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Top 10 Health Benefits of Mulethi to Maximise Your Health Potential

Mulethi, also known as liquorice, is commonly found in Asia and Europe and has been used for several years in Chinese traditional and Ayurvedic medicines as an expectorant. Moreover, this herb has other promising health benefits and must be included in everyone's daily routine.

This article summarises the top health benefits of Mulethi, its side effects, precautions, and details on people who should avoid consuming it to give you an overall idea before you start taking this herb.

What Are the Health Benefits of Mulethi?

Some of the top health benefits of Mulethi are listed below:

  • Boosts Digestion: Mulethi has glycyrrhizin, which gives it a sweet taste and helps to improve digestion. You can have Mulethi tea to ease your digestive issues, as this will help you to reduce the discomfort and irritation you experience during acidity.
  • Boosts Immunity: The enzymes in liquorice or Mulethi roots help produce lymphocytes and macrophages that help to protect your body from various pathogens. Moreover, it also offers protection against allergens, microbes, pollutants and auto-immune diseases.
  • Improves Skin: The emollient properties in liquorice help to moisturise your skin and keep it soft. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties help to fight pigmentation and skin rashes. Moreover, it also helps to reduce dark spots on the face, reduce pigmentation, and improve facial tone.
  • Protects from Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties in Mulethi help to protect your body from arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, etc. and antioxidants in roots combat free radicals and prevent their spread throughout your body, thereby protecting it from pain and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory property of this medicinal root also makes it effective against sunburn.
  • Eases Menopausal Symptoms: Consuming Mulethi helps to relieve menopausal women from mood swings, hot flashes, and insomnia caused due to hormonal imbalances. Additionally, it is also effective in increasing fertility in women of reproductive age.
  • Regulates Cholesterol Levels: Antioxidants in Mulethi help to dilate blood vessels, prevent plaque accumulation in veins and arteries and control the amount of fat in your bloodstream. Apart from controlling cholesterol, it can also help to reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Relieves Cold and Cough: Mulethi has an expectorant with bronchodilator properties that help to cure conditions such as asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and dry cough. The antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of this herbal medicine makes it effective in reducing bronchial inflammation and treating sore throat.
  • Helps in Weight Loss: Mulethi contains flavanoids that decrease excess fat accumulation in your body. It helps to reduce the levels of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of arterial blockage and heart attacks. Furthermore, Mulethi oil helps to lower body and visceral fat and aids in weight loss.
  • Improves Oral Health: Mulethi has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help to decrease bacterial growth, which is responsible for causing bad breath, cavities, gingivitis, and other oral health conditions.
  • Maintains Healthy Functioning of Brain: Eating roots of Mulethi positively affects the adrenal gland, helping to stimulate brain functioning and bolster memory. As a result, it improves learning capabilities and reduces the effects of amnesia. However, remember to consult a doctor before consuming it.

How to Use Mulethi?

There are several ways to use Mulethi which are as follows:

  • For treating skin problems, mix Mulethi powder with rose water or milk. Then, apply it to your face.
  • You can boil the Mulethi roots in water. Gargle with this lukewarm water to maintain your gum health and protect your teeth from germs.
  • Furthermore, boil Mulethi in water with 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. Drink this to get relief from nausea.
  • If you are suffering from sore throat and cough, make yourself a tea by putting 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, Mulethi, 1 teaspoon of ginger juice or grated ginger. Do not add sugar, as the Mulethi will release its sweet taste in water when boiling all of them.
  • Besides, you can make a concoction by boiling the Mulethi powder and other herbs such as Ashwagandha. You can drink this one cup of solution daily to boost your immune system.
  • However, if you have a busy schedule and want to avoid the hassle of making all these, you can wash and chew Mulethi sticks if you do not have any issues with its  strong taste.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Mulethi?

Here are some of the side effects that you may expect after consuming an excess of Mulethi:

  • Allergic reactions, especially if you are allergic to legumes and peas
  • Temporary vision loss or blurred vision
  • Imbalances in electrolytes
  • Hypertension
  • High retention of water and sodium in the body
  • Hypoaldosteronism
  • Metabolic alkalosis
  • Low renin activity

What Are the Precautions for Using Mulethi?

Mentioned below are a few precautionary tips that you must take while consuming Mulethi:

  • Before you take Mulethi, check your electrolyte and blood pressure levels
  • Increase the potassium intake
  • Do not drink Mulethi tea more than 2 cups a day

Who Should Avoid Using Mulethi?

Though Mulethi offers multiple health benefits, it should be avoided if you have the following conditions or taking a particular medication:

  • Medical history of hypertension or renal failure or are presently following dialysis preparations
  • Taking oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin
  • Suffering from liver or cardiovascular diseases

FAQs About Health Benefits of Mulethi

Is Mulethi effective in removing facial hair?

Multiple websites claim that Mulethi is beneficial in removing facial hair. However, there is a lack of conclusive studies to prove its effectiveness.

How much Mulethi should you consume per day?

Healthcare experts recommend consuming 1 gram of Mulethi powder per day. If you are eating raw Mulethi, eat only half an inch at a time.

Can a pregnant woman have Mulethi?

No, it is not recommended for breastfeeding or pregnant woman to have Mulethi, as it has a particularly high concentration of glycyrrhizin.