Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter B

Hindu Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Hindu girl names starting with 'B' carry deep spiritual and cultural meanings, often embodying strength, grace, and beauty. Rooted in divine and natural influences, these names reflect positive traits and align with a child's personality.

Here is a curated list of Hindu girl names beginning with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Bahula Star
2 Bahulaa A star
3 Bahuliya Goddess Durga
4 Bahvya Holy
5 Baidehi Goddess Sita
6 Baishali Prosperous
7 Bala Young girl
8 Baladhi Deep, immense
9 Balarani Strong; Mighty Queen
10 Balarupa Beautiful; Youthful
11 Bali Mighty
12 Balisha Mighty
13 Banani Forest
14 Bandhavi Love of family
15 Bandita Blessed
16 Baneet Polite
17 Banhi Fire; Light
18 Bani Goddess Saraswati
19 Bansari Flute; Sweet Sound
20 Barati Graceful
21 Barisha Pure
22 Barkha Rain
23 Baruni Goddess Durga
24 Basanti Spring; One who is like Spring
25 Basudha Earth
26 Bela Time
27 Bhaanvi Sunlight
28 Bhaavya Emotional
29 Bhadra Auspicious
30 Bhadrakali Goddess Parvati
31 Bhadrani Virtuous
32 Bhadrika Auspicious; Holy
33 Bhagini Sister; Female relative
34 Bhagwati Goddess Durga
35 Bhagyani Lucky
36 Bhagyashree Fortunate
37 Bhagyavathi Fortunate
38 Bhagyavi Blessed, lucky
39 Bhairavi Goddess Durga
40 Bhairu Brave, fearless
41 Bhakti Devotion
42 Bhamini Bright, radiant
43 Bhanavi Graceful, brilliant
44 Bhanita One who brings happiness
45 Bhanumati Radiant
46 Bhanupriya Dear to the Sun
47 Bhanura Radiant
48 Bhanvi Goddess of Light
49 Bhargavi Goddess Lakshmi
50 Bharti Goddess Saraswati
51 Bhaskari Radiant
52 Bhaswati Bright, luminous
53 Bhaumika Divine
54 Bhavana Pure, sacred
55 Bhavani Goddess Durga
56 Bhavdeep Light of emotion
57 Bhavika Devout, cheerful
58 Bhavina Virtuous
59 Bhavini Emotional
60 Bhavishya Future; Destiny
61 Bhavita Enthusiastic
62 Bhavya Splendid, grand
63 Bhavyashree Splendid
64 Bhavyasri Grand, majestic
65 Bhavyata Grand
66 Bhishma A name of the strong; Brave
67 Bhoomi Earth
68 Bhoomika Role, earth
69 Bhooshana Ornament
70 Bhudevi Earth goddess
71 Bhuma Earth
72 Bhumi Earth
73 Bhumija Earth-born
74 Bhumika Earth; Foundation
75 Bhumiksha Beloved
76 Bhushana Ornament
77 Bhushit Ornamented
78 Bhushita Decorated, adorned
79 Bhuvana Earth
80 Bhuvi Heaven
81 Bhuvika Earthly
82 Bibha Radiant
83 Bidisha Lightning
84 Bijal Lightning
85 Bilva Sacred leaf
86 Bilvani Goddess Saraswati
87 Bimala Pure, clean
88 Bimbi Bright
89 Bina Musical instrument
90 Binafsha Violet flower
91 Binaisha Eternal
92 Binaya Virtuous
93 Binayaka Knowledgeable
94 Bindiya Drop, adornment
95 Bindu Drop; Point
96 Bini Good
97 Binita Modest
98 Biniya Brave, heroic
99 Binodini Happy
100 Binota Happy
101 Binotini Beloved
102 Bithika Small wave
103 Brijeshwari Goddess Durga
104 Brinda Sacred basil
105 Brindha Goddess Radha
106 Brisha Holy
107 Brishti Rain

Christian Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Christian girl names starting with 'B' often carry biblical connections or represent virtues like faith, hope, and love. Many are inspired by saints or significant events in Christian history, adding depth and meaning to a child's character.

Below are Christian girl names beginning with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
108 Bethany House of figs
109 Briana Strong, noble
110 Bianca White, pure
111 Benedicta Blessed
112 Beatrice Voyager, blessed
113 Beryl Sea green jewel
114 Belinda Beautiful
115 Bernadette Brave as a bear
116 Barbara Stranger
117 Bridget Strength, power
118 Blanche White, fair
119 Beth House of God
120 Bliss Joy, happiness
121 Brittany From Britain
122 Bernice Bringer of victory
123 Bella Beautiful
124 Bonnie Pretty
125 Bailey Bailiff
126 Bronwen Fair, blessed
127 Blair Field, plain
128 Bria Vigour, liveliness
129 Bethel House of God
130 Brielle God is my strength
131 Becca Servant of God
132 Benedetta Blessed
133 Betsie Devoted to God
134 Bevin Melodious lady
135 Bibiana Full of life
136 Brooklyn Broken land
137 Bess God's promise
138 Brinley Beautiful flower
139 Bailee Fortification
140 Bronte Thunder
141 Bryony To sprout
142 Benita Blessed
143 Blythe Free spirit
144 Bellamy Fine friend
145 Benedette Blessed
146 Blake Dark, fair
147 Bessy God's oath
148 Brigid Strength
149 Bertha Bright
150 Betsy God's satisfaction
151 Briar Thorny patch
152 Branda Fiery beacon
153 Betina God's house
154 Brona Sorrow
155 Bithiah Daughter of God
156 Brie Strength
157 Blenda Glowing
158 Benilde Goodness
159 Birgit Strength
160 Beata Blessed
161 Berenice Victory
162 Bluma Flower
163 Belva Beautiful view
164 Barika Bloom
165 Beverly Stream of beavers
166 Betty God is my oath
167 Bronagh Sorrow
168 Brianna Noble
169 Brook Small stream
170 Bristol Meeting place
171 Blanchefleur White flower
172 Beret Noble woman
173 Bellona Strong
174 Bethsaida House of mercy
175 Brienne Strong
176 Briony Flowering vine
177 Brylee Noble woman
178 Bryce Alert
179 Bree Strength
180 Barbera Stranger
181 Billie Determined protector
182 Brinleigh Beautiful meadow
183 Beate Happy
184 Berna Brave
185 Blondelle Fair-skinned
186 Barrett Bear strength
187 Brenda Sword; A fiery one
188 Blessing A divine gift
189 Beulah Married; To marry
190 Blossom To flourish
191 Bayla A bundle of joy
192 Brynn Hill; Mound
193 Bluebell Flower; Symbol of constancy
194 Brigitte Strength; Power
195 Brea A valley; Hillside
196 Bellatrix Female warrior
197 Bryelle Strong; Noble

Muslim/Islamic Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Muslim girl names beginning with 'B' hold deep cultural and spiritual significance. They are often derived from Arabic and symbolise strength, wisdom, and compassion. In Islam, a meaningful name is believed to guide a child's life journey.

Here are some beautiful Muslim girl names starting with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
198 Badeea Unique
199 Bader Full moon
200 Badia Unique
201 Badiha Unique; Original
202 Badiya Unparalleled
203 Badra Full moon
204 Badriah Full moon; Radiant
205 Badriyah Full moon
206 Baha Brilliance; Radiance
207 Baheeja Happy, radiant
208 Bahira Brilliant
209 Bahire Luminous
210 Bahiyah Glorious, beautiful
211 Bahiyyah Radiant, beautiful
212 Bahja Joy; Happiness
213 Bahjat Delightful
214 Baida White; Bright
215 Bajila One who is just
216 Bakhita One who is chosen
217 Balqees Sheba’s queen
218 Balqis Queen of Sheba
219 Balyana Beautiful; Lovely
220 Banafsha Violet
221 Baqarah Learned
222 Barak Blessed; Happy
223 Baraka Blessing
224 Barakah Blessed
225 Bariah Innocent
226 Bariha Beautiful
227 Barira Faithful; Trustworthy
228 Barrah She who is innocent
229 Barraqa Glittering
230 Basheera Giver of glad tidings
231 Bashira Bringer of good news
232 Basima Smiling
233 Basira Clear-sighted; Insightful
234 Basirah Wise; Intelligent
235 Basirat Perception
236 Basma Smile; Radiance
237 Basmah Sweet smile
238 Basrah Scholar
239 Batina Hidden; Concealed
240 Batool Virgin; Chaste
241 Bayan Eloquence
242 Baydaa White
243 Baydah Bright, shining
244 Bazigha Shining
245 Bazla Generous
246 Benazir Incomparable
247 Bibi Lady
248 Bibisara Noble; Respectable
249 Bilal Moonlight
250 Bilqees Sheba’s queen
251 Bilqis Queen of Sheba
252 Bilquis Sheba queen
253 Bint Daughter
254 Bintan Daughter
255 Binte Daughter of
256 Binyah Daughter of prophet
257 Biran Protector; Guardian
258 Biserah A good omen; Good fortune
259 Bisma Smile
260 Bismah Politeness
261 Boshra Good news; Happy tidings
262 Buraydah Coldness
263 Burhanah Proof, evidence
264 Busayna Beautiful, radiant
265 Busharat Good news
266 Bushra Good news; Glad tidings
267 Bushrah Good news; Glad tidings
268 Busra Good tidings
269 Buthaina Soft, delicate
270 Buthayna Young; Lovely

Buddhist Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Buddhist girl names starting with 'B' are often derived from ancient Pali and Sanskrit texts. They embody the values of mindfulness, serenity, and compassion. These names inspire spiritual growth and reflect ideals of peace, inner strength, and harmony.


Some meaningful Buddhist girl names begin with 'B' and their origins.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
271 Baivavi Divine light
272 Balanika Brave girl
273 Balini Strong
274 Bandhu Friend
275 Bandhura Pretty
276 Banita Unique; Rare
277 Banshika Creator of music
278 Bashini One who speaks kindly
279 Bauddha Enlightened soul
280 Baudha Buddhist follower
281 Baudhama Connected to Buddha
282 Baudhilakshmi Wise goddess
283 Bavana Sacred
284 Bhadramati Auspicious mind; Good thoughts
285 Bhadrasri Blessed with prosperity
286 Bhadravati Virtuous
287 Bhadri Virtuous
288 Bhagyasri Fortunate
289 Bhaimi Born during spring
290 Bhallika Good fortune
291 Bhama Full of splendor
292 Bhanu Sun, shining
293 Bhanumathi Glorious like the sun
294 Bharati Goddess of learning
295 Bhashini One who speaks well
296 Bhavantika Devotee
297 Bhavashri Goddess of prosperity
298 Bhaviksha Devotee of enlightenment
299 Bhavyana Hopeful
300 Bhavyasi Hopeful, good-hearted
301 Bhayini Fearless
302 Bhikkhuni Nun
303 Bhikshuni Nun
304 Bhilashini Desire
305 Bhinna Broken away from desires
306 Bhogavati A river
307 Bhrikuti Brow expression
308 Bidhatri Giver of knowledge
309 Bija Seed
310 Bijaya Victory
311 Bijul Light
312 Bimal Pure; Untainted
313 Bimalini Pure
314 Bimbika Reflection
315 Bindushri Auspicious dot
316 Bipula Great, vast
317 Bodhavati Intellectual
318 Bodhika Awakening; Enlightened
319 Bodhini Enlightening
320 Bodhipriya Dear to wisdom
321 Bodhita Enlightened; Awakened
322 Bodhiya Wisdom; Intelligence
323 Buddhadevi Goddess of wisdom
324 Buddhadevya Goddess of wisdom
325 Buddhadhira Possessing wisdom
326 Buddhi Intelligence
327 Buddhika Intellectual
328 Buddhima Intelligent
329 Buddhipriya Dear to knowledge
330 Buddhivati Knowledgeable

Jainism Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Jain girl names starting with 'B' often represent virtues such as truth, compassion, and nonviolence, reflecting Jain's philosophy. These names emphasise purity, respect for life, and strong family values.

Here are some Jain girl names beginning with 'B,' each embodying a unique aspect of Jain tradition.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
331 Baishaki Auspicious
332 Balashri Young; Tender; Radiance
333 Basantika Spring
334 Bavita Gracious
335 Bhagirathi Sacred river
336 Bhairvi Powerful
337 Bhaktimaya One full of devotion
338 Bhandari Protector
339 Bhavanika Sacred soul
340 Bhavi Future, hope
341 Bhavisha Future
342 Bhavna Emotions; Feelings
343 Bhringari Devotee
344 Bhupali Melody
345 Bijeta Victorious
346 Binayak Blessed
347 Bindita Sacred
348 Binisha Wise one
349 Bishakha Auspicious
350 Brijbala Daughter of Brij
351 Buddhishri Wisdom

Sikh Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Sikh girl names beginning with 'B' are rooted in ideals of courage, humility, and loyalty, reflecting Sikh values. These names honour the family heritage and faith, inspiring girls to embrace their identities fully. Here are some Sikh girl names starting with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
352 Babita Young woman; Child
353 Balika Young girl
354 Balnoor Light of strength
355 Bhavleen Absorbed in devotion
356 Bholi Innocent; Simple
357 Bimalpreet Pure love
358 Bindya Beautiful; Lovely
359 Bineet Polite

Zoroastrian Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Based on principles of truth, light, and goodness, Zoroastrian girl names beginning with 'B' emphasise positive qualities while honouring spiritual beliefs and heritage. Explore Zoroastrian girl names starting with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
360 Bahanur Radiant
361 Bahar Spring, bloom
362 Baharafarin Spring bloom
363 Baharak Little spring
364 Bahareh Bloom
365 Baharja Spring song
366 Baharshad Joyful spring
367 Bahiti Reward
368 Bahram Victorious
369 Bahrami Victorious
370 Banafsheh Violet flower
371 Bano Lady
372 Banoo Lady; Woman
373 Banou Woman; Lady
374 Bardia Name of a city; Land
375 Behangam Grand
376 Behavar Wise, virtuous
377 Behbaha Most precious
378 Beheshteh Heaven
379 Behfar Kind soul
380 Behgoman Full of virtue
381 Behina Pure soul
382 Behiyeh Radiant
383 Behjat Delightful
384 Behjatun Graceful one
385 Behman Glorious
386 Behmard Loyal
387 Behnaz Graceful
388 Behnood Good omen
389 Behnoosh Good wisdom
390 Behnoush Pleasant soul
391 Behrang Good news
392 Bita Unique

Judaism Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Jewish girl names beginning with 'B' are often drawn from the Torah or Hebrew traditions. They embody values like wisdom, faith, and love, helping children connect with their heritage and ancestors.

Discover Jewish girl names that begin with 'B,' each carrying its significance within the Jewish faith.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
393 Baarah Flame
394 Bachya Daughter of life
395 Baela Pleasantness
396 Baith Home
397 Barina Pure
398 Baruchah Blessed
399 Basha Daughter of a prophet
400 Bat Daughter
401 Batli Little daughter
402 Batna Daughter of grace
403 Batsheva Daughter of oath
404 Batya Daughter of God
405 Beila White
406 Benziona Daughter of Zion
407 Bera Wisdom
408 Berel Devoted
409 Beruria Chosen one
410 Betha House of God
411 Bethsabe House of the oath
412 Bethuel Dweller of God’s house
413 Betia Daughter of the Lord
414 Betira Crowned one
415 Betsabe Oath of God
416 Binya Wise
417 Bithyah Daughter of the divine
418 Bittah Wise
419 Bracha Blessing
420 Bruriah Pure

Nakshatra Girl Names Starting with Letter B with Meanings

Girl names beginning with 'B' are often chosen for their astrological significance, as they are believed to bring good fortune and desirable qualities. In many traditions, names are selected based on a child's Nakshatra, or lunar constellation, to help guide them throughout life.

Here are some Nakshatra-based girl names starting with 'B' and their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
421 Bhadrasree Blessed with prosperity
422 Bhagya Fortune, destiny
423 Bhanuja River Yamuna, daughter of the Sun
424 Bhanushree Radiant, lustrous
425 Bhara To bear; To carry
426 Bharani The one who is fruitful; Auspicious
427 Bharavi Radiant, brilliant
428 Bharvi Holy
429 Bhaumi Goddess Sita, born of the earth
430 Bhaumik Belonging to the earth
431 Bhaveeka Emotional
432 Bhavitha Emotionally intelligent
433 Bhavshree Divine prosperity
434 Bhavyalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi
435 Bhavyani Of great future
436 Bhoomija Born of the earth, Goddess Sita
437 Bhrigu A sage; A learned man
438 Bhumita High moral character
439 Bijuli Flash of light
440 Bindhiya Drop, point
441 Bindia Drop, point
442 Binni Innocent

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter B?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Girl Name Starting with Letter B?

FAQs about Baby Girl Names Starting with B

Are there any unique baby girl names starting with B?

Yes, names like Bani, Bhramara, and Bhavini are unique options for baby girls. Each of these names offers a distinctiveness that sets your child apart while also carrying beautiful meanings that can add a layer of significance to her identity.

What does the name Bhuvana mean?

Bhuvana means "the Earth" and is often associated with nature's beauty and nurturing. This name encapsulates a sense of grounding and connection to the world, making it a meaningful choice for parents who value nature and its wonders.

What are some names from different cultures starting with B?

Names from various cultures beginning with ‘B’ include Baila (Hebrew), Bina (Sanskrit), Bian (Chinese), Basanti (Indian), Belén (Spanish), and Bijou (French).

What are some famous or notable figures with names starting with B?

Notable figures with names starting with ‘B’ include Beyoncé (singer), Billie Eilish (singer), Bette Davis (actress), Barbara Walters (journalist), and Bella Hadid (model).

What are some popular Indian baby girl names that start with B?

Some popular Indian baby girl names starting with ‘B’ include Bhavika, Bhumika, Bina, Bansuri, and Bilqis. These names sound beautiful and carry rich meanings that can resonate with cultural values and traditions.

Can you suggest unique Indian baby girl names beginning with B?

Unique Indian baby girl names starting with B are Bhanvi, Bhadra, Bhanita, Bhuvana, and Barisha. Each name possesses charm and significance, making it unique for parents looking to celebrate their child's individuality.

What are some Indian baby girl names starting with B, and what are their meanings?

Names such as Bhavya (magnificent), Bhumika (earth), Bina (musical instrument), Bandita (blessed), and Bani (goddess of speech) have beautiful meanings.

Are there any traditional Indian names starting with B?

Traditional Indian names for girls starting with ‘B’ include Bhakti (devotion), Balarati (a form of Radha), Bhadra (auspicious), and Basanti (spring). These names connect your child to rich cultural roots and historical significance.

What names starting with B are inspired by Indian mythology?

Indian mythology inspires names like Bhavani (a form of Goddess Durga), Bhramari (a goddess associated with bees), and Bhudevi (an earth goddess).

What are some names starting with B that are popular in different Indian languages?

In Hindi, names like Bhuvi and Bina are common, while in Tamil, names like Bhuvana and Bhuvi are popular. In Bengali, you might find names like Barsha and Basanti.

What are some contemporary Indian baby girl names starting with B?

Contemporary names, such as Banya, Bisha, Baira, and Blesha, are gaining popularity in modern India. These names reflect current trends while maintaining a unique flair, making them appealing to new parents.

How can I choose an Indian name for my baby girl, starting with B?

To find a name that resonates with you and your family, consider factors such as the meaning of the name, how it sounds with your surname, family traditions, and cultural significance.

What are some popular baby girl names starting with B in India?

Famous Indian names include Bhavya, Bina, Bhumika, and Bhakti. These names reflect cultural significance and resonate with the rich heritage of Indian traditions.

Which names starting with B are trending in India?

Trending names include Bhavini, Baani, and Bhuvi. These names have gained popularity recently, reflecting modern preferences while maintaining cultural ties.

Are there any mythological or historical Indian names starting with B?

Yes, names like Bhavani (another name for Goddess Parvati) and Bharati (Goddess of Knowledge) are inspired by Indian mythology. Such names carry historical significance and impart a sense of reverence and inspiration.

What are some modern Indian B names inspired by pop culture?

Names like Bhumi (inspired by actress Bhumi Pednekar) and Bani (inspired by VJ Bani) have become popular in contemporary culture. Choosing a name linked to public figures can resonate with current trends while remaining unique.

What are some B names that are popular in different regions of India?

Names like Bhavya and Bhumika are popular in North India, while in South India, names like Bhanu and Bhargavi are common. This reflects India's diverse linguistic and cultural landscape, offering varied choices for parents.

What are some B names with nature-inspired meanings in Indian culture?

Names like Bhumika (meaning "Earth") and Bansari (meaning "Flute") are inspired by nature. These names can evoke a connection to the environment, emphasizing beauty and harmony.

What are some B names that are easy to pronounce and spell in India?

Names like Bina, Bani, and Bhumi are simple and pronounceable. Choosing names that are easy to spell can help avoid complications in daily life.

What are some B names that have a vintage charm in India?

Vintage names include Bharti, Bhavana, and Bina. These names have a classic feel, often evoking nostalgia and a sense of tradition.

What B names have been gaining popularity in India in recent years?

Names like Bhavya, Baani, and Bhuvi are becoming more popular, reflecting a shift in naming trends toward fresher and more modern choices.




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