46 Vitamin K Rich Foods to Include in Your Diet

What is Vitamin K?

Sources of Vitamin K

Top 46 Vitamin K Rich Food List

List of Vitamin K Rich Vegetables


Vegetables Description
1 Spinach Half a cup of cooked spinach contains nearly 3 times more vitamin K than a raw cup of spinach, that is, 444 mcg.
2 Broccoli You can cook broccoli in canola oil or olive oil to increase your vitamin K intake.
3 Kale One of the superfoods, kale is the king of vitamin K. It also contains vital nutrients like calcium, potassium and folate.
4 Beet Green Beet green is a sweeter alternative to kale and contains antioxidants and phytonutrients.
5 Brussel Sprouts You can include it in your salads or roast it in garlic and butter to enhance its taste.
6 Collard Green Collard green is a power pack of iron, vitamins A and B-6, magnesium, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid and choline, besides vitamin K.
7 Mustard Greens Besides being one of the best vitamin K rich vegetables, mustard green is also rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, iron, folate, potassium, thiamine (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3) and thiamine (vitamin B1).
8 Swiss Chard A small serving of cooked Swiss chard contains vitamins K, C, E and A, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and other minerals.
9 Parsley Parsley is another vegetable on the list of vitamin K-rich foods. Add it to your salad to prevent blood clotting and maintain bone health.
10 Cabbage Cabbage, whether red, purple, white, or green, is rich in vitamins C, B6, and K, antioxidants like polyphenols, sulphur compounds, and folate.
11 Red Leaf Lettuce It is one of the vitamin K rich vegetables that maintain adequate hydration and is loaded with antioxidants. 
12 Asparagus It is a low-calorie vegetable and an excellent source of nutrients such as folate, phosphorus, potassium and more.
13 Turnip Greens Turnip greens are one of the foods that contain vitamin K and are the sure-shot antidotes for osteoporosis. 
14 Green Beans A cup of green beans also contains 31 calories, 3.3 grams of sugar and no fat.
15 Green Peas Canned Green peas are a powerhouse of fibre, proteins, minerals and antioxidants, besides vitamin K.

List of Vitamin K Rich Fruits


Fruits Description
16 Prunes Only half a cup of prunes is enough to keep your organs hydrated. Also, these vitamin K fruits are rich in iron and potassium and help build bones and muscles. [1]
17 Avocado A single piece of avocado contains about 20 vitamins and minerals. Eat it raw, or make yourself some guacamole.
18 Kiwi Besides preventing blood coagulation, kiwi protects against asthma and macular degeneration.
19 Blackberries (Half cup: 14 mcg and 12% daily value) - Just a cup of raw blackberries provides over one-third of the recommended vitamin K.
20 Blueberries (Half cup: 14 mcg and 12% daily value) - Each of these berries contains 85% water. They are low in calories and high in vitamins K and C.
21 Red Currants (28.35 gm: 3.1 mcg and 3% daily value) - Due to high potassium content, these vitamin K rich fruits help maintain cardiovascular health.
22 Grapes (10 pieces: 3.5 mcg and 3% daily value) - The antioxidants present in both red and green grapes resist chronic diseases. These are some of the most readily available vitamin K fruits in India.
23 Pomegranate (Half cup: 14 mcg and 12% daily value) - It is one of the vitamin K rich foods high in fibre, minerals and bioactive plant compounds.
24 Figs Include a fresh, low-calorie fig on your snack list to maintain vitamin K intake.
25 Tomatoes  Lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart problems and cancer, is abundant in tomatoes. Also, tomatoes contain potassium, folate and vitamin C.

List of Vitamin K Rich Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and Seeds Description
26 Soybeans (cooked) 1/2 cup of soybeans gives you 16 mcg, 13% of the DV per serving.
27 Sprouted mung beans (cooked) 1/2 cup of cooked sprouted mung beans provide 14 mcg 12% of the DV per serving.
28 Cashews Cashews have 9.7 mcg 8% of the DV per serving.
29 Hazelnuts 100 grams of hazelnuts have 34 mcg (28% of the DV).
30 Red kidney beans (cooked) 28 gm of cooked kidney beans has 4 mcg (3% of the DV).
31 Pine nuts 10 pine nuts are 0.9 mcg (1% of the DV).
32 Pecans 28 gm of pecans has 1 mcg (1% of the DV).
33 Walnuts 28 gm of walnuts has 0.8 mcg (1% of the DV).

List of Oils that Contains Vitamin K


Name of the Oil Amount of Vitamin K Per Tablespoon
34 Canola 10 mcg
35 Olive 8.1 mcg
36 Sesame 1.8 mcg
37 Safflower 1.0 mcg
38 Sunflower 0.7 mcg
39 Soybean 3.4 mcg
40 Peanut 0.1 mcg
41 Corn 0.3 mcg

These are a few of the vitamin K foods high in phylloquinone. Now, let’s check out some foods high in menaquinone.

List of Vitamin K Rich Meat and Fish


Meat and Fish                               Description
42 Chicken  (100 grams: 60 mcg and 50% daily value) - One vitamin K-rich food, chicken, helps your heart function optimally. Also, selenium in chicken boosts your immunity and maintains thyroid secretion and fertility. It also contains vitamins such as B6 and B12, which take care of DNA synthesis and your central nervous system.
43 Beef Liver (100 grams: 106 mcg and 88% daily value) - Beef liver has high vitamin K2 content, a proven nutrient for maintaining bone health. Several types of research prove that it provides calcium directly to the bones. This significantly keeps calcium away from the arterial walls as the latter may cause calcification, leading to heart diseases.
44 Pork (100 grams: 69 mcg and 57% daily value) - Both fresh and processed pork products are high dietary sources of menaquinone.
45 Goose Liver (1 tablespoon: 48 mcg and 40% daily value) - According to the Osteoporosis Treatment Advice website, a 3.5-ounce or 100 grams of goose liver paste contains 370 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K.
46 Fish  Experts at the American Heart Association suggest consuming fish at least twice a week. Fish like salmon and shrimp are moderate sources of vitamin K. However, 85 gm of light canned tuna in oil provides 37 mcg of vitamin K.

How Much Vitamin K Should You Intake?

If necessary, individuals can visit a dietician or a nutritionist to learn how to increase their vitamin K intake in their daily lives.

However, here is a table explaining how much vitamin K everybody needs according to his/her age. Now that you know some of the vitamin K rich foods, you can incorporate them into your diet as per the above table. 


Adequate Amount Per Day
Infants (between 0 to 6 months) 2 mcg
Infants (between 7 to 12 months) 2.5 mcg
Children (between 1 to 3 years) 30 mcg
Children (between 4 to 8 years) 55 mcg
Children (between 9 to 13 years) 60 mcg
Girls (between 14 to 18 years) 75 mcg
Boys (between 14 to 18 years) 75 mcg
Women (19 years+) 90 mcg
Pregnant or breastfeeding women (19 years+) 90 mcg
Men (19 years+) 120 mcg

Note: It is recommended to seek a professional’s help to add vitamin K to your diet. A novice’s advice may lead to unwanted problems.

Remember, excluding vitamin K food sources from your daily diet can result in uncontrollable bleeding from injuries. Although vitamin K deficiencies are rarely found in adults, they are common among newborn babies.

Health Benefits of Vitamin K Rich Foods

Different Ways to Include Vitamin K Rich Foods in Your Diet

Symptoms of Vitamin K Deficiency

What are the Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Vitamin K?

Side Effects of Excessive Vitamin K Intake

Should You Take a Vitamin K Supplement?

FAQs about Vitamin K Rich Foods