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Top 10 Health Benefits of the Adusa Plant

Adusa, commonly known as Vasa, is a medicinal plant. Its roots, leaves and flowers have medicinal properties. As a result, including it in your daily routine can offer you several health benefits, such as improving respiratory infections, reducing symptoms of arthritis, and more. If you want to know more about the health benefits of the Adusa plant, keep reading.

What Are the Health Benefits of Adusa?

Take a look at the health benefits that can you can get from Adusa:

  1. Improves Digestion: Adusa triggers the trypsin enzyme, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins. This helps to absorb and digest proteins from the small intestine.
  2. Treats Tuberculosis: Vasicine in Adusa contains mucolytic properties that help to dissolve thick mucus. It also elevates the lysosome cell counts, which helps to destroy toxins and harmful microbes. Thus, it can be used as a supplement to treat tuberculosis.
  3. Relieves Respiratory Problems: Adusa has expectorant properties that help to remove mucus from the respiratory tract and reduce breathing discomfort. It also provides a soothing effect, which lessens irritation in the throat.
  4. Reduces Fever: Adusa may help to lower the fever by reducing body temperature since it has antipyretic properties. It is usually used to lower malarial fever.
  5. Eases Muscle Cramps: One of the benefits of the Adusa plant is that it may help to reduce muscle cramps as it contains antispasmodic properties.
  6. Reduces the Symptoms of Arthritis: This plant contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that prevent the buildup of the protein responsible for inflammation. It thus lowers the inflammation or pain experienced in arthritis.
  7. Helps Purify Blood and Maintain Heart Health: Adusa is a potent cardiac tonic which helps to purify the blood. It also controls blood pressure. Moreover, its anti-fibrinolytic and anticoagulant properties prevent clot formation in arteries, preventing heart blockage.
  8. Treats Uremia: Adusa helps to treat uremia, a severe condition where the urea and other nitrogenous wastes increase in the bloodstream. This becomes possible as it contains bioactive constituents that help to remove harmful wastes from the body through urine.
  9. Keeps Skin Healthy: Adusa contains alkaloids which have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These help to reduce skin infections such as eczema, acne, boils, warts, blisters, etc.
  10. Helps to Lower Ulcers: Adusa has ‘Sheeta’ or cold potency. This attribute of Adusa helps to lower the aggravated pitta or the heat and helps to heal ulcers.

How to Use Adusa?

Adusa is available in capsules, tablets, powder or raw form. Here are some of the uses of Adusa:

  • As far as using Adusa in its natural state is concerned, you can use its leaves to make a paste. To make the paste, crush 4 to 5 Adusa leaves until they are properly pasted. Then, apply the paste to the affected area.
  • Moreover, another benefit of Adusa leaves is that they lower the discomfort experienced in cough and cold. To get the advantage, drink the decoction of Adusa leaves to reduce such discomfort.
  • Besides, you can also mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of Adusa powder and honey and apply the mixture to the affected area and wait for 2 to 3 hours before washing it off with tap water. Follow this remedy 2 to 3 times per week to reduce rashes, itching and ringworm.
  • In the case of tablets and capsules, limit your consumption to 1-2 capsules and tablets a day to get the benefits.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Adusa?

No studies to date have proven that consuming Adusa can cause adverse side effects on one’s health. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor if you have any underlying medical condition or are taking medicines that can interact with Adusa.

What Are the Precautions for Using Adusa?

One precaution you need to take when using Adusa powder to make a decoction is to add a natural sweetener, as the taste of the powder is extremely bitter. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, consult a doctor to get a clear idea of the dosage or to know whether your current health condition permits you to consume Adusa.

Who Should Avoid Using Adusa?

Avoid consuming Adusa if you are:

  • Breastfeeding your child.
  • Pregnant.

FAQs About Health Benefits of Adusa

Is Adusa beneficial for treating throat pain?

Yes. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in Adusa help in treating throat pain.

Can a diabetic patient consume Adusa?

Adusa helps in lowering blood sugar levels. So, if you have Diabetes, ask your doctor to know the recommended dosage.

What are the other names for Adusa?

Adusa is also known as justicia adhatoda, Malabar nut, adulsa, adhatoda, vasa, or vasaka, and is a medicinal plant native to Asia.