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Best Exercises to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Tightness

All of us know the important role that shoulders play in our lives. Shoulder strength helps us in household chores, moving furniture, manual labour, carrying groceries and lifting things. However, many people complain of shoulder strength and tightness.

This blog provides crucial details of exercises for shoulder pain and tightness that are of your benefit. Read on.

What is Shoulder Pain and Tightness?

Shoulder pain and tightness refer to discomfort and restricted movement in the shoulder area, often caused by muscle strain, tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, or arthritis. These conditions can lead to persistent aching, limited range of motion, swelling, tenderness, and muscle weakness. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential for relief and recovery.

Causes of Shoulder Pain and Tightness

Rotator cuff tendinitis, or swollen tendons, is a common cause of shoulder pain and tightness. Impingement syndrome is another common cause. In this condition, the rotator cuff is caught between the humeral head and the acromion.

Often, shoulder pain and tightness are the causes of injuries in different body parts, namely the biceps and the neck. This is commonly called referred pain.

Here’s a list of other causes of shoulder pain:

  • Dislocated Shoulder

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Spinal Cord Injury

  • Heart Attack

  • Arthritis

  • Torn Rotator Cuff

  • Torn Cartilage

  • Bone Spurs

  • Broken Arm Bone or Shoulder

  • Swollen Tendons

  • Pinched Shoulder in Shoulder or Neck

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain and Tightness

Symptoms of shoulder pain and tightness are detailed below, i.e., you should go for medical consultations if you face the following problems:

  • If you have developed severe pain in both your shoulders.

  • Opt for medical consultation if the shoulder pain moves to other parts of your body.

  • Consult a doctor if you have a fever or feel unwell.

  • If you have pain in your thighs, see a doctor.

  • If the shoulder pain is restricting your daily activities.

12 Best Exercises for Shoulder Pain and Tightness

Given below are details of exercises that you can perform if you are also suffering from shoulder pain and tightness:

Neck and Shoulder Stretch Exercise

Neck and shoulder stretches can help relieve shoulder pain by loosening tight muscles and improving flexibility. This reduces tension and discomfort in the area.

1. Neck Release

This exercise helps you release the tension in the neck and around your shoulders.

Steps to Do Neck Release

Given below are steps to do this exercise:

Step 1: Lower your head and chin to your chest. While doing this, you’ll experience a stretch in the back of your neck.

Step 2: Gradually bend your head to the left and stretch the right shoulder.

Step 3: Hold for a minimum of 1 minute and repeat on the other side.

2. Shoulder Circles

If you do this exercise regularly, it will help your shoulder joints warm up and increase flexibility.

Steps to Do Shoulder Circles

The steps to do this exercise are as follows:

Step 1: Stand straight and place your left hand on the back of a chair.

Step 2: Hang down your right hand and circle it a few times in both directions.

Step 3: Repeat the same process on the opposite side.

3. Cross Body Shoulder Stretch

This exercise helps in extending the back of the shoulder.

Steps to Do Cross Body Shoulder Stretch

Below are the steps for this particular exercise:

Step 1: Position your feet hip-width apart and stretch out your right arm.

Step 2: Place your right arm across the body. Make sure your hand points to the floor on the side of the left leg.

Step 3: Slightly bend your left arm at the elbow. Place your left forearm under your right arm and support the right arm above your elbow.

Step 4: Pull your right arm in and across the body with your left forearm. Stretch the back of your right shoulder.

Step 5: Hold the pose for a few seconds and then repeat it on the other side.

4. Doorway Stretch

The doorway stretch opens up the chest and shoulders, reducing tightness and improving posture. It’s a great stretch for overall shoulder health.

Steps to Do Doorway Stretch

Use these steps to perform the doorway stretch effectively:

Step 1: Stand in a doorway with your arms at a 90-degree angle against the door frame.

Step 2: Step forward with one foot, gently pushing your chest forward.

Step 3: Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

5. Shoulder Raises

Shoulder raises strengthen the shoulder muscles and enhance mobility. They are simple and effective for shoulder health.

Steps to Do Shoulder Raises

Here’s how to do shoulder raises to improve your shoulder strength:

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Lift your shoulders towards your ears.

Step 3: Hold for a moment, then lower them back down.

Step 4: Repeat for 10-15 reps.

6. Cow Face Pose

This yoga pose stretches the shoulders and arms, improving flexibility and reducing tension. It’s excellent for deep shoulder stretching.

Steps to Do Cow Face Pose

Use these steps to perform the cow face pose effectively:

Step 1: Sit with your legs crossed.

Step 2: Reach one arm behind your back and the other over your shoulder, trying to clasp your hands.

Step 3: Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Back and Full-Body Stretch Exercise

Back and full-body stretches can improve flexibility in muscles surrounding the shoulder, reducing tension and potentially relieving pain.

7. Child’s Pose

This exercise helps relieve tension in your shoulders, back, and neck.

Steps to Do Child’s Pose

Here are the steps for this exercise:

Step 1: Place a mat on the ground and kneel on it. Make sure that your toes touch.

Step 2: Place your knees apart and sit up straight.

Step 3: Breathe in and raise your arms above your head. Exhale and move forward towards the floor. Stretch your arms out in front and touch the ground with your palms.

Step 4: Gradually bring your elbows to the ground.

Step 5: Slowly sit back and bring your back towards the heels. You’ll feel the stretch in your back.

Step 6: Inhale deeply and hold the position for a minimum of 1 minute.

8. Pendulum Stretch

This exercise enables you to increase shoulder stability. It helps in increasing shoulder movements.

Steps to Do Pendulum Stretch

Please follow these steps to do the Pendulum Stretch:

Step 1: Place your feet at a hip-width apart position.

Step 2: Bend forward and look towards the ground.

Step 3: Position the right hand on a chair or table for support and hang down the left arm.

Step 4: Gradually swing your left arm in a circular motion, continuing for at least 1 minute. Then, change the direction.

Step 5: Repeat the movements with the other arm.

9. Arm Swings

Arm swings are effective for warming the shoulder muscles and improving the range of motion. They also help loosen tight shoulders.

Steps to Perform Arm Swings

Here’s how to do arm swings to maximise shoulder flexibility:

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Swing your arms forward and backwards in a controlled manner.

Step 3: Continue for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

10. Ragdoll Pose

The ragdoll pose helps release shoulder and back tension, promoting relaxation. It’s a calming stretch that’s easy to do.

Steps to Do Ragdoll Pose

Follow these steps to perform the ragdoll pose correctly:

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Step 2: Bend forward at the hips, letting your head and arms hang towards the floor.

Step 3: Hold your elbows with opposite hands.

Step 4: Relax and sway gently side to side for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

11. Thread the Needle

This stretch targets the shoulders and upper back, enhancing flexibility and relieving tension. It’s a great stretch for the upper body.

Steps to Do Thread the Needle Pose

Use these steps to perform the thread the needle stretch effectively:

Step 1: Start on all fours in a tabletop position.

Step 2: Slide your right arm underneath your left arm, resting your shoulder and ear on the floor.

Step 3: Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

12. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

This pose stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, and lower back, promoting overall flexibility and benefiting multiple muscle groups.

Steps to Do Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

Follow these steps to do the wide-legged standing forward bend correctly:

Step 1: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Bend forward at the hips, bringing your hands to the floor or your ankles.

Step 3: Let your head hang down and hold for 15-30 seconds.

Types of Equipment Required for Shoulder Pain Exercise

The following table lists the equipment needed for various shoulder pain and tightness exercises:


Required Equipment
Neck and Shoulder Stretch Exercise Yoga Mat
Back and Full-Body Stretch Exercise Yoga Mat

Benefits of Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Exercises offer several benefits for people experiencing shoulder pain. Here are some of the key ways they can help:

  • Relieves Shoulder Pain and Tightness: Regular exercise following the steps mentioned above can reduce and relieve shoulder pain, whether caused by shoulder injuries, bad posture, or other reasons.
  • Decreases Tensions: Shoulder exercises make the muscles in those areas more agile and flexible. Furthermore, these exercises make the shoulder more prepared to withstand injuries and stress.
  • Improves Mobility: Stretching and strengthening exercises enhance the range of motion in the shoulder, making it easier to perform daily activities. Improved flexibility helps prevent stiffness and allows for smoother, more comfortable movements.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Gentle exercises increase blood flow to the shoulder area, which helps reduce inflammation and promote healing. This increased circulation brings necessary nutrients and oxygen to the injured tissues, aiding in recovery.
  • Prevention of Recurrence: Regular exercise keeps your shoulder muscles strong and flexible, reducing the likelihood of recurring pain and injuries. Consistent exercise helps ensure long-term shoulder health.
  • Enhanced Muscle Strength: Strengthening exercises build up the muscles that support the shoulder joint, making it more resilient to stress and less prone to injuries. Stronger muscles also improve overall shoulder function and stability.

Which Exercises to Avoid for Shoulder Pain?

Given below are the shoulder exercises that you need to avoid if you have shoulder pain and tightness:

  • Behind the Head Shoulder Press: This exercise requires compressing your rotator cuff muscles against the bony surfaces of the shoulder. This might cause pain, so discontinue it if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Triceps Bench Dip: This exercise requires applying pressure to the triceps, tendons, and rotator cuff muscles. Avoid this exercise if you experience pain or discomfort and consider alternative exercises.
  • Single-Arm rows: People generally perform this exercise incorrectly, which can cause injuries. This exercise involves pulling a weight with one arm while supporting the body with the other, often leading to improper form.

What Precautions Should a Shoulder Pain Patient Take While Exercising?

You need to keep in mind and take the following precautions while doing stretching exercises for the shoulder:

  • Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothes and appropriate footwear.
  • Warm up before exercising.
  • Eat light before exercising, but don’t exercise on an empty stomach.
  • Don’t eat right after exercising.
  • While exercising, keep in mind your fluid intake and drink water.
  • Take breaks as applicable.
  • Don’t exercise when you’re not well.

Disclaimer: Practice the above-mentioned exercises under the supervision of a trained practitioner and consult a doctor beforehand to ensure your body is fit enough to perform the required moves/postures.

Incorporating the best exercises for shoulder pain and tightness into your routine can significantly improve your comfort and mobility. Gentle stretching, strengthening exercises, and proper posture practices are key to relieving discomfort and preventing further issues. By consistently performing these exercises, you can maintain healthier shoulders and reduce the risk of pain and tightness in the future.

FAQs about Exercises for Shoulder Pain Patients

How can I prevent shoulder pain?

If you wish to prevent shoulder pain, you should avoid slouching or hunching and practice good posture. If you need to engage in activities that involve carrying heavy objects, try to do them in a way that minimises discomfort. Ensure you get plenty of rest and cease doing activities that cause discomfort.

How can I prevent tight shoulders?

You can prevent tight shoulders by engaging in swimming, yoga, or any activity that requires you to use your shoulders. Make sure you drink plenty of water and practice good posture. Finally, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and remain active.

How do I get rid of tightness in my shoulders?

To relieve shoulder tightness, perform gentle stretches, practice good posture, and apply heat to relax the muscles.

How do you get rid of shoulder pain and stiffness?

Regular stretching, strengthening exercises, ice or heat application, and over-the-counter pain relievers can alleviate shoulder pain and stiffness.

Which exercise is best for shoulder pain?

Shoulder pendulum stretches and gentle stretches like cross-body shoulder stretches are excellent for relieving shoulder pain and increasing mobility.

What is the fastest way to cure shoulder pain?

The fastest way to cure shoulder pain is to rest the shoulder, perform exercise, and take anti-inflammatory medications if needed.

What causes shoulder tightness?

Shoulder tightness can be caused by muscle strain, poor posture, overuse, or conditions like tendonitis and bursitis.

How to massage the shoulder?

To massage the shoulder, use your fingers and thumbs to apply gentle pressure in circular motions along the muscle, focusing on areas of tightness.

How long does shoulder tightness last?

Shoulder tightness can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the severity and treatment.

Can walking reduce shoulder pain?

Yes, walking can help reduce shoulder pain by improving overall circulation and encouraging good posture, but it should be combined with specific shoulder exercises.

Is massage good for shoulder pain?

Yes, massage is beneficial for shoulder pain as it helps to relax tight muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce tension.

What exercise is best for neck and shoulder pain?

Shoulder shrugs and neck stretches are effective exercises for relieving both neck and shoulder pain, promoting flexibility, and reducing tension.

How long should I rest for shoulder pain?

Rest your shoulder a few days to a week, but avoid complete inactivity; gentle movements and stretches can aid recovery.