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How to Negotiate a Car Price with a Dealer in India?

What You Need to Know Before Negotiating on Car Price?

How to Negotiate Car Prices with Dealers in India?

How to Negotiate a Car Price When Paying Cash at a Dealership?

Different Car Price Discounts and How to Maximise Them

You can get different car price discounts when purchasing a car and even maximise some of them. Hence, understanding various offers can significantly impact the total cost of the car. Here are a few discounts you should look out for: 

Discount Type Details
Dealer/Manufacturer Discount The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) offers this discount and is mostly ongoing throughout the year. However, it might not apply to newly launched cars.
Loyalty Bonus Some dealerships give a loyalty bonus discount to their existing customers. If you are an existing customer, check for eligibility. 
Corporate Discount Some well-known firms or MNCs offer discounts to their employees. Therefore, check in about this discount always.
Exchange Bonus The exchange discount is applicable when you trade your old vehicle for a new one.
Finance Discount Some companies offer dealerships incentives to sell car loans. So, if you opt for a car loan,  you might get a tiny discount as a part of the deal.

How to Avoid Dealer Traps During the Car Price Negotiation Process?

How to Decide if You Should Finalise the Car Price Deal or Not?

FAQs about Negotiating a Car Price at Dealership