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Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Chicken in Your Diet

Chicken is a protein staple enjoyed by various cultures for its adaptability, palatability, and ability to pair with many dishes across the globe. Grilled, roasted, or sautéed, chicken adds taste to dishes and enhances gravies, curries, salads, and sandwiches.

Besides being a delicious culinary ingredient, chicken is also a nutritional powerhouse with numerous essential nutrients. Several benefits of chicken, ranging from protein to vitamins and minerals, make it an important part of your everyday menu. Dive into our guide for more information on the health benefits of chicken, which might convince you to include it in your meals.

What is Chicken?

Chicken is one of the most popularly eaten meats worldwide due to its gentle taste and versatility, among others like breast, thigh, or wings. It contains high quantities of proteins but is low in fat, making it healthier than beef products. Cooking chicken in various ways, including grilling, baking, roasting, and frying, makes it suitable for various meals.

Additionally, the benefits of chicken include essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins B6 and B12, phosphorus, and selenium, making it a nutritious and valuable part of a balanced diet.

Is Chicken Good for Health?

Chicken is good for health due to its high protein content and low fat, particularly in lean cuts like chicken breast. It provides essential nutrients such as B vitamins, phosphorus, and selenium, which are important for energy production, bone health, and immune function.

10 Health Benefits of Eating Chicken Daily in Your Diet

To derive maximum benefits from chicken, stick to breast meat instead of drumsticks or thigh pieces. Here are the health benefits of chicken that you must know.

1. Makes Bones and Muscles Strong

Chicken supplies amino acids needed for muscle growth, especially in old age, and supports bone mineral density, lowering the risk of osteoporosis. A portion of 100 grams of chicken breast will contain 21 g of protein, which is rare in any other food.

2. Helps in Weight Management

Individuals susceptible to weight gain or belly fat can choose chicken-based meals. The protein found in chickens helps with weight control and loss, and high-protein diets effectively manage people’s weight.

3. It Lowers the Chances of Cancer

Those who frequently consume pork and red meat have a higher chance of getting colorectal cancer than those who consume more poultry compared to beef or pork. For non-vegetarians, eating chicken rather than beef minimizes their chances of being affected by cancer.

4. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals

Chicken contains essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins, including vitamin B, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells and energy generation; vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones; and iron, which is necessary for the creation of haemoglobin, which prevents anaemia.

5. Controls Blood Pressure

In the year 2008, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated that chicken is effective in lowering high blood pressure. Doctors recommend that people with hypertension have vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, and a chicken meal to prepare a healthy meal.

6. Helps in Lowering Cholesterol

Eating red meat, such as pork, lamb, and beef, puts people at high risk of heart disease. These have huge amounts of cholesterol in their bodies. Conversely, eating more vegetables and chicken can be beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels within the body.

7. Improves Mood

People going through mental health issues such as depression and stress could have some chicken to boost their moods and recover quickly when they are depressed. It has many amino acids that help alleviate brain stress and improve mood.

8. Relieves Skin Problems

If one is experiencing skin problems, instead of buying expensive creams, one can go for a wholesome diet with chicken on it. Vitamin B2, popularly known as riboflavin, is found in chicken liver and effectively minimises skin problems while repairing dry and damaged skin.

9. Supports vision

Chicken contains vitamin A and other nutrients needed for good eye health. Consuming it helps fight against age-related eye conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts while enhancing vision.

10. Strengthens the Immune System

Chicken contains plenty of minerals useful in boosting immunity, including zinc and selenium. Eating chicken enhances protection against infections and diseases by strengthening the body’s immune response system.

What is the Nutritional Value of Chicken?

Here is the nutritional value of 85 grams of chicken that a raw, boneless, and skinless chicken breast fillet provides. Since one cannot eat chicken raw, its nutritional value gets reduced with how one cooks. For example, grilled or boiled chicken will provide more nutritional benefits than fried chicken.

As per this Research, below is the nutritional composition of 85 grams of chicken:


Energy 120 calories
Fat 2 g
Protein 26 g
Vitamin B6 16% of DV
Vitamin B12  10% of the DV
Riboflavin 9% of the DV
Zinc  7% of the DV
Thiamine 6% of the DV
Potassium 5% of the DV
Copper  4% of the DV

How to Include Chicken in Your Daily Diet?

Now that individuals know the benefits of eating chicken, it is also important to know how to add it to their daily diet. Here are a few ways to do so:

Different Ways to Include Chicken in Your Diet

Eating chicken can offer numerous health benefits, and including it in your diet in a variety of ways can enhance your meals and provide essential nutrients. Here are some different ways to enjoy chicken and maximise its benefits:

  • Grilled or Roasted: Grilling or roasting chicken is a healthy way to prepare it, locking in flavour and nutrients without adding excessive fats. 
  • In Salads: Add cooked chicken breast to salads for a protein boost. It complements greens, fruits, and nuts, making your salad a filling and nutritious meal.
  • In Soups and Stews: Chicken adds depth and richness to soups and stews, providing comfort and warmth, especially during colder months. It can also be a source of hydration and essential nutrients.
  • As a Wrap or Sandwich: Sliced or shredded chicken makes a great filling for wraps or sandwiches. Combine with whole grain bread, vegetables, and healthy sauces for a quick and satisfying meal.
  • In Stir-Fries: Stir-fried chicken with vegetables and spices is a quick and healthy option. It allows you to experiment with flavours and textures while keeping your meals interesting.
  • As a Protein Source: Chicken can be used as a primary protein source in dishes like pasta, rice bowls, or casseroles. Its mild flavour pairs well with a wide range of ingredients.
  • In Curries: Chicken curries are flavourful and aromatic dishes that can be made with a variety of spices and sauces. Choose lighter recipes with less oil for a healthier option.
  • In Kebabs or Skewers: Chicken kebabs or skewers are a tasty way to enjoy chicken. Marinate in spices and herbs before grilling or baking for a delightful dish.
  • In Tacos or Quesadillas: Chicken is a great addition to tacos or quesadillas. Combine with cheese, vegetables, and spices for a flavourful and satisfying meal.
  • As a Snack: Grilled or baked chicken pieces make a great protein-rich snack. Season with herbs and spices for a flavorful treat.

Chicken is a versatile and nutritious protein source that can be included in your diet in many ways. Experiment with different preparations to find what you enjoy most while benefiting from the health advantages of chicken.

What are the Side Effects of Overeating Chicken?

Although there are several benefits to eating chicken, overconsumption of it can also cause side effects. It is best to consume it in adequate proportions, keeping a certain gap in between.

  • Weight Gain: Eating moderate amounts of healthy chicken dishes is fine, but items like chicken biryani, fried chicken, and chicken burgers can lead to weight gain and cholesterol spikes if consumed regularly.
  • High Heat: Chicken is a high-heat food, so overconsumption can raise body temperature and cause symptoms like a runny nose in summer. If you experience high heat, taking a break from chicken is best.
  • Increases Cholesterol: Regular fried chicken intake can increase cholesterol levels. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that both red and white meat can raise bad cholesterol. Choose boiled, poached, stir-fried, or grilled chicken. 
  • Can Lead to UTIs: Chicken has a particular strain of E. coli, which can cause a range of infections, including UTIs. Consuming undercooked chicken can pose a higher risk of these infections.
  • Hormone Residue: Industrially farmed chickens may contain hormone residues, which can disrupt the body's natural hormone balance when consumed in excess. Choosing organic or free-range chicken can help reduce exposure to these hormones.

Who Should Avoid Eating Chicken?

Here are the circumstances under which individuals should avoid consuming chicken -

  • Retailers’ breasts of chickens may be contaminated with harmful bacteria that can make one sick. Those with illnesses or bacterial diseases must keep away from taking in chicken.

  • Individuals who have high levels of cholesterol should avoid eating chicken to control their cholesterol levels.

  • Those who are prone to obesity must avoid foods such as pizza, burgers, fried chicken, and biryani, which may cause weight gain.

  • Also, chicken is a no-go zone for individuals suffering from neurological problems, heart diseases, and diabetes because it contains high amounts of arsenic.

In conclusion, integrating chicken into your diet offers numerous health benefits. Its high protein content aids in muscle growth and repair, while its low saturated fat levels promote heart health. Additionally, chicken is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, zinc, and selenium, which support overall well-being.

FAQs about Benefits of Eating Chicken

Does the consumption of chicken cause bird flu?

One can develop chicken flu if one comes in direct contact with a contaminated bird.

Is chicken okay for people with acid reflux?

Food items such as chicken, fish, turkey, and seafood are low in fat and can reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Is it healthy to eat chicken daily?

Yes, eating chicken daily can be healthy if consumed in moderation and prepared in healthy ways such as grilling, boiling, or baking.

Is chicken a good source of nutrients?

Yes, chicken is a good source of nutrients, including high-quality protein, B vitamins, and essential minerals.

Is chicken good for the skin?

Yes, chicken is beneficial for the skin due to its rich content of amino acids and vitamins, which support skin health and repair.

How much chicken is OK per day?

Consuming around 100-150 grams of chicken per day is generally considered a reasonable amount for most people.

Can I eat 250 gm of chicken daily?

Yes, 250 grams of chicken daily can be part of a balanced diet for active individuals, but it's important to vary your protein source

What is the healthiest way to eat chicken?

The healthiest way to eat chicken is by grilling, baking, or boiling it without added fats and seasonings.

Are there any negative effects of eating chicken?

Potential negative effects include increased cholesterol levels if fried or high-fat preparations are consumed regularly.

Which chicken is best to eat?

Organic, pasture-raised, or free-range chicken is often considered the best choice due to its higher nutritional quality.

What is the best time to eat chicken?

The best time to eat chicken is during lunch or dinner, ensuring adequate time for digestion before sleep.

Is broiler chicken healthy or not?

Broiler chicken is generally healthy if raised and processed properly; opt for high-quality sources.

Can we eat chicken for dinner?

Yes, chicken can be consumed for dinner, but lighter preparations are preferred for easier digestion.

Does chicken have health benefits for the brain?

Yes, chicken contains nutrients that support brain health, including B vitamins and amino acids.

Is chicken good for your nerves?

Yes, chicken is good for your nerves due to its high levels of vitamin B12 and other nutrients that support nerve health.