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Top 12 Health Benefits of Consuming Milk in Your Diet

Milk is a nourishing drink full of nutrients that can substitute any meal. This is likely the most popular drink all over the world. In recent years, we have seen a rise in traditional cow milk intake, and plant-based milk intake has also increased.

All physicians agree that milk must be drunk daily to maximise its benefits. Yet, some people cannot always do so. Therefore, drinking some milk or a milk-based product daily is prudent.

Table of Contents

What is Milk?

Is Milk Good for Health?

Benefits of Consuming Milk in Your Daily Diet

Nutritional Value of Milk

How to Include Milk in Your Daily Diet?

Different Ways to Include Milk in Your Diet

Side Effects of Over-Consuming Milk

Who Should Avoid Milk?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Milk?

In mammals, including humans, mammary glands produce milk, a milky liquid through which their offspring can be nourished. It becomes their first food before they can start eating solid foods.

The drink is rich in calcium, vitamin D, protein, B12, A, riboflavin, potassium, and phosphorus, making it a highly nutritious diet. It also contains saturated fats and lactose.

Is Milk Good for Health?

Milk contains calcium, one of the abundant vitamins and minerals that may prevent osteoporosis and support bone health. It also contains protein and vitamin D, which help improve moods and keep the brain healthy.

12 Benefits of Consuming Milk Daily in Your Diet

Milk contains life-sustaining ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which are important for various body processes. The following are some of the health benefits associated with taking milk regularly:

1. Calcium's Source

To avoid problems like migraines, osteoporosis or PMS, it is good to drink milk frequently because when taken this way, the body can avoid getting sick again. Also, milk is rich in calcium, which helps in making strong bones.

2. Beneficial to Bones

Daily milk intake is highly associated with a reduced risk of fractures and osteoporosis. It also helps to promote bone mass development in the early stages of life. So, it is beneficial to start milk intake early to avoid fragile bones.

3. Enhances the Health of Your Heart

The presence of calcium in milk helps promote good cardiac health and, at the same time, boosts proper bone development. This lowers the danger of developing high blood pressure, heart-related diseases and the chances of stroke.

4. Replacement of a Meal

People can control weight by milking and consuming milk while resisting random food desires. When taken each day, milk can assist in weight management and preventing obesity as it is low in calories.

5. Aids in the Battle Against Depression

The inadequacy of vitamin D is also one cause of severe depression. Milk contains high amounts of vitamins, aiding in a faster recovery from depression as well as other neurological disorders.

6. Improves Mental Well-Being

Milk is good for the mind because it has a lot of nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and proteins, which are important for making neurotransmitters and thinking. It can stabilise moods and make people emotionally stronger if they drink it regularly as part of their diet that’s balanced.

7. Alleviates Heartburn

The greater part of what we consume is made up of foods that are either highly nutritious or acidic, contributing to the prevalence of heartburn. Still, when it comes to cooling properties, milk’s ability to settle acid reflux in the stomach lining and oesophagus is unique.

8. Contains Skincare Ingredients

Milk has been used as a cleaning and moisturising agent from time immemorial. Even today, milk components are part of many organic skin care products. Skin lightening and purification are among its qualities.

9. Beneficial to Oral Health

Calcium is the only element that truly keeps our teeth safe. Therefore, ensuring its internal health is equally crucial to cleaning them regularly. To achieve it, the easiest thing would be to take extra glasses of milk daily.

10. Enhances Sleep

Milk is filled with tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for sleep initiation. Humans must consume it daily because our bodies cannot produce it naturally. Therefore, individuals experiencing sleeplessness should take some milk before going to bed.

11. Enhances Immune Function

Milk is a powerful friend that helps you strengthen your immunity because it contains many healthy substances. With vitamins A & D plus necessary zinc and selenium, milk is a cornerstone of our protection against infections and diseases.

12. Benefits Your Digestive System

There are various enzymes in milk. These enzymes are lactase, lipase and protease, which are responsible for the digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in milk. Those who are not capable of consuming dairy products may benefit from these.

What is the Nutritional Value of Milk?

Milk's nutritional content is essential for understanding its significance as a source of essential nutrients. Fermented dairy is a source of many vital nutrients required for health sustenance. 

As per the Research, below is the nutritional composition of 100 grams of Milk:


Proteins 3.37 Kcal
Calories 42 g
Calcium  125 mg
Vitamin B12 0.47 ug
Vitamin D 1 IU
Potassium 150 mg
Riboflavin 0.185 mg
Phosphorous 95 mg
Niacin 0.093 mg
Selenium 3.3 ug

How to Include Milk in Your Daily Diet?

Incorporating milk into a diet that excludes dairy products for picky eaters might be challenging. But if you want to increase your daily consumption, try these approaches.

  • Smoothie: Smoothies are delicious blended drinks with the benefits of yoghurt, fresh fruit, and the extra richness of peanut butter or almonds. It's a great way to start the day with something tasty and nourishing.
  • Latte: Boil a glass of organic milk with aromatic ingredients to create a calming late-night latte to improve your sleep. To begin, add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of haldi (turmeric), and three to four strands of saffron. Let the milk simmer gradually so that these ingredients' delicious flavours and health benefits seep into it. 
  • Soaked Oats: Soaked oats can be prepared to create a healthy breakfast choice. To make this, just soak 2-3 tablespoons of oats in a jar with ½ cup of yoghurt, 4-5 toasted almonds, ½ cup of your favourite fruit, 3–4 teaspoons of berries, and 2 teaspoons of dark chocolate chips overnight in the fridge. You'll have a filling and tasty meal. 
  • Stirred Vegetables: Try stir-fried vegetables with about 40 g of natural grated cheese for a delicious and light supper. Start by quickly stir-frying various fresh vegetables. Next, scatter around 40 g of shredded natural cheese, letting it melt and form a flavorful, creamy layer. To finish the meal, serve the stir-fried vegetables with a hearty tomato basil soup.
  • Grated Paneer: Assemble the filling by grating the paneer and generously covering slices of fresh vegetables like lettuce, tomato, or brinjal. Bake this tasty combination until the veggies are soft and the paneer turns golden.

Different Ways to Include Milk in Your Diet

Incorporating milk into your diet can be both delicious and nutritious. Here are various ways you can enjoy milk:

  • Plain and Cold: Sometimes, simplicity is key. Enjoy a refreshing glass of cold milk for a quick and nutritious drink.
  • Cereal Companion: Pour milk over your favourite cereal for a classic breakfast or snack option that satisfies your taste buds and adds nutrients to your diet.
  • Coffee or Tea: Substitute milk for creamer in your coffee or tea for a lighter option that adds creaminess and richness.
  • Hot Chocolate: Heat milk with cocoa powder and a sweetener to make a comforting cup of hot chocolate. It's perfect for cold days or as a treat.
  • Baking: Many baking recipes, such as cakes, muffins, and pancakes, call for milk. It adds moisture and richness to baked goods.
  • Cheese Making: If you're feeling adventurous, you can make your own cheese using milk. From ricotta to mozzarella, there are various cheese-making recipes to explore.

It is important to select the milk type that best fits your nutritional requirements and preferences, be it soy, almond, cow's milk, or any other available alternative.

Side Effects of Over-Consuming Milk

Many people consume milk without experiencing any adverse effects. However, others may have an adverse reaction.

  • Cancer: There is proof that excessive milk consumption may raise the risk of ovarian cancer, according to some sources. But the causes of this are still unknown.
    Individuals who prefer not to drink milk have a variety of dairy substitutes to pick from.
  • Possibly Cause Allergic Reactions: When a person with a milk allergy consumes milk, an aberrant immunologic reaction occurs, in which the body's immune system creates allergic antibodies such as immunoglobulin E.
  • May Cause Inflammation: Milk contains the protein casein. Consuming milk might cause inflammation in those who are sensitive to casein. Speak with a nutritionist if you think dairy products might be the source of your symptoms.
  • Digestive Issues: Some people have difficulty digesting milk because they do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase. Lactose is a milk sugar broken down by the enzyme lactase, which can be disturbed by exposure to infection.
  • Weight Gain: Milk is relatively high in calories, particularly whole milk, which can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess without compensating for the additional calories through diet or exercise.
  • Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Some studies suggest that excessive milk consumption, especially whole milk, may be associated with an increased risk of certain chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. 

Although milk is a necessary part of a balanced diet, it must be consumed in moderation, and each individual's dietary requirements and tolerances must be considered. The right amount of milk for best health can be determined by speaking with a trained dietitian or healthcare provider.

Who Should Avoid Over-Consuming Milk?

Although milk offers many health benefits, it's important not to over-consume it. Here are a few circumstances when milk should be consumed less than the recommended daily intake.

  • People Who are Lactose Intolerant:  Those who do not have the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for digesting lactose, the sugar in milk. Milk consumption might cause digestive distress, including gas, bloating, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain for these people. Instead, they might select lactase enzyme supplements or dairy products without lactose.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance are as follows:

  1. Bloating
  2. Abdominal cramps
  3. Gas
  4. Diarrhoea
  5. Nausea

Many non-dairy solutions have emerged recently for people unable to ingest conventional milk. Among them are:

  1. Rice milk
  2. Hemp milk
  3. Oat milk
  4. Cashew milk
  5. Almond milk
  6. Coconut milk
  • Those with a Milk Allergy: An immune system reaction to milk proteins, such as whey or casein, is known as a milk allergy. Symptoms can vary widely, from minor ones like hives or an upset stomach to severe ones like anaphylaxis. Those allergic to milk should avoid all milk and dairy products.
  • Vegans and Vegetarians: Some vegans and vegetarians do not consume milk or other dairy products for ethical, environmental, or health-related reasons. To ensure kids get the necessary nutrients, they can choose plant-based milk substitutes like oat, soy, almond, or coconut milk fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
  • Babies Less Than a Year Old: It is not advised that newborns under the age of one should receive their major diet from cow's milk. Because they cannot adequately digest the proteins and minerals in cow's milk, breast milk or formula is the best choice for an infant's first year as they are also susceptible to allergies.

There are still some widespread misconceptions about milk's advantages for internal health. For example, milk can produce mucous or create kidney stones. Disregard these misconceptions and concentrate on the true advantages instead.

The benefits of milk in your diet are numerous and significant. From providing essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins to promoting strong bones and teeth, milk plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Additionally, its ability to aid in muscle growth and repair, support hydration, and contribute to a balanced diet makes it a valuable addition to any meal plan.

FAQs about the Benefits of Milk

What other kind of milk is the healthiest?

Nutrient-rich plant-based milk options, such as hemp, soy, almond, and coconut, are available and the healthiest kind of milk.

How much milk should one drink daily?

Adults are allowed a maximum of three servings of milk per day, including milk products like yoghurt and processed or natural cheese.

What is the biggest benefit of milk?

Calcium is one of the many vitamins and minerals abundant in milk. It helps maintain bone health and reduces the chances of fractures or osteoporosis.

How many benefits does milk have?

It is brimming with vital minerals, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and vitamin D. It's also a great source of protein. 

Is it good to drink milk every day?

Yes, if you aren't lactose-intolerant or allergic to dairy, you can enjoy a regular glass of milk each day.

Can milk help you grow?

No, while drinking enough milk won't make you genetically taller, consuming enough protein and calcium will guarantee you reach your full potential in height.

Who should avoid milk at night?

For those who are glucose intolerant, consuming milk right before bed can result in allergic reactions, increased mucus production, and a blood sugar collapse.

Is it bad for adults to drink whole milk?

No, whole milk can be part of a healthy diet if you consume it in moderation and are mindful of other sources of saturated fat.

Should adults drink whole milk or 2 per cent?

Compared to 2% milk, sometimes referred to as reduced-fat milk, whole milk has more calories and saturated fat. Even while whole milk absorbs vitamin D more readily than 2% milk, the latter has a higher added content.

What is the lowest calorie milk?

The lowest calorie milk is skimmed or fat-free milk. Whole milk without the fat removed is called skim milk.