While formulating a diet for patients with kidney problems, it is necessary to be aware of harmful nutrients. For example, a dialysis patient cannot consume foods rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorous and unhealthy fats. They also need to control their fluid intake for effective dialysis procedures.
Find below a list of foods items that should be excluded from diets for dialysis patients:
1. Potassium Rich Fruits
Usually, fruits are a great source of minerals and, therefore, an essential part of any healthy diet. However, potassium-rich fruits like kiwi, avocado, and bananas harm dialysis patients.
As we know, the kidney filters out excess nutrients and toxins from our bodies. Unfortunately, an infected kidney cannot remove nutrients like potassium. As a result, the potassium levels increase to high levels in the blood.
You may choose grapes, strawberries, apples and other low potassium foods as alternatives for dialysis patients.
2. Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are also high in potassium content which is harmful to patients with kidney diseases. Although cooking them can reduce their size, nutrient content can remain the same in these leafy vegetables.
These green vegetables are also rich in oxalic acids, which can form oxalates reacting with minerals like calcium, making your kidneys prone to stones.
Therefore, a dialysis patient's diet can contain meagre portions of green vegetables.
3. Processed Meat
Manufacturers use processes like drying, salting and curling to produce sausages, bacons and salamis industrially. These processed meats lose their nutrients during such manufacturing processes. These foods also contain high amounts of sodium, which is very harmful to your kidneys.
Rich in starch, harmful fats and preservatives, processed meat can do more harm to a dialysis patient than good.
You can opt for skinless meat instead as an alternative to processed meats.
4. Tomatoes
Tomato is another fruit/vegetable that you should exclude from the lists of approved foods for dialysis patients. Consuming tomatoes raw or in sauce form can be harmful to the patient due to their high potassium content.
However, if you miss the tangy flavour, you can replace tomato ketchup with roasted red bell peppers.
5. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
Potatoes are rich in starch and potassium. Therefore, dialysis patients need to reduce their potato consumption more than usual.
Chopping potatoes in thin wedges and boiling them in water before cooking can lower their potassium content. Even though many people opt for double-cooking potatoes, it does not entirely eliminate the excess potassium content. So, you will still want to limit your potato consumption.
6. Dark Soda
If you are a dialysis patient, make sure to avoid sodas and cold drinks, especially dark-coloured sodas. The phosphorus content in dark-coloured cold beverages is higher than that of fruits or vegetables.
These sodas also contain excess added sugars and food colours. Consuming them too much can make you prone to heart disease and obesity. A healthy kidney can filter out these elements easily. However, filtration cannot occur naturally in an infected kidney.
Hence, a dialysis patient should stay away from all types of sodas.
7. Packaged Foods
Sodium is very high in instant foods, packaged foods and junk foods. It also contains preservatives, and animal fats, which contribute to heart problems and kidney diseases.
Consuming these packaged foods while going through dialysis treatment can be fatal for patients. Packaged foods are heavily processed, containing lots of preservatives and refined carbs. These do not dissolve in blood and clog the arteries carrying blood to your major organs.
Therefore, a kidney patient must focus on more fresh food items and snacks prepared at home. Packaged, instant, and deep-fried foods should always be excluded from the diet for dialysis patients.
8. Pretzels and Candies
Snacks like pretzels, candies or chips have excess salt and sugar as their main ingredient. High salt and sugar content make these food items harmful for dialysis patients.
Chips are also made of potatoes which are fried in harmful oils. Excessive consumption will not just lead to obesity but also harm your kidneys further.
9. Dairy Products
Lactic foods like milk, yogurt, cream, buttermilk, and cheese contain high levels of phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. These nutrients benefit healthy people, but when taken in large quantities, they can lead to high amounts of phosphorus, which hemodialysis patients might find difficult to process due to their illness.
10. Nuts and Seeds
Almonds, shelled nuts, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, and peanuts contain high levels of potassium and phosphorus, which can be highly dangerous for renal patients on dialysis if taken in large amounts. They are also considered to be fatty, which can be challenging for the patient to handle with their kidney problem.
11. Dried Fruits
Raisins, apricots, and prunes are examples of dried fruits with a high potassium content. Patients on dialysis find it challenging to filter potassium from the blood, so these foods should be avoided as much as possible. Fresh fruit options such as apples, grapes, or fresh figs are better overall.