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Top 11 Health Benefits of Guduchi

The Indian medical system relies heavily on Guduchi, also known by its scientific name Tinospora cordifolia. Since ancient times, it has been used as a medicine and is a member of the Menispermaceae family. It grows all over India, over small trees and plants in deep, dry woods at high altitudes. Guduchi has therapeutic qualities in all of its parts, including the stem and roots.

Keep reading this article to know more about the health benefits of Guduchi.

What Are the Health Benefits of Guduchi?

Listed below are a few health benefits of Guduchi.

  • Aids in Digestion: Guduchi can help with a variety of gastrointestinal problems. According to one study, it is particularly beneficial against digestive tract amoebic infection. In addition, Individuals can treat constipation successfully with the consumption of powdered Guduchi along with amla or jaggery. The starch derived from the stem of Guduchi, known as "Guduchi Satva," is particularly advantageous for the digestive system.
  • Helps to Reduce Diabetes: Guduchi is effective in lowering blood sugar, particularly at fasting levels. The different phytochemicals that it contains are thought to be responsible for the anti-diabetic action, thereby reducing oxidative stress, improving insulin release, and lowering the body's generation and breakdown of glucose controls blood sugar levels.
  • Beneficial for Arthritis: Guduchi's stem is beneficial for arthritis and inflammation. Additionally, it aids in easing a number of other arthritis-related symptoms, including joint discomfort.
  • Boosts Immunity: The phagocytic activity of macrophages, our body's first line of defence and an essential component of both innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) immunity, significantly increases with the use of Guduchi, also known as Giloy. Additionally, it noticeably increases cytokine production, interleukin-6 (IL-6) up-regulation, and the antigen-specific recall response.
  • Comes With Antioxidant Properties: Tinospora cordifolia's capacity to scavenge free radicals is attributed to the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols. Guduchi is a source of nutraceuticals that reduce oxidative stress and aid in preventing and treating chronic degenerative diseases, all of which positively affect one's health.
  • Effective Against Osteoporosis: The herb giloy promotes the differentiation of cells into the osteoblastic lineage, as well as the mineralisation of bone matrix.
  • Benefits the Liver: Due to its capacity to scavenge free ROS and support liver regeneration, Tinospora cordifolia, or Guduchi, is an effective hepatoprotective agent. Giloy also raises glutathione (GSH) levels and aids liver detoxification of harmful waste from the body.
  • Good for Heart Health: Through the inhibition of glucuronide and cholesterol, Guduchi regulates lipid metabolism and, thanks to its antioxidant capabilities, guards the heart against infarction.
  • Good for the Brain: Significant neuroprotective activity is present in Guduchi, which regulates the brain's antioxidant enzyme system and maintains the dopaminergic neurons. In addition, Giloy also improves cognition (learning and memory) by boosting the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • Helps to Prevent Respiratory Illness: Traditional medicine has favoured Giloy to cure conditions like bronchitis and chronic cough. However, due to its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics, it calms the respiratory system's mucous membrane and is particularly useful in treating respiratory conditions like tonsils, cough, and colds.
  • Comes With Anti-Ageing Properties: Guduchi is a powerful anti-ageing herb. Rich in flavonoids, it promotes the formation of new cells and prevents cell deterioration. In order to lessen the visible signs of ageing, it also nourishes the skin and boosts collagen formation.

What Are the Advantages of Using Guduchi?

A few other benefits and uses of Guduchi are:

  • Individuals can use it to treat fever brought on by swine flu, dengue fever, and malaria fever. It is well known that it raises blood platelet levels when given under certain circumstances.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Guduchi is useful in reducing respiratory issues such as recurrent colds and coughs, asthma, and tonsillitis.
  • In animal experiments, Guduchi has successfully lowered phospholipids, cholesterol, and free fatty acids levels.
  • It helps with the treatment of leprosy.
  • It has shown promising results in treating human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV).
  • One of the advantages of Guduchi is it guards against stress-related ulcers.
  • According to clinical trials, Guduchi modulates aberrant liver function in those with infectious hepatitis.
  • It assists in preventing the decrease in white blood cells brought on by chemotherapy (cancer treatment).
  • It has been demonstrated that the liquid extract of the Guduchi stem can aid in the dissolution of kidney stones.
  • Clinical investigations have demonstrated that Guduchi effectively reduces post-menopausal symptoms without causing any negative side effects. Therefore, there is a recommendation of serving it as a substitute for hormone replacement therapy.
  • Animal studies have demonstrated that Guduchi induces a brief but noticeable drop in blood pressure and heart rate, increasing the heart's pumping effort and urine production.
  • According to studies, it decreased the urea levels in people with elevated blood urea levels.

How to Use Guduchi?

 Guduchi can be used in the following ways:

  • Individuals can use Guduchi stem powder along with ginger, which aids in reducing joint pain.
  • Heating Guduchi powder in water, letting it cool, and then putting it on the eyelids improves vision.
  • Generally, one can increase the nutritious value of one’s usual recipes by adding the dried and powdered leaves of Guduchi.
  • One can use Guduchi powder with ghee for arthritis.
  • Individuals having skin diseases, liver disorders, dizziness, gastritis etc., can use it with a combination of sugar candy.
  • To relieve gout, one can use giloy with castor oil.
  • Individuals can keep a pinch of powdered Bengal gram and Guduchi overnight and give it to a patient suffering from vomiting, severe burning sensation, and migraine.
  • Giloy powder, along with 1 gram of Trikatu (long pepper, ginger, black pepper), and 2 pinches of turmeric, can be made into a paste using honey. Individuals with seasonal allergies can take it twice a day with water.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Guduchi?

Although Guduchi has no significant side effects, if one consumes it in excess, one might experience the following:

  • Cause Constipation: Although giloy is believed to benefit the digestive tract, some people who consume too much of it develop constipation. If one notices any changes in one’s bowel movements after ingesting the herb, then one should consult with a doctor.
  • Decrease Blood Glucose Levels: The use of giloy, a natural blood sugar-controlling method, can benefit people with diabetes. It effectively lowers a diabetic patient's blood glucose levels. Giloy may significantly lower an individual’s blood sugar levels if one consumes it along with one’s diabetes medication.
  • Give Rise to Certain Autoimmune Disorders: Giloy is renowned for its capacity to strengthen the immune system. However, consuming too much of it can overstimulate one’s immune system and cause problems. Therefore, for individuals who have been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, it is better for them to avoid giloy.
  • Dangerous for Expectant Mothers: According to experts, giloy should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. The medical impact on this group has not yet been determined. But if one is expecting, it's essential to follow the advice of professionals and avoid giloy.
  • Cause Headaches: Tinospora cordifolia stem extract may be safe for short-term use when taken orally. However, some people may experience a headache or sinus pain as a result. There isn't enough reliable data to determine the safety of other plant parts or potential adverse effects.
  • Side Effects on the Skin: There isn't enough trustworthy data to determine the safety of Tinospora cordifolia when used topically. However, it may produce burning, itching, and redness when applied to the skin.

What Are the Precautions of Using Guduchi?

If taken in the recommended dosages, Guduchi is usually regarded as safe. However, when ingesting Guduchi, general safety precautions must be taken.

Additional safety measures must be considered for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Therefore, Guduchi must be consumed during this time, only if it is directed by an Ayurvedic doctor. Additionally, one must practise caution when administering this herb to elders and youngsters.

Who Should Avoid Using Guduchi?

  • Individuals Undergoing Surgery: Tinospora cordifolia may impact blood sugar levels during surgery. This could make it difficult to control blood sugar levels during and after surgery. Therefore, before any scheduled surgery, stop taking Tinospora Cordifolia at least two weeks in advance.
  • Individuals with Autoimmune Diseases: Guduchi may make the immune system more active if one has autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), or other conditions. This might exacerbate autoimmune disease symptoms. Therefore, one should not use Tinospora cordifolia if one has one of these disorders.

FAQs About Health Benefits of Guduchi

Do fresh and dry Guduchi leaves have the same nutritional value?

According to one study, 100 grams of dried Guduchi leaves contain more energy, fibre, iron, carbs, calcium, protein, and lipids than the same amount of fresh Guduchi leaves. However, compared to the dried leaves, the fresh Guduchi leaves had higher beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Is Guduchi good for preventing hair loss?

There are no studies that indicate Guduchi is effective for preventing hair loss. For additional guidance, you could consult an ayurvedic doctor.