Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter I

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names starting with 'I' convey deep spiritual meanings and reflect the virtues parents hope to instil in their children, such as integrity, intelligence, and inner strength. Choosing an 'I' name honours heritage while promoting essential virtues. Here are some names with meanings to help you choose the perfect one.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Ibhanshu One who is full of light
2 Ibhav One who is kind
3 Ichchha Desire
4 Ichit Desired
5 Idhant Bright; Intelligent
6 Iham Expected
7 Ijas Joyful; Happy
8 Ijay Victor; One who is victorious
9 Ikansh Whole
10 Ikshan Lord Shiva; Vision
11 Ikshit Desired
12 Ilaksh Lord of the earth
13 Ilan Tree
14 Ilanthirayan Young Man of Waves
15 Iman Faith; Belief
16 Imlit Lord Krishna
17 Inderjeet Victory of Indra
18 Inderjit Victorious God
19 Inderveer Warrior of God
20 Indra King of gods
21 Indraayan Rising Sun
22 Indrabhushan Jewel of Indra
23 Indraditya God of the Skies
24 Indrajeet Victorious over Indra
25 Indrajit Conqueror of Indra
26 Indrakant Lord of Indra
27 Indrakumar Son of Indra
28 Indramohan Lord Krishna
29 Indraneel Blue Gem
30 Indranil Sapphire
31 Indrasen Son of Lord Indra
32 Indratanaya Son of Indra
33 Indresh Lord of Indra; Mighty
34 Indu Moon
35 Indubala Son of the Moon
36 Indubhushan Moon Ornament
37 Indumal Moon’s Garland
38 Inesh Lord of the earth
39 Iniyan Goodness
40 Iraiyan Blessed One
41 Iravaan Son of Arjuna
42 Iravan Compassionate; Strong
43 Iresh Lord of the earth
44 Ireshvar Lord of Earth
45 Irev Protector; Guardian
46 Irshad Guidance; Direction
47 Irshant Strong
48 Irvansh Strength of the Earth
49 Irya Freedom
50 Iryaan Full of Compassion
51 Iryansh Piece of Heart
52 Ishaan Lord Shiva, Sun
53 Ishan Lord Shiva; The sun
54 Ishana Rich, Prosperous
55 Ishanesh Lord Shiva
56 Ishank Peak of the Himalayas
57 Ishanmitra Lord Shiva’s Friend
58 Ishant Peaceful; Calm
59 Ishanveer Brave Like God
60 Ishanvi Prosperous; Full of light
61 Ishat Superior
62 Ishav Capable of Glory
63 Ishit The one who is powerful
64 Ishman Presence of God
65 Ishvik Full of Power
66 Ishwar God, Lord of all
67 Ishwarachandra God-Like
68 Ishwaranand Bliss of God
69 Ishwarprasad God’s Blessing
70 Itish Lord Shiva
71 Ivaan Lord Shiva; Royal
72 Ivaansh Part of Lord Vishnu
73 Ivesh God of wealth

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Christian names beginning with 'I' reflect faith, love, and resilience, often derived from biblical references. These names mirror the qualities parents wish to nurture in their sons. Families express their beliefs and aspirations for their child's character by selecting an' I' name. Here are some names with meanings to help you find the perfect one for your little one.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
74 Iago Supplanter
75 Ian God is Gracious
76 Icarus Follower
77 Idan Era, Time
78 Idris Studious
79 Iestyn Just
80 Iggy Fire
81 Ignace Fiery; Ardent
82 Ignatius Fiery
83 Igor Warrior
84 Ike Laughter
85 Ikean Full of Life
86 Ilai God is gracious
87 Ilario Cheerful; Happy
88 Immanuel God is With Us
89 Imre Power of the Earth
90 Ines Pure; Holy
91 Ingelbert Bright Angel
92 Ingram Angel-Raven
93 Inigo My Little Fiery One
94 Ionas Dove
95 Ira Watchful One
96 Irenaeus Peace; A name of an early saint
97 Irvin Fresh Water
98 Irvine Green Water
99 Irving Green Water
100 Irvinson Son of the green river
101 Irwin Boar Friend
102 Isaac He Will Laugh
103 Isaakios He Laughs
104 Isaiah Salvation of God
105 Isaias Salvation of the Lord
106 Ishmael God Hears
107 Isiah God’s Salvation
108 Isidor Gift of the Goddess
109 Isidore Gift of Isis
110 Iskander Defender of mankind
111 Israel God Contends
112 Issac Joyful
113 Ivan God is Gracious
114 Ivander Bow warrior
115 Ivanhoe Youthful
116 Iven Little Archer
117 Iverson Yew tree town
118 Ives Yew
119 Ivor Yew
120 Izaak Laughter
121 Izaiah God Will Save
122 Izak Laughter

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Names inspired by Islam, starting with 'I,' embody qualities such as faith, compassion, and wisdom. Often referencing revered figures, these names emphasise the importance of spirituality in a child's life. Choosing a name that starts with 'I' inspires a connection to faith while nurturing cherished qualities. Here are some names with meanings to guide your choice.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
123 Ibad Worshipper of God
124 Ibadullah Servant of Allah
125 Ibraheem Father of multitudes
126 Ibrahim Father of Many
127 Ibtehaj Happiness
128 Ibtihaal Prayers
129 Idrak Perception
130 Iftikhar Honour
131 Ihsan Benevolence
132 Ihtisham Modesty
133 Ihtishamuddin Honour of the Religion
134 Ijtihad Effort; Striving
135 Ijtihadi Effort; Dedication
136 Ikhlaq Morals, Ethics
137 Ikhlas Sincerity
138 Ikhlasuddin Sincerity of Religion
139 Ikram Honour
140 Ikramullah Honour of Allah
141 Ilham Divine Inspiration
142 Ilyaas One who is exalted
143 Imad Support
144 Imaduddin Pillar of Faith
145 Imranullah Prosperity of God
146 Imtiaz Distinction
147 Imtihaan Test, Trial
148 Imtiyaz Distinction
149 Inam Gift
150 Inas Affection; Love
151 Inayat Care, Concern
152 Inshirah Joy
153 Intesar Victory; Triumph
154 Intisar Victory
155 Iqbal Prosperity
156 Iqlaas Sincerity; Purity
157 Iqraam Honour
158 Irfaan Wisdom
159 Irfan Knowledge
160 Irfanul One who is knowledgeable
161 Irfat Lofty
162 Irhaam Mercy
163 Ishaq Prophet’s Name
164 Ishfaq Compassion
165 Ishrat Intimacy
166 Iskandar Defender of Mankind
167 Ismat Innocence
168 Israr Secret; Sincere
169 Iyas To be saved; A name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad
170 Iydan Intelligent
171 Izaan Obedience
172 Izaar Sunshine
173 Izdihar Flourishing
174 Izzat Respect
175 Izzatullah Glory of Allah
176 Izzauddin Honour of Religion
177 Izzuddin Honour of Faith

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Buddhist names starting with 'I' represent enlightenment, compassion, and inner peace. These names inspire children to embrace the values of mindfulness and harmony. Selecting a name beginning with 'I' reflects parents' aspirations for their child's journey toward wisdom. Here are some names with meanings to consider.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
178 Ikka Single Fire
179 Isai One who is joyful
180 Ishik The one who is intelligent
181 Ishvara Supreme being; God
182 Isvara Lord; God

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Jain names beginning with 'I' often signify purity, truth, and compassion. Parents hope their children will embody these virtues as they grow. Choosing an 'I' name honours Jain's heritage and commitment to these principles. Here are some names with meanings to assist you.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
183 Iddhan Luminous
184 Idham The one who is capable
185 Ikesh God's Gift
186 Iktesh Light; Brightness
187 Ilam Wisdom
188 Ilesh Lord of Earth
189 Ileshwar Lord of Earth
190 Imit Strong; Courageous
191 Inay Kindness
192 Indrashish Blessing of Lord Indra
193 Indratan Jewel of Lord Indra
194 Indravadan Lord Indra
195 Indumat Moon’s Glow
196 Iraj Lord Hanuman
197 Irav Guardian; Protector
198 Irin Gentle
199 Irit Powerful
200 Irvad Unwavering; Steady
201 Irvish Blessing of God
202 Ishar Powerful
203 Isharveer Brave as God
204 Ishaya Full of light
205 Ishayu Full of Energy
206 Ishir Powerful
207 Ishith Superior
208 Ishmit Friend of God
209 Ishrit Powerful
210 Ishtadev The chosen deity; Lord
211 Ishtak Pleasant; Good
212 Ishvansh Part of the Supreme Lord
213 Ishya Lord Shiva; Rich
214 Isin To seek truth
215 Istrik The one who is pure
216 Ithikesh Divine Ruler
217 Ivish Supreme; Almighty
218 Ivyansh Part of Lord Shiva
219 Iyaan Gift of God

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Names inspired by Sikhism, starting with 'I,' emphasise humility, bravery, and spiritual strength. These names carry cultural significance and are chosen to guide children toward a life of service and integrity. Selecting an 'I' name instils pride and a connection to faith. Here are some names with meanings to help you decide.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
220 Ilang Light; Luminosity
221 Imaan Faith; Belief
222 Imaanpreet Love for faith
223 Imandar Honest; Truthful
224 Inder King of gods; Lord Indra
225 Inderbir Brave Warrior of God
226 Inderdeep God’s Light
227 Inderjot Light of God
228 Indermohan God’s Love
229 Inderpal Protector of God
230 Inderpreet Love of God
231 Inderprem God’s Love
232 Indersukh Peace of God
233 Indrajot God’s Flame
234 Ineshwar God is gracious
235 Irachit Created by the Lord
236 Irvan Intelligent; Wise
237 Ishaqar A place of knowledge
238 Isharjit Victory of God
239 Isharvir Brave as God
240 Ishmeet Friend of God
241 Ishpreet God’s Love
242 Ishvar Lord of All
243 Ishwarjot Light of God
244 Ishwarpreet Love for God
245 Ishwinder God is my protector

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Zoroastrian names starting with 'I' reflect virtues like truth, wisdom, and righteousness. Parents choose these names with the hope that their sons will lead lives of integrity and honour, connecting with Zoroastrian traditions. Here are some names with meanings to guide your selection.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
246 Iffat Purity; Modesty
247 Ijvay One who is successful
248 Iktadar Possessor of Power
249 Ipak Pure
250 Irad Courageous
251 Irani The one who is brave
252 Iranzad Born of a good mind
253 Iras Guardian
254 Iravash Divine Hero
255 Iravaz Champion
256 Iraz Angel
257 Irdavazd Immortal
258 Irosh Prosperity; Wealth
259 Irtak Brave Soul
260 Iryo Righteous One
261 Isfandyar Guardian Angel
262 Ishaaz Sacred Flame
263 Ishak Sacred Blessing
264 Ishkin Noble Mind
265 Ishor Glorious One
266 Ishpan Defender of Righteousness
267 Ishros Light
268 Ispahan Defender of Goodness
269 Ispand Sacred
270 Istar Light; Bright
271 Ittam Righteous
272 Ivak Protector of Earth
273 Ivi New; Fresh
274 Iwaj One who is exalted
275 Izad Divine Being
276 Izan Glorious
277 Izat Divine Light
278 Izatan Blessed One
279 Izaz Glory; Fame
280 Izdar Glory; Honor
281 Izemras Noble Warrior
282 Izhar Light; Brightness
283 Izravar Light of Truth

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Jewish names starting with 'I' symbolize strength, resilience, and faithfulness. These names inspire children to embody the values upheld by their heritage. Selecting an 'I' name honours tradition and instils qualities that reflect parents' aspirations for their sons' character. Here are some names with meanings to assist you in your choice.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
284 Iddin Beloved; Dear one
285 Iddish Beloved; Dear
286 Iddo The beloved one
287 Ido My witness; Follower
288 Imri My Word
289 Iren Peace
290 Iser The one who is graceful
291 Ishai Gift of God
292 Ishay Gift of God
293 Ismar God is with us
294 Issachar Reward
295 Isser The one who is graceful
296 Issur Heroic
297 Itamar Island of Palms
298 Ittai Friendly
299 Itzhak Laughter
300 Itzik Joy
301 Ivar Archer; Bow warrior
302 Ivri Hebrew; One who crossed
303 Izaac Joy
304 Izrael God’s Soldier

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter I with Meanings

Names starting with 'I' in astrology are linked to celestial qualities that inspire wisdom and intuition. Parents believe these names will guide children to embrace their strengths and navigate life confidently. Choosing an 'I' name linked to the stars instils a sense of cosmic connection. Here are some names with meanings to consider.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
305 Idhay Happy; Joyful
306 Ikshant Desired (Swati)
307 Ilach Bright; Shining
308 Ilish Earth; Land
309 Imesh Lord Shiva; God of time
310 Indira Beauty; Splendor
311 Indradev Lord of Heaven (Jyeshtha)
312 Iraivan Blessed (Vishakha)
313 Ish Lord of All (Rohini)
314 Ishaant Serene (Mrigashira)
315 Isham Brave; Courageous
316 Ishirat Godly Power (Purva Ashadha)
317 Ishmat Powerful (Anuradha)
318 Ishtav Favorable; Good
319 Ivay God is gracious

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter I?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter I?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with I

What are some popular baby boy names starting with the letter I?

Popular names like Isaac, Ishan, Irfan, and Inder are appealing choices, each with unique meanings across various cultures. Isaac, a classic name, means "he will laugh" in Hebrew, while Ishan, from Sanskrit, represents "sun" or "lord of wealth."

Are there any unique baby boy names starting with I?

Yes, unique names such as Ilyas, Ilan, and Irshad offer individuality and cultural depth. Ilyas, a variation of Elijah, means "the Lord is my God," and Ilan, meaning "tree" in Hebrew, reflects a connection to nature. Irshad, which means "guidance" in Arabic, is distinctive yet carries a profound sense of purpose.

What does the letter I symbolize in names?

The letter 'I' often represents individuality, inspiration, and intelligence. Names starting with 'I' can convey integrity, strength, and vision, offering an aura of independence and creativity that resonates with many parents seeking a unique yet meaningful name.

How do I choose the right baby boy name starting with I?

To choose a meaningful name, consider its cultural significance, ease of pronunciation, and how well it pairs with your last name. Reflect on personal or family values and qualities you hope your child embodies.

What are some popular Indian baby boy names starting with 'I'?

Popular Indian names like Ishaan, Ishan, Indra, Ivaan, and Irfan are meaningful and culturally rich. Ishaan, meaning "sun" or "lord of wealth," and Indra, the king of gods, offer traditional roots, while Ivaan, meaning "God's gracious gift," provides a modern twist.

What is the meaning of the name Ishaan?

Ishaan holds a powerful meaning of "sun" or "lord of wealth" in Sanskrit and is often associated with Lord Shiva. This name symbolises strength, warmth, and prosperity, making it a favoured choice among parents seeking spiritual and auspicious meanings.

Are there any traditional Indian names starting with 'I'?

Traditional names like Indra, Ishwar, and Indrajit have deep historical and cultural significance. Indra, the king of gods, is known as the deity of rain and thunder. Ishwar means "God," representing divine power, while Indrajit, meaning "conqueror of Indra," denotes courage and victory.

What are some modern Indian baby boy names starting with 'I'?

Modern names like Ivaan, Ishanvi, and Iryan provide a contemporary appeal while maintaining cultural depth. Ivaan, meaning "God's gracious gift," and Iryan, symbolizing "king," are trendy yet meaningful, reflecting qualities like strength, grace, and spirituality.

What is the significance of the name Indra in Indian mythology?

In Hindu mythology, Indra is revered as the king of gods and the ruler of rain and thunderstorms. Indra is known as a symbol of power and protection for his bravery and leadership, making this name meaningful for parents who wish their children to embody strength and authority.

What are some baby boy names starting with 'I' that have a spiritual meaning?

Names with spiritual depth include Ishaan, Ishwar, and Indrajit. Ishaan, representing "sun" or "Lord Shiva," embodies warmth and strength. Ishwar translates to "God," signifying divine presence, while Indrajit, meaning "conqueror of Indra," suggests spiritual power and resilience.

What is the meaning of the name Ivaan?

Ivaan, a modern and trendy name, means "God's gracious gift." This name symbolizes a blessing or divine favour, making it a heartfelt choice for parents seeking a name that reflects gratitude and spirituality.

Are there any baby boy names starting with 'I' inspired by nature?

Yes, nature-inspired names like Indra and Ishaan reflect elements of the natural world. Indra is associated with rain and thunderstorms, representing power and renewal, while Ishaan, meaning "sun," symbolizes warmth, light, and vitality, making these names perfect for nature-loving parents.

What are some baby boy names starting with 'I' that are easy to pronounce?

Easy-to-pronounce names like Ishan, Ivaan, and Irfan are short, sweet, and memorable. Ishan, meaning "sun," and Irfan, meaning "knowledge" or "wisdom," are intuitive to say and hold meaningful backgrounds, making them both practical and profound choices.

What is the meaning of the name Irfan?

Irfan means "knowledge" or "wisdom," and it is of Arabic origin and is widely used in South Asia. This name suggests enlightenment and intellectual depth, making it ideal for parents who value learning, insight, and curiosity.

Can you suggest some baby boy names starting with 'I' that are popular in South India?

Popular South Indian names like Indrajit, Ishwar, and Ilesh each hold strong cultural ties. Indrajit, meaning "conqueror of Indra," reflects bravery; Ishwar, meaning "God," signifies divine presence, while Ilesh, "lord of earth," denotes strength and grounding.

What are some baby boy names starting with 'I' with a strong meaning?

Names like Indrajit, Iryan, and Ishwar carry strength and significance. Indrajit, meaning "conqueror of Indra," suggests bravery and leadership. Iryan, symbolising "king," represents authority, while Ishwar, meaning "God," embodies spiritual strength and power.

Are there any baby boy names starting with 'I' that are inspired by Indian gods?

Yes, names like Indra, Ishaan, and Ishwar are inspired by Indian deities. Indra, the king of gods, embodies strength and protection. Ishaan is often associated with Lord Shiva, symbolizing power. Ishwar, simply meaning "God," holds divine reverence and spiritual depth.




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