15 Health Benefits of Marjariasana & How to Do It?

Regular yoga improves body awareness, relaxes the mind, centres attention, and ensures mental clarity. Yoga asanas like Marjariasana or cat stretch pose offer immense benefits to unite the body and mind.
In addition, one of the significant benefits of Marjariasana is that this pose targets the spine and the lower abdomen to release muscle tension. Read on to learn more about this yoga pose.
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What is Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose)?
Marjariasana is a core yoga posture that incorporates an excellent feline stretch into a daily workout session. It is derived from the Sanskrit words “marjari,” meaning cat, and “asana,” meaning pose.
This breath-synchronised yoga pose engages the muscles of the spine, upper back, lower back, lower traps, lats, neck, shoulders, wrists, and upper traps. It also belongs to the forward and back bends and warm-up categories.
How to Perform Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose)?

Go through the step-by-step guide below to learn how to perform the pose accurately to utilise the maximum benefits of Marjariasana:
Step 1: Come onto your fours and form a table-like pose. Ensure your back forms the table top and your hands and feet the legs of the table.
Step 2: Place your arms perpendicular to the floor. Your hands must be directed under your shoulders and flat on the floor.
Step 3: Keep your knees hip-width apart, look straight, and inhale.
Step 4: Raise your chin and tilt your head back. For ease, push your navel downward and try to elevate your tailbone. Then, compress your buttocks till you feel a slight tingling sensation.
Step 5: Hold the posture and take long and deep breaths. Next, follow this with a countermovement.
Step 6: Exhale and drop your chin to your chest. Then, try to arch your back up as much as possible and relax your buttocks.
Step 7: Hold this pose for a few seconds and return to the initial table-like posture. Continue it five to six times, as recommended by a professional yoga practitioner.
15 Health Benefits of Marjariasana
This pose is part of a sequence often paired with Bitilasana (cow pose), and together, they are commonly referred to as cat-cow. Here are some key health benefits of practising Marjariasana:
1. Increases Flexibility
This beginners’ yoga posture potentially increases muscle flexibility, enabling you to perform more complex yoga asanas. In addition, you can perform Marjariasana to warm up your body gently during the workout session.
2. Strengthens the Pelvic Region
The cat stretch pose targets the back, hips, and abdomen to improve flexibility and relieve muscle tension in the pelvic region.
3. Relieves Menstrual Cramps
Marjariasana is a type of prenatal yoga pose that is also beneficial for the relief of menstrual pain. Regular practice also acts as a panacea against leucorrhoea, which women experience during puberty.
4. Strengthens the Spine
Cat stretch pose is an effective option if you suffer from a rigid spine or chronic back or neck ache. Proper breathing elongates and strengthens the spine, helping to loosen it and thus improve blood flow in it.
5. Relaxes Mind
The cat stretches posture, reduces stress, and calms the mind. It is a spiritual practice that opens the “Anahata” chakra (heart). Additionally, this posture improves blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients circulation to the brain to boost coordination, focus, and mental stability.
6. Protects Against Reproductive Disorders
It helps tone the reproductive organs in women to eliminate any complications. Further, the cat stretch pose nourishes the reproductive organs and supports more weight as the pregnancy advances.
7. Tightens Abdominal Muscles Post-pregnancy
As it involves the legs, back, abdomen, and hips, it helps reinforce the pelvic muscles and release tension from this region. This encourages the abdomen to maintain its standard shape.
8. Prevents Indigestion
One significant benefit of Marjariasana is its ability to improve digestion and overcome constipation. In addition, the posture helps activate the alimentary canal organs to enhance this process.
9. Stimulates Nerves and Organs
The cat stretch pose involves stretching and stimulating nerves leaving the spinal column. Thus, you can perform this asana during your daily workout routine to ensure the smooth functioning of your internal organs.
10. Relieves Stress and Anxiety
As your head goes against gravity toward down, Marjariasana improves the blood flow to the brain. This provides sufficient oxygen and vital nutrients that are beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety.
11. Boosts Energy Levels
The combination of movement and breath work in Marjariasana can help increase energy levels and vitality. Marjariasana can provide a natural energy boost by oxygenating the body and stimulating circulation, leaving you feeling more alert, focused, and invigorated.
12. Better Posture
Marjariasana helps correct postural imbalances by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and pelvis. Encouraging proper alignment and spinal extension, it counteracts the adverse effects of prolonged sitting and slouching.
13. Increased Blood Circulation
Marjariasana promotes better circulation throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells while removing metabolic waste products. The dynamic movement of the spine stimulates blood flow to the muscles, tissues, and organs, enhancing their function.
14. Promotes Mindfulness
Marjariasana encourages mindfulness and self-awareness through focused attention on the body and breath. By tuning into the sensations and movements of the body, practitioners can cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and the present moment.
15. Balances Hormones
Regular practice of Marjariasana can help balance hormone levels in the body, improving hormonal health and overall well-being. The gentle stretching and movement of the spine stimulate the glands, which play a crucial role in hormone production and regulation.
Types of Marjariasana
Marjariasana is a versatile yoga posture with several variations that cater to different levels of practice and specific needs. The following are the six types of Marjariasana:
1. Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose)

Vyaghrasana is a dynamic variation of Marjariasana. Begin on all fours, then extend one leg back and the opposite arm forward. Inhale deeply, exhale as you bend your extended leg and bring your knee forward while rounding your back.
2. Seated Cat Pose

The seated cat pose is performed while sitting, typically on a chair. Sit with your feet flat on the ground and your hands on your knees or you can take a support of the chair. Inhale as you arch your back and lift your chest and head, then exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin towards your chest.
3. Chakravakasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Chakravakasana is a flowing sequence that combines Marjariasana and Bitilasana (cow pose). Start on all fours, inhale as you drop your belly and lift your head into cow pose, then exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin into cat pose.
4. Standing Cat Pose

The standing cat pose is performed in a standing position with hands placed on the thighs. Inhale as you arch and lift your chest, then exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin. This variation is excellent for warming up the spine and can be easily integrated into any standing yoga sequence or daily routine.
5. Twisted Cat Pose
In the twisted cat pose, start on all fours, then thread one arm underneath the opposite arm, bringing your shoulder and ear to the floor. This creates a gentle twist in the spine and stretches the shoulders. Hold the position and breathe deeply before switching sides.
6. Kneeling Cat Pose

The kneeling cat pose begins in a high kneeling position with your thighs perpendicular to the floor. Place your hands on your thighs. Inhale as you arch your back and lift your chest, exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin. This poses challenges to your balance and strengthens the core.
Things to Know Before Doing Marjariasana
Marjariasana is a fundamental yoga posture that promotes spinal flexibility and relaxation. Before you incorporate this asana into your routine, it’s essential to be aware of several key points to ensure you practice it safely and effectively.
- Understand the Benefits: Marjariasana helps to relieve tension in the spine and neck, improves posture, and enhances overall flexibility. Knowing these benefits can motivate you to practice the pose mindfully and regularly.
- Check Your Space: Ensure you have a clean, comfortable, and quiet space to practice. A yoga mat cushions your knees and hands, helping you maintain stability and comfort during the pose.
- Start Slow and Steady: If you’re new to yoga or the cat stretch pose, begin with gentle movements. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your practice as your flexibility and strength improve.
- Breathe Deeply and Consistently: Deep, consistent breathing is crucial in Marjariasana. Inhale as you arch your back and lift your head, and exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin.
- Respect Your Body's Limits: Pay attention to how your body feels during the pose. Avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you feel any pain or discomfort. Always practice within your limits and progress at your own pace.
- Incorporate it into a Sequence: For maximum benefits, include Marjariasana in a sequence of yoga poses, such as pairing it with Bitilasana (cow pose). This combination promotes a balanced workout and a more comprehensive spinal stretch.
- Stay Hydrated: Hydration is essential before and after your yoga practice. Drinking water helps to keep your muscles supple and reduces the risk of cramps, enhancing your overall yoga experience.
How Long to Hold Marjariasana Pose?
Understanding how long to engage in this pose can vary based on your experience level and comfort. Here are guidelines for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners:
- Beginners: As a beginner, aim to do 3-5 rounds of Marjariasana, alternating between arcing and rounding your back with each breath.
- Intermediate Practitioners: Once comfortable with the basics, increase the duration to 5-10 rounds.
- Advanced Practitioners: Advanced practitioners can engage in Marjariasana by performing 10-15 rounds.
Risks of Overdoing Marjariasana
Marjariasana, or the cat pose, is a beneficial yoga posture for spinal flexibility and relaxation. However, overdoing this pose can lead to potential risks and injuries, such as:
- Strain on the Spine: Overdoing Marjariasana can lead to excessive strain on the spine. This can cause discomfort or pain in the lower, middle, or upper back, making it essential to practice within your comfort zone.
- Neck Discomfort: Performing Marjariasana for too long or with poor form can result in neck strain. Ensuring proper alignment and avoiding overextension of the neck is crucial to prevent this issue.
- Wrist and Knee Pain: Holding the pose for extended periods can put undue pressure on your wrists and knees. A yoga mat or additional padding can help, but it's important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed.
- Overstretching Muscles: Pushing yourself too hard in Marjariasana can lead to overstretching of the back and abdominal muscles. This can cause muscle soreness or even minor injuries, highlighting the importance of gradual progression.
- Breathing Issues: Overemphasising the movements in Marjariasana might lead to irregular or shallow breathing. Maintaining a steady, deep breath throughout the practice helps avoid this problem and promotes relaxation.
Important Tips for Practicing Marjariasana
Though it seems a simple posture, Marjariasana requires precise body positioning, including:
You need to align your wrists under your shoulders.
Keep your shoulders broad throughout the asana.
Your back should be flat and neutral.
You should align your knees under your hips.
Inhale while making an arch.
You must exhale during the round of your spine.
Ensure that your wrist, elbow, and shoulders are in a straight line and perpendicular to the floor.
You must distribute your bodyweight uniformly among your hands and knees.
What are the Precautions and Contraindications of Marjariasana?
Adapting certain precautions to confirm if you are fit to perform Marjariasana is crucial. Here are some precautions and contraindications to avoid injury while performing the cat stretch pose:
Avoid this asana if you suffer from neck pain, backache and wrist injury.
If you have knee issues, refrain from performing Marjariasana, which will trigger the pain.
Stop performing this posture if it is beyond your comfort level.
If you are pregnant, perform a cat stretch pose under the guidance of an experienced trainer.
Marjariasana is not recommended if you are suffering from any spinal, abdominal or head injuries.
For maximum benefits, you should perform Marjariasana on an empty stomach. Ensure that you have your meal for at least 4-6 hours for sufficient time for digestion.
Who Should Avoid Doing Marjariasana?
Knowing who should avoid Marjariasana can help prevent injuries and ensure a safer yoga practice. The following group of people should avoid doing Marjariasana:
- People with Recent Back Injuries: Individuals with recent back injuries should avoid Marjariasana to prevent further strain or aggravation of the injury. It's best to consult a healthcare professional before attempting this pose.
- Those with Severe Wrist Pain: If you suffer from severe wrist pain or conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, Marjariasana can exacerbate the discomfort. Modifications or alternative poses may be more suitable.
- Individuals with Knee Problems: People with knee issues or injuries should avoid Marjariasana, as the pose puts pressure on the knees. Using extra padding or seeking alternative poses can help alleviate this issue.
- Those with Neck Issues: If you have chronic neck problems or injuries, Marjariasana may strain the neck further. Practising under an experienced instructor's guidance can help modify the pose.
- Individuals with High Blood Pressure: Marjariasana involves movements that might not be suitable for those with uncontrolled high blood pressure. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before doing this pose.
- People with Vertigo: Those who experience vertigo or dizziness should avoid Marjariasana, as the movements can exacerbate these symptoms. Gentle, stable poses are recommended instead.
What are the Easy Modifications of Marjariasana?

If you are a beginner and find it challenging to get the accurate cat stretch pose, try out the following easy modifications:
- Use Your Elbows: If you experience pain in your wrist, alter it with your elbows on the floor and under your shoulders. In this case, ensure that a shoulder-width distance is maintained.
- Use a Blanket: If you have sensitive knees, you can place a folded blanket under them for better comfort.
- Seek Assistance: You may have difficulty rounding the very top of your upper back. To activate the area, ask anyone to lay a hand above and between your shoulder blades.
- Modify Your Neck Posture: If looking towards the ceiling hurts your neck, look forward only while inhaling.
Nonetheless, before improvising this posture, you must consult with a professional or a physician. They will let you understand if these changes can help you reap the full benefits of Marjariasana. Nevertheless, the above article contains every other detail you need to know while practising the Marjariasana.