28 Best Foods for Dengue for Faster Recovery

What is Dengue?

28 Best Foods for Dengue

List of Vegetables for Dengue

SNo. Vegetables Description Protein and Iron Content (per 100 g)
1 Papaya Leaves The papaya leaves extract contains enzymes such as papain and chymopapain, essential for improving blood platelet count. Protein: 8 g
Iron: 0.5 g
2 Spinach The green leafy vegetable is rich in iron and omega-3 fatty acids, crucial to enhancing immunity by increasing the platelet count. Protein: 2.9 g
Iron: 1.5 g
3 Broccoli Broccoli supplies sufficient Vitamin K, a blood platelet regenerating micronutrient, making it beneficial for patients suffering from a steep fall in platelet count. Moreover, including broccoli in the daily diet provides antioxidants and other vital minerals. Protein: 5.4 g
Iron: 1.5 g
4 Garlic Garlic is best known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In addition, it cures inflammation, fever and sore throat by rooting out the toxins and harmful germs. Thus experts recommend this food for dengue recovery Protein: 9 g
Iron: 3.3 g
5 Neem leaves Neem leaves are one of the essential foods for dengue treatment. They curb the spread and growth of the virus, courtesy of its medicinal properties. Protein: 1.9 g
Iron: 0.4 g
6 Turmeric The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric heal the skin rashes. Dengue patients can consume turmeric with milk to speed up recovery. Protein: 0.5 g
Iron: 2.8 g

List of Fruits for Dengue

SNo. Fruits Description Protein and Iron Content (per 100 g)
6 Grapefruit This tropical fruit is flavourful and rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, crucial to boosting the immunity system. Moreover, it accelerates white blood cells (WBCs) count to fight the dengue infection effectively. Protein: 0.6 g
Iron: 0.2 g
7 Orange It contains a high amount of antioxidants and Vitamin C. Hence, individuals are recommended to include this fruit to eradicate the dengue virus. Protein: 0.4 g
Iron: 0.2 g
8 Kiwi Kiwi is loaded with Vitamins A and E and potassium that significantly balance the electrolyte levels in the body to fight hypertension and high blood pressure. Furthermore, the copper forms healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to build immunity against dengue fever. Protein: 1.1 g
Iron: 0.3 g
9 Coconut Water One of the common fruits for dengue patients is coconut. However, as dengue dehydrates the body, doctors recommend coconut water loaded with electrolytes and vital micronutrients. Protein: 0.8 g
Iron: 0.2 g
10 Pomegranate This food for dengue fever is known for high nutrients and minerals content vital for restoring energy. Additionally, pomegranate contains iron that is beneficial for blood. Protein: 1.7 g
Iron: 0.3 g
11 Papaya Soft, orange, and nutrient-rich.They promote healthy digestion and ease bowel movements. Protein: 0.5 g
Iron: 0.2 g

List of Dairy Products and Nuts for Dengue

SNo. Dairy Products and Nuts Description Protein and Iron Content (per 100 g)
12 Milk Dairy staple, rich in protein and essential vitamins. Protein: 3.2 g
Iron: 0.1 g
13 Yoghurt As an effective probiotic, yoghurt is essential for stimulating the immune and digestive systems. Protein: 24.9 g
Iron: 0.3 g
14 Cheese Dairy products are packed with protein and calcium. Protein: 21.1 g
Iron: 3.7 g
15 Raisins Another food for dengue treatment is raisins which substantially boost the platelet count. Protein: 18.2 g
Iron: 6.7 g
16 Almonds Almonds contain Vitamin E and other micronutrients that strengthen immunity. Protein: 25.8 g
Iron: 4.6 g

List of Vegetarian Food for Dengue

SNo. Food Description Protein and Iron Content (per 100 g)
17 Lentils Rich in protein and iron, aiding in recovery. Protein: 9 g
Iron: 3.3 g
18 Fenugreek Fenugreek or methi acts as a tranquilliser to soothe the pain and improve sleep patterns. Moreover, it stabilises high fever, a common sign of dengue. Protein: 2.9 g
Iron: 2.7 g
19 Tofu Protein-packed alternative aiding in muscle repair. Protein: 8.1 g
Iron: 5.4 g
20 Chia Seeds Protein rich legumes aiding in strength and recovery. Protein: 8.9 g
Iron: 2.9 g
21 Quinoa Protein and iron powerhouse supporting healing. Protein: 4.4 g
Iron: 4.6 g

List of Non-Vegetarian Foods for Dengue

SNo. Food Description Protein and Iron Content (per 100 g)
22 Chicken Breast Lean protein source, easy to digest. Protein: 31.0 g
Iron: 1.3 g
23 Fish Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high in protein. Protein: 20.4g
Iron: 0.5 g
24 Beef Provides ample protein for energy. Protein: 36.7 g
Iron: 2.5 g
25 Turkey Low-fat protein option, aids muscle repair. Protein: 29.1 g
Iron: 1.4 g
26 Duck Provides iron and essential amino acids. Protein: 20.8 g
Iron: 2.3 g
27 Quail Delicate meat option, rich in protein. Protein: 25.9 g
Iron: 3.6 g
28 Eggs Versatile protein source, rich in nutrients. Protein: 12.6 g
Iron: 1.8 g

Causes of Dengue

Symptoms of Dengue

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Dengue?

List of Foods to Avoid for Dengue Patients

Food Item Reasons to Avoid
Whole refined flour Lacks essential nutrients needed for recovery.
Frozen and dried pulses It may be difficult to digest and can exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms.
Capsicum Irritates the stomach lining and can worsen digestive issues.
Okra Difficult to digest and may aggravate gastrointestinal discomfort.
Cream cheese High-fat content may strain the digestive system.
Whole milk Difficult to digest and can worsen nausea and vomiting.
Buttermilk High-fat content and may worsen digestive discomfort.
Condensed milk High sugar content can suppress immune function.
Clove It may irritate the stomach lining.
Red meats Difficult to digest and may increase the workload on the liver and kidneys.
Seafood Risk of foodborne illness due to compromised immune system.
Cashew nuts Difficult to digest and may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
Peanuts Difficult to digest and may exacerbate nausea and vomiting.
Mayonnaise High fat content and risk of foodborne illness.
Dark chocolate High caffeine content may exacerbate dehydration and increase heart rate.
Caffeinated drinks It can lead to dehydration and worsen symptoms like fever and headache.

Individuals can better manage their symptoms and support their body's healing process by being mindful of what not to eat. Awareness of these food items is crucial for optimizing dietary choices and promoting a smoother recovery from dengue fever.

Side Effects of an Unhealthy Diet for Dengue

FAQs about Food Items for Dengue Patients