Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter S

Hindu Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names often derive deep meanings from Sanskrit scriptures, mythology, and divine virtues. Names that start with "S" reflect attributes like wisdom, purity, and strength. Some beautiful Hindu names beginning with "S" capture these enduring values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Saakshi Witness; A witness
2 Saanvi Knowledge; Goddess Lakshmi
3 Saanvika Goddess Lakshmi; Prosperity
4 Sachi Truth; The earth
5 Sadhana Worship; Practice
6 Sadhika One who is accomplished
7 Sadhvi Virtuous; Pious
8 Sadhvika Goddess Durga; Pure
9 Sadrika Pure; Refined
10 Sagarika Oceanic; Sea
11 Sahasra Thousand; Many
12 Sahi A name of Goddess Durga
13 Sahira Brightness; Light
14 Sahithi Literary; Author
15 Sakina Peace of mind; Calmness
16 Saksham Able; Capable
17 Sakshi Witness; A witness to truth
18 Salma Peace; Safety
19 Saloni Beautiful; Charming
20 Samanvi One who has a good heart
21 Samara Guardian; Protector
22 Samaya Time; Moment
23 Samiksha Analysis; Reflection
24 Samira Entertaining companion; Breeze
25 Sampada Wealth; Prosperity
26 Sampriti Harmony; Unity
27 Sanchita Collected; Accumulated
28 Sandhya Twilight; Evening
29 Sangeeta Music; Harmony
30 Sanika Flute; Music
31 Saniya Eminent; Distinguished
32 Santwana Comfort; Relief
33 Sanvi Goddess Lakshmi; Prosperity
34 Sanvika Goddess Lakshmi; Prosperity
35 Sanya Eminent; Distinguished
36 Sanyukta United; Combined
37 Sarika A bird; A name of Goddess Durga
38 Sarita River; Flowing water
39 Saroj Lotus; Flower
40 Sarvani Goddess Durga; Universal
41 Saryu River; A sacred river
42 Sashi Moon; Moonlight
43 Sashwati Eternal; Permanent
44 Sattva Virtue; Purity
45 Satvika Pure; Sattvic
46 Satya Truth; Reality
47 Savina Pure; Innocent
48 Savita Sun; Brightness
49 Shafali Flower; A fragrant flower
50 Shaila Goddess Parvati; Stone; Mountain
51 Shailaja Daughter of the mountains; Goddess Parvati
52 Shaili Style; Manner
53 Shakti Power; Goddess Durga
54 Shalini Modesty; Intelligent
55 Shantala Peaceful; Calm
56 Shanti Peace; Calmness
57 Sharada Goddess of learning; Saraswati
58 Sharanya Defender; Surrender
59 Shardha Goddess of knowledge; Wisdom
60 Sharmila Joyful; Comfort
61 Shashi Moon; Moonlight
62 Shilpa Art; Sculpture
63 Shilpi Artist; Sculptor
64 Shivani Goddess Parvati; Wife of Lord Shiva
65 Shobha Beauty; Luster
66 Shraddha Faith; Devotion
67 Shreya Auspicious; Beautiful
68 Shreyashi Auspicious; Beautiful
69 Shreyasi Auspicious; Beautiful
70 Shruthi Musical; That which is heard
71 Shruti That which is heard; Vedic literature
72 Shubha Auspicious; Good fortune
73 Shubhangi Auspicious; Beautiful
74 Shurti To hear; Vedic scripture
75 Siddhi Achievement; Spiritual power
76 Siddhika Accomplished; Successful
77 Sidhi Accomplishment; Success
78 Simran Remembrance; Meditation
79 Sita Furrow; Name of the wife of Lord Rama
80 Sitaara Star; Celestial body
81 Sitara Star; Celestial body
82 Sneha Love; Affection
83 Snehal Affectionate; Friendly
84 Sreelakshmi Prosperity; Goddess Lakshmi
85 Srestha The best; Supreme
86 Srisha Prosperity; Wealth
87 Srishti Creation; Universe
88 Srivalli Goddess Lakshmi; Wealth
89 Sruti That which is heard; Vedic literature
90 Subha Auspicious; Good fortune
91 Sudarshana Beautiful; Good looking
92 Sudeshna Good
93 Sudha Nectar; Sweetness
94 Suhana Pleasant; Beautiful
95 Suhasini One with a beautiful smile
96 Sujata Well
97 Sukanya Beautiful girl; Good
98 Sukhmani Peace of mind; Joyful
99 Suman Flower; Goodness
100 Supriti Goodness; Pleasantness
101 Supriya Beloved; Good friend
102 Sura Goddess Durga; Supernatural
103 Surabhi Fragrance; Sweet smell
104 Suraksha Safety; Protection
105 Suravi Goddess Saraswati; Bright
106 Sushila Good character; Virtuous
107 Sushmita Beautiful; Good
108 Swamini Master; Lord
109 Swara Musical note; Sound
110 Swarna Golden; Wealthy
111 Swasti Well
112 Swati A star; Name of a Nakshatra
113 Swatisha Fortunate; Auspicious

Christian Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Christian names are inspired by biblical stories and teachings and chosen to reflect virtues like faith, compassion, and resilience. Names starting with "S" often symbolise grace and serenity, aligning with Christian beliefs. Here are some Christian names that begin with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
114 Sabrina From the River Severn, boundary
115 Salome Peace, tranquil
116 Samantha Listener, told by God
117 Samara Guarded by God
118 Sandra Defender of mankind
119 Sarah Princess, noblewoman
120 Sarahi My princess, joyful
121 Savannah Treeless plain
122 Selah Pause, reflect (used in Psalms)
123 Selina Moon, heaven
124 Seraphina Fiery, ardent
125 Serena Calm, serene
126 Shaina Beautiful, God is gracious
127 Sharon A fertile plain, fruitful
128 Shekinah The glory of God’s presence
129 Shiloh Tranquil, peaceful
130 Simone One who hears, obedient
131 Sofia Wisdom
132 Sophie Wisdom, knowledge
133 Soraya Princess, star cluster
134 Stella Star
135 Stephanie Crowned, victorious
136 Suri Princess, red rose
137 Susanna Lily, pure
138 Suzy Lily; Rose
139 Sydney Wide meadow
140 Sylvia Forest, woodsy

Muslim/Islamic Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Islamic names frequently convey spiritual devotion, inner strength, and grace, often originating from Arabic and Quranic sources. Names beginning with "S" embody virtues like wisdom, compassion, and respect. Here are some Islamic names starting with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
140 Saara Princess; Noblewoman
141 Sabeena A name of a flower; Beautiful
142 Sabiha Beautiful; Graceful
143 Sabira Patient; Enduring
144 Sabrin Patient; Enduring
145 Sabrine Patience; Endurance
146 Sadia Happy; Fortunate
147 Sadiqa Truthful; Honest
148 Sadiya Happy; Fortunate
149 Sadiyah Lucky; Fortunate
150 Saeeda Happy; Joyful
151 Saera Happy; Joyful
152 Safa Pure; Clean
153 Safina Ship; Boat
154 Safira Sincere; Honest
155 Sahaara To support; To assist
156 Saheera Enchantress; Magician
157 Sahlah Eloquent; Fluent
158 Sahnaz King’s daughter; Queen
159 Saima Fasting; A woman who fasts
160 Saira Traveler; Journey
161 Sakeena Peace; Calmness
162 Salha Good; Righteous
163 Salima Peaceful; Safe
164 Salwa A bird; Quail
165 Saman Garden; Paradise
166 Sameena Pleasant; Sweet
167 Sameera Entertaining; Companion
168 Samiah Elevated; Noble
169 Samra Night garden; An evening flower
170 Samrin Joyful; Happy
171 Sana Brilliant; Eminent
172 Sanaa Brilliance; Eminence
173 Sania Eminent; Distinguished
174 Sannia Brilliant; Bright
175 Sareena Tranquil; Peaceful
176 Sazna Flower; Blossom
177 Sehar Dawn; Early morning
178 Shabana Nightingale; A songbird
179 Shabnam Dew; Morning dew
180 Shafaq Twilight; Dusk
181 Shafiya Healer; A name associated with healing
182 Shahana Princess; Magnificent
183 Shahanaz Queen; Princess
184 Shahd Pure honey; Sweetness
185 Shahida Witness; Martyr
186 Shahrin City girl; Urban
187 Shahrzad City
188 Shaira Poetess; Creative
189 Shaista Polite; Well
190 Shakina Peace; Calmness
191 Shakira Thankful; Grateful
192 Shaleena Calm; Peaceful
193 Shandana A lovely name; Attractive
194 Sharina Happiness; Joy
195 Shazia A flower; Beautiful
196 Shaziya Flower; Beautiful
197 Shehnaz Queen; Princess
198 Shereen Sweet; Pleasant
199 Suhailah A star; Starry
200 Sultana Queen; Ruler
201 Sumaiya Elevated; High above
202 Suraya Star; A name of a constellation

Buddhist Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Buddhist names represent values of peace, mindfulness, and enlightenment, reflecting the journey toward self-discovery and inner calm. Names beginning with "S" inspire harmony and compassion. Here are some Buddhist names starting with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
203 Saadhika Accomplished; Successful
204 Saavi Peace; Calmness
205 Sahaja Natural; Spontaneous
206 Sahana Patience; Endurance
207 Sakini Calm; Peaceful
208 Salika A beautiful girl; Graceful
209 Salila Water; Flowing
210 Samadhi Concentration; Absorption
211 Samya Balance; Harmony
212 Sanghita Music; Melodious
213 Sangita Music; Melodious
214 Sanjita Victorious; Conqueror
215 Sanjna Consciousness; Awareness
216 Santula Harmony; Balance
217 Saptami Seventh day; A sacred day
218 Saradha Goddess of knowledge; Wisdom
219 Sarala Simple; Straightforward
220 Sarangi A musical instrument; Melody
221 Sari Flower; Elegant
222 Sarnika Goddess Durga; Sacred
223 Sati Truthful; Virtuous
224 Shambhavi Goddess Parvati; Auspicious
225 Shanta Peaceful; Calm
226 Sharika Goddess Durga; Sacred
227 Sharini Earth; Ground
228 Shashwati Eternal; Everlasting
229 Shaveta Pure; White
230 Shweta White; Pure
231 Sidhika Spiritual power; Success
232 Sidhiksha Achieving goals; Success
233 Sreeja Goddess Lakshmi; Prosperity
234 Sudhira Intelligent; Wise
235 Sukhya Happiness; Joy
236 Suma Beautiful; Lovely
237 Sunayana Beautiful eyes; Graceful
238 Sundari Beautiful; Lovely
239 Sunita Good character; Virtuous
240 Suruchi Good taste; Beautiful
241 Sutra Thread; Connected
242 Suvana Well
243 Suvani Goodness; Kindness
244 Suvarna Golden; Precious

Jainism Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

In Jainism, names symbolise virtues such as nonviolence, purity, and moral integrity. Names beginning with "S" resonate with inner peace and strength values. Some Jain names start with "S," capturing these principles.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
245 Sadhavi Virtuous; Good character
246 Sadhvani Well
247 Saheli Friend; Companion
248 Sahiba Lady; Noblewoman
249 Sahridaya Kind
250 Samita One who is absorbed; Deeply engaged
251 Samriddhi Prosperity; Wealth
252 Samta Equality; Equanimity
253 Sananda Joyful; Delight
254 Sandeepa Light; Radiance
255 Sanjivani Life
256 Sanjivini Life
257 Santoshini Content; Happy
258 Saral Simple; Straightforward
259 Satyabhama A strong
260 Satyavati Truthful; Virtuous
261 Savitri Goddess; Divine
262 Savyasachi Skilled; Competent
263 Shakini Goddess Kali; Empowering
264 Shama Calmness; Peace
265 Sharmishtha Joyful; Comforting
266 Sharmista Joyful; Comforting
267 Shashvathi Eternal; Everlasting
268 Shaswati Eternal; Everlasting
269 Shikha Flame; Peak
270 Shivali Goddess Parvati; Auspicious
271 Shravika Listener; Attentive
272 Shree Prosperity; Wealth
273 Sitaji Goddess Sita; Virtuous
274 Sitashi One who shines like a star; Celestial
275 Sitashree Goddess of purity; Virtuous
276 Soniya Precious; Beautiful
277 Srikala Prosperous; Successful
278 Subhadrika Auspicious; Good
279 Suhani Pleasant; Beautiful
280 Suhanika Beautiful; Charming
281 Sujit Well born; Good natured
282 Sukhada Bringer of happiness; Joyful
283 Sukriti Good deed; Virtue
284 Sumati Good judgment; Intelligence
285 Suprabha Good light; Bright
286 Suryashri Radiance of the sun; Bright
287 Suvini Well
288 Swarnima Golden; Precious

Sikh Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Sikh names have deep spiritual meaning, emphasizing humility, respect, and devotion. Names that begin with "S" reflect resilience, faith, and honour, aligning with Sikh teachings. Here are some Sikh names that start with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
289 Sadaf Pearl; Precious
290 Saheba Lady; Noblewoman
291 Sarnita Sacred; Holy
292 Sarvjeet All victorious; Undefeated
293 Satjot True light; Divine light
294 Satnam True name; God's name
295 Sharanjit One who finds shelter in God; Protected
296 Shatarupa Having many forms; Diverse
297 Shravya Melodious; Worth hearing
298 Simar To remember; To meditate
299 Simrat One who remembers; Meditative
300 Soni Beautiful; Precious
301 Sukhi Happy; Joyful
302 Sumandeep Brightness of truth; Light of God
303 Sunaina Beautiful eyes; Graceful
304 Suryaprabha Light of the sun; Radiant

Zoroastrian Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Zoroastrian names, rooted in ancient Persian culture, represent values such as truth, purity, and courage. Names starting with "S" often symbolise strength and integrity. Here are some Zoroastrian names that begin with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
305 Sabeen Beautiful; Good
306 Sadrine High status; Noble
307 Safar Journey; Travel
308 Safra Pure; Innocent
309 Saliha Virtuous; Good
310 Samika Peaceful; Calm
311 Samin Precious; Valuable
312 Sanaz Joyful; Happy
313 Sarai Princess; Noblewoman
314 Sarina Joyful; Happy
315 Sarma Sweetness; Charm
316 Sarmishta Enchantress; Charm
317 Sarosh One who is capable; Intelligent
318 Sasi Moonlight; Radiance
319 Sayeh Shadow; Shade
320 Seema Boundary; Limit
321 Shadi Happiness; Joy
322 Shahina Bird; Hawk
323 Shahnaaz Pride of the king; Queen
324 Shahnaz Pride of the king; Queen
325 Shakila Beautiful; Graceful
326 Shams Sun; Radiance
327 Shaya Eminent; Distinguished
328 Sheena Beautiful; Prosperous
329 Sheherazade City
330 Shehzadi Princess; Noble
331 Sheyla Blissful; Happy
332 Shila Stone; Strong
333 Sima Gold; Radiance
334 Simin Silver; Shiny
335 Sira Guardian; Protector
336 Sogand Sweet; Pleasant
337 Soha Light; Brightness

Judaism Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

Jewish names are deeply rooted in Torah teachings and Hebrew traditions, representing resilience, wisdom, and kindness. Names beginning with "S" embody qualities of faith and hope, central to Jewish heritage. Here are some Jewish names that start with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
338 Sarit Princess; Noblewoman
339 Sema Meaningful; Important
340 Shafira Prosperous; Fortunate
341 Shai Gift; Present
342 Shaindel Beautiful; Lovely
343 Shaked Almond; Flowering tree
344 Shalva Tranquility; Peace
345 Shandy A common name for a pleasant person
346 Shani Scarlet; A color
347 Shanya A colorful bird; Bright
348 Sharlene Free woman; Strong
349 Shelly Meadow on a bank; From the sea
350 Sherah Song; Melody
351 Sheva Seven; Divine
352 Shevy My peace; My tranquillity
353 Shifra Beautiful; Bright
354 Shifrah Beautiful; Bright
355 Shiri My song; Song
356 Shlomi My peace; My tranquillity
357 Shmuel Name of God; God has heard
358 Shoshana Lily; Rose
359 Shoshannah Lily; A flower
360 Shoshi A flower; Beauty
361 Shuli Lily; Flower
362 Sia Victory; Triumph
363 Silka The silk; Soft
364 Silviana From the forest; Woodland
365 Simcha Joy; Happiness
366 Simmy Joyful; Happy
367 Sitka Strong; Mighty
368 Solana Sunlight; Heavenly
369 Solene Sunlight; Bright

Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with Letter S with Meanings

In Vedic astrology, names aligned with specific nakshatras (stars) carry special cosmic significance. Names starting with "S" are associated with balance, harmony, and spiritual strength. Here are some nakshatra-based names that begin with "S."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
370 Sadhna Worship; Practice
371 Sangha Gathering; Community
372 Sanghamitra Friend of the community; Social
373 Saranya Surrender; Defender
374 Shakuntala Bird; Name of a character in Mahabharata
375 Shankari Goddess Parvati; Auspicious
376 Shatabha A star that has a hundred flowers
377 Shatabhisha Asterism; A star that has a hundred flowers
378 Shonali Golden; Precious
379 Shradha Faith; Belief
380 Shravana Listening; Hearing
381 Shravani Born in the month of Sravana; Name of a Nakshatra
382 Shrayati To dwell; To reside
383 Shrishti Creation; Universe
384 Shubhi Auspicious; Good
385 Shukra Brilliant; Bright
386 Shyama Dark; A name of Goddess Kali
387 Sona Gold; Precious
388 Sravani Born in the month of Sravana; Name of a Nakshatra
389 Sumana Flower; Good name

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter S?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Girl Name Starting with Letter S?

FAQs about Baby Girl Names Starting with S

What are some popular Indian baby girl names starting with S?

Popular names include Sneha, meaning "love" or "affection," and Saanvi, which means "knowledge" or "brilliance." These names are cherished for their beautiful meanings and cultural significance.

Are names starting with S considered auspicious in Indian culture?

Yes, many names starting with "S" are considered auspicious, particularly those linked to divine qualities or specific Nakshatras, believed to bring good fortune.

Can I name my baby girl with a name from a different culture?

Absolutely! Choosing a name from another culture celebrates diversity. Ensure the name resonates with you and reflects qualities or values meaningful to your family.

How can I find a unique name starting with S?

Explore less common names based on mythology, nature, or unique linguistic roots. Names like Samira or Sarika can offer distinctive options with beautiful meanings.

What are some modern trends for names starting with S?

Current trends favour names such as Sanya or Sia, inspired by nature or modern influences. These names combine elegance with contemporary appeal, making them popular among new parents.

Can I combine names to create a unique name starting with S?

Yes! Combining names can create a unique and personal name. For example, merging Saanvi and Kavya could lead to "Saankav," adding a touch of creativity.

Are there names starting with S that are inspired by Indian languages?

Certainly! Many names, like Shanti, which means "peace," are rooted in Sanskrit and reflect India's linguistic diversity.

What are some popular Hindu baby girl names starting with S?

Hindu names such as Sita, associated with devotion and purity, and Shivani, meaning "wife of Shiva," carry strong spiritual and cultural significance.

What are some popular Muslim baby girl names starting with S?

Muslim names like Sara, meaning "princess," and Sumaya, meaning "high above," reflect qualities admired in Islamic culture, such as nobility and elevation.

What are some popular Sikh baby girl names starting with S?

In Sikh culture, names like Simran, meaning "remembrance," and Satvir, meaning "truthful," are cherished for their spiritual meanings and cultural roots.

What are some popular Jewish baby girl names starting with S?

Popular Jewish names include Sarah, meaning "princess," and Shoshana, meaning "lily." These names carry deep cultural and historical significance.

What are some popular names for Jain baby girls, starting with S?

Jain names such as Siddhi, meaning "success," and Suman, meaning "flower," embody virtues of accomplishment and beauty, reflecting the values of Jain philosophy.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby girl names starting with S?

Zoroastrian names like Shirin, meaning "sweet," and Soroush, meaning "messenger," represent beauty and communication in Zoroastrian culture.

What are some popular Bengali baby girl names starting with S?

Bengali names like Sanchita, meaning "collection," and Sharmila, meaning "joyful," reflect Bengal's rich cultural heritage.

What are some popular Marathi baby girl names starting with S?

In Marathi culture, names such as Sharika, meaning "goddess Durga," and Snehal, meaning "friendly," are appreciated for their positive meanings and cultural significance.

What are some popular Tamil baby girl names starting with S?

Tamil names like Sakthi, meaning "power," and Sangeetha, meaning "music," carry significant cultural meanings and are cherished in Tamil heritage.

What are some popular Telugu baby girl names starting with S?

Telugu names such as Sravani, meaning "one who is pure," and Sandhya, meaning "twilight," represent cherished qualities in Telugu culture.

What are some popular Kannada baby girl names starting with S?

Popular Kannada names include Sharini, meaning "earth," and Sangeetha, meaning "music." These names reflect values of strength and artistry.

What are some popular Malayalam baby girl names starting with S?

Malayalam names like Sreelakshmi, meaning "prosperous Lakshmi," and Swathi, meaning "a star," are admired for their melodic sounds and cultural significance.




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