Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter R

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Hindu baby boy names starting with 'R' is rich in meaning and cultural significance. These names often draw from mythology, nature, and spiritual concepts, embodying strength, devotion, and wisdom. Below is a list of meaningful Hindu baby boy names starting with 'R' to guide your naming journey.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Radhakrishna Combined name of Radha and Krishna
2 Raghav Lord Rama
3 Raghavendra Saint of the Raghu clan
4 Raghukul Family of Lord Rama
5 Raghunath Lord Rama
6 Raghupathi Lord Rama
7 Raghupati Lord Rama
8 Raghuram Lord Rama of the Raghu dynasty
9 Raghuvansh Lineage of Lord Rama
10 Raghuveer Brave like Lord Rama
11 Rajakumar Royal child
12 Rajanikant Lord of night
13 Rajas Royal, kingly
14 Rajat Silver
15 Rajatdeep Bright as silver
16 Rajdeep Best king
17 Rajdev Lord of kings
18 Rajeev Achiever
19 Rajeevalochan Lord Vishnu
20 Rajeevendra Lord of the blue lotus
21 Rajender Best ruler
22 Rajendra King of kings
23 Rajesh King of kings
24 Rajeshwar Lord of kings
25 Rajhans Royal swan
26 Rajil Bright
27 Rajin Light of the moon
28 Rajinikanth Moonlight
29 Rajit Decorated
30 Rajivendra Lord of the blue lotus
31 Rajmohan King’s charm
32 Rajnikant Lord of the night
33 Rajvardhan Best ruler
34 Rajveer Brave king
35 Rajyash Fame of the kingdom
36 Rajyavardhan Expanding the kingdom
37 Rakesh Lord of the night
38 Rakshit Protected
39 Ram Godly, Lord Rama
40 Ramanuj Younger brother of Lord Rama
41 Ramchandra Moon-like Lord Rama
42 Ramendra Lord of Rama
43 Ramgopal Lord Rama, protector of cows
44 Ramkishore Child of Rama
45 Ramkrishna Lord Rama and Krishna
46 Ramprakash Light of Rama
47 Ramprasad Blessing of Rama
48 Ranajit Victor in battle
49 Ranbir Brave warrior
50 Ranganath Lord of the stage, Lord Vishnu
51 Ranjan Entertaining
52 Ranjit Victorious
53 Ranjith Victory
54 Ranveer Brave warrior
55 Rasik Connoisseur
56 Ratan Jewel
57 Rathin Charioteer
58 Ratik Delightful
59 Ratnesh God of jewels
60 Raunak Light, brightness
61 Ravi Sun
62 Ravikanth Sunlight
63 Ravindra Lord of the sun
64 Ravindranath Lord of the sun
65 Ravish Lord of the sun
66 Ravishankar Lord of the sun
67 Rishabh Superior
68 Rishi Sage, wise man
69 Rishikesh Lord Vishnu
70 Ritesh Lord of truth
71 Rithvik Priest of Lord Shiva
72 Rituraj King of seasons
73 Ritvik Priest
74 Rohan Ascending
75 Rohanlal Rising brilliance
76 Rohit First rays of the sun
77 Rohitashva Lord Vishnu's horse
78 Roshan Bright
79 Ruchir Bright
80 Rudra Lord Shiva
81 Rudraja Son of Rudra
82 Rudrak Fierce
83 Rudraksha Eye of Lord Shiva
84 Rudransh Part of Lord Shiva
85 Rudrapratap Bold as Rudra (Shiva)
86 Rukminesh Lord Krishna
87 Rupak Sign, feature
88 Rupesh Lord of beauty

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Christian baby boy names beginning with 'R' often reflect virtues such as faith, hope, and love. Many of these names are derived from biblical figures or saints, symbolising qualities that can inspire your child's spiritual growth. This list offers a variety of Christian names that embody strong moral values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
89 Rafael God has healed
90 Ragnar Judgment army
91 Ragnor Strong warrior
92 Raleigh From the clearing in the woods
93 Ralph Wolf counsel
94 Ralphie Wolf counsel
95 Rami Elevated
96 Ramires Famous counsel
97 Ramon Wise protector
98 Randall Shield wolf
99 Randolph Shield wolf
100 Ransom Shield; protection
101 Raoul Brave wolf
102 Raphael God has healed
103 Raul Wise ruler
104 Ray Wise protector
105 Rayan Little king
106 Raylan Protector
107 Raymond Wise protector
108 Reggie Ruler's advisor
109 Reginald Wise ruler
110 Rei King
111 Reid Red-haired
112 Remington From the town by the river
113 Renard Brave power
114 Renaud Powerful advisor
115 Renzo Ruler
116 Reuben Behold, a son
117 Reuel Friend of God
118 Rex King
119 Reynaldo Powerful ruler
120 Reynold Ruler's counsel
121 Ricardo Powerful ruler
122 Ricky Brave ruler
123 Rico Brave ruler
124 Ridge A person from the valley
125 Riggins Strong
126 Rigoberto Bright fame
127 Riley Courageous
128 Rinaldo Powerful ruler
129 Ritchie Brave ruler
130 Riven One who is free
131 Roberto Bright fame
132 Rocco Rest
133 Rockwell Rocky well
134 Rocky Rest
135 Roderick Famous ruler
136 Rodney Hroda’s island
137 Rodrigo Famous ruler
138 Rolan Famous land
139 Roland Famous land
140 Rolf Famous wolf
141 Romeo Pilgrim to Rome
142 Romero Pilgrim to Rome
143 Romulus Founder of Rome
144 Ronald Ruler’s advisor
145 Ronan Little seal
146 Ronnel Joyful song
147 Rory Red king
148 Rosario Rosary
149 Rosen Rose
150 Rosendo Famous rose
151 Roswell Horse spring
152 Roth Advice
153 Rube Behold, a son
154 Rudger Famous spear
155 Rudolf Famous wolf
156 Rudolph Famous wolf
157 Ruel Friend of God
158 Rufin Red-haired
159 Rufus Red-haired
160 Ruggero Famous spear
161 Rupert Bright fame
162 Russ Red-haired
163 Russell Red-haired
164 Rutherford From the cattle ford
165 Ruthven From the rough place
166 Ryder Knight, mounted warrior
167 Ryker Strong power

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Islamic baby boy names starting with 'R' frequently have Arabic origins and are associated with admirable traits. These names often signify righteousness, compassion, and intelligence. If you're looking for a name that resonates with your faith, this list presents meaningful options for your baby boy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
168 Raashid Righteous
169 Rabee Spring, season of growth
170 Radhwan Contentment
171 Raed Leader, guide
172 Raees Chief, leader
173 Rafa Elevation, exaltation
174 Rafi Exalted, sublime
175 Rafik Companion
176 Rafiq Kind, companion
177 Raheel One who shows the way
178 Rahi Traveler
179 Rahil Traveler
180 Rahim Merciful, kind
181 Rahman Merciful
182 Rahmat Mercy
183 Raiyan Gates of Heaven
184 Rameen Joyful, happy
185 Rameez Symbol, sign
186 Ramez Symbol, sign
187 Ramil A messenger
188 Ramin Joyous, happy
189 Ramiz Symbol, sign
190 Ramsha Beautiful girl
191 Ramzan A holy month in Islam
192 Ramzi Symbolic, indicative
193 Rana Prosperous
194 Raqib Watchful
195 Rashad Good judgment, guidance
196 Rashan Righteous
197 Rasheed Guide to the right path
198 Rashid Righteous, rightly guided
199 Rauf Compassionate, kind
200 Rawa A name of a river in Heaven
201 Rayhan A fragrant plant
202 Rayyan Gate of Heaven
203 Raza Contentment, approval
204 Razaq Provider
205 Reem White antelope
206 Rehan Fragrant, a name of a flower
207 Rehman Merciful
208 Reza Contentment, satisfaction
209 Riaz Meadows, gardens
210 Rifai A person of high status
211 Rifat High status, elevation
212 Rifqi Gentle, kind
213 Rijal A name of a companion
214 Rikaz Treasure
215 Riyad Gardens, meadows
216 Riyadh Garden, paradise
217 Riyaz Gardens, meadows
218 Rizwan Heaven's keeper, the one who is pleased
219 Ruhaan Spiritual
220 Ruhel Spirit, light

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Buddhist baby boy names beginning with 'R' are influenced by teachings emphasising mindfulness, compassion, and tranquillity. These names reflect the core values of Buddhism and can serve as a reminder of the virtues parents wish to impart to their children. Explore this list of names and their meanings for your baby boy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
221 Raaj Ruler, king
222 Rachit Created
223 Raghuraj King of the Raghus
224 Raghvendra Lord of Raghus
225 Rahula Fetter, a name of Buddha's son
226 Rajan King
227 Rajiv Lotus flower
228 Rajkumar Prince
229 Rajmal King of flowers
230 Rakshak Protector
231 Rama Pleasing, a name of Lord Rama
232 Ramakrishna Lord Rama and Lord Krishna combined
233 Raman Pleasing
234 Ramdas Servant of Lord Rama
235 Ramdev God Rama
236 Ramesh Lord of Rama
237 Ramish One who is beautiful
238 Ranvir Brave warrior
239 Rathish Lord Shiva
240 Ratish Lord of the stars
241 Ratna Jewel, precious stone
242 Ratvij A conqueror
243 Ravan King of Lanka, a wise man
244 Raveesh Lord Shiva
245 Ravichandran Sun and moon
246 Ravik Sun
247 Ravikiran Sunbeam
248 Raviraj Sun king
249 Riddhiman Prosperous
250 Ridhwan Heaven’s gatekeeper
251 Rijul Pure, innocent
252 Rishan Good fortune
253 Rishit Sage, learned
254 Rithik One who is wise
255 Ritwik Priest or a sage
256 Rohin A star, the one who grows
257 Ruchin One who is good-looking
258 Rudranath Lord Shiva
259 Ruhit Red, sun
260 Rujul Honest
261 Rupen Lord of beauty
262 Rupendra Lord of beauty
263 Rupin Beautiful
264 Ruvin God’s beloved

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Jain baby boy names starting with 'R' often reflect the principles of non-violence, truth, and harmony. These names are rooted in Jain teachings and philosophy and signify the importance of ethical living and moral values. This list offers beautiful options honouring the Jain faith and its core beliefs.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
266 Radhakant Lord Krishna
267 Radhesh Lord of Radha
268 Raghavan Descendant of Raghu
269 Raghunandan Son of Raghu, Lord Rama
270 Rajak Kingly
271 Rajvendra King of kings
272 Rakshan Protection
273 Ramcharan Feet of Lord Rama
274 Rameshwar Lord Rama
275 Ramkumar Son of Lord Rama
276 Randeep Bright, shining
277 Ranjay One who brings joy
278 Ranjeet Victorious
279 Rashit Goodness
280 Rashvanth Winner
281 Raviendra Lord of the sun
282 Ravikant The sun
283 Rikesh Lord of the sun
284 Ruchit Attractive, beautiful
285 Rudrabhushan A name of Lord Shiva
286 Ruturaj King of seasons

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Sikh baby boy names starting with 'R' are typically inspired by the teachings of the Gurus and Sikh values. They represent qualities such as strength, faith, and humility. If you seek a name that resonates with Sikh tradition, this list provides meaningful choices for your baby boy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
287 Rajbir Brave king, king of warriors
289 Rajinder King of kings, the supreme ruler
291 Rajpal Protector of the kingdom, protector of the royal realm
293 Rajvinder Ruler's God, king's blessing
295 Ranvijay Victorious warrior, conqueror of battles
297 Ranvinder Lord of the battlefield, a warrior who fights for the king
299 Ravansh Part of the Sun, sunbeam, radiant part
301 Ravdeep Light of the Sun, Sun’s illumination
303 Ravinder Lord of the sun, another name for God
305 Ravinderjeet Winner or conqueror of the Sun God
307 Ravinderpal Protector of the Sun, the one who defends the Sun
309 Ravinderpreet Love of the Sun, one who loves the Sun
311 Ravindrajeet Conqueror of the Sun, one who defeats the Sun
313 Ravjeet Winner of the Sun, one who conquers the Sun
315 Ravneet The one who is blessed by the Sun, Sun's grace
317 Ravvinder One who is blessed by the Sun, one who receives blessings from the Sun

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Zoroastrian baby boy names beginning with 'R' often have ancient Persian roots tied to concepts such as light, truth, and justice. These names encapsulate the rich history of Zoroastrianism and carry significance that can guide your child's character and values. Explore these names and their meanings below.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
318 Rad A wise person; signifies wisdom.
319 Radmanesh Having a nature of joy and goodness.
320 Radmehr Kind and loving; reflects a generous heart.
321 Rahbar Guide, leader; symbolizes wisdom and leadership.
322 Rakhshan Shining; often used to symbolize clarity.
323 Raminan Noble; associated with nobility and high status.
324 Raminjan One who is joyous and full of life.
325 Raminyar Descendant of Ramin, one who is joyous.
326 Ramshad One who is joyful and peaceful.
327 Ramtin One who brings joy and peace.
328 Ramyar Charming; a delightful person.
329 Ranjbar Helper in distress, comforter.
330 Rasan A symbol of purity; linked with righteous living.
331 Rasoul Messenger, apostle; derived from religious significance.
332 Rastin Honest, righteous; reflects truth and integrity.
333 Ravaan One who is swift or light; can signify agility.
334 Ravanhesh Enlightened mind, one with wisdom.
335 Ravanshad Enlightened soul, wise; symbolizes spiritual enlightenment.
336 Ravindar Sun; symbolizes warmth and enlightenment.
337 Raviz To shine or be radiant.
338 Razvan Delightful, a messenger of joy.
339 Reymond Protector, guardian of wisdom.
340 Rooyak One who is radiant; signifies brightness.
341 Rooyesh Bright; denotes brilliance or radiance.
342 Roozbeh Good day, prosperous; symbolizes success and fortune.
343 Roshanak Little bright one, radiant; refers to brightness.
344 Rostam A legendary hero in Persian mythology, symbolizing bravery and strength.
345 Rostamdad Given by Rostam; heroic.
346 Rostamfarid Heroic like Rostam, one who is honored.
347 Rostamian Of Rostam; connected to the legendary hero.
348 Rostamin One who is brave like Rostam; symbolizes bravery.
349 Rostamshah King of heroes; signifies a high status among warriors.
350 Rostamvar Powerful like Rostam, a legendary figure in Persian tales.
351 Rostamyar Descendant of Rostam, courageous and strong.
352 Roushan Clear and bright.
353 Rozegar Time, era; signifies the passage of time or history.
354 Rustam Powerful and brave warrior from Persian mythology.

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Jewish baby boy names starting with 'R' reflect a rich historical and cultural heritage. These names often convey strength, faith, and wisdom, embodying values that resonate deeply within the Jewish community. This list showcases a variety of meaningful Hebrew names for your baby boy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
355 Raamiah The Lord has thundered; reflects the power of God.
356 Rachamiel Mercy of God; combines compassion with divine intervention.
357 Rachamim Compassion, mercy; reflects kindness and empathy.
358 Rachav Broad, spacious; often signifies freedom or expansion.
359 Rachman Compassionate one; signifies kindness.
360 Rafaelito Little Rafael; diminutive form of Raphael.
361 Rafshon God's secret; reflects a close connection with the divine.
362 Rahamim Mercy, compassion; a common Jewish virtue.
363 Ramaz Hinted, symbolized; signifies something hidden or mysterious.
364 Ramiel Thunder of God; one of the seven archangels.
365 Ramoth Heights or high places; signifies exaltation.
366 Ranan To sing or shout for joy; reflects happiness and celebration.
367 Ranel Joy of God; signifies divine happiness or bliss.
368 Ranen To sing; reflects joy and praise in Jewish tradition.
369 Ravael Exalted by God; reflects honor and divine favor.
370 Ravid Wanderer; signifies movement and exploration.
371 Ravidan Wandering leader; someone who leads with wisdom and exploration.
372 Raviel Healer of God; signifies spiritual or divine healing.
373 Ravitz Comforting; signifies one who provides solace and peace.
374 Raviv Rain, or freshness; symbolizes new beginnings and growth.
375 Raz Secret or mystery; often associated with divine secrets.
376 Raziya Divine secret; reflects hidden spiritual knowledge.
377 Razmi My secret; symbolizes hidden knowledge or divine secrets.
378 Razmil Secret from God; often signifies divine knowledge.
379 Razshon Mystery of light; symbolizes divine or hidden knowledge.
380 Reuven Hebrew form of Reuben; means "behold, a son."
381 Reuvenel Behold, a son of God; variation of Reuven.
382 Rofain Little healer; diminutive form reflecting one who brings healing.
383 Rofeh Healer; reflects one who brings healing or recovery.
384 Ron Joy, song; symbolizes happiness and celebration.
385 Ronen Joyful song; signifies cheerfulness.
386 Roni My joy; a name expressing happiness.
387 Roniel Joy of God; symbolizes spiritual happiness.

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter R with Meanings

Names inspired by Nakshatras hold great significance in Hindu culture. Here's a list of beautiful boy names starting with 'R' based on astrology and Nakshatras. Names derived from these celestial influences are believed to impact personality traits and life journeys, providing your child with a sense of identity and purpose.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
388 Ramith Loved or desired by all.
389 Ratul Sweet or pleasing.
390 Reetesh Lord of truth or righteousness.
391 Reyan Gift of God.
392 Reyansh Ray of light; part of Lord Vishnu.
393 Rimjhim Sound of rain; cool and refreshing.
394 Rishik One who is knowledgeable or learned.
395 Rithin A disciplined person.
396 Ritom Honesty and truth.
397 Ritviksh A bright and disciplined person.
398 Roopesh Lord of beauty.
399 Rounak Brightness, radiance.
400 Ruchik Full of light or brightness.
401 Rudraansh Part of Rudra (Shiva), fierce and powerful.
402 Rudraj King of Rudras, signifies power.
403 Rudraksh Eyes of Lord Shiva, symbolizing spirituality.
404 Rudran Another name of Lord Shiva.
405 Rudresh Lord Shiva, ruler of the Rudras.
406 Rudvik Lord of all; often associated with kingship or leadership.
407 Rukesh Full of radiance, brilliant.
408 Rupal Made of silver, or adorned with beauty.
409 Rushang One who spreads brightness.

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter R?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter R?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with R

Are names starting with R standard in Indian culture?

Yes, names starting with "R" are popular in Indian culture. These names often carry positive associations, symbolising strength, wisdom, and tradition, making them a favoured choice for baby boys.

Can I choose an R name from another culture for my child?

Absolutely! Names from other cultures can bring unique meaning and beauty to your child's name, allowing you to celebrate diversity and select something deeply resonant for your family.

Are baby boy names starting with R popular in India?

Yes, names beginning with "R" are widely popular in India, associated with virtues like strength, kindness, and wisdom. Families across various regions cherish these names.

What are the meanings of popular baby boy names that start with R?

Popular "R" names often have profound meanings. For example, Rohan signifies "ascending," Rahul means "conqueror of all miseries," and Rishi symbolises a "sage." These meanings reflect admirable qualities valued in Indian culture.

Can I find names starting with R in different cultures?

Yes, names starting with "R" are found across various cultures, including Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, and Jewish traditions. Each culture brings unique significance and heritage to these names, enriching your choice.

How can I choose the best name starting with R for my baby?

Consider the meaning, cultural significance, ease of pronunciation, and how it flows with your family name. It's also helpful to envision your child growing up with the name and how it fits your family's values.

Do names starting with R have any special astrological significance?

In astrology, the first letter of a name can align with specific Nakshatras or zodiac signs, influencing personality traits. Names starting with "R" may connect with particular stars or qualities based on astrological beliefs.

Are there any famous personalities with names starting with R?

Yes, famous individuals like Rabindranath Tagore, Ravi Shankar, and Rakesh Sharma have names beginning with "R." These names often convey qualities like creativity, intelligence, and leadership, making them inspiring choices.

How do I ensure that the name I choose is easy to spell and pronounce?

Opt for names with straightforward spelling and phonetics. Saying the name out loud and seeking feedback from friends or family can help ensure clarity in pronunciation and spelling.

What if I want a name that sounds modern but starts with R?

Modern names like Ryder, Rayan, and Rio combine contemporary appeal with cultural roots. These names are easy to pronounce and have a fresh charm that suits today's world.

Should I consider the initials that a name creates?

Yes, initials can be meaningful, especially if they form words or phrases. Think about the full name's initials to avoid unintended combinations or associations.

Where can I find more inspiration for baby boy names starting with R?

You can explore baby name books and online resources, consult family and friends, and utilise social media groups and forums for trending ideas and meaningful suggestions.

What are some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with R?

Popular Hindu names include Rohan, meaning "ascending," Rakesh, symbolising "Lord of the full moon," and Ravi, representing "sun." These names embody leadership, wisdom, and vitality and reflect cultural values.

What are some popular Muslim baby boy names starting with R?

Muslim names like Rahman, meaning "compassionate," Rashid, meaning "rightly guided," and Raheel, meaning "traveller," carry significant meanings. Each name aligns with virtues such as compassion and guidance, which are valued in Islamic culture.

What are some popular Christian baby boy names starting with R?

Christian names include Robert, meaning "bright fame," Raphael, signifying "God's healer," and Raymond, meaning "wise protector." These names carry a timeless appeal and reflect valued traits such as wisdom, kindness, and protection.

What are some popular Sikh baby boy names starting with R?

Sikh names like Ranveer, meaning "brave warrior," Rajinder, symbolising "Lord of Kings," and Ranjit, meaning "victorious," embody bravery, leadership, and resilience, highly regarded in Sikh tradition.

What are some popular Jewish baby boy names starting with R?

Popular Jewish names include Reuben, meaning "behold, a son," Raphael, meaning "God has healed," and Ronen, symbolising "song of joy." These names reflect values like healing, joy, and family, which are cherished in Jewish tradition.

What are some popular Bengali baby boy names starting with R?

Bengali names include Rishi, meaning "sage," Rajib, symbolising "lotus," and Rana, meaning "warrior." These names capture cultural richness and carry virtues like wisdom, resilience, and spirituality.

What are some popular Marathi baby boy names starting with R?

In Marathi culture, popular names include Rohit, meaning "red" or "sun," Ravindra, meaning "Lord of the Sun," and Ramesh, meaning "preserver." These names connect with Marathi heritage and carry spiritual significance.

What are some popular Tamil baby boy names starting with R?

Tamil names like Rajan, symbolising "king," Raghu, meaning "swift," and Ranjan, meaning "joyful," are meaningful choices. They embody Tamil cultural values, highlighting qualities of leadership, speed, and joy.

What are some popular Telugu baby boy names starting with R?

In Telugu culture, names such as Rakesh, Rajesh, and Ravi carry meanings like "lord of kings," "ruler," and "sun," respectively. These names represent traits admired in Telugu families, such as leadership and warmth.

What are some popular Kannada baby boy names starting with R?

Popular Kannada names starting with "R," like Rakesh, Raghav, and Rajesh, symbolise virtues of strength, wisdom, and nobility. These names resonate with cultural values admired within Kannada culture, such as resilience and compassion.

What are some popular Malayalam baby boy names starting with R?

Malayalam names such as Rajan, Ravi, and Rakesh carry profound meanings like "king," "sun," and "lord of the full moon." These names are popular for their cultural appeal and timeless resonance across generations.




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  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
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