Baby Boy Names Starting with Letter E

Hindu Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Hindu names starting with the letter 'E' carry deep cultural and spiritual significance. They are often inspired by gods, virtues, and nature. These names reflect the rich heritage of Hindu traditions and symbolize qualities like strength, wisdom, and purity. Explore the list below for meaningful options that can help shape your child's identity.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
1 Eashan Lord Shiva
2 Eashwin A form of Lord Vishnu
3 Edhas Happiness, Wealth
4 Eeshan Lord Shiva, Desiring
5 Ehan Full moon
6 Ekachit One-pointed
7 Ekadish Lord Vishnu, the eleventh day
8 Ekagrah Focused, Attentive
9 Ekalinga Lord Shiva
10 Ekambar Sky, Infinite
11 Ekanandan Blissful one
12 Ekanath Protector of the one
13 Ekansh Whole, Complete
14 Ekanshwar One universal God
15 Ekant Solitude, Peaceful
16 Ekaram One love, Unity
17 Ekarth One meaning
18 Ekatma One soul
19 Ekatman Unified soul
20 Ekatva Unity
21 Ekavir One brave warrior
22 Ekayavan First one to reach
23 Ekbal Brave, Courageous
24 Ekbir Brave and strong as one
25 Ekchetan Consciousness, Awareness
26 Ekdant Lord Ganesha
27 Ekdantak Single-tusked, Lord Ganesha
28 Ekdeep One light
29 Ekesh Supreme ruler
30 Ekish Ruler, Emperor
31 Eklavya Renowned disciple
32 Eknaath Devout man
33 Eknath Saintly man
34 Ekvira Brave and single-minded
35 Elangovan Young one, youthful
36 Elankath A flower
37 Elankathir Ray of the sun
38 Elilit Sacred and pure
39 Epran A leader
40 Eshaan Desiring glory
41 Eshan Wise and luminous
42 Eshank Lord Shiva
43 Eshanveer Brave
44 Eshav Desire of glory
45 Eshith Ruler of the earth
46 Eshmit Kind, Compassionate
47 Eshvar God
48 Eshvin Lord of prosperity
49 Eshvind Victorious, Lord Shiva
50 Eshwar God, Supreme being
51 Eshwarnath Lord of lords

Christian Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Christian boy names that begin with the letter ‘E’ are frequently drawn from biblical origins or Christian saints. These names often symbolise virtues such as devotion, hope, and righteousness, making them timeless choices that resonate with Christian values. Below is a list of Christian boy names to help you understand the meanings of each.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
52 Eamon Wealthy protector
53 Earl Nobleman, Warrior
54 Eben Stone of help
55 Eber One who crosses over
56 Edgar Wealthy spearman
57 Edmond Protector of wealth
58 Edrick Power, Mighty ruler
59 Edwin Prosperous friend
60 Elbert Bright, Famous
61 Eldon Old hill
62 Eldric Old, Wise ruler
63 Eli Ascended, Uplifted
64 Elias The Lord is my God
65 Eliasen Son of Elias
66 Eliezer God is my helper
67 Elihu He is my God
68 Elijah My God is Yahweh
69 Eliott The Lord is my God
70 Elisha God is salvation
71 Ellery Cheerful, Amusing
72 Ellis The Lord is my God
73 Elmer Noble and famous
74 Elson God’s servant
75 Elton From the old town
76 Elvin Elf friend
77 Elwyn Noble friend
78 Emeric Leader, Kingly
79 Emery Industrious ruler
80 Emilio To strive or excel
81 Emmanuel God is with us
82 Ender Extremely rare and unique
83 Enoch Dedicated, Faithful
84 Enrique Home ruler
85 Enzo Ruler of the home
86 Ephraim Fruitful, Doubly blessed
87 Ephron Dust, fertile place
88 Eric Eternal ruler
89 Ernest Earnest, Sincere
90 Eron Enlightened one
91 Ethan Strong, Firm
92 Ethaniel God’s strength
93 Evan God is gracious
94 Everett Brave as a wild boar
95 Ewan Young warrior
96 Ezekiel God strengthens
97 Ezra Help, Aid

Muslim/Islamic Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Muslim boy names starting with the letter ‘E’ are rich with meanings that reflect the teachings of Islam. Names like Ehsan and Emad are often chosen for their connection to kindness, generosity, and strength. Here is a list of Muslim/Islam boy names beginning with ‘E’ and their meanings reflecting core Islamic values.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
98 Ebad Worshipper
99 Ebrahim Father of multitudes
100 Ebrar Righteous
101 Efaz To honor, To respect
102 Ehkam Decisiveness, Command
103 Ehsaan Favor, Kindness
104 Ehsan Compassion, Goodness
105 Ehtesham Dignity, Respect
106 Eiad Celebration, Festival
107 Eizat Honor, Dignity
108 Ejaz Miracle, Wonder
109 Elahi My Lord, Divine
110 Elham Inspiration
111 Elmin Knowledgeable
112 Elmir Prince, Commander
113 Elshan God’s light
114 Emaan Faith, Belief
115 Emad Pillar of strength
116 Emam Leader, Guide
117 Emran Progress, Prosperity
118 Emre Friend, Loving
119 Emruz Today, The present
120 Enayat Benevolence, Kindness
121 Enes Friendliness, Companion
122 Enver Radiant, Bright
123 Erfan Knowledge, Wisdom
124 Erim Heaven, Garden
125 Erkan Noble, Brave man
126 Ershad Guidance, Directive
127 Esam Safeguard, Protector
128 Eshanur Light of faith
129 Eshaq Prophet’s name (Isaac)
130 Eslem Peaceful, Submissive
131 Esmaeel Name of a Prophet
132 Esra Night journey
133 Esrar Secrets, Mysteries
134 Evren Universe, Cosmos
135 Eyad Powerful, Supportive
136 Ezan Obedient, Prayer call
137 Ezat Power, Might
138 Ezhar Bright, Radiant
139 Ezzat Honor, respect

Buddhist Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Buddhist names beginning with ‘E’ often focus on spiritual growth, wisdom, and enlightenment. These names are inspired by the teachings of the Buddha and the path to nirvana, offering a sense of peace and balance. Below are some Buddhist boy names starting with ‘E’ which reflect the inner calm and mindfulness of Buddhist philosophy.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
140 Ekachinta Devotion to a single aim
141 Ekagraha Steadfastness, Focused mind
142 Ekagran Focused, Deep concentration
143 Ekalank Spotless, Perfect
144 Ekantveera Bravery in solitude
145 Ekasharan Taking one refuge
146 Ekashraya Sole refuge, Shelter
147 Ekasth Concentration, Fixed mind
148 Ekatulya Incomparable, Matchless
149 Ekatvaan United, Together
150 Ekavira The brave one, Hero
151 Ekeshwar Supreme God, Lord Shiva
152 Eklank Flawless, Pure
153 Eklav Son of a sage, Disciple
154 Eklavyan Disciple of a great teacher
155 Eknav Humble disciple, Pupil
156 Ekodam Restraint, Control
157 Ekrat Single ruler, One leader
158 Ektaar Single string, One melody
159 Ekya Harmony, Oneness
160 Eshanath Lord of desire, Lord Shiva
161 Eshant The superior God
162 Eshanti Peaceful, Calm
163 Eshashwi Blessed, Graced by God
164 Eshat Divine grace
165 Eshdayal Kind and compassionate Lord
166 Eshin Faith, Devotion
167 Eshinobu Faithful, Devoted
168 Eshithan Blessed, Protected by God
169 Eshkar Sacred light, Blessing
170 Eshkavya A form of Lord Shiva
171 Eshroob Prosperous
172 Eshwara Supreme spirit
173 Eshwin Supreme victory
174 Esuka Enlightened soul
175 Etoku Grateful virtue

Jainism Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Jain names starting with 'E' reflect the religion's focus on nonviolence, self-discipline, and spiritual progress. They symbolize purity, peace, and righteousness, central to Jain's teachings. For families honouring their Jain heritage, these names offer meaningful choices. Explore the list below to learn more.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
176 Ekadashi Eleventh day of the lunar month
177 Ekadith Single
178 Ekanayak The only hero
179 Ektaj Unique
180 Elankesh Lord of wisdom
181 Elokesh God
182 Eran A place name
183 Erish Brilliant
184 Ervish Wealthy
185 Esharaj King

Sikh Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

In Sikhism, boy names beginning with ‘E’ carry deep meanings that reflect faith, strength, and devotion, honouring spiritual beliefs and inspire noble qualities. Here is a curated list of Sikh boy names starting with ‘E’ and their meanings to help you choose the best for your little one.    

S. No Baby Name Meaning
186 Ekam One, unity
187 Ekamjeet Victory in unity
188 Ekandeep One lamp, Divine light
189 Ekanjot Light of one God
190 Ekankur One sprout, Beginning of life
191 Ekatar Unique, Peerless
192 Ekbhoor All-pervading, Omnipresent
193 Ekcharan One path, Devotion
194 Ekchet One consciousness, Awareness
195 Ekchit One consciousness, Focused mind
196 Ekdharam Following one path
197 Ekjeet Victorious one
198 Ekkaar One who creates
199 Eklaas Devotion to God, Pure
200 Ekman Unified mind, Focused
201 Ekmeet Friendly, United
202 Eknaam Devotion to one name
203 Eknaaz Pride of one, Glory
204 Eknoor One divine light
205 Ekpad One step, Steadfast
206 Ekpal Protector, One guardian
207 Ekpreet One in love, Devoted
208 Ekraj One sovereign king
209 Ekratna One jewel, Precious
210 Ekseet Under the rule of God
211 Ekshant Peaceful, One in tranquility
212 Ektaan One rhythm, Melody
213 Ektan One melody, Harmony
214 Ektar One melody, Devoted
215 Ektav Togetherness, Oneness
216 Ekvachan One promise, Commitment
217 Ekveer Brave as the one warrior
218 Ekveet Victory through unity
219 Ekvir Brave warrior of the One
220 Elan To show, to demonstrate
221 Esan The light
222 Eshanbir Brave under God’s grace
223 Eshar God
224 Esharveer Brave, Powerful
225 Eshvat Wealthy
226 Eshvinder Lord Shiva

Zoroastrian Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Zoroastrian boy names starting with 'E' are rare but deeply meaningful, reflecting the ancient religion's principles of truth, righteousness, and the fight against evil. These names are steeped in history and reverence for the divine, making them unique and significant choices. Discover the list of names and their meanings below.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
227 Espandiyar A heroic figure in Persian legend
228 Esfandiar King of Persia, Legendary warrior
229 Erach A peacemaker, Eternal ruler
230 Eshaas Feeling, Perception
231 Ereshkigal Lord of the underworld
232 Ervis Pure-hearted, Honest
233 Eshtan Blessed, Full of grace
234 Evand Blessed by God
235 Eizad Divine, Sacred
236 Ervan Strength of God, Gift
237 Eskandar Defender of mankind
238 Ezedar Blessed, Sacred
239 Erastan Honored, Revered
240 Eshaant Devoted to God
241 Esyaar Messenger of good
242 Elburz Mountain of strength
243 Ermad Quiet, Silent
244 Eshnav Listener, Obedient
245 Ezham The Supreme One
246 Elmaaz Precious, Priceless
247 Enoosh Immortal, Eternal
248 Erteza Virtuous, Honest
249 Esfandyar Holy, Pious man
250 Ebram A rock, Steady
251 Ermesh Pure soul, Innocent
252 Etahan Protector of life
253 Edrus Steadfast, Strong
254 Ervad Holy priest, Pious man
255 Espir Wise, Full of knowledge
256 Eyzad Divine being, Sacred
257 Ezhil Pleasant, Charming
258 Eshtad Truthful, Virtuous
259 Erman Ruler of the universe
260 Eshkan Sacred fire, God’s light
261 Estafan Crowned with glory
262 Eskaandar Defender of people
263 Ektanav Pure heart, One soul
264 Eizhar Supreme light
265 Esmee Spiritual guide, Leader
266 Esfand Divine truth
267 Eshmun God of healing
268 Erez Cedar tree
269 Eshaar Wealthy
270 Etnah Blessed

Judaism Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

Jewish boy names that start with ‘E’ are deeply rooted in the Torah or hold historical significance reflecting virtues like help, guidance, and wisdom. These names usually serve as a reminder of the close connection to faith, family, and Jewish tradition. Below is a list of such Jewish boy names beginning with ‘E’ along with their meanings.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
271 Edan Delight, Pleasure
272 Eden Delight, Paradise
273 Efraim Doubly fruitful
274 Efrayim Fruitful
275 Ehiel May God live
276 Ehud United, Powerful
277 Eido Knowledgeable
278 Eiran Lively, Vibrant
279 Eitan Steadfast, Enduring
280 Elam Eternal, Forever
281 Elazar God has helped
282 Elazarion God’s helper
283 Eldad God has loved
284 Eleazar God has helped
285 Elhanan God is gracious
286 Eliahu My God is Yahweh
287 Eliav God is my father
288 Elimelech My God is king
289 Elishaiah God is salvation
290 Eliyahu My God is Yahweh
291 Elkanah God has created
292 Elon Oak tree, Strong
293 Elroi God who sees me
294 Enosh Man, Mortal
295 Ephiram Exalted
296 Ephod A priestly garment
297 Eryx Blessed by God
298 Eshkol Cluster of grapes
299 Esriel God’s gift
300 Etan Strong, Solid
301 Ezer Helper, Support
302 Ezrah Support, Aid
303 Ezrahel God’s helper
304 Ezran Aid, Help
305 Ezreal God’s might
306 Ezriel Help from God

Nakshatra Boy Names Starting with Letter E with Meanings

In Indian astrology, Nakshatra names are based on the birth star. Names starting with ‘E’ often align with Nakshatras like "Ashwini" or "Krittika," believed to bring harmony, success, and positive traits. Explore this curated list of Nakshatra-inspired boy names beginning with ‘E’ and their meanings to find the perfect choice.

S. No Baby Name Meaning
307 Ekabhishek One coronation
308 Ekaksh Lord Shiva, One-eyed
309 Ekalavya A legendary student
310 Ekapad A form of Lord Shiva, Steadfast
311 Ekapreet Single love, Devoted
312 Ekaroop One who is of one form, Unified
313 Ekath Chief, Leader
314 Ekathva Oneness, Unity
315 Ekav First, Sole ruler
316 Ekavyoma One sky, Infinite
317 Ekayan Only way, Singular path
318 Ekendra Supreme God, Lord Shiva
319 Ekshan Glance, A moment
320 Ekshith One who is strong
321 Ekshithan Blessed by God, Protector
322 Eshil Calm, Cool

Why Should You Choose a Name Starting with Letter E?

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Boy Name Starting with Letter E?

FAQs about Baby Boy Names Starting with E

What are some unique baby boy names starting with E?

Unique names like Eshan (meaning "lord Shiva" or "brilliant"), Eklavya (a character in Indian mythology known for his dedication and skill), and Ekansh (meaning "whole" or "complete") stand out due to their rich meanings and cultural significance.

Are there any traditional Indian names starting with E?

Yes, names such as Eknath (a revered saint and poet in Marathi literature) and Eshwar (meaning "God" or "supreme spirit") are traditional names that hold significant cultural relevance in Indian heritage.

How can I ensure the name is easy to pronounce?

To ensure the name is easy to pronounce, say it aloud multiple times and observe how it feels. You can also share it with family and friends to gather their impressions. If they find it easy to say and remember, it’s likely that others will, too.

What if I want a name that’s popular in Indian culture?

Names like Ethan (which has gained popularity due to its appealing sound and meaning "firm" or "strong") and Elijah (meaning "my God is Yahweh") are not only recognized in Western cultures but are also embraced by many in India.

How important is the meaning of the name?

The meaning of a name can significantly impact your child’s identity and self-perception. Choosing a name with a positive sense, such as Eeshaan (meaning "the light of God") or Eshaan (meaning "rich or prosperous"), can instil qualities of hope, strength, or positivity in your child.

Can I choose a name from a different culture?

Yes, Many parents today opt for names from diverse cultures that resonate with them or have beautiful meanings. Names like Emilio (of Spanish origin, meaning "rival") or Elias (a variant of Elijah, meaning "Yahweh is my God") can provide a unique twist while celebrating the richness of multicultural influences.

How can I find baby boy names starting with E that honour family traditions?

To honour family traditions, consider looking into family history for names that may have been used in previous generations. You can also blend traditional names with contemporary ones, like using a classic name like Eshwar alongside a modern twist like Eli.

Are there names starting with E that are inspired by nature?

Yes, several names inspired by nature begin with the letter ‘E’. For example, Eshaan means "the light of God," symbolising brightness, while Ekalavya represents a story of dedication in the natural world.

How do I choose a name starting with E that resonates with my values?

Reflect on the qualities you wish to instil in your child. Names like Ekansh (meaning "a part of") can symbolise connectedness, while Eeshan (meaning "the lord Shiva") can reflect a spiritual connection.

Can I combine two names starting with E for a unique name?

Yes, Combining names is a creative way to create a unique identity for your child. For instance, you could merge names like Eshan and Eklavya to form Eshlavya, blending their meanings. This creates a distinctive name and carries the essence of both names.

What are some popular Indian baby boy names starting with E from other cultures?

Names like Emilio (Italian), Erik (Scandinavian), and Ezra (Hebrew) are popular in various cultures. Each name has its unique meaning and heritage, enriching the choices available. These names can provide a global appeal while still being suitable in the Indian context.

What are the most popular baby boy names starting with E?

Some of the most popular baby boy names starting with “E” include Elijah, Ethan, Ezra, Elias, and Eli. These names have gained widespread appeal due to their solid meanings and biblical roots. For instance, Elijah means "Yahweh is God," while Ethan signifies "strong" or "firm," making them not just popular but also meaningful choices for parents.

What are some biblical baby boy names starting with E?

Biblical names such as Elijah, Ezekiel, Elisha, and Ephraim are popular for parents seeking spiritual significance. Elijah, a prophet, means "my God is Yahweh," while Ezekiel means "God strengthens." These names often resonate with families looking to impart a sense of faith and heritage through their child's name.




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  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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