Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter O

Hindu Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names are profound and often inspired by Sanskrit scriptures, mythology, and divine attributes. Names that start with "O" carry meanings connected to purity, wisdom, and grace. Some Hindu names begin with "O," reflecting these cherished values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Ojal Vision, Shining
2 Ojali Light, shining
3 Ojalina Glowing, Bright
4 Ojasika Powerful, Glorious
5 Ojasrita A person of light
6 Ojasvi Glorious, Radiant
7 Ojasvina Energetic, Powerful
8 Ojaswati Full of brightness
9 Ojaswini Lustrous, Bright
10 Ojesvi Radiant
11 Oliksha Bright and prosperous
12 Olisha Sacred oath
13 Omagna Divine offering
14 Omaika Gift from God
15 Omaira Long life, Prosperous
16 Omana Sacred, Lady
17 Omandira Sacred abode
18 Omantika Holy and bright
19 Omanya Sacred oath
20 Omari Flourishing
21 Omesha Blessed with divinity
22 Omhara Divine grace
23 Omi Sound, Melody
24 Omijaya Victory of the sacred
25 Omika Gracious, kind-hearted
26 Omini Infinite and eternal
27 Omisha Goddess of birth and death
28 Omishaara Full of life
30 Omita Infinite
31 Omiya God's child
32 Omja Born of cosmic unity
33 Omkari Goddess Parvati
34 Omkarika Sacred syllable
35 Ompreksha Vision of the sacred
36 Ompriti Delight of the sacred
37 Ompriya Sacred love
38 Omrita Nectar of life
39 Omshini Pure-hearted
40 Omuja Prosperity
41 Omvati Sacred woman
42 Onika Sacred Goddess
43 Onitri Powerful, Eternal
44 Oorja Energy, Strength
45 Oorjasvi Power and strength
46 Orika Prosperity and joy
47 Orvika Radiant and wise
48 Orvisha Strong and prosperous
49 Orya Divine, Sacred
50 Oryana Elegant, Sophisticated
51 Oshami Wise and bright
52 Oshani Intelligent woman
53 Oshi Light, Brilliance
54 Oshika Sparkling, Radiant
55 Oshin Ocean, Deep
56 Oshina Desire, Wish
57 Oshini Glowing light
58 Oshinita Knowledgeable
59 Oshita Divine wisdom
60 Oshtara Sacred light
61 Oveera Sacred trust
62 Ovigya Full of wisdom
63 Ovika Full of life
64 Ovima Pure soul
65 Ovinita Full of wisdom
66 Ovira Devoted, Noble
67 Oviya Artist, Beautiful drawing
68 Ovyasa Skillful and strong
69 Oyashi Creative, Artistic
70 Oyaswini Woman of honour

Christian Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Christian names have rich roots in the Bible and historical traditions. They are often chosen to represent qualities like faith, compassion, and kindness. Names starting with "O" frequently symbolise hope and strength, resonating with Christian ideals. Here are some Christian names beginning with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
71 Obelia Pillar of strength
72 Ocean Sea, Vast
73 Oceane Sea, Ocean
74 Oceania Ocean, Sea
75 Octavia Eighth-born
76 Octavie Eighth-born
77 Odelia I will praise the Lord
78 Odelinda Prosperous, Rich
79 Odella Praise God
80 Odelle Melodious, Harmonious
81 Odessa Full of wrath, Long journey
82 Odetta Wealthy, Prosperous
83 Odira Beautiful, Splendid
84 Oleen Shining, Bright
85 Olenka Defending mankind
86 Olenna Shining light
87 Olicia Peaceful ruler
88 Olinda Protector of the land
89 Oliva Olive tree
90 Olive Symbol of peace
91 Olivette Small olive tree
92 Olivia Olive tree, symbol of peace
93 Olivine Resembling olive
94 Olwen White footprint, Blessed
95 Olympia From Mount Olympus
96 Ondrea Courageous, Brave
97 Onella Light, Torch
98 Onida Daughter of God
99 Onoria Honour, Dignity
100 Opal Gemstone
101 Ophelia Helper, Serpent
102 Ophelina Help, Support
103 Ophira Gold, Treasure
104 Ora Prayer, Light
105 Orabella Beautiful prayer
106 Oralie Golden, Precious
107 Orania Queen of the heavens
108 Oriana Golden, Dawn
109 Oriel Golden, Heavenly
110 Orielle Golden angel
111 Orietta Little golden one
112 Orla Golden princess
113 Orlinda Elegant and refined
114 Ornelle Golden eagle
115 Orsina Little bear
116 Osanna Praise, Hosanna
117 Osmara Glorious, Famous
118 Osmunda Protection of God
119 Oswine Divine friend
120 Othilia Fortunate, Blessed
121 Ottavia Eighth-born
122 Ottilie Prosperous in battle
123 Ovidia She who shepherds
124 Oxana Praise be to God
125 Ozara Treasure, Wealth

Muslim/Islamic Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Islamic names, typically derived from Arabic origins and Quranic teachings, often convey spiritual depth, nobility, and devotion. Names beginning with "O" embody virtues like wisdom, grace, and purity. Here are some meaningful Islamic names that start with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
126 Obaida Worshipper of God
127 Odrina Radiant, shining
128 Ohnia Peaceful, calm
129 Ohsana Glowing light
130 Olayla Night beauty
131 Omaarah Flourishing, Prosperous
132 Omaima Kind-hearted, Loving
133 Omali Hopeful and loving
134 Omara Flourishing and strong
135 Omarita Flourishing, blooming
136 Omariya Daughter of a ruler
137 Omaylia Full of grace
138 Omayma Little mother
139 Omayra Long-lived, prosperous
140 Omela Wise and insightful
141 Omelina Sacred and divine
142 Omenah Wishful and hopeful
143 Omera One who has a long life
144 Omeriha Blessed and fortunate
145 Omissah Full of life
146 Omkya Divine being
147 Omnia Desire, Wish
148 Omniah Longing, Hope
149 Omritha Pure and devout
150 Omriya Life, Eternal
151 Orina Gold, wealth
152 Orisha Beautiful queen
153 Orun Gift of God
154 Orzala Sparkling, Radiant
155 Orzay Gentle and compassionate
156 Osaama Courageous, Brave
157 Osaidah Victorious, successful
158 Osaira Intelligent and wise
159 Osayb Soft-hearted
160 Osayma Joy of the father
161 Oshama Blessing from God
162 Osira Treasure, Gift from God
163 Othaila Gift from God
164 Othaya Radiant, beautiful
165 Otheera Pure and sacred
166 Oubayda Servant of God
167 Ouhud Commitment
168 Oumaiza Beautiful and noble
169 Oumayra Name of a princess
170 Ousara Prosperity, Riches
171 Owaira Blessing from God
172 Owaisha Lively and energetic
173 Owaishta Gentle and kind
174 Owhisha Bright and shining
175 Owishta Blessed by God
176 Oyda Return, come back
177 Ozeefa Beautiful, Blessing
178 Ozza Full of strength

Buddhist Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Buddhist names reflect values like inner peace, mindfulness, and enlightenment. Names starting with "O" encourage compassion and balance, symbolising the journey toward self-discovery. Here are some Buddhist names beginning with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
179 Oanisha One who is generous
180 Obeela Light of knowledge
181 Odayana Heavenly light
182 Odyana Bright and cheerful
183 Ofira Beautiful, graceful
184 Ohara Heavenly home
185 Ohisha Light of the sun
186 Ohita One who guides others
187 Okantha Beautiful flower
188 Okini One who brings blessings
189 Oksana Praise God
190 Olaria Enlightened being
191 Olgita Divine and pure
192 Olin Peaceful and serene
193 Olina Cheerful and bright
194 Olinika Graceful and wise
195 Olinka Light, brilliance
196 Omalu Joyous spirit
197 Omtara One who enlightens
198 Omya Bringer of happiness
199 Onali A gentle spirit
200 Onavika A bright star
201 Onisha A friend of the sun
202 Onishi Bright star
203 Opalika Precious gem
204 Oparika One who brings happiness
205 Opika Light of the world
206 Orana Blessed, lucky
207 Oren Pine tree
208 Oreni Brave and strong
209 Orvana A beautiful light
210 Osani Beautiful flower
211 Osavi Blessed with happiness
212 Osha A sacred tree
213 Osheela Protective and nurturing
214 Oshinika Charming and lovable
215 Oshira Moonlight
216 Oshyana One who is generous
217 Othira One who is wise
218 Otika Wise and loving
219 Ova A unique, special person
220 Ovada A pure path
221 Ovita One who brings happiness
222 Ovyana Glorious, shining
223 Ozyana Joyful and vibrant

Jainism Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

In Jain culture, names often represent ideals of purity, non-violence, and self-discipline. Names starting with "O" resonate with virtues like harmony and moral strength. Some Jain names begin with "O", which captures these timeless principles.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
224 Oishi Divine, goddess-like
225 Oja Vitality, strength, energy
226 Ojala Splendid, having a grand vision
227 Omala Earthly, connected to the earth
228 Omarika A small wave, representing calmness
229 Omeesha Lord of the Om, godly spirit
230 Omysha Smile, full of cheer
231 Ona Light, grace
232 Oni Shelter, protective cover
233 Oniya Gift from God
234 Ovi A sacred verse or hymn
235 Ovikaa Divine, unique, exceptional
236 Ovisha Powerful and divine

Sikh Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Sikh names carry spiritual significance, often highlighting values like humility, integrity, and devotion. Names that start with "O" connect with Sikh teachings and reflect a deep respect for divine qualities. Here are some Sikh names beginning with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
237 Ojalpreet One who loves the divine light
238 Ojasdeep Lamp of brilliance, divine light
239 Ojasleen One absorbed in the light of God
240 Ojaspreet Love for the brilliance and strength of God
241 Ojasvita One full of brightness, radiance, energy
242 Ojaswita Person who shines with vitality
243 Omani Cheerful, spirited
244 Omanjeet Victory of Om, divine sound
245 Omkaar Sacred syllable, representing unity with God
246 Omleen One absorbed in the sound of Om
247 Onkarpreet Love for the divine, symbolizing eternal truth
248 Oorjit One who is powerful
249 Oshma Summer, warmth, symbolizing heat and energy

Zoroastrian Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Zoroastrian names are drawn from ancient Persian culture and symbolise values like purity, truth, and righteousness. Names starting with "O" embody virtues such as courage and kindness. Here are some Zoroastrian names that begin with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
250 Oshideh Light of truth
251 Omehrang Color of the moon
252 Oghaz One who brings peace
253 Orouj Rising, ascending
254 Ohsan God’s blessing
255 Omran Prosperous, flourishing
256 Oshir One who is wise
257 Oril Brave and courageous
258 Ozana One who shines brightly
259 Orzhan One who spreads happiness
260 Oshida One who is honoured
261 Odina Joyous and beautiful
262 Omida One who brings hope
263 Orahna One who is a protector
264 Orasa Brilliant, radiant
265 Omila The one who is blessed
266 Oskara Joyful heart
267 Orani One who is wise
268 Onara Bright and cheerful
269 Orawa One who is lovely
270 Osyra One who is pure
271 Orenda A name of honour
272 Onyx Precious stone
273 Oashti A name of strength
274 Olaya Joyful and vibrant
275 Orva One who is gentle
276 Orah Bright and radiant
277 Orathia Light of the world
278 Omeni One who brings love
279 Omalta The one who brings happiness
280 Orilia Shining star
281 Orai Joyful and vibrant
282 Orvina One who is a blessing
283 Oashini One who brings joy
284 Olira One who is precious
285 Otyr Radiance, brightness
286 Olir One who is loved
287 Owaitha The one who is kind
288 Osa A name of purity
289 Orinta One who is pure
290 Oglana A gentle spirit
291 Oshta One who brings joy
292 Olinah Joyful and bright
293 Oravi A name of joy
294 Onah One who is wise
295 Oyas Full of grace
296 Oyaana One who is gentle
297 Oltana A name of purity
298 Osiha One who is strong
299 Orvi Brightness of the sun
300 Owina One who is wise
301 Osana A blessed soul
302 Ophyra One who brings joy
303 Osley One who is gentle
304 Ovan One who brings hope
305 Owhita A name of brightness
306 Oriah A name full of light
307 Odyna Bright and radiant
308 Oana A beautiful blessing
309 Olayya Full of joy
310 Okan One who is blessed
311 Ozen A name of strength
312 Oheli One who is joyful
313 Ozeera A name of beauty

Judaism Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

Jewish names are rooted in the Torah and Hebrew traditions. They are often chosen to reflect qualities like resilience, wisdom, and hope. Names beginning with "O" are symbols of strength and faith. Here are some Jewish names that start with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
314 Odele I will thank God
315 Ofelia A helper
316 Ofra A fawn
317 Omri My sheaf
318 Onela Bright and shining
319 Ophera Light and brightness
320 Ophir Gold, valuable
321 Opira A golden treasure
322 Oraiya Light of hope
323 Oralle The Lord is my light
324 Orell The shining one
325 Orena Joy and peace
326 Orit Light, fire
327 Oritta Light of joy
328 Oriyah Light from God
329 Orlena Light, bright
330 Orlene Light bearer
331 Orli Light, my light
332 Orma Golden light
333 Ornet Blessed
334 Orpah A biblical figure, back of the neck
335 Orvella Golden, bright
336 Oryelle Full of light
337 Orzella Bright treasure
338 Oseanna Light of joy
339 Oshea Salvation
340 Oshra Happiness, joy
341 Oshrit One who brings happiness
342 Osnat She belongs to God
343 Osrina God is my help
344 Ozella Divine strength
345 Ozelle Strength and grace
346 Ozi Strong, mighty
347 Ozlena A bright star
348 Ozni Strong
349 Ozniya Strong, mighty
350 Ozra A treasure
351 Ozzi Power, strength

Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with Letter O with Meanings

In Vedic astrology, names aligned with specific nakshatras (stars) carry unique energy and significance. Names beginning with "O" reflect harmony with cosmic forces and bring qualities of new beginnings. Here are some nakshatra-based names that start with "O."

S. No Baby Name Meaning
352 Oha Meditation, contemplation
353 Ojalika One with a grand vision
354 Ojani Visionary, one who sees far
355 Ojasvati Energetic, full of life
356 Oma Leader, giver of life
357 Omaja Daughter of the sacred
358 Omeera Bright and radiant
359 Oreen A shining, golden light
360 Oshada Healing, medicine

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter O?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Girl Name Starting with Letter O?

FAQs about Baby Girl Names Starting with O

What are some popular baby girl names starting with O?

Some popular baby girl names starting with "O" include Omisha, Oviya, and Oindrila. These names are celebrated for their unique meanings and cultural significance.

Are there any unique baby girl names starting with O?

Yes! Unique names like Ojal, meaning "light," Orpita, meaning "sacred," and Oshika, meaning "sacred" or "pure," offer distinctive choices that carry beautiful meanings.

What cultural influences are reflected in names starting with O?

Names starting with "O" can be found in various cultures, including Hinduism (e.g., Omisha, Oorja), Sikhism (e.g., Opinder), and other regional traditions. Each embodies significant meanings tied to its respective culture.

What are some popular Hindu baby girl names starting with O?

Popular Hindu names include Ojasvi, meaning "bright," Oorja, meaning "energy," and Omisha, which are associated with the divine. These names hold strong spiritual significance within the Hindu tradition.

What are some popular Muslim baby girl names starting with O?

Muslim names like Omera, meaning "long-lived," and Owais, the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, reflect virtues admired in Islamic culture, such as longevity and devotion.

What are some popular Christian baby girl names starting with O?

Christian names such as Olive, meaning "peace," and Ophelia, meaning "help," have timeless appeal and are cherished in Christian communities for their positive connotations.

What are some popular Sikh baby girl names starting with O?

In Sikh culture, names like Onkar, meaning "one supreme reality," and Opinder, meaning "light of God," are popular as they reflect the spiritual significance and divine connection.

What are some popular Bengali baby girl names starting with O?

Bengali names such as Oindrila, meaning "king of the world," and Oishee, meaning "goddess Durga," reflect Bengal's rich cultural heritage and literary history.

What are some popular Marathi baby girl names starting with O?

In Marathi culture, names like Omisha, meaning "goddess of life," and Ojaswi, meaning "radiant" or "bright," are cherished for their beautiful meanings and cultural roots.

What are some popular Tamil baby girl names starting with O?

Tamil names like Oviya, meaning "artist," and Oorvashi, meaning "a celestial nymph," carry deep cultural significance, symbolising creativity and divine beauty.

What are some popular Telugu baby girl names starting with O?

Telugu names such as Ojaswini, meaning "bright," and Oorja, meaning "energy," represent cherished qualities like vitality and liveliness in Telugu culture.

What are some popular Kannada baby girl names starting with O?

Popular Kannada names include Oorja, meaning "energy," and Ojal, meaning "light," which reflect the importance of positivity and vitality in Kannada tradition.

What are some popular Malayalam baby girl names starting with O?

Malayalam names like Omana, meaning "beautiful woman," and Oindrila, meaning "powerful," are admired for their poetic nature and connection to cultural artistry.




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