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40 Best Vitamin B2 Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables

Do you know that your body can store only a small amount of vitamin B2? Also, the body cannot produce enough riboflavin to meet the dietary requirements. Therefore, individuals need to plan a meal that maintains a balanced proportion of vitamin B2 foods for cellular growth and metabolism.

Keep reading to know the top vitamin B2 food sources that can make your diet nutritious and prevent diseases.

What Is Vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin that converts carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential to store energy in our muscles. The body also needs foods that contain vitamin B2 to convert vitamins B6 and B9. This is essential for red blood cell production and body growth.

Plus, riboflavin also acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals in our bodies. These radicals damage the DNA and cells in our body, leading to numerous health conditions.

Therefore, a vitamin B2 deficiency can fasten the ageing process. In addition, individuals who avoid vitamin B2 foods are prone to heart diseases and cancer.

Usually, most healthy adults can get their content of Vitamin B2 from a well-balanced diet. Their diet must include a balanced ratio of vitamin B2 fruits and vegetables for complete wellbeing.

In the following section, we have included a vitamin B2 foods list to help you prepare a healthy diet plan.

Vitamin B2 Food Sources

If you are wondering which food vitamin B2 is found in,  here is a curated list of the same for your reference. [1]

1. Egg

Eggs can be considered the best source of vitamins. It compliments almost every meal type and cuisine. Every 100gm serving of eggs contains around 0.5mg of Vitamin B2.

2. Ground Pork

Ground pork is a good source of protein, minerals and vitamins. Scientifically, 100gm of ground pork contains 0.2mg of riboflavin.

3. Salmon

Salmon is a good source of protein that can be enjoyed raw, fried or smoked. This fish contains 0.5mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm.

4. Bluefin Tuna

This saltwater fish contains nearly 0.3mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving. Tuna fish is also a good source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

5. Soybeans

If you are a vegetarian wondering which food has vitamin B2, soybeans can be a great option. They can also consume it in the form of milk. These legumes are also rich in minerals and fibres. Each 100gm serving of soybean contains nearly 0.87mg of vitamin B2.

6. Squid

A squid is a form of shellfish that are found in Asia, Hawaii and the Mediterranean regions. They are rich in riboflavin and other nutrients. Every 100gm serving of squid contains around 0.412mg of vitamin B2.

7. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is the reproductive part of a plant. This is basically the by-product of milling.  Individuals can consume it in the form of cereals or add it to their salad. Scientifically, wheat germ contains 0.8mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

8. Liver

Animal liver is considered one of the greatest vitamin B2 sources. Among them, lamb livers are highly recommended by dieticians. Every 100gm serving of liver contains around 3.63mg of vitamin B2.  Livers are also rich in folate and vitamin B12.

9. Tempeh

Tempeh is a variant of fermented soy products from Indonesia. It is one of the best plant-based vitamin B2 rich foods containing fibre, protein, and other essential nutrients. Each 100gm serving of Tempeh contains around 0.358mg of vitamin B2.

10. Fish Eggs

Many individuals love eating fish roe or eggs. They are typically salty in taste and contain Omega-3 protein and vitamins. In addition, they contain around 0.7mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

11. Atlantic Mackerel

This exotic fish contains 0.412mg of riboflavin per 100gm of serving.

12. Greek Yoghurt

This thick fermented dairy product is rich in protein, phosphorus, calcium and Vitamin B2.  It contains around 0.233mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

13. Beef Kidney

Beef kidney is again a good source of vitamin B2. Every 100gm of beef kidney contains around 2.8mg of riboflavin.

14. Button Mushroom

Every 100gm of button mushroom contains 0.5mg of vitamin B2.

15. Mussels

These shellfish contain 0.4mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

16. Feta Cheese

Feta cheese contains nearly 0.8mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

17. Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

Dried shiitake mushrooms are a great source of riboflavin. They contain nearly  1.27mg of vitamin B2 per serving.

18. Almonds

Almonds contain nearly 1.1mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

19. Beef Skirt Steak

The lean part of beef steak contains nearly 0.9mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

20. Anchovies

Anchovies are small-sized fish that contain Omega-3, minerals and protein. It also contains nearly 0.3mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

Vitamin B2 Rich Fruits

Here is a list of vitamin B2 fruits in India that individuals can include in their diet. [2]

21. Avocado

Avocados are vitamin B2 rich fruits that complement salads and cuisines. Every 100gm of avocado contains 0.1mg of riboflavin.

22. Dried Apple

Dried apples contain nearly 0.2mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

23. Banana

Each 100gm serving of bananas contains nearly 0.1mg of vitamin B2.

24. Dates

Dates complement desserts, cereals and sweets. These fruits contain nearly 0.1mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

25. Passion Fruit

This exotic fruit contains nearly 0.1mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

26. Muscadine Grapes

Muscadine grapes top the list of vitamin B2 fruits. These grapes contain nearly 1.5mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

27. Durian

This fruit contains nearly 0.2mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

28. Tamarind

This tangy and sweet flavour fruit contains 0.2mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

29. Mamey Sapote

This exotic fruit contains nearly 0.1mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

30. Dried Longans

These fruits contain nearly 0.5mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

Vitamin B2 Rich Vegetables

Check the list below to know which vegetables have vitamin B2. [3]

31. Spinach

This nutritious green leafy vegetable contains nearly 0.2mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

32. Kidney Beans

These sprouts contain 0.3mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

33. Tomato

Tomatoes (sundried) have nearly 0.5mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

34. Asparagus

This exotic vegetable contains nearly 0.1mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

35. Dried Spirulina Seaweed

It contains around 3.7mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

36. Artichokes

Artichokes also contain nearly 0.1mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

37. Sweet Potatoes

These potatoes contain 0.1mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

38. Kelp

This seaweed contains nearly 0.2mg of riboflavin per 100gm serving.

39. Chinese Broccoli

Chinese Broccoli also has 0.2mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

40. Peas

Peas contain 0.1mg of vitamin B2 per 100gm serving.

Who Should Take B Complex Vitamins?

Typically, every age group should consume vitamin B2 vegetables and fruits for a healthier lifestyle.

  • Healthcare experts recommend pregnant women to maintain a vitamin B2 rich diet to support the fetus growth.
  • Individuals aged over 50 years also need to consume vitamin B2 foods for complete wellbeing.
  • Vegans who avoid milk and meat need to consume riboflavin rich vegetables and fruits to balance their dietary needs.

Hence Vitamin B2 is an essential element that supports longevity and good health.

What Is the Daily Recommended Intake for Vitamin B2?


Doctors recommend the average riboflavin intake limit for children and teens as follows - 

  • 2.1mg for ages 2 to 5 years 
  • 2.2mg for ages 6 to 11 years 
  • 2.3mg for ages 12 to 19 years 

In adults aged 20 years and above, the average daily vitamin B2 foods intake should be -

  • 4.5mg for men
  • 4.7mg for women

Now that you know how to increase vitamin B2 levels via diet and medical help, you can begin your journey to healthy living!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a diet lacking vitamin B2 rich food items cause deficiency?

Yes, not maintaining a balanced diet can lead to vitamin B2 deficiency causing Hyperaemia, skin disorders, cheilosis, edema of the mouth and throat, reproductive problems, hair loss and angular stomatitis.

Are vitamin B2 food sources helpful in maintaining blood pressure?

Yes, vitamin B2 helps reduce blood pressure in adults with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutations.