Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter G

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

In Hindu culture, names are often chosen for their cultural and spiritual significance. Hindu boy names starting with 'G' offer many choices, signifying strength and wisdom.

This section will guide you through some beautiful Hindu boy names, starting with 'G.'

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Gadadhar One who wields the mace
2 Gagan Sky
3 Gaganesh God of the sky
4 Gajanan One with the face of an elephant
5 Gajendra King of elephants
6 Ganak Astrologer
7 Ganapati Lord of all beings
8 Gandharv Celestial being
9 Ganesh Lord of the multitudes
10 Ganesha Lord of wisdom
11 Gangaadhar Lord Shiva, holder of the Ganga
12 Gangesh Lord Shiva, Lord of the Ganga
13 Gangeshwar Lord of the Ganges
14 Ganpat Lord Ganesh
15 Ganpaty Lord Ganesh
16 Ganshyam Another name of Lord Krishna
17 Gansukh Loyal, faithful
18 Garud Divine bird, mount of Lord Vishnu
19 Garv Pride
20 Garvit Prideful, proud
21 Gatik Fast, progressive
22 Gatleen Absorbed in freedom
23 Gaurang Fair complexioned
24 Gaurav Honor, Pride
25 Gaurik Goddess Parvati
26 Gaurikant Beloved of Goddess Parvati (Shiva)
27 Gaurinath Lord of Gauri (Parvati)
28 Gaurish Lord Shiva
29 Gaurishankar A combination of Goddess Gauri and Lord Shankar
30 Gautam Enlightened, Lord Buddha
31 Gautvik One who is pure
32 Ghanendra Lord of clouds
33 Ghanshyam Lord Krishna
34 Ghoshal One who brings light
35 Giridhara One who holds the mountain
36 Girik Lord Shiva
37 Girilal Son of the mountains
38 Girindra King of mountains
39 Giriprasad Gift of the mountains
40 Girish Lord of the mountain
41 Girivar Lord Krishna
42 Girivardhan Lord Krishna
43 Gnanesh One who has knowledge
44 Gohar Diamond
45 Gokul Place of Lord Krishna
46 Gopal Protector of cows, Lord Krishna
47 Gopalakrishna Lord Krishna
48 Gopalan Protector of cows (Krishna)
49 Govardhan One who lifts mountains
50 Govind Cowherd, Lord Krishna
51 Guhan Lord Murugan
52 Gunakar Virtuous
53 Gunaksh Virtuous
54 Gunasekar One with good qualities
55 Gunasekhar Eminent, virtuous
56 Gunav Good character
57 Gunbir Brave and virtuous
58 Gunesh Lord of qualities
59 Gunjan Humming sound
60 Gunnit Full of virtues
61 Gunvant Virtuous, meritorious
62 Gurinder Lord of the Guru
63 Gurmeet Friend of the Guru
64 Gursimran Remembering the Guru
65 Gurudatt Gift from the Guru
66 Gururaj King of teachers
67 Gurvinder Lord of the Gurus
68 Gyaanendra Lord of knowledge
69 Gyan Knowledge
70 Gyandev God of wisdom
71 Gyanendra Lord of knowledge
72 Gyanesh Knowledgeable

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

Christian names often carry biblical significance or honour saints and historical figures. Names that start with 'G' represent morals such as grace, love, and strength. The list below explores a vast array of Christian boy names, starting with 'G' and with their meanings along with the positive traits they reflect.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
73 Gabino Hero with God
74 Gabriel God is my strength
75 Gael A joyful person
76 Gage Oath, pledge
77 Gaius Rejoicer
78 Gale Healer
79 Galen Calm, healer
80 Galvin Bright, white
81 Gamaliel Reward of God
82 Gareth Gentle
83 Garland A wreath of flowers
84 Garret Spear strength
85 Garrick Spear ruler
86 Garrison Spear fortress
87 Garvin Rough, courageous
88 Gaspar Treasure keeper
89 Gavin White hawk of battle
90 Gennaro January
91 Gentry Nobility
92 Geoffrey God's peace
93 George Farmer
94 Gerard Brave with a spear
95 Germain Brotherly
96 Gerry Mighty with the spear
97 Gershom Stranger
98 Gethsemane Oil press
99 Giacomo Supplanter
100 Gian God is gracious
101 Giancarlo God is gracious
102 Gideon Mighty warrior
103 Gil Joy
104 Gilbert Bright pledge
105 Giles Young goat
106 Gilmer Famous hostage
107 Gino He is gracious
108 Gio God is gracious
109 Giovanni God is gracious
110 Glen Valley
111 Glenn Valley
112 Glenwood Valley forest
113 Godfrey Peace of God
114 Goldwin Golden friend
115 Goliath Giant, champion
116 Gomer Completion
117 Gordan Large fortification
118 Gordon Spacious fort
119 Grady Noble
120 Graham Gravelly homestead
121 Grant Large, great
122 Granville Large city
123 Grayson Son of the steward
124 Gregor Vigilant, watchful
125 Gregorio Vigilant, watchful
126 Gregory Watchful, alert
127 Griffin Strong in faith
128 Griffith Strong chief
129 Guillermo Strong
130 Gunnar Bold warrior
131 Gunner Brave warrior
132 Gus Majestic
133 Gustav Staff of the Goths
134 Guy Guide

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

In Islam, names are often chosen to honour significant scholars or reflect the attributes of Allah. Many names that begin with 'G' carry spiritual meanings such as guidance, strength, and righteousness. This section lists popular Muslim boy names starting with 'G,' along with their meanings and the values they represent.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
135 Gaffar Very forgiving
136 Galal Glorious
137 Garib Stranger
138 Garibulla Stranger of Allah
139 Garish Lord of light
140 Gazanfar Victorious one
141 Gazi One who fights for a cause
142 Ghadir Stream
143 Ghafar Forgiving
144 Ghaffar The Forgiver
145 Ghafran Pardon
146 Ghafur Forgiving
147 Ghaib Hidden
148 Ghais Rain cloud
149 Ghaith Rain
150 Ghalib Victor, conqueror
151 Ghamar Moon
152 Ghamdan Soft
153 Ghamid A person of ancient times
154 Ghamz Mirthful look
155 Ghaneem Prosperous
156 Ghanem Successful
157 Ghani Rich, wealthy
158 Ghanim Triumphant
159 Ghaniyah Generous
160 Ghannam Shepherd
161 Gharib Stranger
162 Gharibullah Stranger of God
163 Ghaus Defender
164 Ghayoor Dignified
165 Ghazali Mystic
166 Ghazan Treasure
167 Ghazanfar Lion
168 Ghazi Warrior, fighter
169 Ghaziuddin Fighter for religion
170 Ghazwan Companion of the Prophet
171 Ghiyas Helper
172 Ghiyasuddin Helper of the religion
173 Ghiyath Deliverer
174 Ghufran Forgiveness
175 Ghufranullah Forgiveness of Allah
176 Ghulam Servant, boy
177 Ghulzar Garden of flowers
178 Ghumari Famous
179 Ghunaym Spoils of war
180 Ghuthayf Old Arabic name
181 Gibran Reward or compensation
182 Gufran Forgiveness
183 Gulam Servant
184 Gulistan Flower garden
185 Gulraiz One who loves roses
186 Gulshan Flower garden
187 Gulzar Rose garden
188 Gurnam One who has won a battle

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

Buddhist names often reflect the teachings of the Buddha and moral virtues such as compassion and wisdom. Names that begin with 'G' carry rich meanings that reflect Buddhist philosophy. This section presents Buddhist boy names, meanings and the ideals they promote.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
189 Gunaraj King of virtues, reflecting noble character.
190 Gyaan Knowledge or wisdom.
191 Gunadhya Virtuous or good-natured.
192 Gangeshwara lord of the Ganges, representing purity and divinity.
193 Gandharva Referring to celestial musicians in Hindu and Buddhist texts.
194 Ghosh sound or echo, symbolizing communication and expression.
195 Gyanaraj King of knowledge, symbolizing wisdom and leadership.
196 Ganapaty A name that refers to Lord Ganesha, representing wisdom and the removal of obstacles.
197 Gurusharan Shelter of the guru, indicating a protective and guiding presence.
198 Gaurimohan Charming Gauri, which represents beauty and divinity.
199 Gadhadhar One who carries a club, associated with divine strength.
200 Gokesh Another name for Krishna, representing playfulness and divine love.
201 Gandharvi one who sings like a Gandharva, indicating musical talent and beauty.
202 Gopikrishna the protector of cows, reflecting compassion and care.
203 Gaurikesh A name combining the s of Gauri and Lord Shiva, indicating divine grace and strength.
204 Gyanaprakash Light of knowledge, symbolizing enlightenment and wisdom.
205 Here are more unique Buddhist baby boy names starting with the letter G  
206 Gauravendra lord of honor, reflecting dignity and respect.
207 Ghanashyam the dark cloud, symbolizing depth and mystery.
208 Gurujan of the guru's family, emphasizing lineage and wisdom.
209 Gatiman one who is fast or swift, symbolizing agility and speed.
210 Gopalananda joy of the protector of cows, emphasizing happiness and compassion.

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

In Jainism, names reflect core virtues such as honesty and nonviolence, symbolising their cultural significance. Names that begin with 'G'  mirror these concepts, making them suitable choices. This section discusses Jain boy names that start with 'G,' resembling their cultural significance and the values they signify.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
211 Gagandeep Light of the sky
212 Gajadhar One who holds the elephant
213 Ganatrik One who is always truthful
214 Gandhar Fragrance
215 Ganeshkar One who is blessed by Ganesh
216 Ganjan One who is knowledgeable
217 Garudesh Lord Vishnu's vehicle
218 Gauridhar One who bears Goddess Gauri
219 Gaurikumar Son of Goddess Gauri
220 Gauriprasad Blessing of Goddess Gauri
221 Gautamesh God of wisdom
222 Gavesh One who is knowledgeable
223 Girinath King of the mountain
224 Giriraj King of mountains
225 Gomatesh Lord Gomateshwar
226 Gomati Full of virtues
227 Gomukh Sacred mouth
228 Gomukhesh Lord of sacred mouth
229 Gopesh Lord Krishna
230 Gulabchand Rose
231 Gunachandra Moon of virtues
232 Gunadhar Holder of virtues
233 Gunadhyaksh One who is wise and virtuous
234 Gunahar One who removes faults
235 Gunasagar Ocean of virtues
236 Gunasheel Having good character
237 Gunatitanand Beyond attributes
238 Gunendra Lord of virtues
239 Guneshwar Lord of virtues
240 Gunjit Winner
241 Gurudas Servant of the Guru
242 Gurudayal Kind teacher
243 Gurudev Divine teacher
244 Gyaneshwar Lord of knowledge
245 Gyankumar Knowledgeable boy
246 Gyanprakash Light of knowledge
247 Gyansagar Ocean of knowledge
248 Gyanvatsal Knowledgeable and affectionate
249 Gyanvishal Knowledgeable and broad-minded

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

Sikhs names have deep spiritual meanings derived from the teachings of Gurus'. Names beginning with 'G' frequently represent loyalty, intelligence, and bravery. These are some Sikh boy names that start with 'G,' along with their religious significance and meaning.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
250 Gursher Lion of the Guru
251 Gurnoor Light of the Guru
252 Gurdeep Light of the Guru
253 Gurpreet Love of the Guru
254 Gursimar Remembrance of the Guru
255 Guneet Virtuous
256 Gurbir Warrior of the Guru
257 Gurkirat Praise of the Guru
258 Gurjas Fame of the Guru
259 Gurtej Grandeur of the Guru
260 Gursharan Shelter of the Guru
261 Gurpinder Lord of the Guru
262 Guraan Lion-hearted
263 Gurdas Servant of the Guru
264 Gurupreet Loved by the Guru
265 Gurwinder Lord of the Guru
266 Gurmukh One who is devoted to the Guru
267 Gureet One who is praised by the Guru
268 Gurjot Light of the Guru
269 Gurshant Peaceful
270 Gurshakti Power of the Guru
271 Gurjit Victory of the Guru
272 Gurdev Divine teacher
273 Gursukh One who is blissful in the Guru's presence
274 Gurya Gift from the Guru
275 Gurjivan Life given by the Guru
276 Gurman Heart of the Guru
277 Gurbachan Promise of the Guru
278 Gurshaan Pride of the Guru
279 Gurveer Warrior of the Guru
280 Gurbhagat Devotee of the Guru
281 Gurnishan Sign of the Guru
282 Gurdayal Compassionate Guru
283 Gursahib Lord of the Guru
284 Gurvichar Reflection on the Guru
285 Gurkamal Lotus of the Guru
286 Gurbaksh Blessing of the Guru
287 Gursewak Servant of the Guru
288 Gursant Peace through the Guru
289 Gurtejpal Protector of the Guru's glory
290 Gurinderpal Protector of the Guru's ruler
291 Gurmantra Guru’s mantra
292 Gurpratap Glory of the Guru
293 Gurtaaj Crown of the Guru
294 Gurtegh Sharpness of the Guru
295 Gursangat Association with the Guru
296 Gurnishanpal Protector of the Guru’s sign
297 Gursaroop In the image of the Guru
298 Gurvansh Descendant of the Guru
299 Gurdaya Merciful Guru
300 Gursanjog Union with the Guru
301 Gurtaan Praise of the Guru
302 Gurprabh God's Guru
303 Gurshabad Word of the Guru
304 Gurteghbal Strength of the Guru's sword
305 Gursahibjit Victorious through the Guru
306 Gurnanak Guru Nanak
307 Gurfaateh Victory of the Guru
308 Gurpreetpal Protector of the Guru’s love
309 Gurbaldev Servant of the Guru's strength
310 Gurdhan Wealth of the Guru
311 Gurtejvir Brave through the Guru
312 Gurmitra Friend of the Guru
313 Gurprakash Radiance of the Guru

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

Zoroastrian names are interesting because they represent goodness and light. Names beginning with 'G' differ in meaning depending on Zoroastrian beliefs. This section delves into Zoroastrian boy names, starting with 'G,' reflecting their significance and the positive characteristics they represent.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
314 Gav Cow; symbolizes fertility and abundance.
315 Gavash Brave or courageous.
316 Gavashni One who possesses strength or powerful.
317 Garnak Bringer of peace.
318 Gathas Sacred hymns attributed to Zoroaster.
319 Gushasp Brave or valiant; associated with a legendary hero.
320 Gid To grow or to increase.
321 Gahambar Referring to the Zoroastrian seasonal festivals.
322 Gherd To ascend or to rise.
323 Gurjit Pure or sacred.
324 Goudarz A legendary hero known for bravery and strength.
325 Guram Noble or highborn.
326 Gushang One who brings happiness or cheerful.
327 Gahr To be strong or to prevail.
328 Gulzar Rose garden; symbolizes beauty and growth.
329 Gharaz Prominent or illustrious.
330 Gazda Brave or fearless.
331 Gaj Strong or powerful.
332 Gulshah King of flowers; symbolizes beauty and nobility.
333 Gahan Soul or essence.
334 Gavazi A kind-hearted person or one who loves well.
335 Garshasp A legendary hero known for strength and valor.
336 Gurazad Gift of the Lord or divinely gifted.

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

In Jewish tradition, names often carry biblical roots and reflect deep cultural heritage. Names starting with 'G' signify strength, faith, and hope. This section presents various Jewish boy names beginning with 'G,' discussing their meanings and the positive attributes they represent.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
337 Gabi My strength is God
338 Gad Luck, fortune
339 Gadi Fortune
340 Gadish Harvest
341 Gal Wave
342 Galia Wave of God
343 Galil Wave, hill
344 Gamil Benefactor
345 Gamliel Recompense of God
346 Gari Protected
347 Gavi God is my strength
348 Gavri God is my strength
349 Gavriel God is my strength
350 Gavril Strong man of God
351 Gazal Protector
352 Geffen Vine
353 Geffeniel God’s vine
354 Gemel Benefactor
355 Gersho Exiled one
356 Gershomiah Exiled from God
357 Gershon Expelled, driven out
358 Gershuv Expelled, exiled
359 Gert Strong
360 Gev Courageous
361 Gibeon Hilly region
362 Gideoni My hewer
363 Gidi Mighty
364 Gidon Mighty warrior
365 Gidonah Mighty leader
366 Gidoniel Judge of God
367 Gidonit Warrior
368 Gila Eternal happiness
369 Gilaad Joyful testimony
370 Gilad Eternal joy
371 Giladiel God’s eternal joy
372 Gilam Eternal joy
373 Gilav Joy of my father
374 Gilead Hill of testimony
375 Gileadiel Joyous servant of God
376 Gilon Circle, joy
377 Gilur Eternal joy
378 Giora Stranger, convert
379 Giva Hill, elevated place
380 Givary God is my strength
381 Givat Hill
382 Givon Hill
383 Givor Strength, might
384 Giyora Convert
385 Gol Wave
386 Golan Circle of trees
387 Goli Wave
388 Gomel Benefactor
389 Goren Grain threshing place
390 Goriel Protected by God
391 Gosheron Young lion
392 Guriel God is my light
393 Gurshom Stranger, exile

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter G with Meanings

In Hindu astrology, names are often based on Nakshatras or lunar mansions, influencing a child's personality and fate. Names that start with the letter 'G' hold special significance based on astrological beliefs. This section explores boy names derived from Nakshatras, starting with 'G,' along with their meanings and the astrological implications they carry.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
394 Gadadhara Bearer of the mace
395 Ganakraj King of astrologers
396 Ganakvansh An astrologer or knowledgeable person by lineage
397 Ganeshwar Lord of Ganesh
398 Ganit One who is calculative and wise
399 Gatiksh One who moves quickly
400 Gatir Speed
401 Gauransh Part of Lord Shiva
402 Gauresh Lord Shiva
403 Gaurhari Lord of the mountains
404 Gaurishkumar Son of Lord Shiva
405 Gautamish One who follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha
406 Giridhar Lord Krishna, one who holds the mountain
407 Girishankara Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountains
408 Gopalprasad Lord Krishna's blessing
409 Gopendra Lord of the cowherds (Lord Krishna)
410 Gopinath Lord of the Gopis (Radha Krishna)
411 Gorakhnath Saint of Gorakh community
412 Grahish Lord of planets
413 Gunansh Full of good qualities
414 Gunashekar King of virtues
415 Gunashil Righteous and virtuous
416 Gunat One who possesses good qualities
417 Gunender King of virtues
418 Gunit Full of virtues
419 Gunraj King of virtues
420 Gunvansh Full of good qualities
421 Gunvantan Possessing virtues
422 Gunwant Virtuous, meritorious
423 Gurjeet Victorious in the Guru's teachings
424 Gurudarshan Vision of the Guru
425 Gurudeva Divine teacher
426 Gurudutt Gift from the Guru
427 Gyansundar Handsome and knowledgeable

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter G?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter G?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with G

What are some popular baby boy names starting with G?

Some popular baby boy names starting with 'G' include Gaurav, which means "honour" or "pride" in Sanskrit. Gabriel, a biblical name meaning "God is my strength," and Gyan, which means "knowledge" in Hindi.

Are there any unique names starting with G?

Yes, unique names starting with 'G' include Gopal, which means "protector of cows" and is another name for Lord Krishna in Hinduism. Gushtasp, a Zoroastrian name meaning "delighted" or "satisfied," and Gurmeet, a Sikh name meaning "friend of the Guru."

What is the significance of choosing a name based on Nakshatras?

In Hindu astrology, Nakshatras, or lunar mansions, are believed to influence a child's personality and fate. Choosing a name based on a child’s Nakshatra aligns them with positive cosmic energies, bringing good fortune and harmony into their life.

How do I know if a name is culturally appropriate?

To determine if a name is culturally appropriate, it’s essential to research its origin, meaning, and associated traditions. Choosing a name honouring your heritage can create a sense of pride and connection for your child as they grow.

Can I combine two names starting with G?

Yes! Combining two names starting with 'G' is a creative way to craft a unique name with personal significance. For example, you can combine “Gaurav” (honour) and “Gyan” (knowledge) to form “Gauryan,” which symbolises a person of honourable wisdom.

What are some international baby boy names starting with 'G'?

International names include Giovanni (Italy), Gabriel (France), and Gael (Latin America). Giovanni, meaning "God is gracious," is widely used in Italian-speaking regions. Gabriel is popular across multiple countries, including France and Spain, due to its biblical roots. With origins in Celtic and Latin American cultures, Gael has a global appeal, meaning "joyful" or "blessed."

What are some Indian baby boy names starting with 'G'?

Indian names like Gaurav, meaning "pride," Gopal, meaning "protector of cows" (a reference to Lord Krishna), and Govind, meaning "Lord of the cows," are meaningful and culturally rich choices.

Are there any historical figures with names starting with 'G'?

Yes, several historical figures have names starting with 'G.' For example, Mahatma Gandhi, a leader of the Indian independence movement, has a name that is now recognized worldwide. Other famous names include Galileo, the renowned Italian astronomer, and George Washington, the first U.S. president, both of which have left lasting legacies.

How can I choose a modern yet meaningful baby boy name starting with 'G'?

To choose a modern yet meaningful name, consider blending contemporary sounds with names with significant origins. Names like Greyson, which feels modern but has ties to old English, or Griffin, a name that brings strength and mythology, are examples of balancing modern trends with depth in meaning. You can also look for names with personal or family significance.

What are some spiritual or religious boy names starting with 'G'?

Spiritual names like Gabriel, Govind, and Gideon carry deep religious significance. Gabriel, an archangel in the Bible, is associated with divine strength and guidance. Govind is linked to Lord Krishna in Hinduism, representing protection and compassion. Gideon, a biblical figure, symbolises leadership and bravery.




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