Running vs Swimming: Which is More Beneficial for Your Fitness?

What is Running?

What is Swimming?

Running vs Swimming: Key Differences

Both swimming and running are effective ways to maintain a healthy body. However, there are some differences between these two. Knowing them will help you ascertain which exercise is suitable for you.

So, without any further delay, let's go through the differences between running and swimming mentioned in the table below:


Running Swimming
Calorie burning According to Harvard Health, running can burn calories depending on weight. Since water resistance remains more consistent and higher than air, swimming is easier to burn calories than running a similar distance.
Muscle building Running engages lower body muscles, such as the legs and abs, and is not efficient for building upper body muscles. Swimming involves working upper body muscles and is beneficial in gaining lean muscle mass.
Bone strengthening Running is a bone-bearing exercise and boosts bone density. Swimming is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise and does not help to strengthen bones.
Risk of injury Poor or excessive running can cause blisters, shin pain, and soft tissue and skin injuries. Healthcare experts recommend swimming for patients suffering from joint pain since it is a low-impact exercise.
Ease of access You can run anywhere, anytime as per your convenience. In terms of swimming, you need access to open water or local indoor pools and also need to plan which schedule or time of swimming fits your lifestyle.

Which Muscles are Involved During Running & Swimming?

Which is Better - Running or Swimming?

Swimming is comparatively better as a cardiovascular exercise than running because resistance in water is higher than in air. Therefore, you need to make more effort to do swimming than you put in while running.

However, if you must choose between the two, it completely depends on your preference, lifestyle, and health condition.

For example, if you suffer from joint pain, you must practise swimming instead of running. Swimming will put less stress and will not increase joint issues. On the other hand, if you want to improve your bone health, running is a better option. Similarly, you need to assess your other health conditions, like injury, before exercising.


Running Swimming
Cost  Running is free if you do it outdoors. All you need is a nice pair of running shoes to get started. To swim, you need a pool. You can attend swimming lessons, which may be expensive depending on your choice.
Convenience  You can run at any time of the day for 30 minutes. After an interval, you can start another round of running. You can swim at any time of the day. However, swimming too late at night may lead to catching a cold.
Calories Burned  Running for one hour burns about 900 calories.  Full belt swimming could burn 680 calories per hour.
Weight Loss  Running for one hour a month helps lose about 2 kg of weight.  You can lose almost 3.2 kg in one month with only one hour a day of swimming. 
Equipment Required You need a good, open space to run without interruption. There is no equipment required. Swimming requires a large pool along with necessary swimming gear. 

Benefits of Running

Benefits of Swimming

Is it Safe to Indulge in Both Running and Swimming?

How Much Swimming and Running is Suitable for a Week?

Who Should Avoid Running and Swimming?

Myths vs Facts about Running


You burn fat 30 minutes after running. You start to burn fat the minute you start running at a steady pace. 
Running on asphalt damages joints. Running while wearing cushioned shoes feels comfortable for the joints despite the condition of the ground. 
Running is bad for your back. Running is a proven remedy for back problems as it releases pressure on the intervertebral discs. 
If you sweat a little, it means you're fit. Sweating is the body's way of releasing excess heat. It has nothing to do with fitness. 
You should stretch before you run. Get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles with dynamic rather than static stretches. 

Myths vs Facts about Swimming


You have to be in really good shape to swim. Anyone and everyone can be a swimmer despite their shape and size. 
You can’t lose weight from swimming. Swimming is a workout that burns a lot of calories. 
You don’t sweat while swimming. When you’re increasing your intensity in the pool, your heart rate and body temperature increase, so you start to sweat.
You are supposed to hold your breath while underwater. For beginners, you can raise your head for a quick breath. Advanced-level swimmers usually breathe out little by little while they're underwater. 
You have no hope if you didn’t learn how to swim as a child. If you learn the fundamentals of technique, you’ll improve faster as an adult than a kid.

Hopefully, this guide about running vs swimming has cleared up all your confusion. If you still have any doubts and also suffer from any existing health condition, consult a healthcare expert before starting any new exercise to avoid any health issues later.

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