35 Omega 3 Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables to Include in your Diet

What is Omega 3?

What are the Sources of Omega 3?

Top 35 Food Items High in Omega 3

List of Omega 3 Rich Vegetables


Vegetable Description
1 Brussels sprouts Contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), suitable for roasting, steaming, or sautéing.
2 Spinach It offers a moderate amount of ALA and can be added to salads, smoothies, or cooked meals.
3 Kale Rich in ALA and other nutrients; great for salads, soups, or stir-fries.
4 Parsley A modest amount of ALA is commonly used as a garnish or in sauces.
5 Mustard Greens Contains ALA can be sautéed or added to salads.
6 Winter Squash Contains ALA can be roasted or used in soups.

List of Fruits Rich in Omega 3


Fruit Description
7 Kiwifruit Contains ALA; high in vitamin C and fibre.
8 Mangoes Provides moderate ALA; rich in vitamins and minerals.
9 Raspberries Known for their ALA content; great fresh or in various dishes.
10 Blackberries Contains ALA; rich in antioxidants and fibre.
11 Strawberries A source of ALA, vitamin C, and fibre; perfect for fresh consumption or desserts.
12 Blueberries Another berry high in ALA and antioxidants; great for snacking or adding to breakfast.

List of Plant Oils and Dairy Products Containing Omega 3


Food Description
13 Flaxseed Oil High in ALA, it can be added to smoothies or salads.
14 Canola Oil Contains ALA; used for cooking and salad dressings.
15 Chia Oil Rich in ALA, it is a great addition to salads or smoothies.
16 Hemp Oil It provides ALA and other nutrients and can be used in salad dressings.
17 Soy Milk Contains ALA, a good dairy alternative for Omega 3 intake.
18 Greek Yoghurt Contains ALA, a versatile dairy option for meals or snacks.

List of Seeds and Nuts Rich in Omega 3


Seed/Nut Description
19 Chia Seeds High in ALA; great for mixing into yoghurt or cereals.
20 Flaxseeds Rich in ALA; can be ground and added to smoothies or baked goods.
21 Hemp Seeds High in ALA; perfect for adding to salads, smoothies, or cereals.
22 Walnuts Contains ALA; can be eaten as a snack or used in cooking and baking.
23 Hazelnuts Provides ALA; perfect for snacking or using in desserts.
24 Pecans Contains ALA; suitable for snacking or adding to baked goods.

List of Animal and Seafood High in Omega 3


Food Description
25 Salmon High in EPA and DHA, it is excellent for grilling, baking, or poaching.
26 Mackerel Rich in omega-3, it can be grilled, baked, or smoked.
27 Sardines Offers high levels of EPA and DHA, great fresh or canned.
28 Anchovies Contains EPA and DHA, and it can be used in various dishes.
29 Herring A source of EPA and DHA, and can be grilled, baked, or smoked.
30 Oysters Rich in Omega 3, it can be eaten raw or cooked.
31 Trout Contains EPA and DHA, and can be grilled, baked, or sautéed.
32 Halibut Provides Omega 3, suitable for grilling, baking, or frying.
33 Tuna High in EPA and DHA, it is perfect for grilling, searing, or canning.
34 Shrimp Contains Omega 3, and can be grilled, boiled, or sautéed.
35 Crab Offers Omega 3, and can be boiled, steamed, or used in crab cakes.

It will be valuable for you to take in meals containing a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids every day because they have several health benefits, such as better heart and brain functions. You can ensure that you have a holistic eating plan that contributes to your general wellness by eating different types of vegetables, fruits, plant oils, seeds, nuts, and animal proteins rich in Omega 3 fats. Use these Omega 3 Rich foods with nutrients regularly to live healthily and keep fit forever.

How Much Omega 3 Should You Intake?

The daily recommended intake of Omega 3 fatty acids varies depending on age, sex, and life stage. Here's a breakdown of the daily recommended intake of Omega 3 for different groups:

Age Group

Daily Recommended Intake of Omega 3 (mg)
Infants 0-6 months 500 mg (ALA)
Infants 7-12 months 0.5 g (ALA)
Children 1-3 years 0.7 g (ALA)
Children 4-8 years 0.9 g (ALA)
Children 9-13 years (male) 1.2 g (ALA)
Children 9-13 years (female) 1.0 g (ALA)
Adolescents 14-18 years (male) 1.6 g (ALA)
Adolescents 14-18 years (female) 1.1 g (ALA)
Adults 19+ years (male) 1.6 g (ALA)
Adults 19+ years (female) 1.1 g (ALA)
Pregnant Women 1.4 g (ALA)

Note that the recommended intake primarily refers to alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can be found in plant-based sources such as seeds and nuts. For the more potent forms of Omega 3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), there isn't an established official recommendation. However, the American Heart Association suggests consuming at least two servings of fatty fish per week for cardiovascular health.

For individuals who do not consume fish, supplements like fish oil or algae oil can provide EPA and DHA. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before taking supplements to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific needs.

Health Benefits of Including Omega 3 Rich Foods

Different Ways to include Omega 3 Rich Foods in your Diet

What are the Symptoms of Omega 3 Deficiency?

What are the Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Omega 3?

What are the Side Effects of Excessive Omega 3 Intake?

Should You take an Omega 3 supplement?

FAQs about Omega 3 Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables