31 Best Foods for Typhoid Patients for Faster Recovery

What is Typhoid?

31 Best Food for Typhoid Patients Rich in Omega 3

List of Omega-3 Rich Vegetables for Typhoid Patients


Vegetables Description Omega-3 Content (Per 100 grams)
1 Spinach Easily digestible and rich in iron and antioxidants. 0.14 g
2 Brussels Sprouts High in fibre, aids digestion, and supports the immune system. 0.13 g
3 Kale Nutrient-dense promotes detoxification and boosts energy. 0.18 g
4 Broccoli Supports gut health and provides vitamins C and K. 0.05 g
5 Cauliflower Anti-inflammatory, supports bone health, and is low in calories. 0.05 g
6 Lettuce Hydrating contains vitamins A and K, which aid in digestion. 0.03 g

List of Fruits High in Omega-3 for Typhoid Patients


Fruits Description Omega-3 Content (Per 100 grams)
7 Kiwi Kiwifruit is easy to digest and provides a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and aid in recovery from typhoid. 0.09 g
8 Avocado Avocado is easy to digest and provides healthy fats and essential nutrients supporting the body's immune system and promoting healing during typhoid recovery.  0.2 g
9 Strawberries Strawberries are easy to digest and provide a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and aid in recovery from typhoid.  0.06 g
10 Oranges Oranges are easy to digest and provide a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and aid in recovery from typhoid. 0.02 g
11 Papaya Papaya is easy to digest and provides enzymes that can aid digestion and promote healing during typhoid recovery. 0.05 g

List of Dairy Products and Nuts for Typhoid Patients


Dairy Products and Nuts Description Omega-3 Content (Per 100 grams)
12 Greek Yoghurt Greek yoghurt is easy to digest and provides probiotics that can help restore gut health during typhoid.  0.05 g
13 Milk Milk is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which can help support the body's immune system and promote healing during typhoid recovery. 0.01 g
14 Almonds Almonds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential nutrients, which can help support the body's immune system and promote healing during typhoid recovery. 0.13 g
15 Brazil Nuts Brazil nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, which can help reduce inflammation and support the immune system during typhoid recovery.  0.014 g
16 Walnuts Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which can help support the body's immune system and promote healing during typhoid recovery.  9.08 g
17 Hemp Seeds Hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which can help reduce inflammation and support the immune system during typhoid recovery. 8.75 g
18 Flaxseeds Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healing in the body. They also provide fibre, which can help regulate digestion during recovery from typhoid. 22.81 g
19 Chia Seeds They contain ALA and fibre and therefore can be sprinkled over foodstuffs such as yoghurt or added to smoothies. 17.8 g

List of Vegetarian Foods for Typhoid Patients


Food Items Description Omega-3 Content (Per 100 grams)
20 Edamame Another name for young soybeans is edamame. They provide proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vital nutrition which supports immunity functions during recuperation stages after contracting typhoid. 0.5 g
21 Tofu Tofu is also made from soybeans and is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential nutrients, which can help support the body's immune system and promote healing during typhoid recovery. 0.3 g
22 Spinach Curry Spinach is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), omega-3 fatty acid, and other nutrients such as iron and vitamins. Spinach curry can be included in lunch and enjoyed with rice or roti.  0.14 g
23 Porridge This is simple to digest, provides energy and has the necessary nutrients for recovery. 0.2 g
24 Khichdi This nourishing dish, made from rice and lentils, is easy on the stomach. It can be given to patients suffering from typhoid fever. 0.1 g
25 Spinach Soup   Nutrient-rich soup is easily digested and contains necessary vitamins and minerals for quick recovery. 0.1 g - 0.2 g
26 Soybeans Omega three fatty acids are present in them and are an adaptable protein source that suits different recipes. 1.5 g

List of Non-Vegetarian Foods for Typhoid Patients


Food Items Description Omega-3 Content (Per 100 grams)
27 Salmon Salmon, abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, aids in reducing inflammation and fostering recovery in typhoid patients while also supplying essential proteins and nutrients crucial for healing.  2.26 g
28 Trout Trout is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and also provides protein and essential nutrients. 1.58 g
29 Mackerel Rich with EPA and DHA, mackerel lessens inflammation while boosting immunity during the healing process after a bout of typhoid fever. 3.45 g
30 Sardines Sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, and provide protein and essential nutrients. 2.2 g
31 Herring Herring is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, which can help reduce inflammation and support the immune system during typhoid recovery. 2.67 g

Causes of Typhoid

Symptoms of Typhoid

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Typhoid Recovery?

9 Food Items to Avoid When Suffering from Typhoid

During the period of suffering from typhoid fever, one should be careful about what they eat not to hamper the healing process and invite more complications. The following are nine foods that may cause discomfort or slow down recovery:


Food to Avoid Reason to Avoid
1 Raw or Undercooked Foods Risk of consuming harmful bacteria like Salmonella Typhi.
2 Raw Fruits and Vegetables Potential contamination from unsanitary handling or water.
3 Spicy and Greasy Foods Irritate the digestive system, worsening abdominal pain.
4 Dairy Products May exacerbate gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea.
5 Caffeinated and Alcoholic Beverages Can dehydrate the body and worsen fever symptoms.
6 High-Fibre Foods Difficult to digest, may worsen gastrointestinal symptoms.
7 Processed and Sugary Foods Provides little nutritional value, and weakens immune response.
8 Acidic and Citrusy Foods Irritate the stomach lining, aggravating discomfort.
9 Excessive Spices and Condiments May trigger gastric irritation and worsen symptoms.

Side Effects of an Unhealthy Diet in Typhoid

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