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86 Phosphorus Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables to Include in Your Diet

Want to improve your diet by adding vital nutrients for better health? Phosphorus, an important mineral, tends to be overlooked among more famous minerals like calcium and iron. Nevertheless, it plays a significant part in the strength of bones as well as energy metabolism and cellular activity. 

Whether you want stronger bones or need something to support that cell work; including Phosphorus Rich foods, fruits and vegetables in your meals is a good idea. Let’s look at 86 different options for getting more phosphorus into your body – they’re all packed with other nutrients too so it will be great for overall health!

What is Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a very important mineral in human physiology. It takes part in many essential processes within the body. For instance, bones and teeth rely on it heavily as a structural component. Also, it contributes to making energy at cellular levels through its involvement in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Moreover, this mineral helps keep the pH balance right. In general, one needs enough phosphorus for good health.

What are the Sources of Phosphorus?

Both animal-based and plant-based foods contain phosphorus. Some common sources of dietary phosphorus include dairy products such as milk and cheese; meats like beef or chicken; seafood such as salmon or shrimp; nuts and seeds; legumes; whole grains like brown rice or oatmeal; Some fruits (e.g., avocado) and vegetables (e.g., broccoli). Increasing consumption of these nutrient-rich items will help meet the body’s need for phosphorus required for optimum health.

Top 85 Food Items High in Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an essential mineral that supports bone health and energy metabolism. It can be found in many different types of foods such as dairy products like milk or cheese; meats such as beef or chicken; grains like rice or bread. The following list contains 85 items which are all high on this nutrient so if you’re looking for some variety when it comes to consuming more phosphorus then check out these options.

List of Phosphorus Rich Vegetables

Vegetables are rich sources of essential nutrients needed for overall well-being including phosphorus. This list presents various veggies with high levels of phosphorus content which provide healthy choices to include in one’s diet.


Vegetables Phosphorus Content (Per 100 grams)
1 Spinach 49 mg
2 Broccoli 66 mg
3 Brussels Sprouts 69 mg
4 Potatoes 57 mg
5 Sweet potatoes 47 mg
6 Peas 108 mg
7 Corn 87 mg
8 Mushrooms 123 mg
9 Tomatoes 24 mg
10 Carrots 35 mg
11 Beetroot 33 mg
12 Asparagus 52 mg
13 Bell peppers 21 mg
14 Kale 55 mg
15 Cauliflower 44 mg
16 Green beans 38 mg
17 Cabbage 42 mg
18 Onions 29 mg
19 Zucchini 38 mg
20 Eggplant 24 mg
21 Artichokes 103 mg
22 Radishes 23 mg

List of Fruits Rich in Phosphorus

Although they mostly are recognised for having vitamins and antioxidants, some fruits also have a good amount of phosphorus. This list includes names that represent the category, providing healthy and delicious choices for everyday meals.


Fruits Phosphorus Content (Per 100 grams)
23 Bananas 22 mg
24 Oranges 14 mg
25 Raisins 101 mg
26 Dates 62 mg
27 Prunes 69 mg
28 Figs 67 mg
29 Apricots 23 mg
30 Kiwi 34 mg
31 Mango 14 mg
32 Avocado 52 mg
33 Pineapple 13 mg
34 Papaya 14 mg
35 Guava 20 mg
36 Passion fruit 68 mg
37 Pomegranate 57 mg
38 Cherries 17 mg
39 Apples 11 mg
40 Blueberries 11 mg
41 Blackberries 29 mg
42 Strawberries 24 mg

List of Cereals and Dairy Products Containing Phosphorus

Many people rely on cereals and dairy for their breakfasts or snacks which makes them two of the most consumed food categories in the world but did you know that these staples contain lots of phosphorus? Here is a list featuring different types so that no matter what your taste preferences are there will always be something convenient nearby.


Cereals and Dairy Products Phosphorus Content (Per 100 grams)
43 Whole wheat bread 157 mg
44 Oatmeal 177 mg
45 Brown rice 162 mg
46 Quinoa 177 mg
47 Barley 264 mg
48 Corn flakes 36 mg
49 Bran flakes 244 mg
50 Wheat bran 690 mg
51 Greek yoghurt 116 mg
52 Cottage cheese 103 mg
53 Cheddar cheese 512 mg
54 Mozzarella cheese 505 mg
55 Parmesan cheese 806 mg
56 Milk (whole) 93 mg
57 Milk (skim) 98 mg
58 Yogurt (plain) 121 mg
59 Ice cream 92 mg
60 Butter 24 mg
61 Cream cheese 122 mg

List of Seeds and Nuts Rich in Phosphorus

Seeds and nuts are considered nutrient-dense because not only do they provide many health benefits but can also serve as excellent sources of this mineral. Included here is just a sample selection showcasing some examples where higher levels might be found making them more versatile additions to one’s diet plan too.


Seeds and Nuts Phosphorus Content (Per 100 grams)
62 Pumpkin seeds 1233 mg
63 Sunflower seeds 660 mg
64 Sesame seeds 628 mg
65 Chia seeds 631 mg
66 Flaxseeds 629 mg
67 Almonds 481 mg
68 Brazil nuts 725 mg
69 Cashews 490 mg
70 Walnuts 346 mg
71 Pecans 277 mg
72 Pistachios 490 mg
73 Hazelnuts 376 mg

List of Animal and Seafood High in Phosphorus

In any given diet, animal-derived proteins such as meats or fish usually account for the highest intake levels among other sources about getting enough amounts. It should therefore come as no surprise if someone wants an itemised listing on those specific kinds which contain much higher quantities than others – here you go!


Animal Food and Seafood Phosphorus Content (Per 100 grams)
74 Beef (lean cuts) 180 mg
75 Chicken breast 190 mg
76 Turkey breast 210 mg
77 Pork (lean cuts) 190 mg
78 Lamb (lean cuts) 195 mg
79 Salmon 198 mg
80 Tuna 250 mg
81 Cod 206 mg
82 Shrimp 227 mg
83 Crab 194 mg
84 Lobster 271 mg
85 Mussels 196 mg
86 Oysters 180 mg

How much Phosphorus should you intake?

Here's the table outlining the recommended daily intake of phosphorus for different demographics according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH):

Age Group

Recommended Phosphorus Intake (milligrams per day)
Infants 0-6 months 100 mg
Infants 7-12 months 275 mg
Children 1-3 years 460 mg
Children 4-8 years 500 mg
Children 9-13 years 1250 mg
Teens 14-18 years 1250 mg
Adults 19-50 years 700 mg
Pregnant Teens 1250 mg
Pregnant Adults 700 mg
Lactating Teens 1250 mg
Lactating Adults 700 mg

Health Benefits of Phosphorus Rich in you Diet

Despite other nourishments, phosphorus is regularly ignored but this mineral element is important for different physiological processes that ensure good health. Find out numerous numbers of health advantages associated with taking foods rich in phosphorus. 

  • Bone Health: Just like calcium it also plays a critical part in bone formation and maintenance by ensuring proper density as well as strength.
  • Energy Metabolism: It helps cells produce energy through nutrient conversion at the cellular level leading to usable energy.
  • Cellular Repair and Maintenance: It helps in cellular activities such as DNA or RNA synthesis and supports these processes in maintaining cells’ life span through repair mechanisms.
  • Muscle Function: For muscles to contract or relax there should be enough amounts of this mineral present within them.
  • Optimal Kidney Function: Having proper amounts of phosphorus in the body helps regulate kidney functions while aiding the removal of waste products from our bodies too.
  • Heart Health: Healthy blood vessels are maintained where adequate levels of phosphorus are available together with maintaining normal heart functions.
  • Brain Health: Neurotransmitters are synthesised better when there is enough supply of phosphorus hence contributing towards mental wellness generally.
  • Balance In pH Levels: This mineral ensures acid-base equilibrium so that all systems work optimally within required ranges that lead to overall physical optimal functioning.

Different Ways to Include Phosphorus Rich Foods in Your Diet

It is necessary to incorporate foods rich in phosphorus into your diet for overall health and well-being. Find creative ways to include these nutritious meals and snacks in your menu. 

  • Use Dairy Products: Have milk, cheese or yoghurt with each meal as a snack to increase the phosphorus content in the body.
  • Include Lean Meats: Add chicken, turkey or pork to salads or main courses that not only add flavour but also enhance the nutrient content.
  • Choose Seafood: Opt for salmon, tuna fish or shrimp whenever possible; they are delicious sources of proteins that contain lots of phosphorus.
  • Snack on Nuts and Seeds: Throw almonds, peanuts or sunflower seeds onto salads, or yoghurt cups or eat them alone as snacks.
  • Go for Whole Grains: Select whole wheat bread, oats or brown rice as these cereals have phosphorus among other vital nutrients.
  • Add Legumes: Using beans (kidney beans), lentils (green ones) and chickpeas (garbanzo) in soups, stews, salads and side dishes would work too!
  • Incorporate Vegetables: Spinach broccoli potatoes – steam sauté roast bake boil mash! Served alongside mains incorporated within them… the possibilities are endless!
  • Enjoy Fruits: Bananas oranges raisins – though not high in phosphorus per se (they’re still good sources), are packed with other much-needed nutrients so don’t skimp

What are the Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency?

There are a few noticeable symptoms when one doesn’t have enough phosphorus in their body. These symptoms are:

What are the Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a critical mineral for many of the body’s functions. Nonetheless, if taken inadequately, it can cause numerous problems such as: 

What are the Side Effects of Excessive Phosphorus Intake?

Taking in too much phosphorus can result in an imbalance of calcium, problems with the heart and blood vessels, harm to the kidneys, and calcification (hardening) of tissues. Awareness about this kind of element is important because it may damage our health.

  • Calcium Imbalance: The body’s calcium balance can be disrupted by taking in too much phosphorus which results in high levels of calcium (hypercalcemia).
  • Bone Health Issues: Increased phosphorus levels prevent calcium absorption thereby increasing bone loss and ultimately developing osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Cardiovascular Complications: Increased amounts of phosphorus in the body have been associated with higher risks of heart disease and hypertension.
  • Kidney Damage: This may cause kidney damage or worsen already existing kidney problems.
  • Mineral Imbalance: Magnesium as well as potassium among other minerals may be imbalanced within the body due to over intake of phosphorus.
  • Higher Risk Of Death: According to several researches there is a possibility that too much consumption of phosphorus could increase mortality rates, particularly among people suffering from kidney diseases. 

Should You Take a Phosphorus Supplement?

Whether or not you need to take a phosphorus supplement depends on your individual situation and health needs. Most people can get all the phosphorus they need by eating a variety of foods from different food groups every day. However, if you have certain medical conditions or follow specific diets under medical supervision there may be times when supplements are necessary.

Before beginning any new medication regimen one must speak with their healthcare provider first because too much intake can lead to adverse effects, mainly on those who suffer from kidney disease already but other issues as well which could be hidden so let them tell us what we require.

In conclusion, the intake of foods rich in phosphorus should be sufficient to keep healthy. To promote bone health, muscle function and energy metabolism is vital that you eat meals containing this mineral. One can select from many different tasty nutritious foods such as dairy products or lean meats; seeds like nuts and legumes also fall within this category too. By emphasising equilibrium in our diets with phosphorus included we not only get all required nutrients but also live healthier for a longer period.

FAQs about Phosphorus Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables

Which foods have higher phosphates?

Meats, poultry, fish and nuts have higher phosphates as compared to other food items.

What is the richest source of phosphorus?

Red meat, seafood, legumes and nuts are the richest source of phosphorus.

Which fruit is rich in phosphorus?

Raisins and passion fruit are a great source of phosphorus with a content of 101 mg and 68 mg per 100 grams respectively.

Is banana high in phosphorus?

No, bananas are not a great source of phosphorus. It only consists of 22 mg per 100 grams.

How to increase phosphorus?

Protein rich foods also contain phosphorus in large amounts. Incorporate these foods like poultry, dairy, eggs and legumes.

Which vegetable is high in phosphorus?

Mushrooms and peas are vegetables relatively high in phosphorus with a content of 123 mg and 108 mg per 100 grams respectively.

What are the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency?

Muscle pain, numbness or weak reflexes, bone pain and altered mental state are a few symptoms of phosphorus deficiency.

Are eggs high in phosphorus?

Yes, eggs are high in phosphorus because most of the content is present in the yolk.

Is milk high in phosphorus?

Yes, milk is high in phosphorus as well as calcium. It comprises 93 mg per 100 grams of 99 mg per 100 ml.

What foods cause low phosphorus?

Breads, frozen yoghurt, biscuits and muffins are a few food items causing low phosphorus as these items are quite unhealthy.

Are almonds high in phosphorus?

Yes, almonds are a rich source of phosphorus with a content of 481 mg in 100 grams.

How do I check my phosphorus levels?

Phosphorus levels in the body can be checked using phosphorus blood tests, also known as serum phosphorus tests. Alternatively, a urine test can also provide insight.

What are the signs of high phosphorus?

Muscle pain, cramps, itching and rashes on the skin, and weak bones with constant pain are a few signs of high phosphorus.

How much phosphorus should be consumed in a day?

A normal adult of 19 years and above should consume 700 mg of phosphorus per day.

What foods should I avoid if my phosphorus levels are high?

You can avoid foods rich in protein and phosphorus, such as peas, organ meats, legumes, nuts and milk.

What is the main cause of high phosphorus?

The main and the most common cause of high phosphorus is kidney disease.