Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter U

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Hindu baby boy names beginning with ‘U’ frequently draw inspiration from sacred texts, nature, and core values. These names symbolise patience, wisdom, and spiritual insight, emphasising their connection to Indian heritage.

Here are some beautiful Hindu names starting with ‘U’ and their meanings to explore.


S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Ubhav Superior; exalted
2 Ubhay Both sides; dual
3 Udag One who has risen high
4 Udai The dawn; the beginning of something new
5 Udar Generous
6 Udarsh Kind-hearted
7 Udarshaan Vision of prosperity
8 Uday To rise or ascend
9 Udayakumar Rising prince
10 Udayan Rising sun
11 Udayasurya Rising sun
12 Udaybir Rising warrior
13 Udayen The sun that rises
14 Udayesh Lord of the rising sun
15 Udayganga River of the rising sun
16 Udaygiri Hill of light
17 Udayjit Victorious in the dawn
18 Udaykesh Lord of the dawn
19 Udaynath Lord of the rising sun
20 Udayraj King of the rising sun
21 Udbhav Emergence; genesis
22 Uddhama A noble person
23 Uddhav A friend of Lord Krishna
24 Udeep Light; brightness
25 Udhan The one who has risen
26 Udras A person who is enlightened
27 Udrik Brightness
28 Udyan Garden or park
29 Udyog A diligent person
30 Udyot One who is bright
31 Ugrayan One who is powerful
32 Ujay Victorious
33 Ujaysh A victor; someone who wins
34 Ujjain A city name
35 Ujjainesh Lord of Ujjain
36 Ujjvalit Brightness
37 Ujjwal Bright or luminous
38 Ujjwala Brilliant
39 Ujjwalendra Bright king
40 Ujjwalit One who brings brightness
41 Ujnay A name signifying purity
42 Ujwal Bright or brilliant
43 Ulag A name that means "earth"
44 Ullas Joy or happiness
45 Ullash Joyful
46 Umakant Lord Shiva
47 Umang Enthusiasm or joy
48 Umaran One who is flourishing
49 Umarkhan Brave ruler
50 Umashankar Lord Shiva
51 Umat Son of Uma
52 Umay Light of the sun
53 Umayesh Lord of Uma
54 Umedesh One who brings hope
55 Umedkar Hopeful person
56 Umeet One who is good-hearted
57 Umesh Lord of Uma (Shiva)
58 Umeshkanth Another name for Shiva
59 Umeshvar Lord of Uma
60 Umeshwar God of Uma
61 Umit A person who brings hope
62 Unesh One who is good
63 Unmesh To open or blossom
64 Unmeshkar One who brings openness
65 Unnati Progress or advancement
66 Upal Precious stone
67 Upanand An auspicious name
68 Upanesh One who is wise
69 Upendra Another name for Lord Vishnu
70 Uphar Blessing or gift
71 Upmanyu A sage in Hindu mythology
72 Uppal A type of flower
73 Urbashi A celestial maiden
74 Urijit One who is glorious
75 Urmila A name symbolising beauty
76 Ursa A brave warrior
77 Urvik Brave and strong
78 Urvish Brave
79 Ushaansh One who brings light
80 Ushaant A peaceful dawn
81 Ushakanta Lord of dawn
82 Ushank Light of the dawn
83 Uthkarsh Rising to excellence
84 Utkarsh Prosperity or excellence
85 Utkarshwan One who excels
86 Utkarshya A victorious one
87 Utkasht One who is elevated
88 Utpala Lotus flower
89 Utpatesh The one who creates
90 Utsarg One who dedicates
91 Utsav Festival or celebration
92 Utsavraj King of celebrations
93 Uttaksh Diligent and hardworking
94 Uttam Best or excellent
95 Uttamang The best
96 Uttampal Best among the brave
97 Uttamraj King of excellence
98 Uttamshankar Best among all
99 Uttamshree The best in wealth
100 Uttan One who is upright
101 Uttanish One who is pure
102 Uttansh A diligent person
103 Uttaram Direction north
104 Uttaran One who helps others
105 Uttay A variant of "Utkarsh," meaning excellence
106 Uvaksh Eye of the dawn
107 Uvansh The light of the sun
108 Uvi Brightness and radiance

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Christian baby boy names starting with ‘U’ are often inspired by biblical characters, saints, or virtues. They carry a deep sense of faith and humility. These names represent strength, grace, and devotion, qualities admired within the Christian faith.

Discover Christian names beginning with ‘U’ that may be special to your family.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
109 Uchechukwu The will of God
110 Uchen God's intention
111 Uchenna God’s will
112 Udell From the Yew tree valley
113 Udoka Peace is great
114 Udom Glory or Prosperity
115 Ulfred Peaceful wolf
116 Ulmer Famous wolf
117 Ulrich Prosperity and power
118 Ulwin Noble friend
119 Umayr Prosperous or Long-lived
120 Umberto Bright warrior
121 Urban Of the city; refined
122 Uriah The Lord is my light
123 Urias Light of the Lord
124 Uriel God is my light
125 Urijah God is my light (variation of Uriah)
126 Urman Of the army
127 Uven Friend
128 Uzal Wanderer or Eternal
129 Uziel God is my strength
130 Uzielah Power of God
131 Uzoma The good path
132 Uzzah Strength of God
133 Uzziah My strength is Jehovah
134 Uzziel Strength of God

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Islamic baby boy names beginning with ‘U’ typically have roots in Arabic or Persian languages. They are connected to the Quran, cultural wisdom, and faith. Such names often signify values like strength, respect, and wisdom, reflecting the importance of these virtues within Islam.

See the list below for meaningful Islamic names starting with ‘U’ and their interpretations.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
135 Ubadah Worship and devotion
136 Ubaid A servant of God
137 Ubaidullah A servant of Allah
138 Ubasir One who is observant
139 Uham Gift
140 Ujeer A protector and guardian
141 Ulaz A wise leader
142 Ulema A learned person
143 Ulike A helper
144 Uljan Caring and loving
145 Uljas A protector
146 Ulus Brave and strong
147 Ulwan Noble and respected
148 Ulya A high or exalted person
149 Ulyan Prosperous
150 Umain One who is loved
151 Umar Long-lived; flourishing
152 Umran Prosperity and long life
153 Unais A friendly and affectionate person
154 Uqbah A name signifying the end or conclusion
155 Uqqad Intelligent
156 Uquar A journey
157 Urooj Respected
158 Usama Lion; strong and courageous
159 Usan Trustworthy
160 Usayd A little lion; courageous
161 Ushan One who spreads kindness
162 Usman The chosen one; a strong leader
163 Uthbah A step; a journey
164 Uthman A prominent companion of Prophet Muhammad
165 Uva One who brings light
166 Uwais A kind-hearted person
167 Uyyub Wise and knowledgeable
168 Uzaar Noble
169 Uzaid Strong and mighty
170 Uzair A wise and knowledgeable person
171 Uzeel Protector
172 Uzrah A helper
173 Uzzair A prophet in Islamic tradition
174 Uzzar Supportive

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Buddhist baby boy names beginning with ‘U’ are often inspired by ideals like peace, mindfulness, and enlightenment. Rooted in Buddhist teachings, these names symbolise inner strength and compassion, making them thoughtful choices for families who value these qualities.

Explore some Buddhist names starting with ‘U’ and their meanings here

S. No Baby Name Meaning
175 Udaya Rising sun; to rise
176 Ujjaya Conqueror
177 Udyana Garden; peaceful place
178 Uttara The north direction; someone who leads
179 Ugan One who is aware
180 Ujjal Brilliant and bright
181 Uddhaya Rising; uplifting
182 Udvaya Light and brightness
183 Uddam A person of high status
184 Ushas The dawn; new beginnings
185 Uchanda Bright moon
186 Upasama Peace; tranquility
187 Unma One who is knowledgeable
188 Urdhva Higher; above
189 Ujjay Victory
190 Uparaj The one who is a king
191 Udayapratap Rising glory
192 Urvisha One who is courageous
193 Udayavijay Rising victory
194 Uttarayana The northern path; a spiritual journey
195 Usha Dawn; new beginnings
196 Uljay A person of light
197 Urdhan The one who rises high
198 Uddayan The one who is elevated
199 Upasak A devotee
200 Ushasi One who brings light
201 Umayo A person who is wise

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Jain baby boy names starting with ‘U’ are inspired by ancient Jain texts and the principles taught by the Tirthankaras. These names often convey values of non-violence, truth, and respect, reflecting Jainism’s emphasis on spiritual purity.

Some Jain names, starting with ‘U’, carry profound meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
202 Udhav Rising; ascendant
203 Ujan A name that signifies peace
204 Ujjval Bright and luminous
205 Ula A name meaning a high place
206 Umakar Lord Shiva; a divine figure
207 Umasankar Lord of Uma
208 Umesha Lord Shiva
209 Uru One who is vast
210 Ushakant One who is lord of dawn
211 Utsarga A devotee
212 Uttamkumar The best prince

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Sikh baby boy names starting with ‘U’ often draw from the teachings of the Gurus and qualities attributed to God. Names with the letter ‘U’ in Sikhism emphasise virtues like humility, devotion, and courage, reflecting Sikh values.

Below is a list of Sikh names beginning with ‘U’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
213 Ubal One who is noble
214 Udayjeet Victorious dawn
215 Udayjot Light of the rising sun
216 Udayvir Brave warrior
217 Ujaagar Illuminated; bright
218 Ujagar One who is radiant
219 Ujesh Lord of brightness
220 Umarjit A prosperous person
221 Umeed Hope; expectation
222 Urbana One who is urban
223 Urmil A name symbolising beauty
224 Urminder Protector of the earth
225 Ustad Master or teacher
226 Uttar North; guiding direction

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with ‘U’ often have Persian roots linked to concepts like light, truth, and wisdom. These names represent Zoroastrian traditions, connecting the child to their cultural heritage.

Explore Zoroastrian names starting with ‘U’ and their meanings here.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
227 Uda To rise, uplift
228 Uddin The light of faith
229 Uggat One who is brilliant
230 Uhrak Brave
231 Uladar One who is strong
232 Ulrik Ruler of prosperity
233 Ulu One who shines
234 Ummar Long-lived
235 Upar Up; elevated
236 Uplok Elevated place
237 Uran The heavens
238 Uresh The one who shines
239 Urja Energy; vitality
240 Ursu Bear; strong
241 Urvan Soul; spirit
242 Urvaz The highest peak
243 Urvin A strong warrior
244 Ushang Sunlight
245 Ushida Bringer of light
246 Uvay A name signifying prosperity
247 Uwayz A leader, a guiding figure

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Jewish baby boy names starting with ‘U’ often have Hebrew origins and carry historical or spiritual significance. These names symbolise resilience, strength, and a connection to faith, reflecting Jewish values.

Here’s a list of meaningful Jewish names beginning with ‘U’ for consideration.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
248 Udan A person who rises
249 Udash One who is protected
250 Uddan A person of high stature
251 Udi My praise
252 Udiya A beloved one
253 Ujitz A name meaning joy
254 Ulah One who is kind-hearted
255 Uliel God is my strength
256 Ullan A person who is noble
257 Ullian A person who is bright
258 Ulpian The one who brings joy
259 Ulviyah A name signifying wealth
260 Umiel God is my shepherd
261 Uphiel A name signifying a servant of God
262 Uqba A name signifying a journey
263 Urbane Polished and refined
264 Uri My light
265 Urran A name that signifies a joyous heart
266 Uzi My strength
267 Uzzain A kind-hearted individual
268 Uzzan A name meaning strength
269 Uzzir A wise person

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Names inspired by Nakshatras hold deep significance in Hindu culture. They are believed to bring harmony and align with a child’s life path. Here is a selection of Nakshatra-based names starting with ‘U’, each offering meaningful choices that may influence a person’s journey.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
270 Udaan Flight; ascent
271 Uddhvara A person who is elevated
272 Uraja A name that signifies the dawn
273 Uttama The highest in rank
274 Uttaraashadha One who is victorious
275 Uttarakalamrit The nectar of the northern star
276 Uttarakshatra The star of progress

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter U?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter U?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with U

What are some unique baby boy names starting with U?

Unique names can include Uday, meaning "rising," and Umang, which signifies "joy." These names stand out while also carrying meaningful associations.

Are names starting with U common?

Names starting with U tend to be less common than those starting with other letters, offering a distinctive choice for parents looking for something unique for their baby boy.

Do names starting with U have significant meanings?

Yes, many names starting with U carry positive and uplifting meanings, such as Ujwal (bright) and Umar (prosperous), reflecting desirable qualities.

How can I find the right name starting with U for my baby boy?

Consider factors like the meaning, cultural significance, and how the name sounds with your last name. It's also helpful to discuss options with family and friends.

Are there names starting with U from various cultures?

Absolutely! Names like Uziel (Jewish) and Upendra (Hindu) showcase the rich diversity of names available across different cultures, allowing parents to choose based on their heritage.

Can names starting with U be easily pronounced?

Most names starting with U, such as Uday and Umar, are straightforward to pronounce. However, it's always good to consider potential pronunciation challenges.

Is it important to consider nicknames when choosing a name?

Yes, considering potential nicknames is important. A name like Ujjwal might lend itself to affectionate short forms, so consider how it might evolve.

What are some names starting with U that have a strong cultural background?

Names like Umran (Islamic) and Umesh (Hindu) sound appealing and carry strong cultural significance, making them excellent choices.

Should I consider the popularity of a name starting with U?

If you prefer a unique name, choose one that is less common. Conversely, if you want a more familiar name, look into names like Umar with historical resonance.

How do I know if a name starting with U is suitable for my child?

Ultimately, the best name resonates with you and your partner. Take your time to consider how the name feels, its meaning, and any cultural significance.

What are some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Hindu baby boy names include Uday, meaning "to rise"; Umesh, referring to "God of Uma, Lord Shiva"; Utkarsh, which means "prosperity"; and Ujjwal, meaning "bright."

What are some popular Muslim baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Muslim baby boy names include Usman, meaning "companion of the Prophet"; Umar, which signifies "flourishing" or "long-lived"; Uzair, the name of a prophet; and Ubaid, meaning "faithful."

What are some popular Christian baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Christian baby boy names include Uriah, meaning "God is my light"; Ulysses, meaning "wrathful"; Urban, meaning "from the city"; and Upton, which signifies "from the upper town."

What are some popular Sikh baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Sikh baby boy names include Uday, which means "to rise"; Ujjal, which means "bright"; Uttam, which means "best"; and Upkar, which signifies "kindness."

What are some popular names for Jain baby boys starting with U?

Popular Jain baby boy names include Utkarsh, meaning "prosperity"; Ujjwal, which means "bright"; and Umang, which signifies "joy."

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Zoroastrian baby boy names include Urvakhsh, meaning "joyful"; Ushta, which signifies "happiness"; Urvish, meaning "lord of the earth"; and Ushna, which means "warm."

What are some popular Buddhist baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Buddhist baby boy names include Uday, which means "to rise," Tenzin, which means "holder of teachings," and Thubten, which signifies "Buddhist doctrine."

What are some popular Jewish baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Jewish baby boy names include Uriah, meaning "God is my light"; Uri, which signifies "my light"; Uzzi, meaning "Jehovah is my strength"; and Uziel, which means "God is my strength."

What are some popular Bengali baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Bengali baby boy names include Utkarsh, which means "prosperity," Ujjwal, which signifies "bright," and Uttam, which means "best."

What are some popular Marathi baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Marathi baby boy names include Uday, meaning "to rise"; Umesh, which signifies "God of Uma, Lord Shiva"; and Ujjwal, meaning "bright."

What are some popular Gujarati baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Gujarati baby boy names include Utkarsh, which means "prosperity," Uday, which signifies "to rise," and Umesh, which means "God of Uma, Lord Shiva."

What are some popular Tamil baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Tamil baby boy names include Uday, which means "to rise"; Ujjal, which signifies "bright"; and Umair, which means "flourishing."

What are some popular Telugu baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Telugu baby boy names include Uday, meaning "to rise"; Utkarsh, which signifies "prosperity"; and Ujjwal, meaning "bright."

What are some popular Kannada baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Kannada baby boy names include Uday, meaning "to rise"; Umesh, which signifies "God of Uma, Lord Shiva"; and Ujjwal, meaning "bright."

What are some popular Malayalam baby boy names starting with U?

Popular Malayalam baby boy names include Uday, meaning "to rise"; Ujjal, which signifies "bright"; and Utkarsh, meaning "prosperity."




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