Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter U

Hindu Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names carry deep meanings rooted in Sanskrit literature, ancient mythology, and divine virtues. Names starting with "U" often represent beauty, strength, and purity. Some meaningful Hindu names beginning with "U" capture these timeless values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Udai Rising, to rise
2 Udanta One who possesses immense knowledge
3 Udarika Pure heart
4 Udarini Noble
5 Udarshita One who is generous and noble
6 Udaya Dawn, rising sun
7 Udayana Rising sun
8 Udayashree Full of rising grace
9 Udayini Rising, awakening
10 Udbhava Origin, beginning
11 Udbhavi A new beginning
12 Udbhuti Awakening, enlightenment
13 Uddhavi Pure and noble
14 Uddita Elevated, risen
15 Udesha Bright as dawn
16 Udhika Rising
17 Udhita Raised
18 Udika One who ascends
19 Udini Noble
20 Udisha Direction, North
21 Udita One who has risen, dawn
22 Uditya Rising
23 Udumbara A type of fig tree, auspicious
24 Ujanika Moving upwards, progressing
25 Ujasri Glory
26 Ujaswini Shining brightly, radiant
27 Ujayini Victory
28 Ujjayi Victorious, triumphant
29 Ujjwala Bright, lustrous
30 Ujwala Full of brilliance
31 Ulini Powerful and graceful
32 Ulisi Guarding light
33 Ulka Meteor, shooting star
34 Ulupi Water maiden, from Mahabharata
35 Uma Goddess Parvati, light and tranquility
36 Umalika Garland of blossoms
37 Unaya Purposeful woman
38 Unita United, together
39 Unjali Offering
40 Unma Joy, happiness
41 Unmadini Ecstatic
42 Unmani A higher state of consciousness
43 Unmatta Ecstatic, passionate
44 Unmita Fulfilled
45 Unnati Progress, prosperity
46 Unnatika Elevated
47 Unnidhi Prosperity
48 Unniya Pure, small
49 Upaja Productive, creative
50 Upala A precious stone, gem
51 Upali Precious jewel
52 Upalika Precious stone
53 Upama Comparison, excellence
54 Upani Nearness to God
55 Upasana Devotion, worship
56 Upasanti Peaceful devotion
57 Upasna Devotion to divinity
58 Upaveda Lesser known knowledge
59 Upayani Approaching the divine
60 Upeya Nearness to divine
61 Upika Near to divine
62 Upola The blossoming one
63 Urisha Wise woman
64 Urjala Strength, power
65 Urjamita Strength of nature
66 Urjavi Strong woman
67 Urjita Energetic, powerful
68 Urmi Wave, energy
69 Urmiya Full of waves, ocean
70 Urna Covering, a blanket of clouds
71 Urshita Joyful, happy
72 Urvashi Celestial maiden, the most beautiful
73 Urvasi Most beautiful
74 Urvasika Graceful beauty
75 Urvija Born of the earth, nature
76 Urvila Exceptional beauty
77 Urviti Powerful woman
78 Urviya Powerful as earth
79 Usha Dawn, morning rays of light
80 Ushani Brightness
81 Ushara Passionate, full of life
82 Usharani Queen of the dawn
83 Ushasri Glory of dawn
84 Ushika Dawn-like, radiant
85 Ushmaya Bright as dawn
86 Ushna Desirous, warm
87 Utala Elevated, high
88 Utasvini Joyful, full of celebration
89 Utayini Full of spirit
90 Uthara Rising, conquering
91 Utika Gift of the dawn
92 Utira Transcending, beyond
93 Utkara Sharp, keen intelligence
94 Utkarsha Excellence, superiority
95 Utkarshini Best
96 Utpa Beginning, creation
97 Utpala Lotus, purity
98 Utpalakshi Lotus-eyed
99 Utpalini Lotus pond
100 Utpatha New path, innovator
101 Utpatti Creation
102 Uttami Highest, excellent
103 Uttara North direction, also a character in Mahabharata
104 Uttrani Strong-willed
105 Uvika Little dawn

Christian Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Christian names are inspired by biblical teachings and traditions and chosen to reflect virtues like compassion, faith, and hope. Names starting with "U" often symbolise understanding and grace, connecting with Christian beliefs. Here are some Christian names that begin with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
106 Udella Noble
107 Ulana Full of grace
108 Ulani Cheerful, happy
109 Ulfa Affection
110 Uliana Full of wisdom
111 Ulina Moonlight
112 Ulissa Wandering, seeker of truth
113 Ulita Charitable
114 Ulla Determination, will
115 Ullaine Bright light
116 Ulva Wise and kind
117 Ulyssa Adventurer
118 Umbelina Supportive spirit
119 Umberlee Goddess of the sea
120 Umbra Protective shadow
121 Umbria From the shadow, protective
122 Umbrielle Shadowed light
123 Umeira Life-giver
124 Umma Community spirit
125 Una One, unity
126 Unaida Unity, harmony
127 Unaisah Friendly, caring
128 Unara Generous, kind-hearted
129 Undina Water spirit
130 Undine Spirit of the water
131 Unelle Graceful
132 Unity Harmony, oneness
133 Ural From the mountain
134 Uraline Mountain spirit
135 Urba Urban, worldly
136 Uria God is my light
137 Uriah Light of God
138 Uriana Light of heaven
139 Uriel Flame of God
140 Uriella Light of God
141 Urielle Divine light
142 Uritha Noblewoman
143 Urithi Heir, inheritor
144 Ursa Little bear
145 Ursie Little bear
146 Ursina She-bear, protector
147 Ursula Little she-bear
148 Ushta Joy and light
149 Uvalda Valley of unity
150 Uziah Strength of God
151 Uzima Life, vitality
152 Uzma Greatest, excellence
153 Uzziah Jehovah is my strength

Muslim/Islamic Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Islamic names often have profound spiritual meaning, frequently drawn from Arabic origins and Quranic teachings. Names beginning with "U" reflect virtues such as wisdom, nobility, and kindness. Here are some Islamic names starting with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
154 Udaysah A narrator of Hadith
155 Uffat Pure, chaste
156 Ufiya One who is happy and joyful
157 Ujala Light, brightness
158 Ukhra Last
159 Ula The highest, the best
160 Ulaa Lofty, sublime
161 Ulfah Love, intimacy
162 Ulfat Love, friendship
163 Ulfath Affection, love, friendship
164 Ulfaz Noble words
165 Ulya Highest, supreme
166 Umaira Living a long life
167 Umara Leadership
168 Umarah Full of life, prosperity
169 Umayma Little mother
170 Umayrah A diminutive of 'Um', means motherly
171 Umeed Hope, aspiration
172 Ummah Community, group
173 Ummaya Blessed mother
174 Ummayma Little mother
175 Ummi My mother, a term of endearment
176 Umrah Pilgrimage
177 Umreen One who is kind and gentle
178 Unnis One who is happy and cheerful
179 Urooj Ascend, rise
180 Uroosa Happiness, bride
181 Urshan Protector
182 Urusa Bride
183 Urwa Strong support
184 Urwah Firm, steadfast
185 Urz Soft, tender-hearted
186 Ushana A ray of light
187 Usna Beautiful, radiant
188 Usra Ease, comfort
189 Uswa Model of behavior
190 Uswah Example, model
191 Uthmanah Brave, courageous
192 Uthra A name in Arabic meaning ‘to grow’
193 Uwaima Giver
194 Uzaina One with beautiful eyes
195 Uzzah Strong, mighty

Buddhist Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Buddhist names represent values like inner peace, compassion, and mindfulness, reflecting the journey toward enlightenment. Names beginning with "U" inspire qualities of serenity, strength, and kindness. Here are some Buddhist names that start with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
196 Ubhaya A blend of wisdom and action
197 Uchita Suitable, proper
198 Udaini Rising, excelling
199 Udara Magnanimous, noble
200 Udayakumari Princess of dawn
201 Udayani Rising, dawn
202 Udayati To rise, prosper
203 Udayita Joyful awakening
204 Uddhara To raise up, to uplift
205 Udhami With great ambition
206 Udila Awakened, rising
207 Udipti Illuminating, radiant
208 Udithya Eternal rise
209 Uditika Rising sun
210 Udupi Of the stars, heavenly
211 Ujvala Enlightened soul
212 Unnamika Blissful soul
213 Unnamita Exalted, raised
214 Unnata High, elevated soul
215 Upadesha Spiritual advice
216 Upadhika Great wisdom
217 Upagupta Protector, disciple of Buddha
218 Upaharini Gift to the divine
219 Upanistha Close to spiritual knowledge
220 Uparathi End of desire, detachment
221 Upasa Close to wisdom
222 Upashanta Calm, serene
223 Upasika A devoted follower of the Buddha
224 Upasini Close to divine grace
225 Upavana Near the forest, symbol of nature
226 Upeksha Equanimity, the state of being unperturbed
227 Upekshi One who is indifferent to worldly attachments
228 Urbashi Of heavenly beauty
229 Urmina Waves of wisdom
230 Utapi Filled with joy
231 Utpalika Lotus, purity
232 Uttama Best, supreme

Jainism Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

In Jain culture, names symbolise ideals like nonviolence, purity, and self-restraint. Names starting with "U" resonate with values of harmony and moral integrity. Some Jain names, beginning with "U", " reflect these principles.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
233 Udatta Noble, exalted
234 Uddaya Elevating, rising
235 Udgamini One who rises, ascends
236 Udhiti Spiritual growth
237 Ujjaya Victory
238 Unisha Full of desire to progress
239 Unmadi Blissfully happy
240 Unmata Joyfully enthusiastic
241 Unnika Full of grace
242 Upahara Offering to the divine
243 Upaki Spiritual seeker
244 Upamita Compared to the divine
245 Upamya One who surpasses others
246 Upanya Approaching truth
247 Upasani A devoted worshipper
248 Upasha Near to enlightenment
249 Upashi Devotee of peace
250 Upashraya A place of shelter, monastery
251 Upaya Strategy, method
252 Urashree Graceful beauty
253 Urbhavi Manifested soul
254 Urjika Full of vitality
255 Urmila Enchanting, a character from the Ramayana
256 Urmisha Ocean of wisdom
257 Urnitha Covered with grace
258 Ushmika Full of warmth and kindness
259 Utari Crossing boundaries
260 Utkrishta Excellent, superior
261 Utna Uplifted
262 Utsavi Celebration

Sikh Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Sikh names are significant, emphasising virtues like humility, faith, and honour. Names that start with "U" reflect inner strength and devotion, aligning with Sikh teachings. Here are some Sikh names beginning with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
263 Udairoop Beautiful rising
264 Udayleen Absorbed in rising glory
265 Udaymeet Rising as a friend of God
266 Uddam Effort, enterprise
267 Uddhaar Redemption, deliverance
268 Udhitpreet Illuminating love
269 Udhveer Brave warrior
270 Uditta One who has risen
271 Ujasleen Absorbed in the light
272 Ujjagarleen Bright in love
273 Ujjal Bright, shining
274 Ujjalpreet Love for the bright, shining one
275 Upenderdeep Lamp of God’s closeness
276 Upinderjit Victorious through closeness to God
277 Upinderkaur Princess close to God
278 Upjeet Victorious ascension
279 Upjot Divine light
280 Upkaarjeet Victory of kindness
281 Upkamal Lotus of the divine
282 Upkamalpreet Love for the lotus
283 Upkarleen Compassionate love
284 Upkiran Ray of divine light
285 Upmeet A friend close to God
286 Uppreet Loving the supreme
287 Upreet Love for the divine
288 Upwinder Courageous near God
289 Uravleen Immersed in the essence of life
290 Urmiljeet Victory of kindness
291 Urvinderjeet Victory through divine grace
292 Utpal Divine lotus

Zoroastrian Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Zoroastrian names, rooted in ancient Persian culture, often represent values such as truth, purity, and resilience. Names beginning with "U" symbolise unity and strength. Here are some Zoroastrian names starting with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
293 Uradvi High and exalted
294 Urayna Sacred fire
295 Urayon Ascending to light
296 Urdhva High, exalted
297 Urjishta Empowered, strong
298 Urka Steady, firm
299 Urmaya Full of wisdom
300 Urmizd Associated with the supreme God Ahura Mazda
301 Urnavi Full of blessings
302 Urtuva Strong-willed
303 Urukhti Wise one
304 Urunah Inspired one
305 Urushita Delighted, joyful
306 Urvaksha Light and glory
307 Urvana Full of joy
308 Urvda A blessing from above
309 Urvishta Of great beauty
310 Urvziya Lady of wealth
311 Urwaz Bringing blessings
312 Urzi Beloved one
313 Urziya Light of the heavens
314 Ushayi Protector of light
315 Ushetra Protector of the land
316 Ushmad Glowing warmth
317 Ushra Break of dawn, hope
318 Ushtana Full of energy and light
319 Ushtermi Filled with warmth
320 Ushtri Wise woman, elder
321 Uta Powerful as the sun

Judaism Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

Jewish names are rich in tradition, often inspired by Torah teachings and Hebrew heritage. They represent wisdom, resilience, and kindness. Names beginning with "U" embody qualities of understanding and faith. Here are some Jewish names that start with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
322 Udi My flame, my light
323 Ulvana Exalted, high
324 Uraviel God’s flame
325 Uriam God’s flame
326 Urida Noble spirit
327 Uriela Light of God
328 Uriet Divine flame
329 Urietta Light of God’s mercy
330 Urilla Light of the Lord
331 Urim Lights, as in divine guidance
332 Urit Bright, noble soul
333 Urith Bright, noble
334 Urithah A burning fire
335 Urithel Of the Lord's brightness
336 Urithya Luminous, shining with grace
337 Uriva Of great beauty
338 Uriya Light of God
339 Uvadia Devoted servant of God
340 Uvah Faithful, devoted
341 Uvali Divine power
342 Uzali Strong-willed
343 Uzalia God’s strength and resilience
344 Uzara God’s helper
345 Uzela Full of divine strength
346 Uzeria Strong in faith
347 Uzia God is my strength
348 Uziahna God's might
349 Uzial God's might
350 Uziela God is my power
351 Uzila One filled with power
352 Uzliah Strength of God’s grace
353 Uzra Help, assistance
354 Uzraela God’s help
355 Uzrah Aid from the divine
356 Uzraiya Divine assistance
357 Uzriel God is my power
358 Uzriya God is my support

Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with Letter U with Meanings

In Vedic astrology, names connected to specific nakshatras (stars) carry unique spiritual energies. Names beginning with "U" are often linked to balance, unity, and calm. Here are some Nakshatra-based names that start with "U."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
359 Udati Ascending, rising up
360 Udbhija One who sprouts or is born
361 Uddipta Enlightened, glowing
362 Udgita Chanting, song of joy
363 Udvika The one who rises
364 Udvita Rising up, ascension
365 Ujaala Brightness, light
366 Unathi Progress, development
367 Unmaya Delightful, joyful
368 Unnada Exalted, proud
369 Unnima Full of life, flourishing
370 Unnithi Rising joy
371 Upada Close to truth, realization
372 Upanshu Silent prayer
373 Upapradha Bestower of happiness
374 Upavi Close to greatness
375 Urjasvi Strong and energetic
376 Urmishi Ocean waves, symbolising strength and grace
377 Urthvika One who uplifts, exalted
378 Urvee The earth, a nurturing mother
379 Ushasi Bright as the morning sun
380 Uttamika Best, superior
381 Uttarashadha Invincible one, victorious

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter U?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Girl Name Starting with Letter U?

FAQs about Baby Girl Names Starting with U

What are some popular Indian baby girl names starting with U?

Popular names include Urvi, meaning "earth," and Uma, which symbolises "light" or "tranquillity." These names are cherished for their beautiful meanings and cultural significance.

Are names starting with U considered auspicious in Indian culture?

Yes, many names starting with "U" are considered auspicious, especially those linked to specific Nakshatras or positive qualities believed to bring good fortune and protection.

Can I name my baby girl with a name from a different culture?

Absolutely! Choosing a name from another culture allows you to celebrate diversity. Ensure the name resonates with you and reflects qualities or values meaningful to your family.

How can I find a unique name starting with U?

Explore less common names from mythology, nature, or unique linguistic roots. Names like Urja or Udita can offer distinctive options with meaningful connotations.

What are some modern trends for names starting with U?

Current trends favour names such as Una or Usha, inspired by nature or modern influences. These names combine elegance with contemporary appeal, making them popular among new parents.

Can I combine names to create a unique name starting with U?

Yes! Combining names can create a unique and personal name. For example, merging Urvi and Anita could lead to "Urvita," adding a touch of creativity.

Are there names starting with U that are inspired by Indian languages?

Certainly! Many names, like Usha, meaning "dawn," are rooted in Sanskrit and reflect India's linguistic diversity.

What are some popular Hindu baby girl names starting with U?

Hindu names such as Uditi, meaning "one who rises," and Umika, meaning "light," carry strong spiritual and cultural significance.

What are some popular Muslim baby girl names starting with U?

Muslim names like Uzma, meaning "greatest," and Umeed, meaning "hope," reflect qualities admired in Islamic culture, such as strength and aspiration.

What are some popular Sikh baby girl names starting with U?

In Sikh culture, names like Ujjal, meaning "bright," and Upasana, meaning "worship," are cherished for their spiritual meanings and cultural roots.

What are some popular Jewish baby girl names starting with U?

Popular Jewish names include Uriella, meaning "God is my light," and Usha, meaning "dawn." These names carry deep cultural and historical significance.

What are some popular names for Jain baby girls starting with U?

Jain names such as Uma, meaning "tranquillity," and Urja, meaning "energy," embody virtues of peace and vitality, reflecting the values of Jain philosophy.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby girl names starting with U?

Zoroastrian names like Unnati, meaning "prosperity," and Usha, meaning "dawn," represent hope and renewal in Zoroastrian culture.

What are some popular Bengali baby girl names starting with U?

Bengali names like Urmi, meaning "wave," and Utkarsha, meaning "brightness," reflect Bengal's rich cultural heritage.

What are some popular Marathi baby girl names starting with U?

In Marathi culture, names such as Usha, meaning "dawn," and Urvi, meaning "earth," are appreciated for their positive meanings and cultural significance.

What are some popular Tamil baby girl names starting with U?

Tamil names like Uma, meaning "prosperity," and Uthira, meaning "the one who rises," carry significant cultural meanings and are cherished in Tamil heritage.

What are some popular Telugu baby girl names starting with U?

Telugu names such as Udaya, meaning "rising," and Ujjwala, meaning "bright," represent cherished qualities in Telugu culture.

What are some popular Kannada baby girl names starting with U?

Popular Kannada names include Usha, meaning "dawn," and Uma, meaning "tranquillity." These names reflect values of beauty and brightness.

What are some popular Malayalam baby girl names starting with U?

Malayalam names like Unnimaya, meaning "goddess," and Uthara, meaning "northern," are admired for their connection to cultural and linguistic heritage.




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