Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter J

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Hindu baby boy names beginning with ‘J’ often find inspiration in mythology, nature, and timeless qualities. These names hold deep roots in Indian culture and are chosen to reflect strength, intelligence, and balance. These options have special meaning for parents seeking a name honouring Hindu tradition while bringing positive energy.

Below is a list of popular and meaningful Hindu baby boy names starting with ‘J’.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Jagadish Lord of the Universe
2 Jagan Universe
3 Jagannath Lord of the Universe
4 Jagat Universe
5 Jagatveer Brave in the Universe
6 Jagdeep Light of the Universe
7 Jagdish Lord of the universe
8 Jagjeet Victory of the Universe
9 Jagjit Victory of the Universe
10 Jagmeet Friend of the Universe
11 Jagmohan One who attracts the world
12 Jagveer Brave warrior
13 Jai Victory
14 Jaidev God of Victory
15 Jainesh Lord of the Jains
16 Jaiprakash Light of Victory
17 Jairaj Victory of Kings
18 Jaisal Victorious
19 Jaivardhan One who increases victory
20 Jaiwant Victorious
21 Jaldhar Water, Rain
22 Jalendra Lord of Water
23 Jaman Lord Vishnu
24 Jamin Earth
25 Janak Father of Sita
26 Janakraj King of Birth
27 Janardan Lord Vishnu
28 Janardhan One who helps people
29 Janesh God of Birth
30 Janik God is gracious
31 Janish Victory of Lord Vishnu
32 Janith Born, Created
33 Janman Birth
34 Janmendra God of Birth
35 Janmohan Attractive from Birth
36 Janvith Born with Greatness
37 Jashan Celebration
38 Jashanpreet Celebration of Love
39 Jashasvi Glorious
40 Jashvik Fame
41 Jashwanth Victorious
42 Jaskaran One who brings fame
43 Jasraj King of Fame
44 Jaswant One who has fame
45 Jatin Lord Shiva
46 Jatinraj King of peace
47 Jayakant Victorious Lord
48 Jayakrishna Victory of Krishna
49 Jayakumar Son of Victory
50 Jayam Victory
51 Jayant Victorious, Conqueror
52 Jayanth Victory
53 Jayaprakash Light of Victory
54 Jayaraj King of victory
55 Jayasankar Victorious Lord Shiva
56 Jayavardhan One who increases victory
57 Jayendra Lord of Victory
58 Jayesh Victory
59 Jayshankar Victory of Lord Shiva
60 Jaysukh Happiness of Victory
61 Jayvardhan One who increases victory
62 Jayvijay Victory
63 Jeevith Life
64 Jeevraj King of Life
65 Jhansi Land of warrior queen
66 Jigesh One who is victorious
67 Jignesh One who is inquisitive
68 Jigyasa Curiosity
69 Jindal Lord of life
70 Jinesh Lord of Victory
71 Jishnu Lord Vishnu
72 Jitendra One who has conquered the senses
73 Jivan Life
74 Jivanesh Lord of Life
75 Jivendra Lord of Life
76 Jivendu Moon of Life
77 Jivitesh God of life
78 Jivraj King of Life
79 Jogesh Lord of Yoga
80 Jonak Moonlight
81 Jonit One who is born
82 Jugal Pair, Lord Krishna

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Christian baby boy names starting with ‘J’ frequently come from biblical origins or are inspired by saints, each carrying a solid spiritual meaning. These names often embody virtues such as faith, compassion, and humility, creating a meaningful connection to Christian heritage.

Whether you’re looking for a classic or modern name, this list offers a variety of Christian names with beautiful meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
83 Jabin The Lord has built
84 Jace Healer
85 Jacek Healer
86 Jacob Supplanter
87 Jadon Thankful
88 Jaedon God has heard
89 Jaime Supplanter
90 Jairo He Will Enlighten
91 Jalen Calm, Serene
92 Jamar Handsome
93 James Supplanter
94 Janek God is gracious
95 Jansen Son of Jan
96 Janus God of beginnings
97 Jared Descent
98 Jareth Descendant of Jarah
99 Jarett Rule, strength
100 Jarod Descent
101 Jarvis Skilled with a spear
102 Jason Healer
103 Jasper Treasurer
104 Javan Young
105 Javier New House
106 Javion God is Gracious
107 Javon Young
108 Jax God is gracious
109 Jaxon Son of Jack
110 Jaxson Son of Jack
111 Jayden Grateful
112 Jaydon Thankful
113 Jedediah Beloved of God
114 Jeffrey Peaceful Ruler
115 Jemuel He is God
116 Jennings Son of John
117 Jensen Son of Jan
118 Jeremiah God will uplift
119 Jeremie God will uplift
120 Jericho City of the moon
121 Jerrick Ruler with strength
122 Jethro Overflow
123 Jett Jet black
124 Joab God is Father
125 Joaquin Established by God
126 Joel Yahweh is God
127 Joey God will Add
128 John God is Gracious
129 Jonah Dove
130 Jonas Dove
131 Jonathan Gift of God
132 Jorah A rose
133 Joram Exalted by the Lord
134 Jordan To Flow Down
135 Jordy To Flow Down
136 Josef God will Add
137 Joseph God will Add
138 Joshua God is Salvation
139 Josiah God supports
140 Josias God Supports
141 Josue God is Salvation
142 Jotham God is Perfect
143 Jovan God is Gracious
144 Jovanny God is Gracious
145 Jovany God is Gracious
146 Jovian God of the Sky
147 Jozef God will Add
148 Judah Praised
149 Jude Praised
150 Judson Son of Jude
151 Julian Youthful
152 Julius Youthful, Downy
153 Justin Just, Fair
154 Justus Just, Fair

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Islamic baby boy names beginning with ‘J’ often have Arabic or Quranic roots and convey powerful qualities like wisdom, faith, and kindness. These names reflect Islamic values and cultural pride, offering spiritual and meaningful options.

If you’re searching for a name that captures the essence of Islamic teachings, explore the list of Muslim names starting with ‘J’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
155 Jaad Gift
156 Jaami The gathering
157 Jabbar Powerful
158 Jabir Comforter
159 Jabran Brave, Strong
160 Jad Leader
161 Jafaar Stream
162 Jafar Stream
163 Jafer Stream
164 Jaffar Stream
165 Jahan World
166 Jahanzeb Beautiful
167 Jahar Bright
168 Jahid Struggler
169 Jahil Ignorant
170 Jalal Majesty, Grandeur
171 Jalali Glorious
172 Jalaluddin Majesty of the faith
173 Jaleel Majestic
174 Jaleelur Greatness of God
175 Jalees Accompany
176 Jali Bright
177 Jalil Majestic
178 Jamal Beauty
179 Jamali Handsome
180 Jamaluddin Beauty of Religion
181 Jameel Beautiful
182 Jameer Beautiful
183 Jami Unifier
184 Jamil Beautiful
185 Jamiluddin Beauty of the religion
186 Jamir Educated
187 Jamoon Rose
188 Jamshed Bright
189 Jamshid Shining
190 Janan Heart, Soul
191 Jari Flowing
192 Jashif Glorious
193 Jasim Brave
194 Jasimuddin Powerful faith
195 Jaufar Stream
196 Jauhar Jewel
197 Javad Generous
198 Javed Eternal
199 Javid Eternal
200 Jawad Generous
201 Jawhar Precious
202 Jawwad One Who is Generous
203 Jayr Brave
204 Jazid Increment
205 Jazil Glorious
206 Jebrail Archangel Gabriel
207 Jeevan Life
208 Jibra Noble
209 Jibra'il Archangel
210 Jibril Archangel Gabriel
211 Jihad Struggle
212 Jilani Generous
213 Jiyad Knowledgeable
214 Junaed Soldier
215 Junaid Warrior
216 Jundallah Army of God

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Buddhist baby boy names starting with ‘J’ are inspired by peace, wisdom, and compassion principles. Often rooted in ancient teachings, these names represent qualities that align with Buddhist philosophy.

If you seek a name that resonates with spirituality and mindfulness, the following Buddhist names offer some beautiful options, starting with ‘J’.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
217 Jagad Worldly
218 Jaichand Victorious Moon
219 Jaitra Victory
220 Jal Water
221 Jambhu Lord Shiva
222 Jambuk A flower
223 Jambunath King of the Jambu Tree
224 Jampad Conqueror
225 Janah Born
226 Janardana One who helps others
227 Jandav Compassionate
228 Januka One who is born
229 Jas Fame
230 Jash Fame, Glory
231 Jashank The Moon
232 Jashodhar One who has a great heart
233 Jashvant Victorious
234 Jasra Protector
235 Jatila Having matted hair
236 Jatu Brave
237 Jayachandran Moon of Victory
238 Jayaendra Lord of Victory
239 Jayan Victorious
240 Jayana Victory
241 Jayapal Protector
242 Jayaram Victory of Lord Rama
243 Jayashankar Victory of Lord Shiva
244 Jayavarman Victorious Warrior
245 Jaydeep Victory light
246 Jayendranath Victory of the Gods
247 Jeevathma Soul of Life
248 Jidnath One who conquers
249 Jigar Heart
250 Jigme Fearless
251 Jinas Victor
252 Jinasena Lord of victory
253 Jinendra Conqueror
254 Jishta The best
255 Jitarth Victorious
256 Jiten Conqueror
257 Jithan Conqueror
258 Jithendra One who conquers
259 Jito Victorious
260 Jivabhadra Blessed Life
261 Jivaka Healer
262 Jivananth One who gives life
263 Jivanyog Life and union
264 Jivapada Protector of life
265 Jivapriya Beloved of life
266 Jivardhan One who gives life
267 Jivasu Soul
268 Jivathma Soul
269 Jivika Life
270 Jivith Living
271 Jnanesh God of knowledge
272 Jyotir Light

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Jain baby boy names beginning with ‘J’ are often drawn from the teachings of the Jain Tirthankaras, embodying virtues such as truth, non-violence, and integrity. These names reflect the core values of Jainism and the peaceful path it promotes.

The following list offers significant options for parents desiring a name honing Jain philosophy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
273 Jaganmohan Attractive
274 Jagatguru Teacher of the Universe
275 Jagatkar Creator of the world
276 Jagrav Alert
277 Jagruti Awakening
278 Jaimin Victorious
279 Jain A Follower of Jainism
280 Jalaj Born in water
281 Jalindar Lord of Water
282 Janmesh Lord of Birth
283 Janmohit One who is loved
284 Jantrik One Who Knows
285 Jashodev God of celebration
286 Jasvant The Victorious
287 Javay Strong
288 Jeevansh Part of Life
289 Jinal Lord Mahavira
290 Jineshwar God of Jains
291 Jinsin One Who Wins
292 Jinsukh Happiness of victory
293 Jitendranath Lord of Victory
294 Jitesh Conqueror of the world
295 Jitkaran Victorious
296 Jitvijay Victorious
297 Jivak One Who Gives Life
298 Jivanand Joy of life
299 Jivankumar Life
300 Jivanmukt Liberated Soul
301 Jiyansh Blessed with Life
302 Juhar A good deed
303 Jyotish Light

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Sikh baby boy names beginning with ‘J’ are steeped in Sikh values, often inspired by the teachings of the Gurus or attributes of God. These names convey qualities like bravery, faith, and humility, making them a thoughtful choice for those who value Sikh heritage.

Below is a list of Sikh baby boy names starting with ‘J’ that reflect strength and devotion.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
304 Jagdev God of the Universe
305 Jagjit Singh Conqueror of the Universe
306 Jagjot Light of the Universe
307 Jagpreet Love of the Universe
308 Jagroop The one who is full of life
309 Jaideep Light of Victory
310 Jaijit Victorious
311 Janjit Victorious in life
312 Janmeet One who is victorious in battle
313 Jarnail Leader
314 Jasbir Brave, Famous
315 Jashaan One who is always joyous
316 Jashal The glorious
317 Jasveer Brave
318 Jasvinder Lord of Fame
319 Jashandeep Light of glory
320 Jashinder Light of the celebration
321 Jashvin One who has great aspirations
322 Jashvinder Light of victory
323 Jashvir Brave
324 Jashwant Victorious
325 Jasjeet One who is victorious
326 Jaskiran Ray of Fame
327 Jasmeet One Who Loves Fame
328 Jasminder Light of glory
329 Jaspreet One who loves fame
330 Jaswinder Lord of Glory
331 Jatan The soul
332 Jatinder Lord of the Brave
333 Javinder Lord of Heaven
334 Jaymeet Victory for the community
335 Jaywant Victorious
336 Jeevandeep Light of Life
337 Jidendra Conqueror of the world
338 Jivan Singh Life
339 Jivanraj King of life
340 Jyotinder Lord of light

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with ‘J’ frequently have ancient Persian origins and represent concepts such as wisdom, light, and justice. These names are a beautiful way to honour Zoroastrian heritage, carrying with them the ideals of this ancient tradition.

If you’re looking for a unique name that connects to Persian culture, see the list below for Zoroastrian names beginning with ‘J’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
341 Jabar Powerful
342 Jade Precious Stone
343 Jadid New
344 Jadugar Magician
345 Jafri One who is victorious
346 Jaghir Owner of the World
347 Jahanara Queen of the world
348 Jahanbakhsh One who gives the world
349 Jahandar Brave
350 Jahanfar Lover of the world
351 Jahangir Conqueror of the World
352 Jahanian The World
353 Jahanjot Light of the world
354 Jahanpanah Savior of the world
355 Jahanshah King of the World
356 Jaheer Bright
357 Jalan Brilliant
358 Jalod Kindness
359 Jamdar Rich
360 Jamish The name of a river
361 Jamshad Shining
362 Janat Paradise
363 Jand Life
364 Jandar Noble
365 Jareb Brave
366 Jaro Brave
367 Jasfand Wealth
368 Jashang Glorious
369 Javadi Bright
370 Javaz Noble
371 Javidan Eternal
372 Javidi Bright
373 Javin God’s Gift
374 Jazayir Island
375 Jeen Life
376 Jirad Noble
377 Jivand Life
378 Jivar Spiritual
379 Jivon Life
380 Jowhar Jewel

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Jewish baby boy names starting with ‘J’ often carry biblical significance and connect to the history and values of Judaism. These names symbolise faith, strength, and purpose, offering traditional and modern choices.

Below, you’ll find a variety of meaningful Jewish names beginning with ‘J’ that reflect Jewish heritage.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
381 Jabez Pain
382 Jabriel God is My Strength
383 Jacobson Son of Jacob
384 Jair He shines
385 Jairus He Enlightens
386 Jaron To Sing
387 Jasiel God will Save
388 Jebediah Beloved friend
389 Jedidiah Beloved of the Lord
390 Jehoash God has made him
391 Jehoiakim Jehovah raises up
392 Jehudi One from Judah
393 Jesse Gift
394 Jethron Overflowing
395 Jevon Young
396 Joash God has made
397 Jocob He Holds the Heel
398 Jonan Dove
399 Jorim God will Lift
400 Joziah Jehovah has healed
401 Judd Praised
402 Jaatav One who is brave

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter J with Meanings

Names inspired by Nakshatras hold great significance in Hindu culture, as they are linked to lunar constellations and are believed to influence personality traits and destiny. Here’s a list of beautiful boy names starting with ‘J’ based on astrology and Nakshatras, offering meaningful options for your little one.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
403 Jagadeesh God of the Universe (Uttara Ashadha)
404 Jagadguru Teacher of the World (Dhanishta)
405 Jaganmay One who is universal (Jyeshtha)
406 Jagmit The World (Bharani)
407 Jajith Victorious
408 Jalindra Lord of water
409 Janam Born (Uttara Bhadrapada)
410 Janav Beloved (Purva Bhadrapada)
411 Janeshwar King of the world
412 Janmejay Son of Janmejaya (Rohini)
413 Jateesh Lord of creation
414 Jatish Lord of the Jats
415 Jayadev God of Victory (Shatabhisha)
416 Jayadratha Lord Shiva (Ashwini)
417 Jayasurya Sun of Victory (Ashlesha)
418 Jeevendra Lord of Life (Bharani)
419 Jinashekar Lord of victory
420 Jishan The lord
421 Jithin Victorious (Rohini)
422 Jitvik Brave
423 Jivansh Part of life
424 Jivendran God of life

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter J?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter J?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with J

What are some popular Indian baby boy names that start with the letter J?

Popular Indian names include Jai, meaning 'victory,' symbolising success in life. Jatin, meaning 'one who has matted hair,' often relates to Lord Shiva. Jayesh, meaning 'victorious,' reflects strength and success, while Jivesh means 'god of life,' making it another well-loved option across India.

What are the meanings of names like Jatin and Jay?

Jatin translates to 'one who has matted hair,' symbolising asceticism and spirituality, often associated with Lord Shiva. Jay means 'victory' or 'triumph,' representing success in various pursuits, a quality highly valued personally and professionally.

Are there unique Indian baby boy names starting with J?

Unique Indian names include Jivansh, meaning 'part of life,' symbolising a connection to existence. Janvik, meaning 'new beginnings,' and Jashan, meaning 'celebration,' are other meaningful yet uncommon choices for parents looking to stand out.

Can you suggest some traditional Indian boy names that start with J?

Traditional names like Jagdish, meaning 'lord of the universe,' reflect cultural reverence. Jagan, meaning 'world,' and Janardhan, which means 'one who helps people,' showcase the enduring values embedded in Indian culture and its rich history.

Are there names starting with J that have mythological significance?

Indeed, names like Jaya, meaning 'victory,' are associated with Goddess Durga. In contrast, Janaki, meaning 'daughter of Janaka,' is a name for Goddess Sita, carrying deep mythological and spiritual significance in Indian tradition.

How do I choose the right Indian name for my baby boy, starting with J?

Choosing a name involves considering its cultural or familial significance, meaning, and how well it harmonises with your surname. Consulting family members and understanding the values behind a name can enrich its meaning and emotional resonance.

What are some contemporary Indian baby boy names starting with J?

Contemporary names like Jivan, meaning 'life,' and Jash, meaning 'fame,' resonate with modern values and trends. Jax, a newer urban choice, appeals to parents looking for a fresh, stylish name for their child.

Are there any regional variations of baby boy names starting with J in India?

Yes, regional variations are common. For instance, Jasmeet in Punjab means 'one who brings fame,' while Jithendra in South India means 'conqueror of the world,' showcasing India's cultural diversity in naming conventions across different regions.

Do names starting with J have any astrological significance in Indian culture?

In Hindu astrology, names aligning with a child's Nakshatra (lunar mansion) are believed to bring good fortune. Consulting an astrologer for an auspicious J name may positively influence the child's destiny and character.

What should I consider when naming my baby boy, starting with J in the Indian context?

Consider the name's cultural and religious significance, ease of pronunciation, and compatibility with family traditions. If there are siblings, ensuring the name complements others in the family may also be essential for a harmonious family identity.

What are some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Hindu names include Jai, meaning 'victory,' symbolising success. Jagdish, meaning 'Lord of the world,' reflects divine protection, while Jatin, meaning 'one with matted hair,' connects to Lord Shiva's spirituality and teachings.

What are some popular Muslim baby boy names starting with J?

In Muslim culture, Jameel means 'handsome,' representing beauty and grace. Junaid, meaning 'soldier,' embodies courage and strength, while Javed, meaning 'eternal,' suggests a timeless legacy many aspire to leave behind.

What are some popular Christian baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Christian names include John, meaning 'God is gracious,' symbolising divine mercy. James, meaning 'supplanter,' and Joseph, meaning 'God will increase,' reflect faith and trust, while Joel, meaning 'Yahweh is God,' adds a spiritual connection to the name.

What are some popular Sikh baby boy names starting with J?

Sikh names like Jaspreet, meaning 'one who sings praises,' reflect deep devotion and spirituality. Jaskaran, meaning 'good deeds,' and Jaswinder, meaning 'victorious in God's glory,' highlight spiritual aspirations and strength in Sikh culture.

What are some popular names for Jain baby boys, starting with J?

Popular Jain names include Jainam, meaning 'follower of Jainism,' Jainesh, meaning 'Lord of Jain,' symbolising divine protection, and Jayesh, reflecting a positive outlook on life through victory and achievement.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with J?

Names like Jamshed, meaning 'shining river,' evoke brightness and purity, while Jal means 'water,' symbolising life. Jahangir, meaning 'conqueror of the world,' and Jalal, meaning 'majesty,' reflect strength and dignity in Zoroastrian culture.

What are some popular Buddhist baby boy names starting with J?

Buddhist names like Jaya, meaning 'victory,' highlight triumph over life's challenges. Jinpa, meaning 'generosity,' encourages kindness, and Jigme, meaning 'fearless,' reflects courage and inner strength, essential Buddhist qualities.

What are some popular Bengali baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Bengali names include Jayanta, meaning 'victorious,' symbolising success and accomplishment. Joydeb, meaning 'lord of joy,' reflects positivity, while Jishnu and Jaidev carry cultural significance and attributes of triumph.

What are some popular Marathi baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Marathi names include Jayendra, meaning 'victor of senses,' which symbolises discipline and mastery. Jagat, meaning 'world,' reflects universal respect, while Jaivant signifies bravery and success in personal and professional life.

What are some popular Gujarati baby boy names starting with J?

Gujarati names include Jinesh, meaning 'supreme god,' reflecting a connection to Jain philosophy. Jaydeep, meaning 'light of victory,' and Jashvant, meaning 'famous,' symbolise positivity and achievement in the Gujarati community.

What are some popular Tamil baby boy names starting with J?

In Tamil culture, Jeyanth, meaning 'victorious,' and Jayaraj, meaning 'king of victory,' embody success and leadership. Jeswin, meaning 'smart,' reflects intelligence, while Jayavel represents victory and strength.

What are some popular Telugu baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Telugu names include Janak, meaning 'father of Sita,' embodying values of responsibility and care. Jyotirmaya, meaning 'full of light,' signifies knowledge and wisdom, while Jayant symbolises accomplishment and triumph.

What are some popular Kannada baby boy names starting with J?

In Kannada culture, names like Jayanth, meaning 'victorious,' and Jagadeesh, meaning 'universal lord,' hold significant cultural importance. Jayesh, meaning 'victor,' and Jaikrishna, symbolising faith, are also widely chosen for their positive connotations.

What are some popular Malayalam baby boy names starting with J?

Popular Malayalam names include Jayakrishna, meaning 'victory of Lord Krishna,' symbolising spirituality and devotion. Jeswin, meaning 'smart,' and Jalaj, meaning 'born in water,' reflect intelligence and purity, essential qualities in life.




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