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What is Indian Motor Vehicle Act 1988?

What is Motor Vehicle Act?

What are the offences covered under the Motor Vehicle Act?

Section under Motor Vehicle Act


Under section 3 r/w 181 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving his vehicle without a valid licence

Under section 5 r/w 180 Motor Vehicle Act

A person allowing his vehicle to be driven by a person who does not have a valid licence

Under section 130(3) r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person not having all their relevant documents

Under section 130 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving his vehicle without a valid insurance

Under section 130 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving his vehicle without a valid permit

Under section 130 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving his vehicle without a valid fitness

Under section 39 r/w 192 Motor Vehicle Act

A person without a valid R.C, for his vehicle

Under section 4 r/s 181 Motor Vehicle Act

A minor driving the vehicle

Under section 5 r/w 180 Motor Vehicle Act

Allowing an unauthorized person to drive

Under section 129 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person riding without a helmet

Under section 138(3) CMVR 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving his vehicle without fastening his seat belt

Under section 184 Motor Vehicle Act

A person found over-speeding and doing rash driving

Under section 112-183 Motor Vehicle Act

A person found doing hasty or dangerous driving

Under section 17(i) RRR 177 Motor Vehicle Act

A person driving in a one way against the way

What are the changes in the Motor Vehicle Act 2019?

Updated List of Traffic Fines for Different Violations in India


New Penalty from 1st Sept-2019

Old Penalty

Any general offence like illegal parking or improper number plate

₹ 500 (₹ 1500 for repeat offence)

₹ 100 (₹ 300 for repeat offence)

Driving/Riding without Licence

₹5,000 and/or community service


Driving/Riding Under the Influence of an Intoxicating Substance

₹10,000 and/or 6 months prison | ₹15,000 and/or 2 years jail for repetitive violation.



LMV: ₹1,000- ₹2,000 MPV/HPV: ₹2,000- ₹4,000 (+ licence seizure)


Driving without Seat Belt

₹1,000 and/or community service


Driving/Riding without Insurance

₹2,000 and/or 3-months prison, community service | ₹4,000 for subsequent offence


Violating Road Regulations

₹500- ₹1000


Dangerous Driving/Riding and Jumping Red Light

₹1,000- ₹5,000 and/or 6-months to 1 year in prison, licence seizure

₹100 - ₹300

Driving/Riding While on the Mobile (Handheld)



Speeding, Racing

₹5,000 and/or 3-months prison, community service | ₹10,000 for subsequent violation and up to 1 year in prison, community service


Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines, etc.

₹10,000 and/or community service


Riding without Helmet (rider and pillion rider)

₹1000, and or licence disqualification, community service for 3-months


Overloading Two-Wheelers

₹2,000 and licence disqualification and/or 3-months of community service


Juvenile Offences

₹25,000 with 3-years prison, cancellation of registration for 1-year, juvenile ineligible for licence until 25 years of age.


Driving/Riding Despite Disqualification

₹10,000, and/or community service


Overboarding Passengers

₹200 for every extra passenger and/or community service


Driving/Riding without Ticket



Offence Committed by Enforcing Authorities Such as Offering Bribes

Twice the penalty (varies according to traffic rules violated)


Unauthorized Use of Vehicles Without Licence

₹1,000- ₹5,000


Disobedience of Orders of the Authorities



Vehicles without Permit

₹10,000 and/or up to 6-months prison, community service

Up to ₹5,000

Oversized Vehicles

₹5,000 to ₹10,000 and/or community service



₹20,000 + ₹2,000 for every extra tonne and/or community service

₹2,000 + ₹1,000 for every extra tonne

Driving/Riding without Licence (for Aggregators)

₹25,000 to ₹1,00,000


Driving/Riding without Registration

₹5,000 | ₹10,000 for subsequent offence


Using Horn in Silent Zone

₹2,000 | ₹4,000 for subsequent offence


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