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What is ABS in a Car: Features, Benefits & How It Works

What Is ABS in a Car?

What Are the Different Types of ABS in Cars?

How Does ABS Work?

What Are the Pros and Cons of ABS in Cars?

The table below highlights some prominent benefits and drawbacks of the Anti-Lock Braking System.

Advantages of ABS in a Car

Disadvantages of ABS in a Car

Stops a car from skidding even in wet and slippery conditions.

Some have reported due to ABS, stopping at certain distances is lengthened, caused as a result of any technical error.

ABS in a car increases its resale value.

The Anti-Lock Braking system is expensive to maintain.

ABS is a thoroughly tested safety device. Hence, those buying cars with ABS can get better discounts on insurance.

It is a delicate system. If not carefully used, it can lead to problems like disorientation, shuddering of the vehicle or worsening the brakes.

The Anti-Lock Braking system has an interconnected infrastructure with a traction control system. This ensures each wheel has traction on the road.

Corrosion can contaminate brake fluid and affect the hydraulic control unit.

By applying ABS, a vehicle can stop at a shorter distance, hence providing better control to drivers in dangerous situations. Other benefits of ABS in a car include preventing uneven tyre wear as ABS diminishes the condition of wheels locking up.

Although the ABS in a car seems a complicated process to comprehend, it is otherwise. Previously this anti-skid or Anti-Lock Braking System was only used in cars and trucks. During those times, Anti-Lock Braking systems were non-electrical models, mechanically controlled to adjust the brake application. Nowadays, these systems are computerised electro-hydromechanical brake hydraulic systems.

According to experts, the correct way of using Anti-Lock Brakes is never to pump the pedal during an abrupt stop. Rather, they suggest applying a steady pedal and allowing this system to function accordingly. If this process is followed, there would be lesser damage to the ABS.

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