What is Collagen, its Types & Common Food Sources

What is Collagen?

5 Common Types of Collagen

There are more than 16 types of collagen. However, the following 5 types are the most necessary for human beings:


Protects Body Part Sources of Collagen
Type I Skin, tendons, bones, blood vessels, cornea, and connective tissues. The white part of egg, fish, and dairy products.
Type II Cartilage, joints, and long bones. Bone broth of chicken, pig, cow, and vegetables.
Type III Skin, muscles, and bones. Chicken, beef, pork, citrus foods, and seeds.
Type V A pregnant woman's placenta helps form cells and grow hair in the foetus. Bone broth of chicken, pig, cow, cabbage, lentils, and beans.
Type X The cartilage of our joints. Egg, dairy products, dairy products.

Natural Sources of Collagen


Food Items
Proline (secondary amino acid) Egg whites, mushrooms, dairy products, cabbage, and asparagus.
Glycine Pork, chicken, beef, and gelatin.
Vitamin C Citrus fruits and bell peppers.
Zinc Beef, pork, milk, cheese, nuts, seeds, chickpeas, beans, etc.
Copper Sesame seeds, meat, lentils, and cocoa.

Natural collagen food sources are inexpensive and are generally included in our regular diet.

Health Benefits of Collagen

What is the Use of Collagen in the Human Body?

Factors That Affect Collagen Production in the Body

Side Effects of Collagen

Should We Take a Collagen Supplement?

FAQs about Collagen in Food