemorrhoids. The fibre in whole grains supports smooth stool passing and reduces pain in the anus. Provide Fibre, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, and other essential nutrients. 9-15 g
6 Lentils Lentils, including pulses, split peas, chickpeas, and beans, are common in Indian cuisine and are excellent sources of fibre for easy bowel movement. They are also high in protein and fibre, as well as iron, folate, magnesium, and potassium. 7.9 g

Apart from checking the excellent food for piles, individuals should list the vegetables to include in their balanced diet. This will help them plan the perfect meal regime that supports healthy bowel movements.

List of Fibre Rich Vegetables for Piles

SNo. Vegetables Description Amount of Fibre (per 100 g)
7 Artichoke Artichokes are petal-shaped vegetables that contain prebiotic compounds that promote gut health and bowel movement. High in fibre, vitamins (C and K), folate, and antioxidants. 6.2 g
8 Cruciferous Vegetables Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, bok choy, radishes, and turnips, are rich in fibre and support stool movement. They are also rich in vitamins (C and K), folate, and phytonutrients. 1.5 - 2.3 g
9 Root Vegetables Root vegetables like turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots, rutabagas, beets, and potatoes are rich in fibre and nutrition. Ideal for gut health and bowel movement. Contains fibre, vitamins (A and C), potassium, and antioxidants. 3-5 g
10 Squash Squash varieties such as zucchini, pumpkin, yellow squash, and butternut squash are colourful vegetables that enhance dishes and improve gut health. High in fibre, vitamins (A and C), potassium, and antioxidants. 5-9 g 
11 Bell Pepper Bell peppers contain about 93% water, helping to soften stool and promote bowel movement. Individuals who don't prefer vegetables can turn to fruits for piles, which offer natural sweetness and can be enjoyed during breakfast or as snacks. Contains fibre, vitamins (C and A), and antioxidants. 2.1 g 

List of Fibre Rich Fruits and Juices for Piles

SNo. Fruits and Juices Description Amount of Fibre (per 100 g)
13 Apples Apples are an excellent food to eat during piles as they contain a soluble fibre called pectin. Pectin helps bacteria ferment and form short-chain fatty acids, which add water to the colon and soften stool. Rich in potassium and a small amount of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. 3.7 g 
14 Prunes Prunes contain cellulose that increases the water content in stool, making them an ideal food for curing piles. They are fermented in the colon, producing short-chain fatty acids that increase stool weight. Contains potassium, iron, magnesium, and manganese. 3-6 g
15 Kiwi Kiwi contains actinidin, a compound that improves bowel movement and gut health. A single kiwi contains about 2.3 g of fibre and can be consumed raw or in a smoothie. It is high in potassium and provides calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. 2.3-3 g
16 Raspberries Raspberries are delicious and nutrient-rich, with nearly 85% water content that helps soften stools. Provide potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.  8.4 g
17 Bananas Bananas are a readily accessible remedy food for piles. They contain resistant starch and pectins, which break down food into a sticky gel in the digestive tract, aiding smooth stool passing. Rich in potassium and provides magnesium, manganese, and small amounts of calcium and iron. 2.7 g
18 Pears Pears are great for smoothies and drinks. They are rich in fibre and compounds beneficial for haemorrhoid patients. The fructose content acts as a laxative, aiding bowel movement. A good source of potassium and contains small amounts of magnesium, calcium, and iron. 4.0 g

List of Fibre Rich Dairy Products and Nuts for Piles

SNo. Dairy Products and Nuts Description Amount of Fibre (per 100 g)
18 Yoghurt Yoghurt is a beneficial food for piles patients as it contains probiotics, which help maintain healthy gut flora and promote digestion. Opt for plain, unsweetened yoghurt for best results. Rich in protein and calcium, it contains probiotics that support gut health and provides vitamins B2 and B12. 0 - 1 g
19 Buttermilk Buttermilk is another dairy product that can soothe the digestive tract and help soften stools. Its natural acidity and probiotics can aid digestion and promote gut health. Contains protein, calcium, and other essential minerals and has probiotics for digestive health. 0-2 g
20 Almonds Almonds are a great source of healthy fats, fibre, and antioxidants. Eating a small portion of almonds daily can help improve bowel movements and promote overall digestive health. High in healthy fats, fibre, and protein, and rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and other essential minerals. 12.5 g
21 Walnuts Walnuts are rich in fibre and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healthy bowel movements. They can also be a healthy snack option for piles patients. It contains antioxidants and essential minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. 6.7 g 
22 Flaxseed Flaxseed contains high omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fibre, which can help soften stools and improve digestion. Ground flaxseed can be added to cereals, smoothies, or yoghurt for a fibre boost. Rich in lignans, it contains essential minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.  27.3 g

List of Fibre Rich Vegetarian Food for Piles

SNo. Food Description Amount of Fibre (per 100 g)
23 Brown Rice Brown rice is a whole grain rich in fibre, which can help promote healthy digestion and prevent constipation. Rich in complex carbohydrates, fibres, and vitamins such as B vitamins and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. 1.8 g
24 Quinoa Quinoa is a protein-rich whole grain that contains fibre and vitamins. It aids in digestion and can be a healthy addition to a vegetarian diet for piles patients. High in minerals like magnesium, iron, and zinc. 2.8 g
25 Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre and have anti-inflammatory properties. They help soften stools and improve bowel movements, making them ideal for piles patients. It is high in complex carbohydrates and rich in vitamins A and C and minerals such as potassium and manganese. 3.0 g
26 Chickpeas Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are high in fibre and protein. They can be added to salads, soups, stews, and other vegetarian dishes to support a healthy digestive system. Contains vitamins such as folate and minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. 3.3 g 
27 Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds are a good source of fibre and healthy fats. They can help improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Eating a small portion of pumpkin seeds as a snack can benefit piles patients. High in minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron, it also provides vitamins E and K. 18.4 g

List of Protein Rich Non-Vegetarian Food for Piles

SNo. Food Description  Amount of Protein (per 100 g)
28 Skinless Chicken Breast  Skinless chicken breast is a lean source of protein that is low in fat. It can help maintain muscle health and support digestion without irritating the digestive system. Contains essential vitamins such as B6 and B12, as well as minerals like phosphorus and selenium. 31 g
29 Salmon  Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce inflammation in the body and may relieve symptoms associated with piles. It is rich in high-quality protein and vitamins D and B12. It also contains minerals such as selenium and iodine. 20 g
30 Turkey Turkey is another lean protein source that is low in fat and easily digested. It is a good option for patients who want to maintain a balanced diet. A good source that contains vitamins B6 and B12 and minerals such as zinc and selenium. 29 g
31 White Fish White fish such as cod, haddock, and tilapia are low in fat and provide essential nutrients. These types of fish can be gentle on the digestive system and promote overall health. Contains vitamins such as D and B12, and minerals like selenium and iodine. 20-25 g
32 Eggs Eggs are a good source of protein and essential nutrients. They are easy to digest and can be included in a piles-friendly diet. Boiled or poached eggs are preferable as they are lower in fat. Contains vitamins A, D, E, and B12, as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, and selenium. 13 g
33 Shrimp Shrimp is low in fat and calories while being a good source of protein. It is easy to digest and can be incorporated into various dishes to support a healthy diet for piles patients. It contains vitamins D and B12 and is also high in minerals such as iodine, zinc, and selenium. 24 g
34 Turkey Bacon Turkey bacon is a leaner alternative to traditional pork bacon and can be included in a piles-friendly diet. It is lower in fat and may help maintain a balanced diet without irritating the digestive system. Provides certain vitamins, such as B6 and B12. 13 g

Causes of Piles/Haemorrhoids

Symptoms of Piles/Haemorrhoids

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Piles?

10 Food Items to Avoid When Suffering from Piles


Food Item Reasons to Avoid
1 Alcohol It can dehydrate the body and irritate the digestive system, exacerbating piles symptoms.
2 Chocolates It is high in sugar and can lead to constipation and worsening piles.
3 Packaged snacks Often low in fibre and high in salt, which can irritate the digestive system and cause inflammation.
4 High caffeine drinks It may dehydrate the body and cause constipation, aggravating piles symptoms.
5 Salty and fried foods It can cause bloating and constipation due to high sodium and unhealthy fats.
6 Dairy products containing fats It can be heavy on the digestive system, potentially causing constipation.
7 Processed foods Generally low in fibre and nutrients, it leads to digestive issues and worsening piles symptoms.
8 Red meat It may be difficult to digest and can cause constipation straining bowel movements.
9 Carbonated, energy, and sports drinks It can cause bloating and gas, leading to discomfort and potentially worsening piles symptoms.
10 Sugar and cream It can lead to constipation and poor digestive health, which may worsen piles.

Side Effects of an Unhealthy Diet for Piles

FAQs about Food Items for Piles Patients