Birth Certificate Registration Procedure Online/Offline in India 2025

What is Birth Certificate Registration in India?

Benefits of Birth Certificate Registration

Having a birth certificate ensures easy access to all government schemes and benefits. Here are a few benefits of birth certificate registration:

Proof of Identity

A child without a legal birth registration lacks an official identity. Services such as healthcare, education, government schemes, and social services require a birth certificate.

Evidence of Indian Nationality

The birth certificate serves as evidence of nationality. It helps to register as a voter, apply for an Aadhar Card, or obtain a Permanent Account Number Card (PAN Card).

Evidence of Age

Many administrative and judicial procedures require age verification. Applying for schools, driving licence, and marriage registry requires a birth certificate to prove the age.

Applications for Visas and Passports

For passport and visa applications you need to show the birth certificate. It proves your identification and age, which are essential for the issue of travel documents.

Inheritance of Property Rights

A birth certificate serves as proof of an individual's lineage and inheritance. It verifies the relationship between the individual and their parents, facilitating the seamless transfer of ancestral property and assets.

When to Register for a Birth Certificate?

Documents Required for Birth Certificate Registration

The table below outlines the paperwork required to register a birth and obtain a birth certificate:

Please note that the required documents for birth cert registration can vary based on the region or nature of birth (home, hospitals, etc).

Check with your local registration centers for location specific requirements.

Document Description
*Hospital Record of Birth  This official document, which the hospital issues, contains essential information like the birth date and time. It acts as evidence that the birth took place.
*Parent's Marriage Certificate This paperwork attests to the parents' marital status. It is an essential document that establishes a legal link between the child's parents.
*Parents' Identification Documents Both parents must present valid identification documents, such as passports, driver's licenses, or Aadhar cards, to verify their identities.
Adoption Certificate For adopted children, provide the adoption deed, all available affidavits, parents’ identification, and the adopted child’s identification.
Divorce Decree/Legal Separation Document (attested by a lawyer)/ Death Certificate of Spouse. In the case of a single parent, these documents validate the individual’s authenticity, and willingness to register their child’s birth. 
Proof of Residence A rent agreement, electricity bill, or passport showing residence can establish local jurisdiction for the registration of birth.
Church Records For children baptised at church, church records can act as proof of birth in case there are no hospital records.

*Mandatory Documents

How to Apply for a Birth Certificate in India?

To simplify the process of birth date registration, the government appoints the following officials who take charge as the Registrars:

Contact  States and Union Territories
Gram Sevak/ Panchayat Karmi/ Secretaries/ Gram Vikasadhikari  16 states and three union territories (Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Kerala, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Tripura, Tripura, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu).
Village Administrative Officers/ Village Accountants Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
Medical Officer in charge Eight states and four union territories Lakshadweep, Delhi, Chandigarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, West Bengal, Manipur, Sikkim, Punjab, Odisha, Meghalaya, Haryana, Assam.
Head Teacher and Primary Teachers Primary Schools in Nagaland and Mizoram.
Village Level Workers/ Circle Officer Arunachal Pradesh.

Charges for Birth Certificate Registration

The fees for getting a birth certificate is different in some states and local governing bodies. Here’s the typical fee structure:

Service Service Charge (INR)
Registration within 21 days Free
Registration after 21 days  ₹50 - ₹200
Duplicate Birth Certificate ₹100 - ₹300
Registration after one year ₹100 - ₹500

Birth Certificate Registration for Indians Living Abroad

Birth Certificate Registration for an Adopted Child

What is a Delayed Birth Registration?

Where to Download the Birth Certificate Application Form in India?

Download the birth certificate from your respective state portal’s website. Given below is the link of different state portals:

State/Union Territory Website Link
Andhra Pradesh Meeseva Portal
Maharashtra Mahaonline Portal
Tamil Nadu eSevai Portal
Delhi Delhi Govt Portal
Gujarat Digital Gujarat
Uttar Pradesh eDistrict UP
Kerala Sanchaya Portal
Karnataka eJanMa
Rajasthan Pehchaan
Telangana MeeSeva 
West Bengal Janma Mrityu
Haryana Saral Haryana
Odisha Birth and Death Odisha
Bihar RTPS Bihar
Madhya Pradesh MP Online
Punjab National Government Portal
Goa Goa Online
Jammu & Kashmir JK eServices
Chhattisgarh National Portal Chhattisgarh  
Assam  Sewa Setu

Who Can Register the Birth of a Child?

Knowing who can register a child's birth is necessary for an easy process. The people who can register a newborn on time are:

Birth Place Who can Register
Own House  Head of the house, the nearest relative, or, in their absence, the oldest male present at the time.
Sadar Hospital/Sub-Divisional Hospital/Medical College Hospital/Referral Hospital Deputy Superintendent of the hospitals and officers in charge of referral hospitals and PHCs
In Maternity Homes and Other Like Institutions Medical officer-in-charge
In a Jail Jail in-charge
In a Dharmshala, Boarding House, etc. Person in-charge
In a Moving Vehicle Person in charge of the vehicle
Found deserted in a public place Headman of the village/in-charge of the local police station

How to Check the Status of Birth Certificate?

How to Download Birth Certificate?

How to Verify the Authenticity of Birth Certificate?

How to Notarise a Birth Certificate?

Can I Obtain a Duplicate Copy of Birth Certificate?

FAQs about Birth Certificate Registration

What makes a birth certificate crucial?

It is necessary to validate identity, obtain a driving licence, get admission to school, receive benefits under social welfare programs, and serve as documentation for the right to vote.

In India, how many birth certificate registration centres exist?

There are more than two lakh birth certificate registration centres in India. Most of which are in rural areas, with about 2% in urban areas.

In what way can I apply for a certificate of birth?

After a kid is born, the attending physician gives a registration form. Once the parents complete the form and send it in with the required paperwork for validation, the Registrar issues the birth certificate.

When is the best time to get a birth certificate?

Parents should file for a birth certificate within 21 days of the baby's birth. After this time, there are late fees and unique requirements.

In India, who is in charge of birth certificate registration?

The Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths, in collaboration with local registrars and sub-registrars, oversees, centralises, and coordinates birth certificate registration.

What happens if I wait 21 days to file for a birth certificate?

Applications received after 30 days are subject to a Rs. 2 late fee. Applications submitted after 30 days but before a year are subject to a Rs. 5 late fee, written consent, and an affidavit. Applications submitted more than a year later require magistrate verification and a Rs. 10 late charge.

Who are the birth registrars in the countryside?

Depending on the state or union territory, registrars in rural areas are Gram Sevaks, Panchayat Karmis, Village Administrative Officers, Medical Officers, Head Teachers, Village Level Workers, or Circle Officers.

Who are the birth registrars in metropolitan areas?

Health Officers, Municipal Health Officers, or similar individuals in charge of referral or district hospitals are sometimes known as registrars in metropolitan settings.

How can I submit an online birth certificate application?

The state-specific portal allows you to apply online for a birth certificate. Send your personal information in the online application form through the portal.

Where can I go to get a birth certificate application?

On each state's official website, you can submit an online birth certificate application. For comprehensive instructions, visit your state’s website or your local registration office.

How can I access my online birth certificate download?

Go to the official website of the Registrar of Births and Deaths in your state to download your birth certificate online. You can download the certificate after entering your information and logging in with your user ID and password.

Do birth certificates arrive via mail automatically?

No, you must pick up your birth certificate from the registrar's office. You do not get it by default.

Who issues birth certificates in India?

The Indian government, along with Panchayats and Municipalities, issues birth certificates.

What is the registration number on the birth certificate?

The registration number is the unique identifier that helps to verify and track the document in official registries. It comes in an alphanumeric format, for example, MH/2023/0001234. In this, "MH" refers to the state code (Maharashtra), "2023" for the registration year, and "0001234" is the unique registration number.




  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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