Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter M

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Hindu baby boy names beginning with 'M' often draw inspiration from mythology, nature, and virtues. These names are rich in meaning and connect to qualities like wisdom, strength, and devotion, reflecting the essence of Indian culture.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Maanas Mind; intelligence
2 Maanasvin Brave, bold
3 Maanav Human
4 Maanavendra King of men
5 Maanikya Ruby, precious stone
6 Madhan God of love
7 Madhav Another name for Lord Krishna
8 Madhuban A garden of sweetness
9 Madhukar Honeybee
10 Madhur Sweet
11 Madhusudan Killer of demon Madhu (Lord Krishna)
12 Mahasvin Glorious, famous
13 Mahavir Great hero; Lord Hanuman
14 Mahavrat Follower of great vows
15 Mahendra King of gods
16 Mahesh Lord Shiva
17 Maheshwar Lord Shiva
18 Maitra Friendly
19 Maitreesh Lord of friendship
20 Maitreya Friendly
21 Makarand Nectar
22 Manan Meditation
23 Manav Human; person
24 Manavendra King of men
25 Mandar A celestial tree
26 Mangal Auspicious
27 Mangalnath Lord Shiva
28 Mangesh Lord Shiva
29 Manik One who is adorned with a bell
30 Manikandan A name associated with Lord Ayyappa
31 Manikant Jewel; bell
32 Manish Intelligent
33 Manjul Handsome
34 Manoj Born of the mind, Cupid
35 Manoranjan Entertainer
36 Manvik Intelligence, a strong individual
37 Marut God of wind
38 Mayank Moon
39 Mayur Peacock
40 Mehul Rain
41 Midhun To be united
42 Mihir Sun
43 Milind A type of butterfly
44 Mitesh Lord of mercy
45 Mithun Zodiac sign
46 Mohan Attractive
47 Mohanlal Enchanting one
48 Mohit Enchanted
49 Moksh Salvation
50 Mokshit Liberated
51 Mrigank Moon
52 Mrigendra Lion, king of animals
53 Mudit Happy, delighted
54 Mukesh Lord of the universe
55 Mukul Bud
56 Mukund Lord Krishna
57 Murari Lord Krishna

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Christian baby boy names starting with 'M' frequently have roots in biblical stories and saints, embodying virtues like mercy, faith, and humility. These names carry a vital spiritual significance, offering a variety of classic and contemporary choices.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
58 Maceo Gift of God
59 Macsen Greatest
60 Madden Little dog, descendant of Madan
61 Maddox Son of Madoc
62 Magnus Great; large
63 Malachi My messenger
64 Malcolm Devotee of Saint Columba
65 Malin Little warrior
66 Malvin Chief, leader
67 Marco Warlike
68 Marcus Warlike
69 Mark Warlike; a name of an evangelist
70 Marlon Little hawk
71 Marlowe Driftwood
72 Marshall Keeper of horses
73 Martin Of Mars; warrior
74 Marvin Famous friend
75 Mason Stone worker
76 Mathis Gift of God
77 Matthew Gift of God
78 Matthias Gift of God
79 Matty Gift of God
80 Maurice Dark-skinned; Moorish
81 Maverick Independent
82 Max The greatest
83 Maximilian Greatest
84 Maxton From the great town
85 Maxwell Great stream
86 Melchior King of light
87 Melvin Chief; leader
88 Merle Blackbird; little black one
89 Merrick Sea ruler
90 Merritt Little famous one
91 Merton Settlement by the lake
92 Mervin Sea friend
93 Micah Who is like Yahweh?
94 Michael Who is like God?
95 Mikey Who is like God?
96 Miles Soldier; merciful
97 Miller One who grinds grain
98 Milo Soldier, merciful
99 Milton Mill town
100 Mitchell Who is like God?
101 Montgomery From the hill of the powerful man
102 Monty Mountain; the protector
103 Morgan Sea-born; bright
104 Morris Dark-skinned
105 Moses Drawn out of water
106 Murdoch Sea warrior
107 Murphy Sea warrior
108 Murray Settlement by the sea
109 Mustafa The chosen one
110 Mylan Soldier
111 Myron Myrrh; fragrant oil

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Islamic baby boy names beginning with 'M' are often derived from Arabic origins and reflect values such as mercy, wisdom, and integrity. These names carry a sense of spirituality and cultural pride, making them meaningful family choices.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
112 Maan One who is consistent
113 Maaz Brave man
114 Mahdi Rightly guided
115 Maher Skilled; expert
116 Mahir Skilled; expert
117 Mahmud Praised
118 Majduddin Glory of the religion
119 Majid Glorious, noble
120 Malik King, master
121 Mansoor Victorious
122 Manzoor Accepted; approved
123 Marwan Solid stone
124 Masab Intrepid
125 Masood Fortunate; lucky
126 Masroor Happy, pleased
127 Mazin Proper name
128 Mehboob Beloved
129 Mehdi Guided to the right path
130 Midhat Commendable
131 Mikael The angel Michael
132 Miraj Ascension
133 Mirza Prince
134 Mohammed Praiseworthy, Glorified
135 Mohsin Benefactor
136 Mohyuddin Reviver of the Faith
137 Moin Helper
138 Mu’tasim Seeker of protection
139 Muadh Protected
140 Muaz Protected; safe
141 Mubarak Blessed, fortunate
142 Mubashir Bringer of good news
143 Mudassar The one who is clothed
144 Mudassir The one who is clothed
145 Mufeed Beneficial
146 Mufti Jurist; one who gives religious opinions
147 Muhammad Praiseworthy; name of the Prophet
148 Muharram Sacred, inviolable
149 Mujtaba The chosen one
150 Mumtaz Distinguished; excellent
151 Munawwar Illuminated, radiant
152 Muneeb To turn to Allah
153 Muneer Radiant, luminous
154 Munir Brilliant, shining
155 Murad Desire, goal
156 Murtasim Bound by promises
157 Murtaza Chosen, preferred
158 Musa The prophet Moses
159 Musharraf Honored, exalted
160 Musheer Advisor, counselor
161 Mushfiq Caring, compassionate
162 Mustaqim Straight; righteous
163 Mutahir Pure, clean
164 Muwaffaq Successful
165 Muzaffar Victorious, triumphant
166 Muzaffaruddin Victorious in the faith
167 Muzzammil Wrapped in garments

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Buddhist baby boy names starting with 'M' often draw inspiration from peace, compassion, and mindfulness teachings. These names reflect key Buddhist principles, making them thoughtful choices for parents who value these ideals.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
168 Magadh An ancient kingdom
169 Maha Great
170 Mahākāla Great time, a deity
171 Mahanag Great sage
172 Mahanama Great name; noble
173 Mahaparinirvana Great final liberation
174 Mahaprabhu Great lord
175 Mahapragya Great wisdom
176 Mahaprajna Great wisdom
177 Mahasattva Great being
178 Mahasiddha Great accomplishment
179 Mahavira Great hero
180 Mahayana The greater vehicle; a major tradition of Buddhism
181 Maitrakulya Benevolent family
182 Maitreyanath Lord of compassion
183 Makaranda Sweet nectar
184 Malaya A name of a beautiful flower
185 Mandala Circle; a spiritual symbol
186 Mani Jewel; gem
187 Manju Sweet, pleasant
188 Manjuvajra Sweet thunderbolt
189 Manjuvarn Beautiful and charming
190 Mantra A sacred utterance
191 Mantrabhadra Lord of mantras
192 Marichi Ray of light
193 Matanga An enlightened sage
194 Milarepa Renowned Tibetan yogi
195 Milinda A famous king in Buddhism
196 Moksha Liberation
197 Monlam Aspiration, prayer
198 Mudita Joy
199 Muni Silent sage; ascetic

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Jain baby boy names beginning with 'M' are often inspired by ancient scriptures and the teachings of Jain Tirthankaras. These names emphasize non-violence, truth, and respect for all living beings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
200 Madhukesh Lord of sweetness
201 Madhurya Sweetness; delight
202 Mahak One with great power
203 Mahanirvan Great final liberation
204 Mahasena Lord Kartikeya
205 Mahashvet Great white, pure
206 Mahatma Great soul; revered person
207 Mahavratin Follower of great vows
208 Mahiman Greatness, glory
209 Maitraya Friendly, kind
210 Makar Capricorn; a celestial entity
211 Malhar A raga that brings rain
212 Manasvini Noble, wise
213 Mandav Joyful; happy
214 Mandir Temple
215 Mangaldev Auspicious god
216 Manibhadra A Jain deity
217 Manikesh Possessor of jewels
218 Manikya A precious gem
219 Maniraj King of jewels
220 Manisha Intelligence; a wise person
221 Manohar Pleasing, attractive
222 Manvendra King of men
223 Manvith To be intelligent
224 Matsyendra Lord of fish
225 Maulik Precious; valuable
226 Mayan Illusion; magic
227 Medhavi Intelligent
228 Mithil From Mithila; an ancient city
229 Mitul Friend; companion
230 Mokshad Giver of liberation
231 Mokshak Liberator
232 Mokshendra Supreme liberation
233 Muniendra Lord of saints
234 Muthusamy Precious one; pearl

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Sikh baby boy names starting with 'M' are deeply rooted in Sikh tradition, often reflecting the teachings of the Gurus and attributes of God. These names embody qualities like love, humility, and strength, making them meaningful choices for families who wish to honour their faith.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
235 Maan Singh Lion of honor
236 Madan God of love; Cupid
237 Mahinder God of charm
238 Makhan Butter; a symbol of purity
239 Makrand Nectar; honey
240 Malkeet Lord of the land
241 Malkit God’s gift
242 Mallik King; master
243 Manbir Warrior of mind
244 Mandeep Light of the mind
245 Mandev God of the mind
246 Maneet Who wins heart
247 Maninder Lord of mind
248 Manjeet Conqueror of the mind
249 Manjit One who conquers the mind
250 Manjot Light of the heart
251 Manmeet Friend of the mind
252 Manmohan One who pleases the mind
253 Manpreet One who loves from the heart
254 Manraj Ruler of the mind
255 Mansher Brave soul
256 Mansukh Joy of mind
257 Mansukhpreet Beloved of a joyful mind
258 Manveer Braveheart
259 Manvinder Lord of mankind
260 Manvir Brave heart
261 Marinder Ocean of knowledge
262 Mavinder Brave
263 Mehar Grace, blessing
264 Mehtab Moon, glory
265 Mirdhaj Intelligent
266 Mohanbir Charming warrior
267 Mohinder God of charm
268 Mukhpreet One who loves the face
269 Munpreet One who is beloved

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Zoroastrian baby boy names beginning with 'M' often have ancient Persian roots connected to concepts like truth, light, and righteousness. These names reflect the rich history and traditions of Zoroastrianism, making them significant choices for parents of this faith.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
270 Mahan Great; noble
271 Mahiyar Beloved of the sun
272 Mahyar Great, noble
273 Majan Great
274 Maktum Knowledgeable
275 Malek King; ruler
276 Maneck King
277 Maneckji A respectful name
278 Manekji Respected name
279 Mardav Brave
280 Mardiros Brave; courageous
281 Marduk Warrior; god of wisdom
282 Marjan Coral; jewel
283 Marnosh Brave and wise
284 Marv Brave; strong
285 Marzban Guardian of the land
286 Masoud Fortunate
287 Matin Strong; firm
288 Mavax Generous; benevolent
289 Mazaak Blessed
290 Mazda Wise
291 Mazdak A name associated with the Zoroastrian prophet
292 Maziar One who is strong
293 Mazraeh Field, fertile land
294 Meherwan Gracious
295 Mehrab A kind person
296 Mehran Sun; love
297 Mehrdad Given by the sun
298 Mehregan Celebration of the sun
299 Mehrnoosh Gracious, kind
300 Mehryar Friend of the sun
301 Mehrzad Descendant of the sun
302 Merwan Holy, gracious
303 Minocheher Name of a king
304 Minocher One who is small
305 Minoo Divine spirit
306 Mithra Friend, contract
307 Mithraah Covenant
308 Mithrasp Divine messenger
309 Mithridates Given by Mithra
310 Mobar High priest
311 Mohsen Benefactor
312 Mubin Clear, self-evident

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Hebrew baby boy names beginning with 'M' often carry deep cultural significance and reflect qualities like strength, wisdom, and joy. These names are rooted in Hebrew and can be associated with important historical figures or values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
313 Maccabee Hammer; from the Maccabees
314 Makai Who is like God?
315 Malkiel God is my king
316 Malkiyahu God is my king
317 Maor Light; luminary
318 Matan Gift
319 Mataniah Gift of Yahweh
320 Matityah Gift of God
321 Matityahu Gift of God
322 Matiz Gift of God
323 Matmon Gift; treasure
324 Matti Gift of God
325 Meir Giving light
326 Meirav One who is strong
327 Melech King
328 Menachem Comforter
329 Menashe Causing to forget
330 Mendel Comforter, healer
331 Mendy Strong and brave
332 Meshullam Devoted
333 Mica Who is like God?
334 Micaiah Who is like God?
335 Micky Who is like God?
336 Mikhael Who is like God
337 Mikhail Who is like God?
338 Misha Like God
339 Mishael Who is what God is?
340 Mordecai Follower of Marduk
341 Mordechai Follower of Marduk
342 Mordehai Jewish general in the Book of Esther
343 Mordy Short form of Mordecai
344 Moriel God is my teacher
345 Moshe Hebrew form of Moses
346 Mosheh To be drawn out of water
347 Moshiach The Messiah
348 Mosiah Savior

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter M with Meanings

Names inspired by Nakshatras hold great significance in Hindu culture. They are associated with lunar constellations and are believed to shape an individual's character and life path.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
349 Maalav An ancient kingdom
350 Maanik Ruby, gem
351 Maanit Respected, honored
352 Madhava Another name for Lord Krishna
353 Madhavan Another name for Lord Krishna
354 Madhavendra Another name for Lord Krishna
355 Madhukant Moonlight, sweetness
356 Madhusudhan Slayer of demon Madhu, Lord Krishna
357 Mahadev Another name for Lord Shiva
358 Maharshi Great sage
359 Mahendrajit Conqueror of great Indra
360 Mahin Earth, great
361 Mahindra Indra, the king of gods
362 Mahipal Great protector, king
363 Mahish A mighty king, Lord Shiva
364 Mahit Honored, praised
365 Manas Intelligence, mind
366 Manaswi Intelligent, wise
367 Manikantan Lord Ayyappa
368 Manit Respected
369 Manthan Reflection, contemplation
370 Manu Founder of mankind
371 Mohanraj King of charm
372 Mokshith Free from bondage

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter M?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter M?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with M

How can I honour family or heritage through names starting with M?

You can honour family or heritage by selecting names passed down through generations, choosing those that reflect your cultural background, considering names derived from ancestral languages, or that carry personal family significance.

Are there any trending baby girl names starting with M?

Some currently trending baby girl names starting with M include Mila, Mira, Monroe, Maeve, and Margot. These names are famous for their elegance and timeless appeal.

What are some names that carry positive traits or characteristics?

Names starting with M that convey positivity include Mabel, which means "lovable"; Malini, meaning "fragrant" or "sweet"; and Myra, which is associated with qualities of calmness and compassion. These names reflect virtues and desirable traits.

Are there specific cultural or religious meanings associated with names starting with M?

Yes, many names starting with M carry cultural or religious significance. For instance, Maya is linked to the universe concept in Hindu philosophy; Miriam, a name rooted in Judaism, symbolises strength and wisdom; and Malika, meaning "queen" in Arabic, is significant in Muslim culture.

Why should I choose a baby boy's name starting with the letter M?

Names that start with M often have positive meanings and cultural significance. They are widely recognised across different languages and cultures, making them versatile choices that can resonate well with many families.

Can I find names starting with M from different cultures?

Absolutely! Many cultures offer a variety of meaningful names, starting with M. For example, Mohammed is highly significant in Islamic culture, while Mukesh is revered in Hindu tradition. Exploring these cultural options can help you choose a name that reflects your heritage.

What are some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with M?

Some popular Hindu baby boy names starting with M include Madhav, another name for Lord Krishna; Manish, meaning "God of mind"; Mohit, meaning "charming"; and Mahesh, an alternate name for Lord Shiva.

What are some popular Muslim baby boy names starting with M?

In the realm of Muslim names, notable choices include Mohammed, meaning "praised" and associated with the Prophet; Musa, the Arabic form of Moses; Mustafa, meaning "the chosen one"; and Mansoor, which translates to "victorious."

What are some popular Christian baby boy names starting with M?

Popular Christian baby boy names that begin with M are Matthew, meaning "gift of God"; Mark, which translates to "warlike"; Michael, signifying "who is like God?"; and Martin, meaning "warlike."

What are some popular Sikh baby boy names starting with M?

Among Sikh names, you might consider Manpreet, meaning "mind full of love"; Mandeep, which translates to "light of the mind"; Manjit, meaning "one who controls the mind"; and Manvir, signifying "brave heart."

What are some popular names for Jain baby boys, starting with M?

For Jain baby boy names, Mahavir, meaning "great warrior"; Manav, translating to "human"; Mudit, meaning "happy"; and Moksh, signifying "salvation," are all popular choices.

What are some popular Zoroastrian baby boy names starting with M?

In Zoroastrian culture, names such as Minoo, meaning "heaven"; Mithra, signifying "friend"; Mazdak, which translates to "wise"; and Mehr, meaning "sun," are well-regarded.

What are some popular Buddhist baby boy names starting with M?

Popular Buddhist baby boy names include Maitri, which means "friendship", Manjushri, which means "gentle glory", Maitreya, the future Buddha; and Moksha, which means "liberation."

What are some popular Jewish baby boy names starting with M?

In Jewish tradition, names like Moses, meaning "drawn out of the water"; Micah, which translates to "who is like God?"; Mordecai, signifying "warrior"; and Malachi, meaning "my messenger," are commonly used.

What are some popular Bengali baby boy names starting with M?

Bengali baby boy names starting with M include Madhur, meaning "sweet," Manas, meaning "mind," Milon, which translates to "union," and Mrityunjay, meaning "victor over death."

What are some popular Marathi baby boy names starting with M?

Marathi names that start with M include Makarand, meaning "honey"; Milind, which translates to "a bee"; Mahesh, another name for Lord Shiva; and Mandar, meaning "a celestial tree."

What are some popular Gujarati baby boy names starting with M?

Popular Gujarati baby boy names include Mihir, which means "sun"; Manan, which means "meditation"; Mehul, which means "rain"; and Milan, which translates to "union."

What are some popular Tamil baby boy names starting with M?

In Tamil culture, names like Murugan, associated with the Tamil God; Muthu, meaning "pearl"; and Mani, which translates to "gem," are cherished choices.

What are some popular Telugu baby boy names starting with M?

Telugu names that begin with M include Madhur, meaning "sweet," Mahendra, translating to "great Indra," and Manohar, meaning "attractive."

What are some popular Kannada baby boy names starting with M?

Notable Kannada baby boy names include Manjunath, meaning "Lord Shiva," Mukesh, meaning "Lord of the Muses," and Madhava, which translates to "another name for Lord Krishna."

What are some popular Malayalam baby boy names starting with M?

In Malayalam culture, names like Midhun, meaning "Gemini"; Melvin, translating to "gentle friend"; and Mani, signifying "gem," are commonly chosen.




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