How to Increase Red Blood Cell Count?

What Is RBC Count?

Pathological tests determine the number of Red Blood Cells in human blood. The RBCs contain a protein known as haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to different tissues and organs in the human body. Thus, the amount of oxygen delivered depends on the RBC count. 

Generally, women have a lower RBC count than men. Moreover, the RBC count also decreases with age.


Average RBC Count (cells/microlitre)


4.7 to 6.1


4.2 to 5.4

Why is the RBC Count Important?

Symptoms of Low RBC Count

Causes of Low RBC Count

How to Increase Red Blood Cell Count?

Importance of Nutrition to Increase Red Blood Cells

Nutrients to Include in Your Diet

A daily dosage of certain nutrient-rich supplements helps boost the RBC count. The table below shows the ideal amount of nutrients necessary in the human body to maintain an optimum RBC count.

Name of the Nutrients

Daily Intake to Increase RBC Count
Iron 18 mg/day for women and 8 mg/day for men
Vitamin C 75 mg/day for women and 90 mg/day for men
Copper 18 mg/day for women and 8 mg/day for men
Vitamin A 700 mcg/day for women and 900 mcg/day for men
Vitamin B12 2.4 mcg/day for individuals who are 14 years and older, 2.6 mcg/day for pregnant women and 2.8 mcg/day for breastfeeding women
Vitamin B9 100 - 250 mcg/day for an average person, 400 mcg/day if you menstruate regularly and 600 mcg/day for pregnant women
Vitamin B6 1.5 mg/day for women and 1.7 mg/day for men
Vitamin E 15 mg/day for an average adult

Supplements and Food Items to Include in Diet to Increase Your RBC Count

Food Item

Daily Intake Per Day with Nutritional Value of Folate (micrograms)
Spinach 263 mcg in 1 cup of cooked spinach
Lentils 358 mcg in 1 cup of cooked lentils
Asparagus 134 mcg in ½ cup cooked asparagus
Avocado 163 mcg in 1 medium-sized fruit
Broccoli 84 mcg in 1 cup cooked broccoli
Brussels sprouts 156 mcg in 1 cup cooked brussels sprouts
Papaya 115 mcg in 1 medium sized papaya
Oranges 55 mcg in 1 medium-sized orange
Beets 68 mcg in ½ cup cooked beet
Peanuts 41 mcg in 1 ounce of peanuts of 28 grams

When Should You Get Medical Help or Consult a Doctor?

Lifestyle Changes to Increase Your Red Blood Cell Count

FAQs About Ways to Increase Red Blood Cell Count