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Health Benefits of Vitamin C Explained

Owing to its ability to boost immunity, Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is considered an important vitamin for humans. Besides, there are several benefits of this vitamin. If you are willing to gain an insight into the various benefits of vitamin C, you have landed on the correct article.

Keep reading to know about what is the benefit of vitamin C and other related aspects!

What Is Vitamin C Good For?

There are numerous uses of vitamin C in health treatment. To know the exact reasons for this, go through the various advantages of vitamin C illustrated below:

Stimulates Synthesis of Collagen

The human body is dependent on vitamin C for collagen synthesis. Collagen is present in the connective tissue around the human body. Sufficient levels of this vitamin are necessary for collagen formation.

Heals Wounds

As per the Oregon State University, increased synthesis of collagen implies that this vitamin would prove to be helpful in healing wounds. Individuals with a lesser vitamin C intake might experience slow healing of wounds because their bodies would produce less collagen.

Enhances Brain Functioning

Vitamin C is also responsible for the cognitive function and synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are vital for communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

Protects Against Chronic Health Ailments

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C benefit the human body in various ways. Antioxidants are known to neutralise harmful and volatile free radicals, which are potent enough to cause harm to tissues and cells. As per Mayo Clinic, these can protect an individual against serious health issues, such heart disease and cancer.

Strengthens Immune System

It is found that vitamin C helps in supporting the immune system by lowering tissue damage, aiding in microbial killing, and providing protection against oxidative stress. In addition, an increase in infection rate has been linked with a deficiency of this vitamin.

Provides Protection to the Eyes

As per the American Optometric Association, vitamin C is noted to reduce the risk of cataract development. Besides this, the benefits of vitamin C have also been linked with slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration or AMD.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Benefits of vitamin C also include a marked improvement in an individual’s cardiovascular health. It improves the production of nitric oxide, lowers plaque instability in atherosclerosis and helps in the widening of blood vessels.

All of these combined with the antioxidant properties of vitamin C can provide protection against heart disease and high blood pressure or hypertension.

How to Find out Vitamin C Deficiency?

If you are wondering how to know vitamin C deficiency, consider reading up on the signs and symptoms mentioned in this section.

But before that, you must have an idea about what is the deficiency of vitamin C. A vitamin C deficiency refers to a medical condition where an individual lacks the adequate quantity of this vitamin. It mainly occurs due to the lack of adequate amounts of vitamin C in his/her diet.

So, here’s what happens with vitamin C deficiency:

  • Feel weak
  • Loss of Weight
  • Loss of Teeth
  • Splitting Hair
  • Problems With Fighting Infections in the Body
  • Sudden Bleeding In Gums
  • Severe Joint Pain
  • Ineffective Wound Healing
  • Nose Bleeds
  • Discolouration and Swelling in Gums
  • Dry Skin

What is an early sign of vitamin C deficiency?

The first few symptoms noticed in an individual having a deficiency in vitamin C are the following:

  • Tiny, Red-Blue Coloured Bruises/Spots on the Skin
  • Easy Bruising
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Weakness

Best Sources of Vitamin C

Alongside citrus fruits that are the richest sources of vitamin C, the following list consists of a number of natural sources of vitamin C. Here, take a look:


  • Guava
  • Kiwifruit
  • Orange
  • Strawberry
  • Lemon
  • Raspberry
  • Grapefruit
  • Blackberry
  • Pineapple
  • Blueberry


  • Tomato
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Snow Peas
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Turnip Greens
  • Swiss Chard

Vitamin C- Side Effects and Risk Factors

Now, let’s delve into what are the side effects of vitamin C. Consuming vitamin C more than the maximum recommended intake amount can make you experience the following:

  • Sleeping Problems
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea 
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Cramps

By now, you must be aware of the benefits of vitamin C. Hence keeping in mind the side effects of excess vitamin C, ensure to have a healthy balanced diet on a daily basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the normal test values regarding the determination of a deficiency or an excess of vitamin C?

The normal values of a substantial deficiency in the levels of Vitamin C are considered to be lower than 0.3 mg/dL. The excess values are not defined clearly, but they are generally considered to be higher than 3.0 mg/dL.

What is the prognosis of a deficiency in vitamin C?

Individuals suffering from a deficiency in vitamin C generally exhibit complete recovery. After the initiation of the treatment, the symptoms recede within days or weeks.

Can individuals prevent vitamin C deficiency?

Yes, individuals can prevent vitamin C deficiency by having a balanced diet that comprises the main sources of vitamin C.