The 10 beneficial and tips for healthy ear are as follows:
1. Monitor Ear Health
Knowing your ears properly is a very important task for every individual. This is because people use different gadgets nowadays; therefore, it is necessary to monitor ear health. Thus, you can visit ENT specialists frequently for proper ear checkups to get an insight on the length of your ear canal, wax buildup, etc.
Benefits of Knowing Your Ears
- You can identify the potential risk factors related to ears with ease.
- It will help you to choose gadgets according to your specific and unique need.
Other Tips on Knowing Your Ears
You should always go to a specialist to check your ears instead of running random tests on your own. Besides, you should also remember that ears are very delicate to handle, so it is better to go to an expert.
2. Use Protective Gears for Ears
The loud noise directly hits the ear membrane and causes severe damage to the cells. This damage can cause permanent hearing loss. Further, loud noises also cause trouble to brain and nerve functions. That is why you should wear protective gear for ear protection while you are exposed to loud noise.
Benefits of Using Protective Gears for Ears
- Reduce the chances of hearing loss.
- Protective gears reduce the loud sound effects of your surroundings.
Other Tips on Using Protective Gears for Ears
While buying ear protectors, you should check whether they fit you properly. Ill-fitted ear protectors will not be effective in protecting you from loud noise. Further, you should not also modify these ear protectors; otherwise, these may lose efficiency.
3. Keep Volume Low
Harsh music is not healthy for your ears as it hits the thin ear membranes. Sounds that exceed 85 dB are harmful for hearing and can cause serious hearing issues. In addition, personal hearing devices exceeding 100dB are also hazardous.
So if you are wondering how to keep your ears healthy, you must keep the volume down of your gadgets.
Benefits of Lowering Down the Volume
- Do not give any harsh hearing effect.
- It will help to retain your hearing capabilities for a long time.
Other Tips on Lowering Down the Volume
You can use modern applications to measure the decibels of the music you hear and lower down accordingly.
4. Listening Breaks
Ears are one of the most active sense organs that keep us active all the time. Hence, people also indulge in listening to music or other broadcasts for a long time. So this can put pressure on the ears and cause earaches which is a prevalent issue. Therefore, you should take listening breaks to maintain optimum ear health.
Benefits of Taking Listening Breaks
- Gives a break from the constant absorption of the sounds.
- Listening breaks help the inner hair cells of your ear to repair the hitting of sound waves.
Other Tips on Taking Listening Breaks
Try to stay in noise-free surroundings while taking a listening break and indulge in other activities such as drawing, reading, etc.
5. Treat Ear Infection
Ear Infections are prevalent and can occur due to different situations. For example, entering water during swimming can cause severe ear infections. These infections make your ears vulnerable and can cause hearing loss. So you should treat your ear infections promptly to maintain your hearing health.
Other Tips on Treating Ear Infection
Do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears, as they harm the ear canal and cause ear infections.
6. Know Your Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a very common problem nowadays, which is a kind of continuous hissing, roaring, or beeping sound inside your ears. Hence, different people get different tinnitus which is why they need to track their symptoms. Besides, they also should know the triggers that cause tinnitus.
Benefits of Understanding Tinnitus
Other Tips on Knowing Your Tinnitus
Tinnitus is different for everyone, and the triggering conditions are also different. For example, it can be high noise or any food substance. So it is important to know exactly what triggers you to prevent your tinnitus issue.
7. Manage Your Stress Level
Stress has an interconnection with temporary and permanent tinnitus and thus can make your hearing health worse. A high-stress level causes the excess flow of adrenaline into your body, which further puts pressure on your blood flow, nerves and body heat. This will further cause issues in your inner ear.
Benefits of Managing Stress
- Reduces the chances of getting tinnitus.
- Helps to retain proper hearing health, thus beneficial for body balance.
Other Tips on Managing Stress Level
When managing your stress, you should not listen to high-volume music for a long time as this will affect your hearing abilities. So try to indulge in other creative activities such as reading and also you can exercise for a better result.
8. Partake Medicines With Care
Medicines such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may result in hearing loss. Thus, you should be very careful with your medications and choose them according to your prevailing ear issues. Thus you should consult a doctor before you intake any medicine.Â
Benefits of Partaking Medicines With Care
9. Avoid Poking Your Ears
Our ears are very sensitive, and they have a natural ability to restrict dust from entering the inner part. Ear wax helps in this process, but if it gets over accumulated, you may have irritation in your ears. At this time, poking your ears with cotton swabs will make the situation worse.
Benefits of Not Poking Your Ears
- Your ear canal will be safe from any infection.
- Will not disrupt the natural function of ear wax.
Other Tips on How to Maintain Ear Health by Not Poking
You can clean your ears conservatively, that is, cleaning the outer part of them using your baby finger and do not go far in your ear canal.
10. Ear Exercises
Exercising is beneficial for the working of every body part, and ears are no exception. Exercises such as cardio, walking, running, cycling, etc., boost ear health and retain maximum performance.
Benefits of Ear Exercising
Other Tips on Exercising For Better Ear Health
You should be careful while exercising and not exert excess pressure on your body. Further, you can practice some yoga postures for better results.
Hope you have got your answers on how to keep ears healthy. Hence, if you face serious issues like chronic ear pain and infections, you should visit a physician for proper help.