42 Foods High in B Vitamins to Include in Your Diet

What is Vitamin B?

What are the Sources of Vitamin B?

Top 42 Foods Rich in Vitamin B

List of Top Vegetables Rich in Vitamin B


Vegetables Description
1 Leafy green vegetables(Raw/cooked spinach, turnip greens, and romaine lettuce, Raw broccoli) These are often rich sources of vitamin B foods. They mostly contain vitamin B9. Raw spinach, for instance, can be one of the essential vitamin B vegetables. In 85 grams of spinach, individuals can gain 41% of RDI. On the other hand, the same quantity comes with 31% of RDI when cooked. Mentions can also be made of turnip greens and romaine lettuce. Rich in vitamin B9 (Folate), they come with 25% and 29% RDI per 85 grams. On the other hand, broccoli is again rich in vitamin B9 (Folate). 14% of RDI comes with 91 grams of raw broccoli.
2 Green peas These are rich in vitamin B1 (Thiamin), and their low glycaemic index (GI) rank makes them diabetic-friendly.
3 Potatoes These are rich foods that contain vitamin B. It is a source of vitamins B1, B3 and B6 and is enriched with phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. About 173 grams of baked potato contains 27% RDI. On the other hand, 27% of vitamin B6 Daily Value (DV) is seen in sweet potatoes.
4 Brussels sprouts Another mention can be made of Brussels sprouts as they are a rich source of folate.
5 Chickpeas Apart from that, chickpeas can be considered important vitamin B rich foods. About 164 grams of chickpeas come with 71% DV of Folate. Moreover, it also comes with 13% DV of vitamin B6.
6 Carrots In addition, carrots can be a rich source of vitamin B6, and beetroots have a 4% DV of vitamin B6.
7 Corn It is, again, rich in vitamin B12.
8 Mushrooms Additionally, mushrooms are rich in riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. The combination is helpful for heart protection. Another rich vegetable can be asparagus, which is rich in folate.
9 Legumes In this context, different legumes can be considered. For instance, about 85 grams of black beans have 32% RDI.
10 Green soybeans Green soybeans come with 60% RDI for every 85 grams.
11 Kidney beans In addition, the same quantity of kidney beans is rich in vitamin B, containing about 29% of RDI.
12 Lentils These can also be rich sources of vitamin B, as they have 45% of RDI.
13 Pinto beans and roasted soy nuts Conversely, pinto beans and roasted soy nuts benefit individuals, providing 37% and 44% of the RDI for vitamin B, respectively.

List of Top Fruits Rich in Vitamin B


Fruits Description
14 Citrus fruits (Oranges, Clementine, Lemons)  People highly regard citrus fruits such as oranges because of their rich vitamin sources. About 240 ml of orange juice contains 15% of the RDI of Folate. On the other hand, 74 grams of clementine each contain 5% of the DV for Folate and Thiamine. Moreover, lemons can be a good source of vitamin B6. However, lemons are acidic, and overconsumption can be a health hazard. 
15 Avocados These are also rich sources of vitamin B foods. About 150 grams of avocado serves 30% of the DV and 23% of the RDI of vitamin B6.
16 Bananas These are known for being fruits rich in vitamin B. They contain high amounts of vitamins B6 and B12.
17 Grapes These are high in vitamin B12.
18 Peaches  These can help individuals develop a 2% DV of niacin and folate. Pineapples, with their high amount of thiamin, can also be considered in this regard. 
19 Strawberries Strawberry can also be mentioned. They are rich in folate and help with average tissue growth and development.
20 Raspberries In addition, raspberries are a source of vitamin B6 and can be mentioned when considering fruits containing vitamin B. 
21 Watermelons These, again, contain vitamin B6, which can be healthy for individuals. 
22 Plums and prunes These are similarly rich in vitamin B. About ½ cup of prunes contains 1.6mg of niacin. Thus, it is evident that fruits can effectively develop your diet with vitamin B foods.

List of Top Dairy Products Rich in Vitamin B


Dairy Products Description
23 Milk This, for instance, is a good source. About 240ml of milk provides 26% RDI for riboflavin.
24 Yoghurt Similarly, yoghurt is notable for its riboflavin and cobalamin content. It provides 18% of the RDI for vitamin B2 and 26% of the RDI for vitamin B12. 
25 Cheese Another source is cheese. About 22 grams of Swiss cheese contains 28% of the DV and is a rich source of vitamin B12.

List of Nuts and Seeds Rich in Vitamin B


Nuts and Seeds Description
26 Almonds These adaptable and crunchy nuts include a significant amount of vitamin B12 and their many health advantages.
27 Pistachios Not only are these bright green nuts delicious, but they also contain a fair quantity of vitamin B12.
28 Cashews Not only are cashews delightful with their rich, buttery flavour, but they are also an excellent source of vitamin B12.
29 Dates In addition to being delicious, dates—prized for their naturally occurring sweetness and chewy texture—are also a surprisingly rich source of vitamin B12. 
30 Raisins These dehydrated grapes offer a respectable supply of vitamin B12 and are a handy and transportable snack.
31 Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin seeds are excellent providers of vitamin B12. This little powerhouse is also abundant in vital nutrients.
32 Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds are rich in fibre, vital minerals, and vitamin E. They also contain a small amount of vitamin B12.
33 Figs Figs are a delightfully sweet and tasty way to get your vitamin B12. 
34 Walnuts Walnuts are well-known for their ability to sharpen the mind and for being high in omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain a fair quantity of vitamin B12.
35 Pecans Pecans are another dry fruit high in vitamin B12 due to their crispy texture and buttery flavour.

List of Top Non Vegetarian Food Items Rich in Vitamin B


Animal Protein Description
36 Salmon About 100 grams of cooked salmon provides 18% RDI in B1, 29% in B2 and 50% in B3. It is also rich in vitamins B5, B6 and B12.
37 Organ meat Organ meat, such as liver, is again rich in vitamin B. 100 grams of beef liver contains high amounts of vitamin B. It provides 201% RDI in vitamin B2, 138% RDI in vitamin B7 and 1,386% RDI in vitamin B12.
38 Eggs About 50 grams of eggs have 15% RDI in B2 and 33% RDI in B7.
39 Beef Eggs are another essential source. About 100 grams of beef has 39% RDI in B2 and 29% RDI in B12.
40 Chicken and turkey Other significant sources are chicken and turkey, rich in vitamins B3, B5, B6, and B12.
41 Pork On the other hand, pork is an essential addition to vitamin B foods. It has 69% of the RDI in vitamin B1 and is rich in vitamins B2, B3, and B6. 
42 Trout When cooked, trout can be vitamin-rich. A hundred grams of cooked trout has 28% of the RDI in vitamin B1 and 125% of the RDI in B12.

Role of Vitamin B in Keeping Your Body Healthy

How Much Vitamin B Should You Intake?

The following table discusses the amount of vitamin B necessary for a healthy lifestyle:

Type of Vitamin B

Standard Quantity (19-64 Years) Per Day

Overconsumption Impact

Thiamin (B1)

1 mg for men and 0.8 mg for women

Not much research on overconsumption effects of thiamin

Riboflavin (B2)

1.3 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women

Not much research on overconsumption effects of riboflavin

Niacin (B3)

16.5 mg for men and 13.2 mg for women

Skin flushes, liver damage

Pantothenic acid (B5)

There is no set amount of standard consumption.

Not much research on overconsumption effects of Pantothenic acid

Pyridoxine (B6)

1.4 mg for men and 1.2 mg for women

Loss of feeling in arms and legs leading to peripheral neuropathy

Biotin (B7)

Minimal amounts to help the body create fatty acids

Not much research on overconsumption effects of Biotin

Folate [Folic Acid] (B9)

200 micrograms for both men and women/400 micrograms for pregnant women

Nervous system damage

Cobalamin (B12)

1.5mg for both men and wo men

Not much research on overconsumption effects of cobalamin


Therefore, it is evident that the consumption of vitamin B is an essential requirement for a healthy lifestyle. There are numerous foods rich in vitamin B and it is mandatory for individuals to have a planned diet since overconsumption of such vitamins can have adverse effects. On the other hand, a balanced vitamin rich food diet can help you lead a longer and healthier life.

Health Benefits of Including Vitamin B Rich Foods

Different Ways to Include Vitamin B Rich Foods in Your Diet

Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency

What are the Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Vitamin B?

Side Effects of Excessive Vitamin B Intake

Should You Take a Vitamin B Supplement?

FAQs about Vitamin B Rich Foods