500+ Lord Murugan Names for Baby Boy & Girl

List of Lord Murugan Names for Baby Boy with Meanings

Names of the baby boy inspired by Lord Murugan represent wisdom, strength, and devotion. They have deep spiritual meaning. Browse through the list below to find a divine name:

S. No. Name Meaning Significance
1 Aadhikumaran The First Divine Youth Another name of Murugan
2 Aadhimurugan The First Divine Warrior Murugan’s primordial form
3 Aarumugakani Six-faced Divine Fruit Another name of Murugan
4 Aarumughan The Six-Faced Lord Another name of Murugan
5 Abayavel Fearless Spear Murugan, as the protector
6 Adhivel Supreme Spear Murugan, as the ultimate warrior
7 Adiyavel Devotee's Spear Murugan, as the protector of devotees
8 Aghoravel Fierce yet Benevolent Spear Murugan's warrior aspect
9 Agnivel Fiery Spear Symbol of Murugan's power
10 Akshayabalan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
11 Amirthavel Immortal Divine Spear Murugan as a life-giver
12 Amudhanathan Divine Nectar Lord Symbolises Murugan's eternal grace
13 AnantaMurti Of Endless Forms God Murugan
14 AnantaShakti The Potent Lord God Murugan
15 Anbarasan King of Love Murugan as a compassionate deity
16 Aravindavel Lotus Spear Murugan's purity and wisdom
17 Arichandranathan Lord of Righteousness Murugan's embodiment of dharma
18 Arputhanathan Lord of Miracles Murugan as the bestower of miracles
19 Arulgnanavel Spear of Divine Wisdom Murugan, as a knowledge-giver
20 Arulmurugan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
21 Arulvadivel God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
22 Arulvel The Graceful Spear Name of Lord Murugan
23 Arumugan Six-faced Lord Name of Lord Murugan
24 Arumugasami God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
25 Arumugavel Six-Faced Spear Murugan's divine form
26 Arunkumaran Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
27 Balamurugan Young Lord Murugan Murugan, in his childhood form
28 Balasubramanian Young Subramanya Another name for Murugan
29 Balavel Young Warrior with a Spear Murugan as a youthful deity
30 BhaktiMurugan Murugan, the Lord of Devotion Name of Lord Murugan
31 Brahmavel Spear of Supreme Knowledge Murugan as a divine teacher
32 Chaturanan Four-Faced Lord Symbolizing Murugan's divine form
33 Chevatkodiyon Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
34 Chidambaravel Lord of the Cosmic Dance Murugan's connection to Shiva
35 Cholaiyandi Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
36 Dandapani God with a staff Name of Lord Murugan
37 Devadatta Gift of the Gods Another name of Murugan
38 Devarajavel Spear of the King of Devas Murugan, as a warrior leader
39 Devasenapati Commander of the Divine Army Another name of Murugan
40 Dhanavel Lord of Wealth and Power Murugan's divine prosperity
41 Dharmavel Spear of Righteousness Murugan as a dharmic protector
42 Dhashvanth King of King Lord Shiva / Murugan
43 Dheerasan The Brave One Represents Murugan's courage
44 Dheivanayakan Lord of the Celestial Beings Another name of Murugan
45 Dineshbabu The Sun: Happy God of the Day
46 Duraimurugan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
47 Duraisami Lord of Lords A royal title for Murugan
48 Eesanandan Son of Lord Shiva Another name of Murugan
49 Eesanvel Lord Shiva's Spear Represents Murugan's connection with Shiva
50 Ezhilarasan Handsome King Represents Murugan's beauty
51 Ezhilvel Beautiful Spear Murugan's graceful presence
52 Gananayakan Leader of Celestial Beings Name of Lord Murugan
53 Ganavel Divine Commander Murugan, as the leader of celestial armies
54 Gnanamurugan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
55 Gnanasenavel Spear of Supreme Knowledge Murugan as a teacher
56 Guhan The One who resides in caves Another name of Murugan
57 Guhanathan Lord Murugan, the Spiritual Guide Name of Lord Murugan
58 Guhanayakan Leader of the Hidden Ones Murugan as Guha, the secretive one
59 Guhapriyan Beloved of the Secret Cave Murugan as Guha, the hidden one
60 Gunasegaran Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
61 Gurunathan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
62 Hamsavardhan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
63 Ilamkannan Young Handsome Lord Symbolises Murugan's beauty
64 Ilammurugu Young Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
65 Ilanchezhian Young and Radiant Lord Murugan's youthful charm
66 IlanKumaran Ever-Youthful Lord Another name of Murugan
67 Indiravel Indestructible Spear Murugan's power over enemies
68 Induvel Divine Crescent Spear Murugan's weapon with lunar symbolism
69 Jayakumaran Victorious Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
70 Jayamurugan Victorious Murugan Murugan as the vanquisher
71 Jayanthavel Victorious Lord with Vel Name of Lord Murugan
72 Jayanthinathan Lord of Peacock Name of Lord Murugan
73 Jeyavel Victorious Spear Symbol of Lord Murugan
74 Jnanamurugan Embodiment of Wisdom Murugan as the teacher of divine knowledge
75 Jnanavel Spear of Wisdom Murugan as a teacher
76 Kadamban Lord of the Forest Murugan's connection to nature
77 Kadambavel Murugan, Lord of Kadamba Trees Associated with nature worship
78 Kamalakannan Lotus-Eyed Lord Murugan's divine beauty
79 Kanagamurugan Golden Murugan Symbolises Murugan's divinity
80 Kandappan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
81 KandaSami God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
82 Kandavel Murugan, the Wielder of Vel Another name of Lord Murugan
83 Kandhanathan Lord Murugan, the Supreme Lord Another name of Murugan
84 Kandharajan King among Devas Another name of Lord Murugan
85 Kanthanathan Lord of Kantha Another name of Murugan
86 Karthigan God Karthikeyan Lord Murugan
87 Karthigeyanathan Supreme Karthikeya Murugan, as the leader of the  warriors
88 Karthikadevan The Divine Karthikeya Name of Lord Murugan
89 Karthikavel Spear of Karthikeya Murugan's warrior form
90 Karthikeyan Son of Lord Shiva Name of Lord Murugan
91 Karthivel Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
92 Karunavel Compassionate One with Vel Murugan as a merciful deity
93 Kathirvel Radiant Spear Symbol of Murugan's divine light
94 Kavinvel Beautiful and Radiant Spear Murugan's luminous energy
95 Khavinsharan Lord Poet and God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
96 Kirithick Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
97 Kirithikaran God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
98 Kirithiskaran Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
99 Kiruthick Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
100 Kodaivendan King of the Hills Murugan as the Lord of Palani
101 Kripalavi The Compassionate One God Murugan
102 Krithikan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
103 Krithikaya Admirable Lord Murugan
104 Krithikshaan Son of Lord Shiva Pride Murugan
105 Kulandaisami Another name for God, Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
106 KulanthaiVel Infant Warrior Murugan's child form
107 KumaraGuru Young Spiritual Teacher Another name of Murugan
108 Kumaran The Youthful God Name of Lord Murugan
109 Kumaranesan Lord of Youth Another name of Lord Murugan
110 Kumarappan Youthful Another name for God, Murugan
111 KumaraSami Youthful Another name for God, Murugan
112 Kumaravel Youthful Another name for Go,d Murugan
113 KumaraVel Youthful Lord with a Spear Name of Lord Murugan
114 Kumaresan Brave; Kind Hearted; Intellectual Lord Murugan
115 Kumareshwar Supreme Young Lord Another name of Murugan
116 Kumbavel Murugan, the Lord of Sacred Pot Symbol of divine energy
117 Kunjithapathiyan Lord Murugan, the Divine Dancer Name of Lord Murugan
118 Logavel Universal Spear Murugan's cosmic role
119 Madanavel Beautiful Spear Name of Lord Murugan
120 Magibalan King Another name of Lord Murugan
121 Mahadevananda Blissful Great God Murugan's joyful presence
122 Mahasena Commander of the Devas Name of Lord Murugan
123 Mahavel The Great Spear Murugan's supreme strength
124 Malaiarasan King of the Hills Murugan as the Lord of Palani Hills
125 Malaimagan Lord Murugan, Bud Name of Lord Murugan
126 Malarmurugan Blossoming Murugan Represents purity and beauty
127 ManikkaVel Name of Lord Shanmukha God Murugan
128 Manimaran Shining like a Gem Symbolises Murugan's brilliance
129 Manivel Precious Jewel Spear Murugan is a treasured deity
130 Manobalan God of Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
131 Maragathavel Emerald Spear Murugan's precious weapon
132 Maruthavel Spear of the Wind Murugan's swift action
133 Mayilappan Another name for God, Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
134 Mayilnathan Lord of the Peacock Symbolises Murugan's divine vehicle
135 Mayilsamy Another name for God, Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
136 Mayuranathan Lord of the Peacock Murugan's vehicle is a peacock
137 Meenakshivel Spear of Goddess Meenakshi Murugan's connection to Parvati
138 Meyyavel Truthful Spear Murugan is the embodiment of truth
139 Mohanasundram God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
140 Mohanavel Enchanting Warrior with Vel Another name of Lord Murugan
141 Mohaneshwar Enchanting Lord Murugan's captivating presence
142 Murugadhevan Divine Murugan Another name of Lord Murugan
143 Murugadoss Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
144 Murugaiyan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
145 Murugappan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
146 Murugaraja Lord Karthikeyan / Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
147 Murugavel Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
148 Murugavelan Murugan with Vel (Divine Spear) Another name of Murugan
149 Murugayyan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
150 Murugesan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
151 Muthukumar Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
152 Muthukumaran King of the World God Murugan
153 Muthusamy Pearl God Lord Murugan
154 Muthuvelan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
155 Nagavel Spear with Serpent Power Murugan's weapon with protective energy
156 Nakshatravel Spear of the Stars Murugan as a celestial being
157 Navathiran New Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
158 Navavel Nine-Powered Spear Murugan's supreme abilities
159 Navayugan God's name in the Tamil Language God Murugan
160 Neerthigeyan Another name of Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
161 Nikithran Another name of Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
162 Omkaravel Spear of the Om Sound Murugan's connection to sacred chants
163 Paarivel Generous Warrior Murugan, as a noble protector
164 Palanikumar Another name for Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
165 Palanimurthy Sacred Form of Murugan Lord Murugan of Palani Temple
166 Palanimuthu Another name for God, Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
167 Palanisamy Lord of Palani Hills Another name of Murugan
168 Palanivel Another name for Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
169 Panchavel Five-Powered Spear Represents Murugan's five elements
170 Paranthaman Supreme One MMurugan's divine status
171 Paripooranan The Complete Lord Murugan as the perfect divine being
172 Parthivel Warrior of Arrows Murugan's power in battle
173 Parvathaputhiran Son of Goddess Parvati Name of Lord Murugan
174 Perumugavel The Great-Faced Lord MMurugan'smajestic presence
175 Pranavesh Om Syllable Lord Murugan
176 Pranithan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
177 Rajavel Kingly Spear Murugan as a divine ruler
178 Rathnachudar Radiant Jewel Murugan as a divine light
179 Rathnavel Jewel Spear Represents Murugan's precious power
180 Sakalavel Universal Spear Murugan's cosmic presence
181 Sakthidharan God Murugan, Wielder of Power Name of Lord Murugan
182 Sakthivelan One who wields the Spear of Power Name of Lord Murugan
183 Sakthivelnathan Lord of the Powerful Spear Murugan's divine energy
184 Saktidhara God Murugan, Wielder of Power Name of Lord Murugan
185 Saktivel Spear of Divine Energy Murugan as the wielder of Shakti
186 Saminathan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
187 Samiyappan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
188 Sanmugavel Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
189 Saranavel Protector Spear Murugan as the saviour
190 Saravanabhavan Born in Saravana Lake Name of Lord Murugan
191 Saravanakumar God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
192 Saravanam Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
193 Saravanamuthu Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
194 Saravanan The One Who Is Everywhere God of Murugan
195 Saravananandan Son of Saravana Lake Another name of Lord Murugan
196 Saravanasundaran The Beautiful One from Saravana Poigai Name of Lord Murugan
197 Saravanavel Lord Murugan with a Spear Another name of Murugan
198 Sasidaran Lord Murugan / Shiva Name of Lord Murugan
199 Sathyanathan Lord of Truth Murugan as the embodiment of righteousness
200 Savendran Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
201 Senapathi The Supreme Commander Another name of Murugan
202 Sennimalai Place One of Lord Murugan's Hills
203 Senthilnathan Murugan, the Lord of Senthil Name of Lord Murugan
204 Senthooran Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
205 Sevalkodiyon God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
206 Shaktidhara Wielder of Power God Murugan
207 ShaktiKumaran Powerful Divine Youth Another name of Murugan
208 Shaktivel Powerful Spear Name of Lord Murugan
209 Shankarmurugan Lord of Peace and Prosperity Murugan's role as harmonise
210 Shanmugan The Six-faced One Lord Murugan
211 Shanmuganatha Lord of Six Faces Lord Murugan
212 SharavanaKumar Son of Sacred Lake Name of Lord Murugan
213 Sharavanapavan Born in the Shravan River Name of Lord Murugan
214 Sharavanavel Spear of the Holy Pond Refers to Murugan's birth in Saravana Poigai
215 Shikhivahanan One who rides a peacock Another name of Murugan
216 Shivasubramanian Son of Lord Shiva Another name of Murugan
217 Siddarthan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
218 Siddhavel Spear of Enlightenment Murugan's weapon as a source of wisdom
219 Singaravelan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
220 Sivakumaran Son of Lord Shiva Another name of Murugan
221 Sivamurugan Lord Shiva Lord Murugan
222 Sivathandavel Spear of Shiva's Dance Murugan’s connection to Nataraja
223 Sivavelan Lord with Shiva's Spear Murugan’s divine inheritance
224 Skandaguru Murugan as the Divine Teacher Name of Lord Murugan
225 Skandanatha Quick Lord Lord Karttikeya
226 Skandavel Skanda, the Holder of Vel Name of Lord Murugan
227 Somaskandan Murugan with Shiva and Parvati Family aspect of Murugan
228 Soorasangaran Slayer of Soorapadman Murugan as the vanquisher of demons
229 Subbaiyan Another name for God, Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
230 Subbavel Auspicious Spear Murugan’s divine weapon
231 Subramani Perfect Body Guard Lord Murugan
232 Sudarvel Bright and Radiant Spear Murugan’s divine glow
233 Suganthanathan Lord of Goodness Murugan is the embodiment of virtue
234 Sugunavel Virtuous Warrior Symbolises Murugan's good qualities
235 Suhanthan Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
236 Sujanthan World Lord Murugan
237 Sundaravel Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
238 Swaminatha The Supreme Teacher Another name of Murugan
239 Swaminathan Lord Murugan in the Temple of Swamimalai Name of Lord Murugan
240 Swamivel Divine Lord with a Spear Another name of Murugan
241 Tamilmani Tamil Gem Lord Murugan
242 Tanushadithya Rising Sun Lord Shiva / Murugan
243 Thambusami God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
244 Thangavel Lord Murugan God Murugan
245 Thanigainathan Lord of Thanigai Hills Another name of Murugan
246 Thanigaivel Lord of Thanigai Hill Name of Lord Murugan
247 Tharavel Shining Spear Murugan as a guiding light
248 Thashivan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
249 Thashvanth God; Bright Lord Murugan
250 Thenarasan King of the South Murugan as the Tamil deity
251 Thiruchelvan Prosperous Divine Lord Another name of Lord Murugan
252 Thirukumaran Name of Lord Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
253 Thirumugavel Spear of the Sacred Face Represents Murugan's divine beauty
254 Thirumurugan God Murugan Name of Lord Murugan
255 Udayavel Rising Spear Represents Murugan's victory
256 Ulagavel Spear of the Universe Murugan’s omnipresence
257 Vadivavel Beautiful Spear Symbol of Murugan's charm
258 Vallimani Murugan as the Precious Jewel Symbol of prosperity and divinity
259 ValliNathan Husband of Valli Lord Murugan’s consort
260 Vallivel Spear of Murugan's Love Symbolises his relationship with Valli
261 Velan One who holds the Divine Spear Another name of Murugan
262 Velanathan Lord Murugan, the Supreme Warrior Another name of Murugan
263 Velanidhi Ocean of Spears Murugan’s infinite power
264 Velmurugan Murugan, the Wielder of Vel Name of Lord Murugan
265 Venkatesavel Lord Venkatesa combined with Murugan Another name of Murugan
266 Venkavel Supreme Spear Another name of Lord Murugan
267 Vetriselvan Prosperous and Victorious Murugan Symbolises success
268 Vetrivelan Lord Murugan, the Victorious One Name of Lord Murugan
269 Viswavel Spear of the Universe Murugan’s cosmic significance
270 Yuganathan Lord of the Ages Murugan’s eternal existence
271 Yuganayakan Lord of All Ages Murugan’s timeless existence

List of Lord Murugan Names for Baby Girl with Meanings

Baby girl names inspired by Lord Murugan reflect purity, grace, and power. They hold sacred significance. Find the table below for a beautiful and meaningful name:

S. No. Name Meaning Significance
272 Amritha Immortal, Divine nectar Reflects purity and eternal blessings
273 Anandini Joyful, Blissful Represents happiness and divine blessing
274 Arunika Bright, Radiant Represents the divine morning light
275 Arushmita Goddess of divine radiance Symbol of brilliance and positivity
276 Arvisha Goddess of purity Represents wisdom and clarity
277 Arvithya Sacred and pure goddess Symbol of purity and spiritual strength
278 Balini Powerful, Strength Symbolises courage and resilience
279 Bhavani Goddess Durga Represents fierce protection
280 Charvani Goddess of speech Represents eloquence and knowledge
281 Charvisha Goddess of purity Symbolises wisdom and knowledge
282 Devakini Goddess of divine beings Symbolises celestial grace and purity
283 Devakirthi The glory of the divine Symbol of fame and prosperity
284 Devamirtha Divine nectar Embodies grace and divinity
285 Devamitha Friend of the divine Symbol of kindness and purity
286 Devanika Divine being Represents sacred energy
287 Devanvitha Goddess of divine grace Embodies purity and celestial energy
288 Devarashmi Divine radiance Represents purity and celestial energy
289 Devarshita Divine blessing from Devas Represents grace and protection
290 Devasena Divine army leader Represents power and spiritual strength
291 Devasmita Goddess of celestial beings Embodies spiritual strength and purity
292 Devathrika Goddess with the divine essence Embodies faith and inner strength
293 Deveshi Goddess of the Devas Signifies divine protection
294 Devishi Divine, Goddess-like Symbolises spirituality and purity
295 Gauri Bright, Radiant Reflects purity and divine energy
296 Guhaalini One embraced by Guha Symbol of divine love and care
297 Guhaamrita Nectar of Lord Guha's grace Represents bliss and peace
298 Guhaarshita Devoted to Lord Guha Symbol of faith and wisdom
299 Guhanika Feminine form of Guha Represents Murugan's secret wisdom
300 Guhanisha Queen of Lord Guha Represents love and care
301 Guhanitha Goddess linked to Lord Guha Represents divine love and blessings
302 Guhanithra Protected by Lord Guha Symbol of guidance and protection
303 Guhanithya Eternal like Lord Guha Symbol of timeless wisdom
304 Guhanjali Offering to Lord Guha Symbol of devotion and purity
305 Guhanmaya Goddess connected to Lord Guha Represents divine love and blessings
306 Guhanvita Goddess connected to Lord Guha Embodies strength and deep devotion
307 Guharesha Ruler of hidden knowledge Represents intelligence and insight
308 Harshani One who brings happiness Symbol of positivity and bliss
309 Harvani Goddess with divine energy Symbolises strength and positivity
310 Harvishni Goddess of divine blessings Symbol of prosperity and happiness
311 Harvitha Goddess of divine blessings Symbolises prosperity and happiness
312 Jayanika Goddess of victory Symbol of success and fearlessness
313 Jayanthi Victory Signifies success and prosperity
314 Jayanthika Goddess of divine victory Represents success and power
315 Jayanvitha Goddess of victory Embodies success and fearlessness
316 Jayashmita One who brings victory Embodies success and courage
317 Jayashni Victorious goddess Symbol of success and courage
318 Jeyanvika Goddess of victory Represents success and power
319 Jeyshrika One who brings victory and luck Represents success and divine grace
320 Jeyvika Goddess of triumph Represents victory and fearlessness
321 Kandanaya One belonging to Lord Kandan Embodies strength and guidance
322 Kandhalaya Sacred abode of Kandha Represents divinity and faith
323 Kandhalini One blessed by Kandha Symbol of devotion and protection
324 Kandhamayi Radiance of Lord Kandha Represents divine beauty
325 Kandhanita Goddess blessed by Kandhan Represents courage and divine love
326 Kandhanura The divine light of Kandha Symbol of brightness and knowledge
327 Kandharaji Queen of divine energy Represents strength and divine grace
328 Kandharika Goddess of supreme energy Embodies power and positivity
329 Kandharini Goddess, with Lord Kandha's energy Symbol of protection and strength
330 Kandhasudha Nectar of Kandha's grace Represents eternal bliss
331 Kandhavani Sacred melody of Kandhan Symbol of harmony and devotion
332 Kandhavini Bright like Kandha's aura Symbol of strength and grace
333 Kandheshri Blessed by Kandha Represents divine radiance
334 Kandhikai Goddess devoted to Lord Kandha Embodies love and deep faith
335 Kandhiniya Daughter of Kandha Represents wisdom and kindness
336 Kandhishka Gift from Lord Kandha Represents blessings and prosperity
337 Kandhishree Blessed by Lord Kandha Represents strength and grace
338 Kandhitashri Goddess of Lord Kandha Embodies knowledge and wisdom
339 Kandhitha Goddess devoted to Lord Kandhan Represents courage and faith
340 Kandhpratha Devoted to Lord Kandha Embodies faith and spirituality
341 Kandhpriya Dear Lord Kandha Symbol of devotion and love
342 Kanmani Precious like an eye Symbol of love and devotion
343 Karthidevi Goddess of Karthikeya Symbol of wisdom and strength
344 Karthinavi One guided by Lord Karthikeya Embodies wisdom and success
345 Karthinaya Blessed by Lord Karthikeya Represents success and guidance
346 Karthini Goddess linked to Kartikeya Signifies strength and victory
347 Karthinika One who follows Lord Karthikeya Symbol of discipline and wisdom
348 Karthinitha Sacred light of Karthikeya Represents divine radiance
349 Karthipriya Beloved of Karthikeya Symbol of love and devotion
350 Karthishini Glowing like Karthikeyan's light Symbol of brilliance and victory
351 Karthitara Star of Karthikeya Represents brightness and success
352 Karthivetha Knowledge of Karthikeya Represents intelligence and grace
353 Karthiyana One belonging to Karthikeya Represents wisdom and power
354 Karthiyashmi One enriched by Karthikeyan's grace Represents intelligence and strength
355 Karthiyashri Blessed by Karthikeya Symbol of success and prosperity
356 Karthiyuga Sacred era of Karthikeya Represents divine transformation
357 Kartiki Name of a star Reflects Murugan’s celestial birth
358 Kartinaya Goddess of Murugan's wisdom Symbol of knowledge and spiritual growth
359 Kartisha Goddess of Kartikeya Embodies wisdom and spiritual energy
360 Kartishree Blessed by Lord Kartikeya Represents prosperity and knowledge
361 Kartishya Goddess of determination Represents perseverance and faith
362 Kartivani Goddess of Murugan's teachings Symbol of knowledge and spiritual growth
363 Kaveshi Goddess of sacred verses Embodies eloquence and intelligence
364 Kavisha Goddess of poetry Represents intelligence and eloquence
365 Kavishini Goddess of sacred hymns Embodies eloquence and knowledge
366 Kavishri Goddess of sacred knowledge Embodies wisdom and divine chants
367 Kavithanya Goddess of sacred verses Symbolises knowledge and wisdom
368 Kavyani Poetic, Wise Signifies intelligence and creativity
369 Krittika Name of a star Represents Murugan's celestial origins
370 Kumaranika Daughter of Lord Kumara Signifies divine blessings and beauty
371 Kumaranita Pure and youthful like Kumaran Represents innocence and grace
372 Kumaranjali Offering to Lord Kumara Represents love and devotion
373 Kumareesha Goddess of youthful energy Signifies eternal beauty and strength
374 Kumareshi Goddess of Kumara (Murugan) Represents devotion and spirituality
375 Kumari Young Goddess Symbolises purity and divine energy
376 Kumariyana Sacred daughter of Lord Kumara Represents purity and spiritual energy
377 Kumariyana Youthful and divine like Kumara Symbol of innocence and purity
378 Kumarnita Divine feminine warrior Symbol of resilience and strength
379 Kumaryika Pure and sacred like Kumara Symbol of innocence and wisdom
380 Kumayini Sacred feminine energy Represents purity and devotion
381 Kumilini Sacred peacock goddess Symbolises grace and Murugan’s vahana
382 Mahesvini Goddess Durga's form Symbol of power and courage
383 Malini Garland of flowers Reflects beauty and divine grace
384 Mayurangi Graceful like Murugan's peacock Represents beauty and elegance
385 Mayuri Peahen Represents beauty, and Murugan's vehicle
386 Mayurika Goddess associated with the peacock Symbolises grace and Murugan’s vahana
387 Mayurini Goddess associated with the peacock Symbol of grace and beauty
388 Mayurshree Goddess of the peacock Symbol of beauty and divine charm
389 Mayurvani Goddess connected to the peacock Symbolises grace and elegance
390 Murugaarthi Prayer to Lord Murugan Symbol of faith and divine blessings
391 Murugadevi Goddess, with Murugan's grace Represents protection and divinity
392 Muruganika A girl devoted to Lord Murugan Embodies faith and strength
393 Muruganila Goddess, with the grace of Murugan Represents peace and divine love
394 Muruganita Dedicated to Lord Murugan Embodies faith and spirituality
395 Muruganjali A heartfelt devotee of Murugan Symbol of love and faith
396 Murugapriya One who loves Lord Murugan Symbol of devotion and divine grace
397 Murugashini One with Murugan's divine energy Symbol of power and wisdom
398 Murugashmi Goddess blessed by Murugan Represents prosperity and blessings
399 Murugashri Goddess blessed by Murugan Embodies prosperity and divine grace
400 Murugavani Goddess blessed by Murugan Embodies devotion and purity
401 Murugavani The divine voice of Murugan Represents wisdom and music
402 Murugaveda Sacred knowledge of Murugan Represents learning and intellect
403 Murugavika One who is devoted to Murugan Symbol of devotion and blessings
404 Murugeshwari Goddess of Murugan's blessing Symbol of divinity and strength
405 Murugika Goddess related to Murugan Represents strength and divine grace
406 Murunvitha Goddess devoted to Murugan Embodies love and divine connection
407 Murvika Goddess devoted to Murugan Represents spiritual energy and guidance
408 Murvitha Goddess related to Murugan Represents strength and divine guidance
409 Nandika Goddess Durga Represents joy and prosperity
410 Nandvini Goddess of joy Symbol of happiness and prosperity
411 Nishvika Goddess of divine night Symbolises peace and inner wisdom
412 Nishvini Goddess of eternal night Represents serenity and inner wisdom
413 Omkashi Sacred Light of Om Symbol of divine blessings
414 Parvani Auspicious occasion Symbolises spiritual elevation
415 Saanvika Goddess Lakshmi Symbol of prosperity and blessings
416 Sanmukhi Six-faced Goddess Embodies wisdom and protection
417 Sarvani Goddess Durga Symbolises strength and divine power
418 Sarvanita Goddess of universal knowledge Symbolises intelligence and understanding
419 Sarvanithi Treasure of divine knowledge Represents wisdom and prosperity
420 Sarvavini All-knowing and wise Embodies knowledge and clarity
421 Sarvinaya One who possesses divine wisdom Embodies knowledge and positivity
422 Sathyani Truthful, Honest Represents wisdom and righteousness
423 Satyavani Goddess of truth Represents honesty and righteousness
424 Sena Army Represents leadership and courage
425 Senmitha Goddess of wisdom Embodies knowledge and intelligence
426 Senthamani A precious jewel of Senthil Symbol of purity and divinity
427 Senthamila Sacred like the Tamil god Murugan Symbol of heritage and spirituality
428 Senthamini Precious like a red lotus Symbolises purity and elegance
429 Senthamizhi Pure Tamil, loved by Murugan Symbol of heritage and wisdom
430 Sentharini Goddess of the red-hued lotus Symbolises beauty and grace
431 Senthilaya Sacred like Lord Senthil Embodies peace and spirituality
432 Senthilika One who radiates Senthil's energy Symbol of divine glow and grace
433 Senthilini One filled with Senthil's power Represents strength and courage
434 Senthurini Goddess of the sacred Senthur hills Represents divine grace and purity
435 Senthushila The pure and virtuous soul Symbol of grace and compassion
436 Senthushita The coolness of Lord Senthil Represents calmness and peace
437 Senthushri One with a bright aura Symbol of elegance and prosperity
438 Senvika Divine warrior goddess Represents leadership and victory
439 Shaanvika Goddess of prosperity Represents divine blessings and success
440 Shaktivelini Embodiment of Vel's power Symbol of courage and guidance
441 Shaktiya Power, Strength Embodies divine energy and force
442 Shankavini Goddess linked to the conch Represents spiritual awakening and power
443 Shanmishka Goddess linked to Shanmuga Embodies intelligence and divine grace
444 Shanmithra Friend of Lord Shanmukha Represents companionship and kindness
445 Shanmughi A goddess with six faces Embodies wisdom and divine power
446 Sharvagna Knowledge from Lord Sharva Symbol of wisdom and learning
447 Sharvangi Sacred and Divine Body Represents purity and strength
448 Sharvani Goddess Durga, Warrior Reflects strength and protection
449 Sharvanika One devoted to Lord Sharvana Symbol of faith and strength
450 Sharvanya Connected to supreme energy Embodies wisdom and positivity
451 Sharvila Connected to supreme consciousness Symbol of intelligence and strength
452 Sharvilata One who blooms with Sharva's grace Symbol of purity and peace
453 Sharvini Divine protector Represents safety and blessings
454 Sharvinika Powerful like Lord Sharvana Represents courage and success
455 Sharvisha Goddess Durga's form Represents divine protection
456 Sharvitha Divine warrior goddess Symbol of courage and leadership
457 Sharvithika Blessed by Lord Sharvana Represents courage and wisdom
458 Skandasree Prosperity blessed by Skanda Embodies success and blessings
459 Skandhadevi Goddess blessed by Skanda Embodies wisdom and purity
460 Skandhaja Born from Skanda's energy Symbol of purity and power
461 Skandhashini One protected by Skanda Symbol of safety and guidance
462 Skandhashri Blessed by Lord Skanda Represents wisdom and spirituality
463 Skandhavi Goddess devoted to Skanda Represents purity and blessings
464 Skandhika Goddess linked to Skanda Signifies courage and devotion
465 Skandhini Powerful like Skanda Represents courage and protection
466 Skandhita Goddess linked to Skanda Embodies intelligence and devotion
467 Subhashmita One with a divine smile Represents positivity and divine charm
468 Subrakala Auspicious art of Subramanya Symbol of creativity and grace
469 Subrakanya Daughter of Lord Subramanya Symbolises devotion and knowledge
470 Subrakanya Divine daughter of Subramanya Embodies purity and wisdom
471 Subrakirti The glory of Lord Subramanya Symbol of fame and wisdom
472 Subrakshita Blessed with divine protection Represents safety and prosperity
473 Subramitha Friend of Lord Subramanya Represents kindness and warmth
474 Subrapriya Devotee of Subramanya Symbol of faith and strength
475 Subrashini Goddess with sacred qualities Represents intelligence and kindness
476 Subravathi Pure and divine Symbol of goodness and virtue
477 Subravika Divine girl with purity Embodies elegance and sacredness
478 Subrayini One guided by Subramanya Symbol of direction and purpose
479 Tanvika Beautiful, Delicate Reflects grace and charm
480 Tanvisha Sacred and delicate Reflects divine beauty and grace
481 Tarini Goddess, Saviour Signifies courage and guidance
482 Tarunika Young and radiant goddess Symbol of purity and divine energy
483 Tarvangi One with divine radiance Represents purity and celestial energy
484 Tarvisha Goddess of divine radiance Embodies spiritual energy and beauty
485 Thandayini Goddess linked to Thandayi Represents motherly love and care
486 Thangamani Precious golden gem Symbol of prosperity and brilliance
487 Tharaniya Goddess of the Earth Symbolises stability and nurturing
488 Tharunika Eternal youthful goddess Represents vibrancy and energy
489 Tharvini Goddess of divine protection Represents safety and blessings
490 Tharvisha Goddess with celestial energy Embodies positivity and blessings
491 Vallari Goddess of Murugan Symbolises devotion and grace
492 Vashini Goddess Saraswati Signifies knowledge and eloquence
493 Vedhika Sacred altar Symbol of divine worship
494 Vedhisha Goddess of sacred chants Represents spirituality and wisdom
495 Vedhisha Goddess of sacred chants Represents knowledge and devotion
496 Veerini Courageous, Brave Embodies fearlessness and victory
497 Veerya Courageous and strong Embodies bravery and confidence
498 Veladheepa Radiant like the sacred Vel Symbol of light and positivity
499 Velaika Sacred Spear Goddess Represents Murugan's divine weapon
500 Velamirtha One who brings divine bliss Symbol of happiness and positivity
501 Velanidhi Treasure of Vel's power Symbol of strength and protection
502 Velanika Sacred spear goddess Embodies Murugan's divine strength
503 Velanisha Protected by the divine Vel Symbol of strength and safety
504 Velanjali Sacred prayer to Vel Represents faith and spirituality
505 Velanvitha One who finds joy in the Vel Represents Murugan's blessings
506 Velarini Goddess of the sacred spear Symbolises strength and divine power
507 Velarshita Seeker of Lord Murugan's blessings Symbol of wisdom and devotion
508 Velashmika Radiant with Vel's blessing Symbol of prosperity and joy
509 Velashmita Sacred goddess of the Vel Represents Murugan's strength and power
510 Velashni Goddess of the divine spear Represents strength and Murugan's power
511 Velashrita One who seeks the Vel's power Represents protection and divine grace
512 Velashwita Radiance of Vel Symbol of divine glow
513 Velavanya Beautiful like Lord Vel Represents charm and protection
514 Velavathi One who shines with Vel's energy Represents strength and purity
515 Velavitha The divine energy of Vel Symbol of guidance and success
516 Velayanti Goddess blessed by Vel Signifies power and courage
517 Velayashi Sacred protector with Vel Represents divine guidance
518 Velayashri One who shines with Vel's grace Represents protection and purity
519 Velayathri Goddess of Vel's power Represents spiritual energy
520 Velayi Goddess of the Spear Symbol of power and victory
521 Velayini One protected by the Vel Represents safety and divine care
522 Velayushini One guided by Vel Symbol of divine energy and success
523 Velayushree Sacred blessing of Vel Represents guidance and light
524 Velayuthika Glorious with Vel's power Symbol of strength and faith
525 Velayuthini Guided by Vel's power Represents courage and success
526 Velisha Sacred Spear of Murugan Symbolises divine power and victory
527 Velmitha Goddess of the sacred spear Symbolises divine power and strength
528 Veloshini One who radiates divine energy Embodies power and spiritual wisdom
529 Velpritha A soul protected by Vel Embodies security and grace
530 Velpriya One who loves Lord Murugan's Vel Symbol of devotion and protection
531 Velushmita Goddess of the sacred spear Represents courage and Murugan's power
532 Velvisha Goddess of Vel (spear) Represents strength and divine grace
533 Vibhuti Sacred ash Sign of spiritual purity
534 Vishaki Goddess of sacred fire Represents divine energy and wisdom

Why Choose a Murugan Name?

Lord Murugan's names for baby boys are said to have a very deep spiritual power. His name invokes valour, intelligence, and protection. Choosing a name inspired by him ensures divine blessings and strength for your child.

Symbol of Bravery

God, Murugan names for baby boys represent courage and victory. Lord Murugan is a warrior deity known for his fearlessness. A name linked to him will fill your child with confidence and strength.

Brings Wisdom and Knowledge

He is also known as a divine teacher. Subramanya Swamy's names for baby boys are associated with sharp thinking and intelligence. His name will guide your child toward wisdom and clarity.

Gives Protection and Guidance

Murugan is a protector. He shields his devotees from negativity and harm. Lord Subramanya's names for baby boys bring divine protection, ensuring a strong guiding force in life. Therefore, reinforce your baby boy and girl in Lord Muruga's name.

Resonates with Tradition and Spirituality

Lord Murugan is highly worshipped in Hindu culture. His name symbolises devotion and keeps spiritual values alive. It creates a strong bond with faith and heritage. So, naming your baby boy and girl inspired by lord Murugan will resonate with tradition and spirituality.

FAQs about Lord Murugan Baby Names

What are the benefits of choosing Murugan names for baby?

Murugan names for baby impart a sense of courage, wisdom, and protection for them while providing success, intellect, and power from the divine, along with a deep connection to tradition and devotion.

Why does one consider Lord Murugan's names for baby powerful?

The names from Lord Murugan for baby signify strength, knowledge, and victory. Being blessed with vigor, wisdom, and heavenly grace, your baby boy and girl will go on to enjoy a great life.

What is the significance of Lord Subramanya's names for baby?

Lord Subramanya's names for a baby denote intelligence, protection, and utmost devotion. It binds your child to Murugan's powerful qualities to ensure success, knowledge, and spiritual growth.

Does a baby receive positive energy with the name of Lord Murugan?

These are Lord Murugan's positive, bold, and gracious names for babies. These names bring about divine blessings, strength, and a meaningful spiritual connection throughout life.

What does Subramanya Swamy's name for babies do to life?

Subramanya Swamy's name for babies bestows wisdom, self-confidence, and victory. His divine qualities, as reflected in his name, direct children toward strength, clarity, and good fortune.

What are some popular Lord Murugan names for baby boys and girls?

Some popular names of Lord Murugan for a baby boy are Kartikeya, Kumaran, Shanmuga, Skandan, and Velavan. The names reflect self-confidence, knowledge, and godly blessings.

Are Murugan baby names historically significant?

Yes, Murugan baby names carry historical significance in Hindu culture. They portray faith, spirituality, and godly qualities, giving your child a meaningful identity.

How do you choose the best Murugan names for baby boys and girls?

Choose Murugan names for baby boys and girls according to their meaning, significance, and spiritual connection. Choose a name that depicts strength, intelligence, and divine blessings.

Do Murugan names for baby girls and boys have a deep meaning?

Yes, the Murugan names for baby girls and boys, such as Velayi, Skandini, and Kumarika, hold deep meanings. They represent strength, wisdom, and protection against evil forces.

Why are Lord Subramanya/Murugan names for baby auspicious?

Lord Subramanya's names for baby are considered auspicious since they represent Murugan's wisdom, power, and triumph. The names bring heavenly protection and victory in life.

Can Murugan names for baby give wisdom and prosperity?

Yes, Murugan names for baby are associated with wisdom and prosperity. Murugan shower children with wisdom, knowledge, and clarity as a divine teacher.

Does Lord Murugan have some special baby boy and girl names?

Yes, the unique names of Lord Murugan's baby boys are Tarakhan, Maheshan, Kumresh, and Dandapani. Similarly for baby girl are Valli, Deivanai, and Velayuthini. Each name represents divine power, courage, and wisdom.

What are the spiritual benefits of choosing a Lord Murugan name?

A name in the list of Lord Murugan for your baby girls and boy gives spiritual advantages, like protection and guidance from the divine. The names help build an affinity for tradition and faith.

Are Lord Murugan's baby names indicative of protection?

Yes, they represent protection because Murugan is the deity of guardians who protect devotees from evil energies, providing them with safety and direction in life.

What is the uniqueness of Murugan baby names?

Murugan baby names are unique due to the grace, courage, and divine blessings reflected in these names. Such names give strength and positivity and attach the spiritual link.

Why do people prefer Lord Murugan's names for babies?

Parents would love to provide names related to Lord Murugan as these bring them bravery, wisdom, and success. The significance of these names is both deeply spiritual and culturally important.

Do Lord Murugan's names for baby bring good luck?

Yes, the names of Lord Murugan can bring good luck to baby girls and boys. These names attract divine blessings, positivity, and strength to ensure all things go well in their life.

How do Subramanya Swamy/Murugan names for baby influence personality?

Subramanya Swamy's names for baby influence personality by instilling courage, wisdom, and confidence. These names help shape strong, intelligent, and spiritually connected individuals.




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