1. Regular Hair Wash
Washing hair every day is the best way to keep dirt and oil accumulation on the scalp at bay. Nonetheless, this regime depends on the hair type and personal choices. Individuals with oily scalp can wash on alternate days, and ones with dry can limit it to twice or thrice a week.
2. Avoid Chemical Products
The environmental conditions responsible for hair damage are beyond control. Therefore, individuals must choose shampoos that contain fewer chemicals to avoid further damage. Selecting paraben, silicones, SLS, alcohols, sulphates, and other toxic substance-free products substantially lower the risk of hormonal disorders and skin irritation.
3. Use Deep Conditioning
Conditioning after shampoo is crucial for frizz-free, shiny and manageable hair. This step is essential to lower the friction among the strands and eventually break. That said, not all hair types require conditioning in the same way. For instance, individuals with curly texture must use conditioner often to steer clear of frizz and make their curls soft. On the other hand, frequent use of conditioner may weigh down thin and fine hair. Moreover, the conditioner is food for the tips and should not be applied to the roots.
4. Choose Oil Treatment
Oil treatment comes with an array of beneficial effects. Oiling and massaging significantly improve blood circulation on the scalp, nourishes and makes hair shinier. Oil treatment, especially for dry hair types, acts as an elixir. It moisturises the scalp, promotes growth, and repairs split ends. Several oils like coconut, olive, almond, castor and more are widely available in the market. To avoid confusion, pick the right type, consult with a professional to make an informed choice. Further, avoid buying products that contain mineral oils.
5. Drink Sufficient Water
Human bodies, unlike external hydration, require hydration from within, for healthy hair. Apart from using products ensuring hydration, 3 litres of water every day is a proven way to combat hair damage.
6. Maintain Healthy Diet
Like human bodies, hair, too, needs vital nutrients for growth and nourishment. A balanced diet of eggs, berries, green leafy vegetables, fish, grains packed with minerals and valuable micronutrients is a proven solution for healthy hair.
7. Limit Using Heating Tools
Excessive heat styling comes with repercussions such as breakage, drying, frizz and more. Thus, it is necessary to limit using heat styling tools frequently, and individuals must apply heat protectants before using them. This makes air or towel drying one of the best hair maintenance tips to consider.
Note: Do not touch your hair frequently while air drying. Moreover, harsh towel rubbing damages hair cuticles. Be gentle while drying hair with a towel and only opt for micro-fibre ones to the utmost care.
8. Trim Regularly
Split ends are among the most common hair problems, especially for people with long hair. A few probable reasons behind it include overexposure to heat styling, pollution, smoking, stress and more. The best solution is hair trimming every 6 to 8 weeks. Further, it promotes faster growth and ensures healthy hair.
9. Say No to Hot Showers
One of the potential reasons behind dry, dull and damaged hair is a hot shower. Though rejuvenating, a hot shower makes your hair lifeless, making it susceptible to more damage. Instead, individuals can use lukewarm water for hair.
10. Avoid Combing Wet Hair
Wet hair is likely to be fragile, and combing it leads to breakage. Therefore, individuals should avoid combing wet hair and switch to a wide-toothed comb to prevent damage.
Implementation of these tips for hair maintenance has effective results if practised regularly. However, individuals suffering from severe hair conditions should consult professionals for effective treatment.