Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter P

Hindu Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names carry deep meanings often rooted in Sanskrit texts, mythology, and divine attributes. Names that start with "P" are associated with qualities like purity, wisdom, and compassion. Some Hindu names beginning with "P" reflect these cherished values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Padma Lotus
2 Padmaja Born of a lotus
3 Padmali Lotus
4 Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi
5 Padmini One who is as beautiful as a lotus
6 Pahal Beginning
7 Palak Eyelash
8 Palakshi Eyelash
9 Palavi New leaves
10 Palki Palanquin
11 Pallavi New leaves, buds
12 Palvi Leafy
13 Panchali One who is beloved
14 Panchami Fifth
15 Pankhudi Petal
16 Parama The ultimate
17 Pardha A veil
18 Pari Fairy
19 Parijata Divine tree
20 Parinita Complete
21 Parmesh God
22 Parna Leaf
23 Parnika Little leaf
24 Paromita A friend
25 Parul Graceful, a beautiful flower
26 Parvati Daughter of the mountain
27 Pavani Pure, holy
28 Pavika Pure
29 Pavini Pure
30 Pavitra Pure, sacred
31 Pavitri Pure
32 Pavlina Little
33 Payal Anklet
34 Pinky A lovely person
35 Pishima Aunt
36 Pooja Worship
37 Poonam Full moon
38 Poonit Pure
39 Prabha Light
40 Prabhati Dawn
41 Prabhavathi Glow
42 Pragati Progress, development
43 Pragya Wisdom
44 Prajna Wisdom
45 Prakriti Nature
46 Pramila Precious
47 Pranati Salutation
48 Pranavi Sacred syllable Om
49 Pranika Breath
50 Pranita Promoted
51 Prarthana Prayer
52 Prashansa Praise
53 Prashanthi Perfect peace
54 Prashanti Peaceful
55 Pratiksha Waiting
56 Pratyusha Dawn
57 Preksha Vision
58 Prisha Beloved, God's gift
59 Prishita One who is loved
60 Pritha Earth
61 Prithika Earth
62 Prithvi Earth
63 Priti Love, affection
64 Priya Loved one, darling
65 Priyadarshni One who is beautiful
66 Priyanka Lovable
67 Puja Worship
68 Pujita Worshipped
69 Pujitha Worshipped
70 Purnima Full moon night
71 Purvi From the east
72 Pushkar Blue lotus
73 Pushpa Flower
74 Pushpalata Creeper of flowers
75 Pushpavalli A flowering creeper
76 Pushpita Flowering
77 Pushti Nourishment
78 Puspita Flowered

Christian Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

Christian names are rooted in biblical teachings and historical significance. They are chosen to represent virtues like faith, kindness, and strength. Names beginning with "P" evoke hope, love, and devotion, connecting to Christian principles. Here are some beautiful Christian names starting with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
79 Paige Young servant
80 Paityn Warrior
81 Pallas Wise
82 Pallasa The butterfly
83 Palmer Pilgrim
84 Paloma Dove
85 Pamela All honey
86 Pandora All
87 Pansy Flower
88 Paola Small
89 Paolina Small
90 Paris City of light
91 Pascale Easter
92 Pascaline Of Easter
93 Patience Endurance
94 Patrice Noble
95 Patricia Noblewoman
96 Patrycia Noblewoman
97 Patsy Noblewoman
98 Patty Noblewoman
99 Paulina Small
100 Pavia From the city of Pavia
101 Payton From the warrior's town
102 Paz Peace
103 Peace Calmness
104 Peaches Sweet
105 Pearl Precious gem
106 Pearla A precious stone
107 Pearline Little pearl
108 Pegeen Little one
109 Pelegrina Pilgrim
110 Penina Pearl
111 Penny Weaver
112 Penzance Holy place
113 Peony Flower
114 Peppa Small
115 Pepper Spicy
116 Perdita Lost
117 Peri A fairy
118 Perla Pearl
119 Pernilla Rock
120 Perrie Rock
121 Petra Rock
122 Petronella Rock
123 Petunia Flower
124 Peyton From the town of P艙tune
125 Phaedra Bright
126 Phebe Bright, shining
127 Philana Friend
128 Philipa Lover of horses
129 Philippa Lover of horses
130 Philomela Songbird
131 Philomena Friend of strength
132 Phoebe Bright, shining
133 Phoenix Mythical bird
134 Phronsie Thoughtful
135 Phyllis Leafy
136 Pietra Stone
137 Pilar Pillar
138 Pip Lover of horses
139 Piper Flute player
140 Pippa Lover of horses
141 Pleasant Agreeable
142 Plum Fruit
143 Pollie Small
144 Polly Bitter
145 Pollyanna Optimistic
146 Poppy Flower
147 Portia Pig
148 Praline Nut candy
149 Precious Valuable
150 Presley From the priest's meadow
151 Pride Dignity
152 Primavera Spring
153 Primrose First rose
154 Priscila Ancient
155 Priscilla Ancient, venerable
156 Promise Assurance
157 Prudence Cautious, careful
158 Prudencia Wise
159 Prunella Little plum

Muslim/Islamic Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

Islamic names often convey spiritual devotion, nobility, and inner strength, frequently drawn from Arabic roots and Quranic guidance. Names that start with "P" embody virtues like humility, wisdom, and grace. Here are some meaningful Islamic names beginning with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
160 Paani Water
161 Paatal Underworld
162 Pahi An angel
163 Pahira Jewel
164 Pakeezah Pure, virtuous
165 Pakiza Pure, clean
166 Palwasha Flower, blossom
167 Pana A small tree
168 Pardis Paradise
169 Parijat A divine tree
170 Parisa Like an angel
171 Parita Protected
172 Parizad Born of a fairy
173 Paru Bird
174 Parveen Star, bright
175 Parya A mythical bird
176 Paryusha Light
177 Pasha An honourable title
178 Pashmina Soft and warm
179 Payara Lovely
180 Payida Daughter-gifted
181 Pazira Acceptance
182 Pekiz Pure
183 Peshwa Leader
184 Piyali A sweet voice
185 Piyasa Thirsty

Buddhist Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

Buddhist names reflect values of peace, wisdom, and inner calm, symbolising the path to self-awareness and enlightenment. Names starting with "P" inspire compassion, mindfulness, and balance. Here are some Buddhist names that begin with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
186 Paalak Guardian
187 Paalavi New leaves
188 Paalvadi Pure
189 Padmaka Lotus
190 Padmalaya Abode of lotus
191 Paramita Perfection
192 Parashara A sage
193 Parvani Full moon
194 Pashupati Lord of animals
195 Patanjali A sage
196 Paya Child
197 Pema Lotus flower
198 Phool Flower
199 Phoolmala Garland of flowers
200 Piyal A sweet voice
201 Prajnaparamita Perfection of wisdom
202 Pranshi Happiness
203 Prati Reciprocal
204 Pratibha Talent
205 Punarik Rebirth
206 Punarjanma Rebirth
207 Punarvana Renewal
208 Purnaprajna Complete wisdom
209 Pushpali Flower
210 Pushpika Flowered
211 Puyal A storm

Jainism Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

In Jain culture, names represent non-violence, purity, and moral strength ideals. Names starting with "P" are often associated with kindness, self-discipline, and harmony. Some Jain names beginning with "P" capture these timeless principles.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
212 Paarthavi Earthly
213 Paayodhi Ocean
214 Pachai Greenery
215 Padhita Scholar
216 Padmakshi Lotus
217 Padmamalika Garland of lotus
218 Padmashree A title of honour
219 Padmika Lotus
220 Pahul The one who will be famous
221 Palika Guardian
222 Pallavini Budding
223 Pallika Young girl
224 Palvisha Goddess of love
225 Palyanti One who is honourable
226 Pankaja Lotus
227 Pankhi Bird
228 Paramatma Supreme soul
229 Paramshakti Supreme power
230 Pariksha Test
231 Parineeta Married
232 Parushi Tough
233 Parvathi Goddess Durga
234 Patralika Inscriptions
235 Pavaka Pure
236 Pavita Pure
237 Pehla First
238 Pithika Earth
239 Piyushi Sweet
240 Prachi The east
241 Prajakta Flower
242 Prajni Intelligent
243 Pramita Boundary
244 Pramodita Joyful
245 Prangya Intelligence
246 Pranjal Simple
247 Pranjali With folded hands
248 Pranvika Divine
249 Prapti Achievement
250 Prarupita Formed
251 Prasad Blessing
252 Prasanthi Calmness
253 Prashasti Praise
254 Prathana Prayer
255 Pratika Symbol
256 Pratima Idol
257 Pritika Lovable
258 Pritisha Joyful
259 Puhana A flower
260 Pumika Earth
261 Punarva Revived
262 Punya Sacred
263 Punyashree Blessed
264 Purva The east
265 Pushpam Flower
266 Pushpi Flower
267 Pushtika Well

Sikh Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

In Sikhism, names carry significant spiritual meanings, emphasising humility, respect, and devotion. Names beginning with "P" align with Sikh teachings and represent virtues of honour and strength. Here are some Sikh names that start with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
268 Paarul Graceful
269 Pami Sister
270 Paramdeep Ultimate light
271 Paramjeet Supreme victory
272 Parampreet Supreme love
273 Parishi White
274 Parnita Complete
275 Patrani Queen
276 Patrika Letter
277 Pauravi Beautiful
278 Pehli First
279 Prabhjot Light of God
280 Prabhleen One who is absorbed in God
281 Prabhmeet One who is loved by God
282 Prajita Winner
283 Praneeta One who is elevated
284 Prashansha Praise
285 Preeti Love
286 Preety Beautiful
287 Punarvika A flower
288 Pundarika Lotus
289 Puranam Complete
290 Pyar Love

Zoroastrian Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

Zoroastrian names, rooted in ancient Persian culture, often signify values like truth, integrity, and courage. Names starting with "P" resonate with purity, wisdom, and grace qualities. Here are some Zoroastrian names beginning with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
291 Paalvi New growth
292 Paari Angel
293 Pahlavi The name of a Persian dynasty
294 Pahlu The one who is wise
295 Paika Brave
296 Panjva The fifth
297 Parandeh A bird
298 Parashakti Supreme energy
299 Parasi Magic
300 Paridhi Circumference
301 Parshva Joy
302 Parvana Butterfly
303 Parwaz Flight
304 Parzan Joyful
305 Pashang Daughter of the moon
306 Pashmi Softness
307 Patika The path
308 Patim A pearl
309 Patina Leader
310 Patsar The one who helps
311 Paukhra A beautiful flower
312 Pavit Pure
313 Payam Messenger
314 Payodhi Sea
315 Pazang Brilliant
316 Pehlvi First
317 Peshmarg Guiding path
318 Phiroza Victory
319 Phul Flower
320 Phulki Flower
321 Pishin Soft
322 Pitra Father
323 Pizaz Spice
324 Prakasha Light
325 Pranali System
326 Pranisha God of love
327 Prashti Prosperous
328 Pratiti Faith
329 Preeya Dear one
330 Prudvi Earth
331 Pudmi Beautiful
332 Punaravi Rebirth
333 Punarika Revived
334 Punarvaz Refreshing
335 Punyak Virtuous
336 Puranah Ancient
337 Purbhi Eastern light
338 Pursati Full of wisdom
339 Pursay Brightness

Judaism Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

Jewish names deeply connect to Torah teachings and Hebrew traditions, emphasising strength, wisdom, and resilience. Names that start with "P" reflect values like courage and hope, central to Jewish heritage. Here are some Jewish names beginning with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
340 Pania Little lily
341 Panya Wise
342 Pascha Easter
343 Pashka Passover
344 Pavane Dance
345 Pavina Form of peace
346 Pavla Small
347 Pavli Beautiful
348 Pavlov Beloved
349 Pawla Form of peace
350 Payola Worthy of praise
351 Paytan Poet
352 Pazi Golden
353 Pazia Gold
354 Paziah Golden light
355 Peki Bright
356 Pekka Form of peace
357 Pelagia Of the sea
358 Pele Miracle
359 Pelli Gift
360 Perdi Traveler
361 Peretta Truth
362 Peretz To break through
363 Perika Holy
364 Peritz Breakthrough
365 Perlin Little pearl
366 Persia Ancient empire
367 Perviz Protector
368 Peshka Gift
369 Pessy Peaceful
370 Petrova Rock
371 Peverell Brave
372 Pezar Pearl
373 Pezha Little one
374 Phelia Light
375 Phryne Green
376 Piana Peaceful
377 Pica Magpie
378 Piksha Vision
379 Pillan Brave
380 Pilvi Cloud
381 Pilya Little one
382 Pine Dweller by the hill
383 Pior Dear
384 Pirin Little feather
385 Pita Father
386 Pluma Feather
387 Plumeria Flower
388 Pola A small town
389 Polina Polish form of Helena
390 Pomela Apple
391 Poni Small
392 Poria Mighty
393 Posy Flower bouquet
394 Prana Breath
395 Preya Beloved
396 Primula First rose
397 Prithee Grace
398 Priva Charming
399 Pruina Frost
400 Pryka Light
401 Pryse Brave

Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with Letter P with Meanings

In Vedic astrology, names that align with specific nakshatras (stars) carry unique spiritual significance and energy. Names that start with "P" often symbolise harmony, cosmic balance, and fresh beginnings. Here are some nakshatra-based names that begin with "P."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
402 Padmalochana One with lotus
403 Padmawati Wealthy like lotus
404 Palakhi Palanquin
405 Panchal A woman of the Pandavas
406 Panchmi Fifth
407 Pangya The one who is lucky
408 Paramdharma Supreme religion
409 Parameshwari Supreme goddess
410 Paramika Supreme
411 Paramjot Supreme light
412 Paramyukta Excellence
413 Paran Stone
414 Paratman Supreme spirit
415 Pashan The stone
416 Pavithra Pure
417 Pindika Little ball
418 Prabhasha Light
419 Prabhavati Radiant
420 Prabhavi Powerful
421 Prajitha Victory
422 Prakruti Nature
423 Prashakti Divine power
424 Prithvika Earthly
425 Prithvisha Goddess of Earth
426 Priyadarshini Beautiful
427 Punarava Renewal
428 Punarvi Rebirth
429 Puniya Purity
430 Puranjaya Conqueror
431 Puranvi Complete
432 Puravi East
433 Purnanandi Complete happiness
434 Purnavahini Complete
435 Purneshwari Full of joy
436 Purvanshi From the East
437 Purvashada The first of the two victorious stars
438 Pushkal Flower
439 Pushpritha Flowered
440 Pushya Nourishing
441 Pushyami Abundant

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter P?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Girl Name Starting with Letter P?

FAQs about Baby Girl Names Starting with P

What are some popular Indian baby girl names starting with P?

Popular names include Pooja, Priya, and Priti. Each name carries significant cultural meanings, often associated with love, devotion, and joy.

Are names starting with P considered auspicious in Indian culture?

Yes, many names starting with "P" are considered auspicious, particularly those linked to certain Nakshatras, believed to bestow good fortune and protection in Vedic astrology.

Can I name my baby girl with a name from a different culture?

Absolutely! Choosing a name from another culture allows you to celebrate diversity. It is essential to ensure the name resonates with you and reflects qualities meaningful to your family.

How can I find a unique name starting with P?

Explore less familiar names in mythology, nature, or unique linguistic roots. Names like Padma or Palak can be distinctive yet carry deep meanings.

What are some modern trends for names starting with P?

Current trends favour names inspired by nature or contemporary appeal, such as Piya and Pahal. These names combine simplicity with elegance, making them appealing to new parents.

Can I combine names to create a unique name starting with P?

Yes! Merging names is a creative option. For instance, combining Parvati and Kavya could create "Parvya," blending beauty with uniqueness and personal significance.

Are there names starting with P that are inspired by Indian languages?

Indeed! Names like Prisha, rooted in Sanskrit, or Pallavi, from Hindi, reflect the linguistic diversity of India, embodying qualities like beauty and renewal.

What are some popular Hindu baby girl names starting with P?

Hindu names like Padma, meaning "lotus," and Poonam, meaning "full moon," carry vital spiritual and cultural significance.

What are some popular Muslim baby girl names starting with P?

Popular Muslim names include Pakeezah, meaning "pure," and Parveen, meaning "brilliant." These names reflect virtues admired in Islamic culture.

What are some popular Sikh baby girl names starting with P?

In Sikh culture, names like Pritam, meaning "beloved," and Preet, meaning "love," are cherished because they reflect affection and family bonds.

What are some popular Jewish baby girl names starting with P?

Popular Jewish names include Pnina, meaning "pearl," and Penina, meaning "precious." These names symbolise beauty and value within Jewish tradition.

What are some popular names for Jain baby girls, starting with P?

Jain names like Prakriti, meaning "nature," and Puspita, meaning "flower," reflect values of purity and beauty in Jain philosophy.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby girl names starting with P?

Zoroastrian names such as Pahlavi, meaning "noble," and Pourandokht, meaning "daughter of a noble," represent strength and grace in Zoroastrian culture.

What are some popular Bengali baby girl names starting with P?

Bengali names like Piyali, meaning "a type of tree," and Poulomi, meaning "one who is pure," reflect Bengal's rich cultural heritage.

What are some popular Marathi baby girl names starting with P?

In Marathi culture, names like Pankhudi, meaning "petal," and Pooja, meaning "worship," are cherished for their beauty and significance.

What are some popular Tamil baby girl names starting with P?

Tamil names such as Pooja, meaning "worship," and Padmavathi, meaning "lotus goddess," carry deep cultural roots and signify devotion and beauty.

What are some popular Telugu baby girl names starting with P?

Telugu names like Pavani, meaning "pure," and Pranavi, meaning "sacred sound," represent cherished qualities in Telugu culture.

What are some popular Kannada baby girl names starting with P?

Popular Kannada names include Prakruthi, meaning "nature," and Pramila, meaning "charming." These names reflect values of beauty and grace.

What are some popular Malayalam baby girl names starting with P?

Malayalam names like Poornima, meaning "full moon," and Padmaja, meaning "born from the lotus," are admired for their connection to nature and beauty.




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