Deductible in Car Insurance

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What is Deductible in Car Insurance: Meaning, Types & How it Works?

What are Car Insurance Deductibles?

How Deductibles in Car Insurance Work?

What is the Importance of Deductibles in Car Insurance?

What is the Importance of Deductibles in Car Insurance?

Types of Deductibles in Car Insurance

Difference Between Compulsory and Voluntary Deductible in Car Insurance

Here is the difference between compulsory deductible in car insurance and voluntary deductible to help you make the right choice:

Compulsory Deductible Voluntary Deductible
It is mandatory. It is not mandatory and is chosen by the policyholder.
The amount is fixed by IRDAI. The amount limit is selected by the policyholder.
It does not affect the car insurance premium amount. It impacts the premium rate. A higher voluntary deductible amount means lower the premium.
At the time of claim, you have to pay only the compulsory deductible amount, which is lower. At the time of claim, you have to pay both voluntary and compulsory deductible amount, which is higher.

How Deductibles Affect Different Types of Car Insurance Plans?

Here’s how deductibles affect 3 main types of car insurance plans: 

Third-Party Car Insurance

In third-party car insurance, deductibles generally do not apply, as the plan covers only third-party liabilities, so there is no need to pay a deductible when making a claim. Since no deductible is applicable in this type of policy, the car insurance premium is calculated based on other factors, such as the vehicle type, usage, and your driving history.

Comprehensive Car Insurance

In comprehensive car insurance, both voluntary and compulsory deductibles are applicable because this type of car insurance plan offers wider coverage including damages to your own car. Therefore, with higher deductibles, the insurance premium will be reduced. Alternately, lower deductibles lead to higher premiums.

Own Damage Car Insurance

In own damage car insurance, the role of deductibles is similar to that in a comprehensive policy and you pay a deductible before the insurance covers the remaining repair costs. The choice of deductible affects your premium – a higher deductible will lower your premium, while a lower deductible will increase it.

When to Opt for Deductibles?

Explain It like I'm five

A boy wanted to buy a bicycle for his birthday. But the parents were worried about his safety on the roads. After a lot of thought, they told the boy that he would get a cycle but on one condition. If any damage happens to the cycle, a part of the repair will be deducted from his pocket money. This will ensure that the kid is responsible for his riding to save his pocket money! The part of the pocket money that goes for the repairs is what we know as Deductibles in Insurance.

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