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Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Tuberculosis (TB) Patients

A study published in the journal Respirology states that yoga has an integral role in combating TB by opening the chest to support optimum oxygen inhalation. Besides, it improves the immune system essential to fight the infection and enhances breathing techniques to elevate lung function.

Keep reading to know the top 10 yoga to prevent tuberculosis and efficiently tackle bacterial symptoms.

What Are the Best Yoga Poses for TB Patients?

1. Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breathing)

This yoga pose strengthens the lungs and diaphragm, clearing phlegm accumulation to improve oxygen level and carbon dioxide exchange in the blood flow. Moreover, it is the best yoga poses to prevent tuberculosis and soothes throat inflammation. Experts also recommend this yoga pose to treat gastric and neurological concerns.

Contraindications: Individuals with cardiac, stomach, spleen, intestine, kidney or any other complications, hypertension and ulcers must sidestep Bhastrika Pranayam.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Regular practising of Bhujangasana opens up the chest to clear the lung and heart passage by enhancing the blood and oxygen flow in the body. It further cures the symptoms of asthma, irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue and stress by elevating one’s mood. Individuals can try this asana out to relieve lower back stiffness and improve flexibility.

Contraindications: Pregnant women and people suffering from a hernia, back injuries, headaches, or those who have undergone recent abdominal surgeries should not opt for this  type of yoga pose.

3. Kapalbhati Pranayama (Breath of Fire)

Kapalbhati is often recommended to elevate lung capacity and liver and kidney performances. Besides, performing this yoga regularly leads to an endothermic reaction, helping dissolve toxins. It also amplifies immunity and rejuvenates the brain to boost concentration by activating the chakras of the human body.

Contraindications: Restrain from performing this posture if suffering from viral infections during pregnancy and menstrual cycle, neck injury, lower back pain and indigestion.

4. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Practising Tadasana on a regular basis helps strengthen bronchioles and lungs and improves respiratory system regulation. Moreover, this yoga pose for tuberculosis patients effectively relieves body-aches, tuberculosis tension, and pain. As the Mountain Pose provides optimal stretch to nerves and muscles, it also helps build thighs, ankles and knees stronger.

Contraindications: This yoga pose is restricted for TB patients facing difficulties to stand for long, acute migraine, weak leg muscles and knee locking.

5. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Experts recommend this yoga to restore the functionalities of the immunity system and liver. Also known as a stress buster, Trikonasana induces blood circulation and helps fight sciatica and anxiety attacks. In addition, it maintains mental and physical equilibrium. Performing the Triangle Pose every day will potentially strengthen legs, arms, knees, chest and ankles.

Contraindications: Anyone with disc bulge and blood pressure, and cardiac concerns are prohibited from attempting this posture. Also, women in their first trimester should perform this under the surveillance of a professional. During second and third trimesters, they can use a block for support and comfort.

6. Uttanapadasana (Raised Leg Pose)

Uttanapadasana benefits include relief from the intestine and uterus tuberculosis, obesity, constipation, back pain, indigestion and more. It further regulates blood circulation to improve the heart, lungs, and liver functionalities.

Contraindications: This yoga pose is not suggested if undergoing a hernia, severe migraine, heart disorders and muscle injuries such as hamstrings, calves, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, adductors (inner thighs). Moreover, pregnant women must not practise this asana.

7. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Another effective yoga pose to prevent TB patients is the Boat Pose, or Naukasana is beneficial to elevate the performance of the lungs, liver and pancreas. It is a proven treatment for maintaining blood sugar levels by supplying adequate blood and oxygen in the body, especially around the abdomen.

Contraindications: Anyone exhibiting asthma, cardiac complaints, low blood pressure, migraine, any chronic ailment, spinal deformities should refrain from this yoga posture. Women must not practise this yoga pose to prevent tuberculosis during pregnancy and on the first two days of menses.

8. Konasana (Angle Pose)

Tuberculosis patients can try this yoga pose to alleviate blood circulation and induce the functionalities of respiratory organs. Furthermore, the Angle Pose is beneficial in curing coughs and revitalising the immunity system.

Contraindications: Avoid Konasana if suffering from a spinal injury, shoulder stiffness, hypertension, acute arthritis and back problems, severe cardiac complications and pregnancy (during the 2nd and 3rd trimester).

9. Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Performing the Frog Pose asana significantly enhances lung capacity to prevent the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In addition, individuals can combat digestive malfunctioning and improve their mobility and flexibility with regular practising of this asana.

Contraindications: Anyone with knee, ankle and back pain/injury should avoid this asana.

10. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

This back-bending yoga posture potentially activates the brain cells to help optimal functioning. It further elevates blood circulation and keeps respiratory diseases like bronchitis and asthma at bay.

These are the 10 best yoga pose to prevent tuberculosis that potentially fight against fatal infection. Apart from these, patients can also try Dand Baithak and Surya Namaskar to take care of their overall health condition.

How Effective is Yoga for Tuberculosis Patients?

Though yoga is a preventive science and serves as a healing process along with prescribed medications and cleanses the upper respiratory tract and sinuses. The 88th Indian Science Congress organisers have observed that yoga along with meditation is an ideal promotive aspect of holistic health.

Another study conducted by an Indian immunologist Dr H.K. Sahib from Central Drug Research Institute, reveals those who practice yoga daily are less prone to malarial, viral and bacterial diseases.

Although curative measures such as yoga and meditation may curb the spread of the TB bacteria, the action is time-consuming. Therefore, it is best to consult a medical practitioner before performing yoga to prevent tuberculosis.

According to the World Health Organisation, in 2020, approximately 1.5 million people succumbed to tuberculosis worldwide. The infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis majorly affects the lungs. Other than lungs, TB can spread to lymph nodes, brain, kidneys, bones and heart due to blood circulation resulting in deadly ailments such as joint destruction, spinal tuberculosis, meningitis, and inaccurate cardiac and kidney functioning. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Apart from yoga, are there any exercises for tuberculosis patients?

Yes, patients suffering from TB can include stationary cycling, light jogging and resistance training to fight against the deadly infection.

Is tuberculosis contagious?

 Yes, tuberculosis is an air-borne disease and spreads from one person to another through tiny nasal droplets.