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What is a Knuckle Joint in Cars?

Definition of Knuckle Joint

Knuckle Joint Assembly

Construction of Knuckle Joint

Design Procedure of Knuckle Joint

Material Used for Knuckle Joint

Knuckle Joint Application

Knuckle Joint Advantages

Knuckle Joint Disadvantages

Knuckle Joint Failure

Difference Between Knuckle Joint and Cotter Joint

In the following table, you will find the differences between a knuckle joint and a cotter joint:

Knuckle Joint

Cotter Joint

The knuckle joint links two rods that either coincide or intersect, lying in the same plane and experiencing axial tensile force transmission.

The cotter joint joins two co-axial rods experiencing axial force.

The knuckle joint efficiently handles high tensile loads.

Cotter joints can withstand minor tensile and compressive forces.

A knuckle joint can be useful when there is a requirement for angular displacement.

A cotter joint is used when two rods have no angular displacement.

Knuckle joints allow rods to move angularly.

A cotter joint does not allow angular movement.

No taper or clearance is available.

Comes with clearance or taper.

Fork end, rod end, and split pin are parts of knuckle joints.

The three parts of a cotter joint are a cotter, a spigot, and a socket.

A knuckle joint allows two shafts to move while maintaining a certain angle between them.

The cotter joint helps aligned shafts rotate in the same direction.

Bearing failure occurs pretty often.

Bearing failure is not a common occurrence.

Knuckle joint utilises a circular pin.

Cotter joint utilises a rectangular pin.

Tie bars, bicycle chain links, and all shifting mechanisms' joints use it.

Cotter joint connects two rods with a pipe and attaches the piston rod to the crankshaft head in cotter foundation bolts.

A knuckle joint connects two rods to enable slight flexion or angular movement under tensile stress. This blog discusses various details of a knuckle joint, such as its design, material, advantages, disadvantages, construction process, etc. Hopefully, it helps.

FAQs About Knuckle Joint