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What are Projector Headlamps in Cars and How Do They Work?

What are Projector Headlamps?

How Do Projector Headlamps Work?

What are the Different Types of Projector Headlamps?

What is the Difference Between a Projector Headlamp and Reflector Headlamp?

Comparison Between Projector Headlamp and Reflector Headlamp

Basis of Difference

Projector Headlamp

Reflector Headlamp

Intensity of Light

Produces bright and radiant light

It does not produce bright light

Quality of Light

Generates precise form of light

It may produce dark spots

Glaring Effect

Less likely to cause a glaring effect

More likely to cause a glaring effect


Can be customised

It cannot be customised

Can I Retrofit Reflector Headlamps with Projector Headlamps?

What are the Different Types of Retrofit Kits?

FAQ's about Projector Headlamps