Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter H

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

In Hindu tradition, names reflect divine qualities and virtues. Names starting with H often draw from ancient texts, embodying attributes like humility, health, and harmony. These names are blessings that guide a child's journey through life. Here are some beautiful Hindu boy names starting with ‘H’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Haimi Golden
2 Hamaresh Protector of the world
3 Hamsavahan One Who Rides a Swan (Brahma)
4 Hansal God is Gracious
5 Hansendra Lord of Swans
6 Hansh Swan-Like
7 Hanshik Sweetness of a Swan
8 Hanshit Joyful Swan
9 Hansraj King of Swans
10 Hanuman The monkey god
11 Harendra Lord Shiva
12 Hargun One with Good Qualities
13 Hari Lord Vishnu
14 Harichandra Truthful King
15 Haridas Servant of God
16 Haridev God-Like
17 Harigovind Lord Krishna
18 Harikanth Dear to Lord Vishnu
19 Harikesh Lord Shiva
20 Harikrishna The Supreme God
21 Harilal Son of Vishnu
22 Harimeet Friend of God
23 Harinandan Son of Vishnu
24 Harindar Lord Krishna
25 Harindra Lord Indra
26 Hariprasad Blessed by Lord Vishnu
27 Hariram Lord Rama
28 Harish Lord Shiva
29 Harishankar Lord Vishnu and Shiva Combined
30 Harit Green, Nature
31 Harith Ploughman
32 Harivallabh Dear to Lord Vishnu
33 Harivansh Part of Lord Vishnu
34 Harivarman Protector of God
35 Harjeet Victory of God
36 Harjit Victorious
37 Harkiran Light of God
38 Harmehtab Moon of God
39 Harnish He Who Removes Sins
40 Harsh Joy
41 Harshaansh Part of Happiness
42 Harshad One who brings happiness
43 Harshal Happy
44 Harshan Joyful, happy
45 Harshanand Joy of Everyone
46 Harsharaj King of Happiness
47 Harshdeep Lamp of Joy
48 Harshil Joyful
49 Harshit Full of Happiness
50 Harshmit Friend of Joy
51 Harshu Happiness
52 Harshvardhan One Who Increases Joy
53 Harvansh Of God’s Family
54 Harvin Brave in God’s Will
55 Harvinder God’s Own
56 Havish Lord Shiva
57 Havyas Offering to the Lord
58 Hemachandra Golden Moon
59 Heman Made of Gold
60 Hemanand Joy of Gold
61 Hemansh Part of Gold
62 Hemant Early Winter
63 Hemaraj King of Wealth
64 Hemavardhan The One Who Increases Wealth
65 Hemdev Lord of Wealth
66 Hemendra Lord of Gold
67 Hemesh Lord of Gold
68 Hemjit Victory of Gold
69 Hemraj King of Gold
70 Hidhesh Lord of the world
71 Himadri Snow Mountain
72 Himank Diamond
73 Himansh Part of the moon
74 Himanshu Moon
75 Himat Courageous
76 Himavan Lord of Snow
77 Himavarsh Snowfall
78 Hiran Gold
79 Hiranand Joyful and wealthy
80 Hirank Made of Gold
81 Hiranmay Golden Body
82 Hiranya Golden One
83 Hirav Wealthy
84 Hiren A diamond
85 Hirendra King of Diamonds
86 Hitansh Good person
87 Hitesh Lord of Goodness
88 Hiteshwar Supreme Lord of Goodness
89 Hithesh Lord of Goodness
90 Hivansh Good-hearted
91 Hriday Heart
92 Hridayansh Piece of Heart
93 Hridayesh Lord of Hearts
94 Hridaynath Lord of the Heart
95 Hridhaan Kind and Compassionate
96 Hridyansh Piece of the Heart
97 Hriman Wealthy Person
98 Hrimanth Wealthy, Compassionate
99 Hrishikesh Lord Krishna
100 Hrithik One with a Great Heart
101 Hrithikesh Lord of the Heart
102 Hritvik Sage
103 Hruday Heart

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

Christian names often draw from biblical stories and virtues that inspire love and faith. Names beginning with ‘H’ may symbolize healing and harmony, echoing teachings of compassion found in scripture. These names honour tradition and carry forward Christian values. Below are lovely Christian boy names starting with ‘H’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
104 Hadden From the Heather Covered Hill
105 Hadley Heather field
106 Hadriel Majesty of God
107 Hadwin Strong Friend
108 Hal Army ruler
109 Halbert Bright army
110 Hale Hero
111 Halston Holy Stone
112 Hamilton From the Mountain Town
113 Hamish Supplanter
114 Hanan Merciful
115 Hanniel Grace of God
116 Hans God is gracious
117 Hansen Son of Hans
118 Hardy Bold
119 Harlan Army land
120 Harlen Hare Meadow
121 Harlin Army Land
122 Harmon Soldier
123 Harold Army ruler
124 Harper One Who Plays the Harp
125 Harris Son of Harry
126 Harrison Son of Harry
127 Hartley From the stag meadow
128 Hartman Strong as a Stag
129 Hartwell Stag’s Spring
130 Harvey Battle worthy
131 Hatcher Door Opener
132 Haven Safe Place
133 Hawthorn Where Hawthorn Trees Grow
134 Hayden Fire
135 Haydon Valley of Fire
136 Haylen A Safe Refuge
137 Hayward Hay keeper
138 Haywood From the Enclosed Forest
139 Heath From the heath land
140 Heathcliff Cliff by the heath
141 Heber Partner
142 Hector Holding fast
143 Hedley Heath Covered Meadow
144 Henderson Son of Henry
145 Hendrik Ruler of the Home
146 Hendrix Ruler of the home
147 Henri Ruler of the Home
148 Henrik Ruler of the Home
149 Henry Ruler of the home
150 Herbert Illustrious Warrior
151 Hernan Brave, Adventurous
152 Herod Song of the Hero
153 Herschel Deer
154 Hesed Kindness
155 Hesperus Evening Star
156 Hesther Star
157 Hew Intelligent
158 Hewitt Little Hugh
159 Hezekiah God Strengthens
160 Higgins Intelligent One
161 Hildred Battle counselor
162 Hillel To Praise
163 Hilton From the hill town
164 Hiram Exalted Brother
165 Hobart High Bright
166 Hobson Son of Robert
167 Hodge Guardian of the home
168 Hogan A Young Warrior
169 Holden From the Hollow
170 Hollis Near the holly trees
171 Holmes From the River Island
172 Holt A Small Grove of Trees
173 Holtan From the High Hill
174 Homer Security, a pledge
175 Horace Timekeeper
176 Horatio Timekeeper
177 Hosanna Deliver Us
178 Howard Brave heart
179 Hubert Bright Heart
180 Hudson Hugh's son
181 Hugh Bright in mind and spirit
182 Hughie Mind, intellect
183 Hugo Mind, spirit
184 Humphrey Peaceful Warrior
185 Hunter One Who Hunts
186 Huson Son of Hugh
187 Hutton From the Settlement on the Hill
188 Hux Intelligent
189 Huxley Hoo's meadow
190 Hyram Exalted

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

In Islamic culture, names are chosen for their spiritual significance, embodying ideals of purity and kindness. Names starting with ‘H’ resonate with qualities that reflect the compassion central to Islamic teachings. Here is a selection of Muslim boy names starting with ‘H’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
191 Haafiz Guardian
192 Haaris Guardian, Protector
193 Haashir Gatherer
194 Habash Clear
195 Habeeb Beloved
196 Habib Beloved
197 Habibullah Beloved of Allah
198 Hadi Guide, leader
199 Hadiq Paradise
200 Hadiqah Garden
201 Hadiyah Guidance
202 Hafeez Protector
203 Hafez Preserver
204 Haffez Protector
205 Hafidh Memorizer
206 Hafiq Guardian
207 Hafiz Guardian
208 Haidar Lion
209 Haider Lion
210 Haikal Tall
211 Hakeem Wise
212 Hakeemullah Wise
213 Hakim Wise
214 Hakimullah Allah’s Ruler
215 Haleem Patient
216 Hamad Praised
217 Hamdan Praiser
218 Hamdi Praised
219 Hameed Praised
220 Hameedullah Praise to Allah
221 Hameem Best Friend
222 Hamid Praised One
223 Hamiz Sharp, Intelligent
224 Hammad One Who Praises
225 Hammam Brave, Heroic
226 Hamood One Who Praises
227 Hamza Strong
228 Hamzah Lion
229 Hanad Strong Man
230 Hani Delighted
231 Hanif True Believer
232 Hanzalah Noble
233 Hareem Respectable
234 Haris Vigilant, guardian
235 Harisah Guardian
236 Hariz Brave
237 Haroon Messenger
238 Harun Exalted
239 Hasan Handsome, good
240 Hasanain Two good ones
241 Haseeb Respected
242 Hashim Generous
243 Hashir One Who Assembles
244 Hasnat Virtuous
245 Hassan Strong
246 Hatim Judge
247 Hawwas Strong
248 Hayaat Life
249 Haydar Lion
250 Hayyam Passionate
251 Hazim Resolute
252 Haziq Clever
253 Hesham Generous
254 Hidayah Guidance
255 Hikmat Wisdom
256 Hilal Crescent moon
257 Hilmi Gentle
258 Himmat Courage
259 Hisham Generous
260 Hizbullah Party of God
261 Hossain Beautiful
262 Hubaib Liked
263 Hudhaifa Wise
264 Hudhayfa Companion of the Prophet
265 Humaid Praiseworthy
266 Humam Courageous
267 Humayd Praised
268 Humayun Blessed
269 Husam Sword
270 Husayn Good
271 Hussain Good, handsome
272 Huzaifa Intelligent

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

Buddhist names promote peace and wisdom. Names beginning with ‘H’ can represent harmony and interconnectedness, embodying core Buddhist principles. They inspire mindfulness and spiritual growth. Below are beautiful Buddhist boy names starting with H, along with their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
273 Hanuman A revered figure in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, symbolizing strength and devotion.
274 Harit Green, symbolizing growth and fertility.
275 Harivansh Belonging to Hari (Vishnu), symbolizing divine connection.
276 Harsan One who brings joy or cheerful.
277 Havish Lord of sacrifice, often associated with offering and devotion.
278 Hayagriva Referring to the bodhisattva of knowledge and wisdom.
279 Hesham The one who is good or handsome.
280 Hikaru Radiance or light, indicating brightness and clarity.
281 Himadri The snow-capped mountain, symbolizing stability and strength.
282 Himal Referring to the Himalayas, representing majesty and spirituality.
283 Himalay The abode of snow, representing peace and serenity.
284 Himanshu Moon, symbolizing calmness and tranquility.
285 Himavanta The snowy mountain, often associated with strength and tranquility.
286 Hirak Diamond, symbolizing purity and brilliance.
287 Hiran Gold or wealth, indicating prosperity.
288 Hiranya Gold, representing wealth and richness of spirit.
289 Hriday Heart, symbolizing compassion and love.
290 Hridya Heart or soul, symbolizing compassion and empathy.

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

In Jainism, names reflect non-violence and respect for life. Names starting with ‘H’ often signify happiness and harmony, aligning with the Jain ethos of peace. These names carry deep spiritual significance. Here is a list of names of Jain boys beginning with ‘H’, along with their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
291 Hamesh Good-natured
292 Harikant Dear to Lord Vishnu
293 Harinath Protector
294 Harishen Lion
295 Harshank Joyful
296 Harsheen Happiness
297 Hemajit Victorious in Wealth
298 Hemakant Golden Glory
299 Hemal Gold
300 Hemanshu Part of the Moon
301 Hemchandra Golden Moon
302 Hemik God
303 Himakar Sun
304 Himanish Lord Shiva
305 Himit Of noble descent
306 Hiranesh Lord of wealth
307 Hitarth Good Purpose
308 Hrishabh Righteous

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

Sikh names are chosen for their spiritual significance, often carrying virtues like humility and honesty. Names starting with H may embody hope and harmony, resonating with Sikh teachings of equality. Below are Sikh boy names beginning with ‘H,’ complete with their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
309 Harbaksh Gift of God
310 Harbans God’s Family
311 Harbhajan One Who Praises God
312 Harbinder Lord of the Family
313 Harcharan God’s Feet
314 Hardeep Light of God
315 Hardial Mercy of God
316 Hargobind Divine
317 Harinder Lord
318 Harinderpal Protector of God
319 Harjas Praise of God
320 Harjeevan Life of God
321 Harjot God’s Light
322 Harkamal Lotus of God
323 Harkirat One Who Sings God’s Praise
324 Harkishan Lord Krishna
325 Harkrishan Lord Krishna
326 Harleen Absorbed in God
327 Harman Beloved of God
328 Harmanjot Light of God
329 Harmeet God’s Friend
330 Harmit Friend of God
331 Harmohinder Lord’s Protection
332 Harnam God’s Name
333 Harnit Beautiful Like God
334 Harpal Protector of God
335 Harpreet Beloved of God
336 Harraj King of God
337 Harsham Joyful
338 Harshavardhan Bringer of joy
339 Harsimar Remembrance of God
340 Harsukh Peace of God
341 Harveer Brave as God
342 Harwan One who is brave
343 Harwin Victory of God
344 Harwinder One who is loved by God

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

In Zoroastrianism, names reflect virtues like truthfulness and purity. Names beginning with ‘H’ symbolize harmony, echoing the teachings of Ahura Mazda about good thoughts and deeds. Here are Zoroastrian boy names starting with ‘H’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
345 Haji One who has made a pilgrimage
346 Hami One who is blessed
347 Hamid Praiseworthy
348 Hanoosh One who is knowledgeable
349 Harit One who is green
350 Hekmat Wisdom
351 Heshmat One who is honorable
352 Heydar Lion
353 Hojjat A strong man
354 Hooman Good natured
355 Hormazd Name of God
356 Hormoz One who is worthy
357 Hoshan The one who is honorable
358 Hoshang Ruler
359 Hoshidar The wise one
360 Hoshiyar The one who is wise
361 Hoshkab One who is clever
362 Hoshkesh Sweetness
363 Hoshmand Smart
364 Hoshyarm Guardian of happiness
365 Hozhkan Sorrowless
366 Hushang Ruler of light

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

Jewish names carry deep cultural significance, honouring heritage and reflecting blessings. Names starting with ‘H’ may symbolize hope and strength, connecting traditions with future aspirations. Below is a list of Jewish boy names beginning with ‘H’ and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
367 Hadar Glory
368 Hadassah Myrtle Tree
369 Hagar Flight
370 Haggai Festive
371 Haim Life
372 Hananiel Grace of God
373 Haniel Grace of God
374 Hanoch To comfort
375 Haran Mountain
376 Harel Light of God
377 Harut Bringer of life
378 Haryan The warrior
379 Hasid Pious
380 Havi One who is beloved
381 Haviv Beloved
382 Hays A bright man
383 Helios Sun
384 Helon Sun
385 Hemi God’s Gift
386 Hersh Courageous
387 Herut Liberty
388 Herzl Deer
389 Heshvan Eighth month
390 Heshy Gift from God
391 Hevel Breath
392 Hirsch Deer
393 Hod Glory
394 Hodaviah Worshipper of God
395 Hodiah Splendor of God
396 Hophni Strong
397 Hosea Salvation
398 Hoshea Salvation
399 Hoshua God saves
400 Hyman Life

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter H with Meanings

In Vedic astrology, Nakshatra names have a significant influence. Names starting with ‘H’ embody characteristics associated with specific stars, evoking harmony and enlightenment. Below are Nakshatra names for boys, beginning with ‘H,’ along with their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
401 Harivardhan Increasing Glory (Magha)
402 Harkesh God of Joy (Uttarashadha)
403 Hemendu Lord of Gold (Krittika)
404 Hritik From the Heart (Ashlesha)

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter H?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter H?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with H

What are some popular Indian baby boy names starting with H?

Popular names include Harsh, which means "happiness," and Hriday, which symbolises "heart." These names are cherished for their positive meanings and cultural significance.

Are names starting with H considered auspicious in Indian culture?

Yes, many names starting with "H" are considered auspicious, particularly those associated with certain Nakshatras, such as Hiran, believed to bring prosperity and success.

Can I name my baby boy with a name from a different culture?

Absolutely! Choosing a name from another culture celebrates diversity. Ensure the name resonates with you and reflects meaningful qualities for your family.

How can I find a unique name starting with H?

Explore less common names from mythology, nature-inspired options, or names with unique linguistic roots. Unique names like Hemant can provide both charm and significance.

What are some modern trends for names starting with H?

Current trends favour stylish and fresh names, such as Hiro or Hayden, which have contemporary appeal and are easy to pronounce.

Can I combine names to create a unique name starting with H?

Yes! Combining names can lead to unique creations. For example, merging Harsh and Ayaan could result in "Haryana," blending joy with a modern touch.

Are there names starting with H that are inspired by Indian languages?

Yes! Names like Hitesh, rooted in Sanskrit, mean "lord of goodness" and are prevalent in India for their beautiful meanings and cultural resonance.

What are some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with H?

Hindu names such as Hari, meaning "Vishnu," and Harish, meaning "lord of monkeys," carry significant cultural and spiritual meanings within Hinduism.

What are some popular Muslim baby boy names starting with H?

Muslim names like Hamza, meaning "lion," and Hasan, meaning "handsome," reflect admired virtues in Islamic culture, symbolising strength and beauty.Muslim names like Hamza, meaning "lion," and Hasan, meaning "handsome," reflect admired virtues in Islamic culture, symbolising strength and beauty.

What are some popular Sikh baby boy names starting with H?

In Sikh culture, names like Harjit, meaning "victorious," and Hardeep, symbolising "light of God," are appreciated for their solid meanings and positive connotations.

What are some popular Jewish baby boy names starting with H?

Jewish names like Hanan, meaning "gracious," and Hezekiah, meaning "God strengthens," are cherished for their significance and cultural resonance.

What are some popular names for Jain baby boys, starting with H?

Jain names such as Hrishikesh, meaning "lord of senses," and Hemang, representing "golden body," reflect values of purity and righteousness within Jain philosophy.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with H?

Zoroastrian names like Hoshang, meaning "good and prosperous," and Hormazd, meaning "Ahura Mazda," embody positive attributes and are valued within Zoroastrian culture.

What are some popular Bengali baby boy names starting with H?

Bengali names such as Hrishikesh, meaning "lord of senses," and Hritik, symbolising "heart," reflect the region's rich cultural heritage.

What are some popular Marathi baby boy names starting with H?

In Marathi culture, names like Hridayesh, meaning "lord of heart," and Hitesh, symbolising "one who is good," are appreciated for their meaningful qualities.

What are some popular Tamil baby boy names starting with H?

Tamil names like Hari, meaning "lord Vishnu," and Haran, symbolising "one who removes sins," carry deep cultural roots and reflect strength and spirituality.

What are some popular Telugu baby boy names starting with H?

Telugu names such as Hemanth, meaning "golden," and Hitesh, meaning "one who is good," represent cherished qualities like brilliance and goodness in Telugu culture.

What are some popular Kannada baby boy names starting with H?

Popular Kannada names include Harsha, meaning "joy," and Hiran, meaning "golden," reflecting positive traits celebrated in the region.

What are some popular Malayalam baby boy names starting with H?

Malayalam names like Hemanth, meaning "golden," and Hithesh, meaning "goodness," are admired for their connection to positivity and strength in the culture.




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